A/N: Okay, so after a LONG time of debating with myself of wether or not to add to this growing fandom… here I am. I've been content so far to simply observe and read, but now I have an urge to write and contribute to this fascinating phenomenon. Enjoy!

"How did you and dad get together?" asked the child, tucked into bed with blankets up to his neck. He looked into his mother's eyes, hoping that she'd tell the truth- the whole truth.

The bunny, to whom the question was directed to, pondered the question for a moment. Most times when he'd asked her this, as most kids do at some point in their lives, she'd given him a vague response. She was still unsure of whether or not to share certain details when and if she ever did give a specific answer. Was he old enough yet? She did not open her mouth again until she believed that she'd thought of a suitable reply.

"What made you think of that? You know that your dad and I love each other very much, and as most mammals do, we decided to tie the knot! It's a pretty straightforward-"

The young rabbit shook his head. "That's not what I meant!"

The bunny felt her ears lower slightly, realizing where this was going. "Then what did you mean?"

"Well…" The rabbit's gaze shifted downwards. "Lucy told me that you and dad didn't like each other at first, and then you did, but other mammals didn't like you." He looked up once more. "She said it was because you two are different… uh…" The poor rabbit fumbled over his words as he tried to remember the one his sister had told him about.

"Species, Pete, the word is species." The female arctic fox leaning against the doorframe to Peter's bedroom had a smirk on her face, observing how the scenario would play out. The bunny quickly spun around and stared her daughter down with an authoritative glare.

"Lucy! You have school tomorrow! Get your tail to bed before I drag it there!" Had the threat been coming from their father, Lucy would likely have let it bounce off of her. But coming from her mother? The grin faded from the teenager's face, and she slunk off to her room, eager to avoid her mother's wrath.

The bunny sighed, and turned back toward her son. "Pay Lucy no attention, Peter. She just knows a bit more than you do about this."

Peter sat up, and pouted slightly, "But that's not fair! Both she and Grayson know, how come I can't?"

The bunny felt her hand each up and grab the bridge of her nose. It had been easier with Lucy and Grayson, they had been older than Peter and had pretty much figured it out on their own. But Pete was young, and needed a bit more… exposition.

Her face lit up. "Alright, I'll tell you the whole story. But, we're gonna have to start from the beginning, alright?"

The youthful rabbit nodded vigorously, putting a smile on his mother's face.

"Alright, well it's true that your father and I didn't like each other at first. The first time we met was more than a little disappointing…"

Judy walked slowly on the sidewalk, her feet weighed down by the mass of the dried concrete that surrounded them. She kept running that scenario through her mind, over and over again, her anger and depression only increasing with each consecutive playback.

"You can only be what you are." Wilde- that was his name- stood up from his hunched over position, and gestured first to himself, then her. "Sly fox… dumb bunny."

"I am NOT, a dumb bunny." She said slowly, emphasizing her disagreement.

"Right," he retorted sarcastically. "And that's not wet cement." She quickly looked down to see that she had unwittingly stood in the midst of a side-walk repair job being hosted by beavers.

"You'll never be a real cop," muttered the con-artist, as he walked around the predicament she was now knee-deep in. "You're a cute meter-maid though. Maybe a supervisor one day!" The fox turned and gave her a mock salute before wandering off to wherever he spent his free time. "Hang in there!" And no sooner had he said that, he disappeared.

She had felt herself tensing up with rage, but just as quickly as it came, it had dissolved, replaced with sorrow more than anything, and a lot of self-doubt which had led to this depressing walk home. What if he was right? What if that stupid fox- rude as he may have been- was right about her?

She'd seen how Chief Bogo at the precinct had treated her. Assigning her meter-maid for her first duty, all while the other officers spent their hours with more productive tasks, like finding those missing mammals. And why? All because she was a bunny, the first bunny. They didn't know her capabilities yet, but they were already judging her.

The problem was, she knew that she could be a great officer. But if she was never given the chance, and the evidence pointed toward that possibility so far, then how was she ever going to prove herself to them? She'd be ridiculed for all of her career, no one ever being the wiser to just how much potential she had.

She entered her apartment building, feet scraping loudly against the wood floor. Marching up the stairs was even worse, as her legs were clunky and heavy, stiff and unwieldy to maneuver when ascending a flight of stairs. Upon reaching the top, she began to walk towards her room.

"Will whoever is making that awful scraping sound, please STOP!" yelled one of her neighbors. She realized that it was one of the oryx brothers in the room next to her. "Sorry guys!" she called, her voice devoid of emotion. She caught a bit of grumbling, but that was the extent of it. Sighing, she reached into her pockets and pulled out her key and she stood upon her welcoming mat. With a heavy heart, and a mind currently lacking in self-esteem, she trudged into her room.

She looked down at her outfit, the bright orange of the meter-maid vest reminding her all-too-vividly of the day's events. She simply sat in her desk chair for a few minutes, willing herself to remain strong. She'd get something to eat in a while, but right now she just needed to comfort herself.

Tomorrow is another day, she iterated in her mind, trying to convince herself. Her parents would probably call soon, and she was not about to let them see how badly the first day had gone. So for the next few minutes, the bunny simply sat there; trying as hard not to cry just as much as she wanted to give in and let the tears flow.

Tomorrow is another day.

Peter's mouth hung slightly agape. "What? Dad was a con-mammal?"

His mother nodded. "When I first met him, yes."

The rabbit had a confused look on his face. "But- but how did he help you with the big case then? Why would anyone trust him? And why was he a big jerk?"

She quickly tried to hush her son. "Your father was not a jerk! He just-"

"Oh, I was a jerk alright, Carrots." Peter's dad had now taken the position that Lucy had stood in earlier, a similar smirk upon his face. Slowly, he walked over to them.

"But, your mother is a very… persuasive individual." He chuckled slightly as the bunny elbowed him. "Long story short, your mother and I became great friends over the course of the big case. And she was the once who convinced me to better myself, and join her on the force. If it wasn't for her, neither you or I would be around here, you little stinker," he laughed, ruffling his son's fur between his long ears. Peter giggled slightly.

"So what happened then? When you two solved the case?" His dad opened his mouth to reply, but his mom cut him off. "We'll save that for tomorrow. As I told your sister earlier, you have school tomorrow. It's time to get some sleep. Don't worry," she said reassuringly as Peter scrunched up his face to protest, "I promise you that you'll get more of the story tomorrow. For now though, sleep well. Good night." With that, she leaned over and kissed the top of his head, then walked out of his room with his father trailing her closely behind.

They closed the door behind them as they exited, and Peter tried to make himself fall asleep faster, excited to hear more of the tale tomorrow.

A/N: Good enough for a first chapter? I spent roughly an hour just trying to figure out how to start the damn thing, haha! Hopefully you guys are intrigued, and just as interested in reading the rest of this story as I am in writing it! Working on chapter 2 now, so follow, favorite, and don't forget to review!