A/N: The love for Wild Thing has just been amazing, did not think you would all enjoy this as much as you have. Thanks again for all the reviews, follows and favourites, it was really so amazing and such great motivation.

So like I said when I finished the story I'll do some one-shots and this is the first of many. I'm in a pretty nice hotel in Cambodia right now a bit under the weather so I'm able to post this but I'm not sure when I'll have good Wi-Fi next, so it won't be on a schedule…just whenever I can.




"Do we have to?" Lauren whines from her spot in my bed. I look at her glorious naked body through my mirror and I partly wish we didn't have to leave.

"Yes, Kenzi want a family dinner to celebrate everyone being back together." I tell her putting on my makeup.

"But I don't wanna." She huffs falling back onto the pillows.

"Lauren you got back a week ago and we still haven't left the house." I laugh.

"Are you complaining?" She smirks with her eyebrows raised.

I move over to the bed and sit down next to her. "Of course I'm not complaining, living in this bed with you this past week has been the most fun I've had in 3 years." I joke. "But our family want to see us…so get your sexy ass out of bed." I tell her firmly slapping her naked thigh.

"Fine." She groans pulling herself out of bed and into the bathroom as I head back to the mirror to finish getting ready.




"Will you stop fussing." I tuts as we walk up the steps to Kenzi and Hales apartment.

"I'm not used to being back in clothes after you've had me out of them this past week." She smirks rolling up her sleeves.

"Well of you're good I'll get you back out of then tonight." I tell her with a grin before knocking on Hale and Kenzi's door.

The door swings open and a very excited Kenzi is grinning on the other side. "Welcome." She practically shouts dragging me into the apartment and hugging the life out of me.

"Oh I missed you BoBo." We stand here hugging in the doorway for a while until Lauren clears her throat.

"Am I allowed in?" She asks after we both ignore her throat clearing.

"Come on in doc. You're both just in time.

Lauren and I head into their living room and see the whole team gathered. I say my hellos to Liv, Jen, Matt, Sarah and Hale. I look around the room and I'm happy to see no sign of Dyson, at lease it'll be a drama free night.

"Foods almost done guys, so grab a drink and get to the table." Kenzi instructs heading into the kitchen.

"She cooked?" I ask shocked.

"You're joking right. The Chinese food arrived a minute before you did." Liv laughs pulling Jen towards the dining room table.

"Of course she did." I shake my head at the silly thought of Kenzi actually cooking. She may be acting grown up by throwing a dinner party but she'll still order the food in.

We all settle down at the table as Kenzi and Hale bring out plate after plate of Chinese food, I look around and see the pack practically drooling all over the table. They set down the final huge bowl and as soon as Kenzi announces for then to get started, well it's like feeding at the zoo.

"Got enough on your plate there Lo." I ask as the food falls over the side of her plate.

"Just about." She grins and digs into her food.

Hale and I just stare at them all in wonder as they pretty much inhale their food. I mean Kenzi ate a lot of food when she was human, but this is a whole new level. "You guys always eat like this?" I ask shocked.

"Oh yeah. It's not that different to your hunger, you need normal food to survive but your succubus side also needs to feed and it's the same with our Lycans, we need a bit extra." Jen explains.

"Yeah I get it, it's just a mad amount of food." Hale says staring at Kenzi. She just grins back with her cheeks full of food.

"So how does it feel to be home?" Matt asks Lauren after a few minutes of chat about the greedy Lycans.

"Amazing." Is all she says before turning to me with a loving smile.

Sarah lets out an over the top gag but she's soon shut up by a smack to the head by Jen. "I was only kidding." She mutters.

We all enjoy our meal…or should I say meals when it comes to the pack, they must have had 3 plates each. "I still can't believe you eat that much." I laugh quietly as Lauren wraps her arm around me.

"Well you'll just have to help me work it off later." She whispers in my ear before nipping it gently.

"Hey enough of that you two…you've got plenty of time for that later." Kenzi calls.

I turn my attention back to the conversation that's been going on for the past 20 minutes, well it's more of a petty argument. They've all been bickering about who's better…Lycans or Fae.

"Oh please, I'd take you down in seconds." Hale boasts.

"No way Haley, you'd be trapped between my razor sharp jaw before you could even pout your lips to whistle me a tune." Sarah grins.

"HA." Hale barks out a laugh before leaning over the table. "My whistle can…" Hale continues but is soon cut off.


We all look towards the door and no one makes a move. "You expecting anyone?" I ask Kenzi.

"Nope, we invited Trick but he had to work." She says walking towards the door. I lean back to try and get a look at who is at the door but a wall is blocking my view.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hear her ask in shock and apparently so does everyone else as the whole table stands.

"I heard there was a party." I hear a deep voice say.

"Oh great." Liv groans.

I can feel everyone in the room tense as a tipsy Dyson comes into view. "Awww look at this, the whole family together." He says with a grin.

"What do you want Dyson?" Hale asks stepping forward.

"Hey partner. Well I went to the Dhal for a quiet drink and hoped to see my friends there but instead Trick is confused as to why I'm not here with all of you." He says stopping in front of us with a deep frown.

"It shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out why you weren't invited." Hale tells him wrapping his arm around Kenzi when she joins us.

"Because I got a little drunk at your wedding."

"No because you've turned into a person I don't recognize anymore"

"What the hell are you talking about Hale?" Dyson practically shouts.

"What am I talking about?" Hale laughs. "You've always been a dick Dyson but you've been taking it to a whole new level. I mean since the beginning you've treated Lauren like shit because you thought she was below you even though she's done more for the Fae then you and I put together. Then you hang around Bo like a bad smell, trying to get between Bo and Lauren at every chance you get and then you finally succeed at breaking them up." Hale says getting more and more worked up. Dyson tries to interrupt but Hale doesn't give him the chance. "So for 3 years you tried to be with Bo but obviously she wanted nothing to do with you and once Lauren came back that really sent you over the edge. You went onto treat Lauren and her pack like something on the bottom of you shoe though they've done absolutely nothing wrong and you continue to pick a fight with Lauren every chance you get." Hale rants as we all look at him in shock, he was the last person I'd expect to blow up at Dyson. "But what did I do? I looked past it like a good friend and made you my best man…and what did you do in return, you get wasted and tried to start a fight at my wedding…MY FUCKING WEDDING DYSON." He yells moving forward, but Kenzi holds him back before he can do anything.

Dyson just stares at Hale in shock before rubbing the back the back of his neck with a guilty look appearing on his face. "I'm sorry about the wedding Hale."

"Only for the wedding?" Kenzi says.

"Well what else do I have to be sorry for?" He says with that same old angry look coming over his face.

I let out a loud laugh and Dyson turns his sights to me. "You find something funny?" He says through clenched teeth.

"So you don't think you've done anything else wrong?" I ask standing closer to Lauren.

Dyson lets out a scoff before taking a deep breath. "So I'm being exiled because I wasn't on my best behaviour around Lauren. Come on Hale this is bullshit, she's a big girl, she can take a joke." He defends.

"Oh so you constantly putting her down, insulting her and even trying to attack her is just a bit of fun." Liv growls moving towards him.

Lauren quickly moves towards Liv and places a calming hand on her shoulder. "It's fine Liv, he's not worth it…he never has been."

"Ahhh here she is, the peace keeper." Dyson mocks.

"Why are you here Dyson? I think it's pretty obvious you're not wanted." Lauren responds.

"This is my friends house, you don't get to tell me where I can and can't go." He growls pointing his finger at Lauren with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh I'm not, but I think you'll remember it wasn't me that didn't invite you." She says with one eyebrows raised and I smirk pulling at her lips.

My god she looks so sexy.

"You little bitch."

"Enough Dyson." Hale bellows. "Laurens right, I was the one that didn't invite you and I'm the one that wants you to leave."

"Come on Hale."

"No Dyson, you're not welcome here until you get your head out of your ass. The people in this room have done nothing wrong to you, so let me know when you finally figure that out. Now please leave." Hale says pointing towards the door.

"Hale…" He tries.

"Leave Dyson."

Dyson takes a few deep breaths before moving his eyes towards the pack then finally landing on me and Laure. I can see his eyes flicker to that creepy yellow, his body then starts to shake with anger. "You won't get away with this." He snarls.

"Just get the fuck out of my house Dyson." Kenzi shouts while lunging forward and shoving him back.

He lets out a low growl, storms out and slams the door behind him.

"Well that was fun. Anyone fancy a drink?" Liv says breaking the silence.

"Tequila." Kenzi groans.

The rest of the night ends up being pretty great even after Dysons childish outburst. Drinks were flowing and everyone really bonded, the pack has fitted into our family so well and I couldn't be happier to have them all in my life.

"Come on boozy." I groan holding up Laurens body weight as we enter our bedroom. I drop my very drunk girlfriend onto our bed and begin to remove her shoes. She's had quite a bit to drink tonight while I just sat there and watched her have a great time with her pack. It seems when Lauren and I reunite we can't keep our hands off each other and when the pack reunites they get wasted.

"You're so beautiful." She grins as I remove her jeans.

"And you have had too many tequilas." I laugh as she wiggles away from me and attempts to remove her shirt herself.

"Come here you." I hold her still and help her with pulling her shirt over her head.

"That's better." She spreads out on the bed while taking off her bra and panties.

I remove my clothes and head to the bathroom to remove my makeup and get ready for bed. "Don't be too long, I plan on having my way with you." Lauren calls out.

I remove all my makeup and brush my teeth to get rid of the taste of all the Chinese food and alcohol in my mouth. I take off my underwear and throw them into the washing basket. "You ready hot stuff." I say entering the bedroom. "Oh…great." I feel myself deflate when I see Lauren passed out in a starfish position.

I gently lay down next to her and push her slightly to give myself some more room. She grumbles and turns on her side while pulling my arm across her body. "Love you." She mumbles before a soft snore comes from her.

"I love you too beautiful." I whisper kissing her shoulder, cuddling up closer to her and falling asleep with my girl.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the first one shot, like I said I'm away traveling but I was a bit ill so I decided to write a bit but I'm not sure when I'll next be able to write the next one.