Disclaimer- Not mine. All recognizable characters,themes belong to J.K Rowling. Only the plot is mine.


Summer 1996

Hermione Granger's house,

Oxford, 11:00 pm


"What was that?" asked Mrs. Granger to her husband, looking out of a window. She craned her neck trying to see outside into the darkness. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Mrs. Granger looked at her husband, Richard, nervously as he walked toward the door.

He opened the door slowly to see Professor Dumbledore smiling at him. "Good evening Mr. Granger. Apologies for coming in so late unannounced but things have really gotten out of hand."

"Ah, Professor, do come in," Mr. Granger welcomed him. Behind Dumbledore, Mr. Granger recognized Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, along with a thin, tired looking man, and a woman with short hair coloured in a neon, bubblegum pink shade. He ushered them into the living room where a surprised looking Mrs. Granger welcomed them.

"Professor Dumbledore what a surprise," she said.

"My apologies Mrs. Granger for disturbing you all so late but it's a matter of urgency and utmost secrecy. We need to talk to Ms. Granger," Dumbledore informed her. Mrs. Granger nodded.

"Hello Mrs. Granger," Harry politely said.

"Oh, Harry my boy you've grown so much! You too Ronald," She said happily. Ron blushed.

"Mrs. Granger, my name's Remus Lupin, I was Hermione's teacher at Hogwarts in her third year, and this is Tonks," the other man spoke, referring to himself and the pink haired woman besides him. Mrs. Granger smiled at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, please make yourselves comfortable. I'll get you all some tea."

She called Hermione down and busied herself in the kitchen making tea. Hermione came rushing down the stairs and into the living room.

"Harry! Ron!" She squealed and ran towards them hugging them both.

"Hey 'Mione," Ron said, looking flushed.

"Professor Dumbledore," she looked at Dumbledore, who nodded at her. "Remus, Tonks, what are you all doing here?"

"Why don't you take a seat Ms. Granger," Dumbledore said gesturing to a chair. Hermione sat down. "We all–"Harry and Ron scowled, making Dumbledore re-frame his words. "The Order needs your help Ms. Granger,"

"What sort of help Professor?" asked Hermione.

"We has received information that Lord Voldemort is planning several attacks on Hogwarts." Dumbledore began. Ron and Tonks winced at the name. "He has been recruiting several of the older students into his circle, and I believe he intends to use them to terrorize the school and try to get at Harry." Harry groaned loudly in response.

"Our intelligence suggests that he has recruited the sixth and seventh year Slytherins-children of his Death Eaters to his cause," he further added.

"What has it got to do with Hermione?" asked Mrs. Granger entering the room with a tray full of cookies and tea.

"Well, we have no idea about the nature of these 'acts' that Lord Voldemort is intending these children to perform," replied Remus, taking a cup of tea from her.

"What we actually need is a spy who can infiltrate and mix with these students and find out their plans," finished Dumbledore. Hermione looked at him uncertainly. "What my idea is-if you agree to do it Ms. Granger, is to have you mix with them and do some spying for us."

"Mix with them? But that's impossible sir as you know we aren't exactly friends," Hermione pointed out.

"That's an understatement," interjected Ron.

"Here's the twist Ms. Granger, you will not be going as yourself, in fact, Hermione Granger will not attend Hogwarts this year at all. You will be disguised as French pureblooded witch who will join Hogwarts this year and you will be sorted into Slytherin. Your mission will be then to get close to these students, find about their plans and report it back to us," Dumbledore finished explaining.

Hermione listened carefully and thought about it. She looked around the room, noting the worry on her parents face, the encouraging looks on Tonks and Lupin's face to the scowling looks on Harry and Ron's.

"We don't want you to do this 'Mione, it's too dangerous but they won't listen," Ron stated angrily.

Harry nodded, "He is right Hermione, it's Malfoy and his cronies we're talking about. If your identity is discovered, you'll be in serious trouble!"

"I personally assure you about Hermione's safety, Mr. and Mrs. Granger. All the teachers, including myself will be there to look after her," Dumbledore reassured them.

"Richard what do you think?" asked Mrs. Granger, looking at her husband.

Mr. Granger looked at his daughter for a moment. "I trust professor Dumbledore fully, Helen. Hermione will be perfectly safe. I believe she can do this," Mrs. Granger nodded in agreement. Hermione smiled at her parents.

"I'll do it professor!" she jumped to her feet. Dumbledore, standing up himself, looked at her approvingly. Ron and Harry still looked unconvinced, so Hermione reached out and she squeezed their hands, "Don't worry boys. I can handle this," said Hermione determinedly.

A few days later

No. Twelve Grimmauld Place,

9:30 pm

Hermione sat down in the meeting room with Kingsley, Mr. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Harry, Ron and Ginny to discuss the plan. Kingsley began by briefing them. "Hermione, you are going to Hogwarts as Miss Sophie La Roche, a sixth year Beauxbatons student."

"We have kept her personality similar to yours but with a Slytherin mind, Your character is just as studious, best in her year, and a bookworm, but manipulative and obnoxious as a Slytherin," added Tonks.

"That means that she is a less bossy, stuck-up, but a bitchy version of you Hermione!" Ron commented loudly. Hermione glared at him.

"Yeah you need to act less as a know-it-all, 'Mione," added Harry cautiously. Ginny sniggered.

"But what happens when someone decides to check up on me and see if I'm really from Beauxbatons?" asked Hermione, ignoring them.

"Here" said Lupin, handing her a folder. "It contains all of your official 'academic records'. Dumbledore himself has arranged them, so don't worry about their 'authenticity',"

"There's a photograph inside, of the girl that you'll be turning into," Kingsley pointed out. Hermione looked inside and picked up the photograph.

The girl in the picture was medium heighted, fair, with an athletic figure. The girl also had beautiful dark curls, an oval face, deep blue eyes, a small but cute nose and rosy full lips. 'Uncharacteristic, for a supposed bookworm,' Hermione wondered, but then again, she was a high class pureblood, she reminded herself, 'physical appearance was an important aspect of their lives'.

"She is actually muggle girl from our village, Ottery St. Catchpole, so there's really a slim chance that anyone will recognize her," Mr. Weasley assured her.

"You will be attending Hogwarts this year as her, get sorted into Slytherin, and find out as much information as possible. For this, Professor Snape has prepared a potion for you, kind of like a long lasting Polyjuice, which you will consume weekly, to maintain your disguise," explained Kingsley. "Throughout the year he will provide you with the potion. Any questions?"

"Um -yes, who do I report all my information to?" Hermione asked.

"Either to Professors Dumbledore or McGonagall, or even Snape if required,"

Hermione nodded."We will also be there for you Hermione," reassured Ginny, "Just keep the required distance from us,"

"Yes, and if Malfoy and his cronies give you any trouble, we'll kick his ferrety butt!" added Ron.

That night Hermione and Ginny lay on their beds in one of the bedrooms at the headquarters, both too excited with Hermione's mission to fall asleep. "So 'Mione, how does this potion work? Is it exactly like Polyjuice?" Ginny asked her.

"Not exactly" Hermione replied. "It changes my face and a little bit of my physique, that's all." Ginny frowned.

"The girl is actually a little taller than me, so when I drink the potion, my body will adjust accordingly," she explained.

"Oh, I thought that your-"

"No, they won't,"

"Hmm...shame, she really had big ones,"


"What? I'm not the only one who noticed! Don't worry 'Mione, yours are pretty great too!"

"Ginny!" Hermione was amused.

"I've heard some boys mention that," Ginny explained.

"Really? Who?" asked Hermione feeling a bit curious and embarrassed.

"You know, just a couple of Ravenclaws in your year, and a Gryffindor, I think. McLaggen, probably," Hermione made a face of disgust. Ginny smirked.


"I'm sorry 'Mione, I don't think so,"

"Oh," Hermione felt a pang of sadness in her heart. It was so typical, for others to notice her, while the one guy she wanted to be noticed by wouldn't even think of her that way; it was like the Yule Ball all over again. Ron was such a prat sometimes.

"Oh Hermione," Ginny got up and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay Gin, really. I should just get used to it now," Hermione added sadly.

"So, are you excited to live with the Slytherins?" Ginny asked, changing the topic.

"Excited? More like scared. They would be all different from us; it's going to be difficult. I just hope that I don't do anything stupid,"

"Stupid? You're Hermione Granger, the brightest witch in the school, you don't do stupid things! Plus you get to live with all those gorgeous Slytherins," said Ginny wistfully.

"Gorgeous?" asked Hermione sarcastically.

"Don't pretend you haven't noticed, even with your nose stuck up in a book all year, you'd have to be blind not to notice them. Take Blaise Zabini for example, he has an amazing body and is so handsome," defended Ginny. Hermione smiled, she hadn't been living under a rock, she noticed these things too, but was a bit embarrassed to admit.

"Sounds to me as if someone has a thing for the Italian bad boy," she said smirking. Ginny blushed visibly. "Really? So what you're over Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know 'Mione, he doesn't seem to think of me that way. So I really don't mind it now."

"Hmm...anyway we should get to bed now, we to be early to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow,"

Ginny nodded, turning off the lights. "Goodnight Hermione,"

"Goodnight Gin,"

Hermione lay down her bed thinking about their conversation,

This is going to be an interesting year, she thought to herself before falling asleep.

A/N - Read and Review.