Whisper: Greetings everyone, I am Whisper and it is with great honor that I introduce everyone to the very first chapter of "Katie's New Friends." Now unfortunately muk854 is not here at the moment but do not fret, for I shall guide you through this story.

Whisper what are you doing narrating my story, and more importantly why does it look like your changing the script to have you included more than planned.

Whisper: Ah well you see I was just taking over for a bit while you were gone and I was just improving your story a bit.

I highly doubt that having Katie ask you for help more than Frostina, her Yo-Kai partner, is considered improving the story.

Whisper: Well I should say so, as a butler Yo-Kai I am clearly more knowledgeable for these kinds of situations.

Says the Yo-Kai who looks through his pad for almost every Yo-Kai you and Nate meet.

Whisper: I do not search through it for every encounter, only the ones that have slipped my mind, which is a rare phenomenon.

Keep telling yourself that anyways continuing from where Whisper left off, this story will be made out of a couple of oneshots explaining how Katie met some of the Yo-Kai since putting in every encounter she has will make Yo-Kai Journey way too long.

Speaking of Yo-Kai Journey, this story will be updated along with it so don't worry to those who think I might have abandoned it. Now this story takes place in the same universe as Yo-Kai Journey after chapter 5 and I will try my best to put these in chronological order.

One thing that should be made clear is that not every Yo-Kai Katie meets will be included in this story but a majority of them will.

Whisper: You know the changes I made would make this story much better than what you wrote.

Say one more thing like that again and I'll make sure Signibble drains every last bit of internet from your Yo-Kai pad for the next couple of weeks.

Whisper: Shutting up now.

Thank you. Anyways, enjoy.

Katie had just awoken from her sleep and was starting to get dressed for her day today. She was excited because she would actually experience her first day in her new life. Even though she already had the watch, her new Yo-Kai partner Frostina insisted that Katie learned what kind of Yo-Kai there are instead of just going blind like Nate did. (A/N: In other words she's going to be a bit more knowledgeable thanks to Frostina.) This actually took as long as two days so by the time they were done it was the weekends, which makes it the perfect day for Katie to head out since school was out of the way.

All dressed she heads downstairs to see her mother making breakfast for her, "Morning Mom."

Mrs. Forester turned around and was surprised to see her daughter dressed as if it were a school day, "Morning sweetie. Hey, how come you're dressed for school even though it's a Saturday?" she asks her daughter.

"Oh I'm going to meet Nate later on today at Gourd Park. Hope that's ok," Katie asks.

"Of course it is, I wouldn't want to get in the way between you and your boyfriend," Mrs. Forester teased.

Katie blushed with embarrassment when her mother called Nate her boyfriend, "Mom it's not like that, we're just friends!"

Her mother only giggled with her daughter's reaction, "Alright Katie, well just eat your breakfast and then you can go."

Frostina was just confused on the events that had just transpired, "Katie what was your mother talking about?" she asked. (A/N: Keep in mind that she was unaware of Katie's feelings towards Nate until Whisper and Jibanyan told her.)

"It's nothing important," Katie quickly replied.

After Katie had finished eating, she says goodbye to her mother and starts walking to the park. "Hey Frostina, why do you think Nate wanted us to meet at Gourd Park?" Katie asked.

"Well although Yo-Kai are everywhere, there are a lot of them in Gourd Park so it's probably a good place to start," Frostina replied

"Oh, well okay then I guess that makes sense," Katie said.

They got to the park and saw Nate under a tree waiting for them. When he saw Katie, he smiled and called them over.

"Hey Katie, how's it going?" Nate asked.

"It's going great, especially since I can finally help you with any Yo-Kai," Katie replied with a slight blush on her.

Nate saw that her face was a bit red and thought something was wrong, "Hey Katie are you ok? You face is a bit red," he said trying to see what's wrong with her.

Katie quickly realized that he saw her blush and turned away trying to hide her face which was getting redder, "Everything's great Nate, it's nothing to worry about."

"Well alright then, shall we get started on our search," Nate said.

"Yeah let's get going," Katie said relieved that all the redness in her face is now gone.

They walked around the park for what felt like an hour trying to spot anything that might show signs of a Yo-Kai. Eventually they heard something that caught their interest. They had heard a scream that was coming in the direction of the lake. "Wait a second that sounds like Eddie!" Nate said realizing that his friend was the one in distress.

They headed towards the lake to run into Eddie who seemed like he saw a ghost."Eddie what happened," Katie said worried about her friend.

"I…I don't know. I was just passing by some old abandoned sail boat. Then all of a sudden, there was some moaning sound coming from it. When I went closer to see what was going on, I saw some dark shadow come from the boat and I just ran away," Eddie said with his voice all shaky. (A/N: I'm just going to say that all Yo-Kai can be seen by humans if they want, just that those who aren't powerful enough can't show their true form. They could only show something similar to how Jibanyan looked like when Nate first saw him. Whisper: Now you're just making stuff up. A/N: Shut up Whisper.)

Nate and Katie stared at each other and knew that the problem was a Yo-Kai. They left Eddie and went towards the lake where Eddie saw it. When they got there, they saw an old sail boat that was washed up on the shore. It was a miracle that it didn't collapse on itself, there were holes everywhere and the sail had fallen off.

"Well this is the boat Eddie was talking about, but I don't hear any moaning," Nate said.

"Please this is just another case of you blaming everything on Yo-Kai. Obviously the moaning he heard was the wind and the shadow must've been something else," Whisper said

"3…2…1," Jibanyan counted. As soon as he finished they heard an eerie moan that sounded like it came from the boat.

"That actually worked. Jibanyan how did you do that?" Frostina asked.

"Nate always blames everything strange on Yo-Kai and Whisper just says he's being paranoid. However as soon as he says that, Nate finds a Yo-Kai causing problems so that was going to happen eventually," Jibanyan stated causing Whisper to mumble something. (Whisper: That cat has no idea what he's talking about. A/N: Whisper stop ruining the story.)

"Wait do you guys hear that?" Katie said as she heard words coming from the moaning.

"Leave! Turn around nyow! Nyever come back here again!" they heard from the moans.

"Ok this is weird, the way that voice speaks, it's exactly to how Jibanyan talks. So I guess we're dealing with another cat Yo-Kai," Nate said.

"My necklace isn't reacting like it usually does; I don't think we're near it. We should get closer," Katie said as she and Nate began to walk towards the boat.

As they got closer, they started to see a shadowy figure appearing on the boat but could only make out the eyes which were bright blue. "That must be the Yo-Kai," Nate said.

"I'm warning you, leave nyow. That's an order," the shadow said.

"Look, we don't want any trouble. We just want to know why you are scaring people," Katie said.

"That's nyot important to you, what is important is that you leave nyow!" the shadow said. It then jumped towards them getting ready to attack. Just as it was about to land an attack, Katie's necklace started to glow which caused the shadow to look away and miss it's attack.

"Well that was close. Now let's see what you are," Katie said as she shined her necklace onto the shadow.

The necklace had revealed a cat Yo-Kai like Jibanyan but it had its differences. Instead of red, its fur was pink with the exception of her face which was white. Its nose was peach, matching the color of her blushing cheeks and its twin tails were blue in the shape of droplets. The most notable difference was that it was wearing a sailor suit with a red ribbon on its neck.

"What Yo-Kai is that? It looks similar to Jibanyan," Nate asked.

Whisper was scrolling through his Yo-Kai pad before he spoke up, "This is Sailornyan, another cat Yo-Kai. She may seem nice and kind, but inside she's a selfish being that bosses others around as if she was their captain." (A/N: If I make her sound like a bad Yo-Kai, I apologize I'm just trying to go off from what little is said about her on the wiki.)

Sailornyan had started to get up from her failed attack and was looking angry, "Why are you still here, just leave nyow."

"Look we just want to know why your scaring people who come near this ship," Nate said while pointing towards the boat.

"Why should I tell you, as far as I knyow it's doesn't concern you," Sailornyan stated.

"Really, well I think I might know someone who can make you talk. Katie would you like to do the honors," Nate said as she handed Katie a medal.

"Sure thing Nate, besides I want to see how you think of my summoning chant," Katie said as she flipped the medal into the air.

"Let's go my friend. Come on out, Tattletell!"

Summoning, Mysterious

A Boo-shigga! Boo-shigga!

Boogie Woogie!

Cling clang delirious!



"Tattletell?" ("Why did Katie summon me, I didn't give her my medal?")

"Long story, for now we just need you to make Sailornyan tell us why she's scaring people," Nate explained.

"Tattletell!" ("I'm on it!")

Tattletell went ahead and attached herself onto Sailornyan's chin, having her emit a small glow around her.

"You really want to know why I'm doing all of this, it's because of Sarah," Sailornyan said looking depressed.

"You see back when I was alive, Sarah was my owner. She was an extremely kind person and she really cared for me. But the one thing she loved the most was sailing, it was her life. This sailboat was the same one her parents got her for her birthday, we used it to sail the lake all the time. But as fate would have it, our happy times would come to an end," she continued. "There was this group of bullies that hated Sarah with their life. They just enjoyed ruining her life and make fun of her, they were rotten to the core. One day they saw Sarah and me on one of our usually sailings and that was when it all started. As soon as we docked the boat, they appeared out of nowhere and started to tear it to pieces." Nate and Katie gasped when they heard that part of her story.

"Sarah just couldn't stand it and tried to stop them with no success. If it wasn't for her dad coming and scaring them away, this ship wouldn't be here. Still Sarah was heartbroken, this boat was her passion and she just saw it being torn apart," Sailornyan started to tear up as she continued on. "Eventually time flew by and I passed away only to be reborn as a Yo-Kai. Seeing that I had a second chance in life, I dedicated it to protect this boat from getting hurt anymore. For Sarah," she finished.

The humans just stood there in shock on what they just heard. Eventually the silence was broken when Katie spoke up, "Wow, that's really sad. But you can't just hold on to the past, you need to learn to let go."

"What would you knyow! You weren't around when they were destroying something she held dear. I just stood there and watch it all happen, I could've done something to stop them," Sailornyan said.

"So that's the case, you blame yourself for this. Look it wasn't your fault, what could you have done," Katie said trying to calm her down.

"You didn't see her face; it was the worst thing I could see. I didn't want to see her like that," Sailornyan said. Her ears then stood up when she heard some people coming. "Someone's coming, just leave and let me do what I can."

They hid behind a tree while Sailornyan stood her ground getting ready to get rid of the trespassers. When the person came out, her eyes widened when she saw who it was. It was a girl who looked 16 years old. Her hair was red and went down to her shoulders and was wearing a school uniform. (A/N: It's similar to the uniform that Hungramps granddaughter wore when he saw her again.)

"Sarah," Sailornyan said.

She was accompanied by another girl who looked confused on what they were doing, "Sarah, what are doing here?"

"I'm just here to look at something from old times," Sarah said while walking towards the boat. "You see, this boat was a gift to me from my parents when I was little. I used to sail this lake all the time with my cat, it was the best time we had together. Then some jerks came along and tore it apart, I was heartbroken at first but over time I had let it go. Now I come here to remember all the good times that I had back then."

"Really, this must be special to you then," her friend said.

"More than anything in the world, c'mon let's get going home," Sarah said as they left.

Nate and Katie left from where they were hiding to see Sailornyan with tears in her eyes. "She moved on, she saw her most prized possession get destroyed and she moved on," she said as she turned towards the humans. "I'm sorry for all the trouble that I caused; I had thought this was what she wanted."

"Hey it's ok, I'm sure she would have been proud for all that you done," Katie said.

To Katie's surprise, Sailornyan had started to glow and had summoned two medals that were given to Nate and Katie. "I won't cause any more trouble here, I'm going to go on and see what happens from here. I'll see you guys later," Sailornyan said as she began to walk away.

"Well Katie, how was your first day with Yo-Kai like?" Nate asked.

"It was great, I can't wait to see what else will happen," Katie said with a smile.

"Tattletell." ("Hey Katie.")

She turned around to see Tattletell coming towards her.

"Tattletell." ("Since you're a friend of Nate, then you're a friend of mine, so here.")

She then handed Katie her medal, "Thanks Tattletell." "Hey Nate what do you think going to happen to Sailornyan?" she asked.

"Who knows, if anything things might go well with her," Nate replied.

*2 hours later*

At Katie's house, she heard a knock on her door and when she came to see who it is she was shocked to see Sailornyan outside her door, "Sailornyan, what are you doing here?"

"I came because I got some nyews, since I moved on with the whole sailboat thing I realized that I have nyowhere to live. So congrats, I'm moving in with you," Sailornyan said with glee.

"As much as I appreciate that, I don't think that's a good idea," Katie said.

"Nyow nyow, that's nyo way to treat your captain. Well let's see where my quarters are at," Sailornyan said as she walked into the house.

"Captain? Oh boy," Katie said with a sweat drop.

Katie: It's recap time!

Frostina: So Katie, who did you meet today?

Katie: Sailornyan and Tattletell.

Frostina: Sailornyan is part of the charming tribe and may come off as a bit rough.

Sailornyan: It's my job as the captain to make sure all of my crew are checked out.

Frostina: You do realize that you're not actually the captain right.

Sailornyan: What did you say?! *Starts to chase Frostina around the room*

Katie: See you next time!

And that is the first chapter of this new story done, really sorry it took longer than promised. Apparently, due to life, I wasn't able to get much done on this during my spring break than I thought I would've had.

Whisper: Maybe next time you shouldn't make promises like that in case something like this comes up.

That's actually a good idea; I'll keep that in mind. Anyways, sorry if the first chapter isn't as good as my other chapters since this was the first one in a new story and there isn't much to go off on.

Whisper: That could've been avoided if you went with my changes instead of what you originally planned.

*Threatening Whisper with Signibble's medal*

Whisper: Shutting up now.

Thank you, also this story won't dwell much into the relationship between Nate and Katie, just saying that right now. Anyways if you enjoyed please leave a review and a suggestion on who should Katie meet next. Thank you and stay alert for the next chapter.