[I had fun writing this. I tried to pull as much from canon as possible not using as many OC's and things like that. Reading the Manga it felt that NaruSaku and SasuKarin were the canon up to a point so I wanted to write a story with them (I know they are not…maybe they should be). I wanted Naruto to be Hokage much sooner but something about how I wrote it didn't work. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it here is the last:]


"Haruno-san he looks like me at first but then he has her eyes and looks just like a blonde version of Sakura-chan dattebayo," Naruto exclaimed to a tired looking Mebuki.

"Naruto dear you have to calm down a little bit and tell us when we can see our darling grandson," Mebuki said.

"So you're finally one of us Naruto," Sai said grabbing the blonde by the shoulders and shaking him.

"You're both here. Awesome," Naruto said hugging Sai and Sasuke before rushing back through the doors of the hospital towards Sakura's room.

The baby had been taken away for a moment and Sakura lay with her eyes closed for the moment back in bed. Naruto started to yell something out but caught himself and adjusted his demeanor as to not upset his wife.

"Sakura-chan are you still awake," Naruto asked a ball of nervous energy. He really had no clue as to what to do next.

"Naruto I am fine. Just resting…you know they took our son from me…the nerve of some people," Sakura replied.

"Whoa how much medication do they have you on," Naruto questioned.

"Just try going through what I just went through and listen to some baka Naruto talk about medication. Medication he says…"

"Sorry. Our friends are here now."


"Absolutely. Sasuke is here with Karin and Miyako and Sai is here but Ino is still at home with the baby…anyway there are a lot of people out there," Naruto said.

Kaori walked in and Naruto took Sakura's hand in his.

"Is he alright," Sakura asked.

"He's absolutely perfect," Tsunade said walking in behind the nurse.

"Baa-chan you're serious," Naruto questioned.

"Yes the nurse will bring him back shortly but first let Kaori do her job for the mother will you," Tsunade said and stepped aside.

Naruto squeezed Sakura's hand and told her he'd be back before following Tsunade to the hall. Kaori made her way to Sakura's bedside and began her work.

Tsunade reached down and was suddenly holding an infant in her hands. "Here you go dad," Tsunade said handing the infant to Naruto.

"Oh wow I'm not sure I'm ready to hold him yet," Naruto smiled at the infant in his arms and carefully held onto him. Over the past year he had the opportunity to hold many babies as the village hero but nothing compared to holding your own child.

"Why don't you take him to see his mother again," Tsunade suggested.

Naruto made his way back to Sakura's bedside. All the nightmares and bad times were behind them for this one perfect moment. Sakura took the child from Naruto's careful hold and she cradled his beautiful blonde head close to her heart. Never had she felt more content with life then she did in this moment.

The Konoha group would have tomorrow to look forward to and no one would destroy this reality for them.


The music blared down the streets of Konoha. The sun in the sky did not disappoint to give a beautiful bouquet of sunshine. Everything was perfect for the Hokage opening up the festival.

In the balcony Sakura held her young son in her arms and smiled as Naruto talked to the people of Konoha. To her left Gaara sat with Temari who also held her son in her arms. A row behind them sat Ino and her son. One would think that the village would be over run with boys but in the crowd Sakura fixed her eyes on the cute little girls with bows and ribbons in their hair. Instantly she wanted a daughter.

"I think I'm jealous of you Kazekage," Sakura said.

"Huh," Gaara asked his attention still trained on Naruto's speech.

"Oh sorry I just wish I had a little girl too," Sakura said.

"Don't worry you will probably have other children given Naruto's enthusiasm about your son," Gaara said.

"I wish Matsuri could have made it here with your daughter. Our son could always use extra playmates," Sakura said snuggling her child.

"Maybe some other time," Gaara said and stood up to clap following everyone else's direction after Naruto's speech had come to an end.

"Yeah! Naruto," Sakura cheered.

Naruto turned their way and waved smiling before turning his attention back to the crowd. The festival was underway and everything was going to be a party for them from here on out.

Sasuke smiled sitting off to the right of the stage with his family. They were going to enjoy this festival something he wasn't used to doing. His life would take on many firsts. For now his family were just about enjoying this peaceful family moment.

For Sai it seemed like nearly a year had gone by since the beginning of some terrible nightmare. He woke up cleaning glass and worrying about an unborn baby to now holding that child in his arms but there is just no way that amount of time had passed. It had only been a few months. He passed Inojin off to his mother again who engaged him in a game of bounce on the knee.

Ino smiled on this lovely day holding her child. Things turned out for the best and he was a beautiful healthy baby boy. There were no complications and things worked out for them in the end. The world was at peace and they had done away with the enemy.

Ino's best friends were now married and had children of their own. They all grew up so much in such a short amount of time. Now they had so much more to protect. The world grew so much smaller.

The End