Mes amours! It's me again! Enjoy the chappie!

Sorry for the almost one month leave! I'm swamped with so much stuff to do! I hope I can write more in the coming days/weeks, we'll be off university for awhile.

Pardon to those irritated by the French insertions. I kinda want it that way. Isn't it a bit more romantic, yeah?

Hope you enjoyed this one! Till the next one!

Adrien tamed his blush and masked his face into one of indifference. One he had learned from being in his father's presence and the people who wanted to use him to get to his father. He'd have to school his features in front of Marinette if he ever wanted to get to know her better as himself and as Chat Noir without giving himself away.

After checking that the coast was clear, Adrien walked out of the alley, a buttery, warm croissant in his hand, and strode towards school. He had to get through the day, keeping himself calm. He still had Chemistry and then fencing. After, he could pay a little visit to his princess.

Fresh from an after-training shower, Adrien was standing by the steps waiting for Gorilla to pick him up. He was lost in thought, a Chemistry problem he couldn't grasp. Just as he was going to reach for one of his baked goodies, he felt her. His awareness of her had increased as he sat through Chemistry, trying not to turn his head and stare at her. He kept catching himself mid-turn and cursing under his breath. Nino had pointed out to him how fidgety he was and had asked if he was okay. Adrien knew deep down that he wasn't but had given him a smile and a nod. Hopefully, he could throw off his best friend before he would catch on to his growing awareness of the blue-eyed beauty who sat behind him.

She was with Alya, holding up her sketchbook. There was a sparkle in her eyes he couldn't help but notice. Even from a distance, her smile was radiant. He felt a pleasant shiver run through him as he stared at her.


Oh god. His thoughts scattered by the screech. Adrien cringes and lifts his gaze heavenward asking for patience to bear with his childhood friend. Chloe was not the Chloe she was now, when they were younger. Sure, she was a spoiled little thing but, he knew she had a heart somewhere under all the facade.

Adrien turned toward the direction of her voice and gave her a half-smile, "What's up Chlo?"

Chloe attached herself to his arm and looked up at him with what he assumed was her "cute" look. "Are you going to the club later?"

"I'll see if I can make it. I still have to catch up on all the work I missed from the two day shoot I had this week," he utters with a sheepish grin as he rubs the back of his neck.

If he was being completely honest, he was hoping to finish all his work an hour before meeting up with Nino at his gig. Also,hadn't seen Ladybug in two weeks. He always had something come up during patrols. And just like that, all the pieces fell together. His father was trying to squeeze as many photoshoots, tv advertisements and meetings regarding his modeling career into those two weeks before his departure for his Asian business expansion. Adrien huffed at the thought. His father was a force to be reckoned with.

As Chloe blabbed on, his phone bleeped in his back pocket. Gorilla was going to take a while. He was stuck in the hustling traffic of Paris.

Adrien smiled to himself. He didn't have Nathalie to boss him around nor someone to rage on him, on his father's behalf. His smile turned bittersweet at the thought.


Alya was waving and calling his attention. His gaze drifted to the girl beside her and their eyes met. He was entranced. He witnessed her cheeks flush, and he entertained the thought that he made her blush just by giving her his attention. He left an indignant Chloe huffing with a quick good-bye as his attention was riveted to Marinette.

As he walked towards her, he felt his smile growing. Her presence a blanket of warmth that washed over him as he approached.

"Hi. What's up?"

"H-hi, A-adrien," she answered. Her smile, mirrored his own, reaching her eyes, making her as radiant as the sun.

Alya tapped Marinette on the shoulder and pointed to something on the sketchbook she still had out.

"Adrien, Marinette was wondering if you could be her model for a project she's working on to enter into the design competition by La Magnifique," Alya started for Marinette as she seemed to clamp up.

"H-hi, M-marinette, me, y-you, model," she stammered out. He grinned and she seemed to compose herself.

"Y-yeah, um, would y-you be up for modeling for the d-design competition I'm entering?"

Marinette stops and seems to contemplate something. She looks up at him and there's this gleam in her eye that he recognizes as something so Ladybug, he can't help but smile at her. She pinks and Adrien feels his mood brighten even more.

"I was talking to Alya about my design and she said you'd be the perfect person to ask since you fit the bill with modeling and stuff. B-but, I understand you're busy with all the photoshoots, modeling and other stuff, right?" she utters hesitantly toward the end as she shoots a pointed glance at Alya.

"Actually, I'm free these next two weeks. My father's out of the country on business and he didn't have anything scheduled. I'm as free as an alleycat."

Adrien was silently thanking his father for leaving and letting him be, during the time he was away.

"By the way, are both of you going to Nino's gig tonight?"

He sees Marinette's blush flame some more and see her sway. Before he was fully aware of what he was doing, he was holding her cheek in one hand and feeling her forehead with the other. His natural protective instincts of her coming to the forefront.

"You okay, Mari?"

He swore he felt her pulse jump. He swallowed his grin and kept the concerned look on his face.

Marinette's cerulean eyes were as wide as saucers as her mouth opened and closed as tried to say something. Adrien noticed how close he had gotten to her and stepped to her side to give her more space.

Alya swooped in and draped her arm around Marinette, making Adrien drop his hands. Marinette seemed to regain herself and took a deep breath. Adrien noticed Alya's smirk at him.

"I'll just text you Mari's number so you can coordinate your schedules. We have a project to work on. And yes, we're going to Nino's gig tonight. See ya later, Adrien!" She said as she steered a red Marinette towards her home.

Adrien waved as he watched his lady be pulled by her best friend. He was looking forward to seeing more of his bugaboo.