Let Yourself Be Carried

Summary: Rey is a scavenger. Rey is a survivor. Rey works alone. Rey is training to be a Jedi, thank you very much. And that means no hand-holding, no late-night moonlit walks, and no relying on anyone else for help! Some nice fluff and BAMF/ exhausted Rey with comforting Finn and Poe.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Star Wars… Darn.

Chapter 1: Since My Heart Is Golden

The lesson from Master Luke today is:


And Rey is having none of it.

Rey is a scavenger. Rey is a survivor. Rey works alone. Rey is training to be a Jedi, thank you very much. And that means no hand-holding, no late-night moonlit walks, and no relying on anyone else for help!

Master Luke is her mentor. That's different. Rey looks up to Skywalker like she did to General Solo, as a father figure. She accepts his criticism and wisdom equally. But that's where Rey draws the line.

The day's lesson is posted on the door to her quarters. She receives one every evening for the next day. Master Luke believes it helps her focus her evening meditation. Because she certainly has so much time for that, what with all the Jedi exercises (lightsaber drills, strength training, balance activities), Resistance meetings, and flying lessons.

Rey stumbles out of her bunk after only just getting to sleep (tossing and turning has become one of her favorite pastimes) and realizes that she forgot to set an alarm. She knows she is already twenty minutes late to meet Master Luke for her morning training. Rey streaks through her room in a mad dash to gather suitable clothes for day's course. Not even bothering to look at herself in a mirror, she can only imagine she looks like a wampa having a bad hair day.


Rey is halfway out the door when she catches that she has yet to clean her quarters after living at the base on D'Qar for two months. In a fleeting moment, she imagines the rumpled piles of clothes and scattered stacks of flight manuals to be a mirror of her own mental state. On Jakku, she was always a neat and tidy person. On D'Qar, her focus has shifted from survival to education. Like a sponge, she soaks up every tidbit of information from General Organa to Master Skywalker and her new friends.

The door to her quarters swishes shut, and is it just her sleep-deprived mind playing tricks on her, or is something different about today? Something she forgot?

Rey almost punches in the code to her quarters on the keypad in the hope of going back to see what she failed to recall. She ticks off a list of items in her mind. Lightsaber—check. Wouldn't want to lose that one. Updates for BB-8 in a satchel she's carrying—check. On top of that, a great holovid for Poe (because he seems to enjoy thrillers) and an ancient compendium of poems for Finn. One poem in particular puzzles her, and she was hoping to discuss it with him sometime… Sometime when she has a minute's rest.

Rest. Don't think about how little sleep you got last night.

"Got to be going," Rey says to herself. She likes talking to herself. She used to do it quite a bit when she lived alone on Jakku and finds it comforting, but she gets the feeling that it's not socially accepted here. She did it once within earshot of Finn. She forgets what the topic of conversation was about. Probably what she was going to eat for supper. And Finn gave her an eyebrow raise. Strike that. His eyebrow threatened to disconnect itself from his face. That was the last time Rey spoke to herself in public.

Going to be late. Already late. Can't be late.

Rey races through the barracks and dashes outside, her stomach growling in protest, but there's no hope of getting some breakfast now. The air is fresh and instantly wakes her up quicker than a cup of caf. Although the sky is overcast, brief breaks in the clouds allow a sliver of sunlight to pierce through and illuminate what has been a very dreary season on D'Qar. Maybe it will stop raining today, she thinks hopefully. Rey isn't used to so much rain.

Master Luke usually meets her outside the hangar, in front of the landing field. Skywalker has told her it is a good central meeting point to either wander into the surrounding jungle or venture elsewhere for training, but Rey has a sneaking suspicion it's because Master Luke still has an affinity for flying and likes to personally inspect the Resistance fleet. One morning, Rey caught him chatting up Dameron, and although the pilot must have been flattered by the famous Jedi's attention, he kept sending Rey nonverbal signals along the lines of, "Help! Save me!" It was her reaction to these thoughts (a laughing fit) that distracted Luke long enough to take his leave of Poe, and Rey caught the signs of relief on the pilot's face. She knew Poe worked closely with General Organa, and she could empathize with his situation. It was hard enough pleasing one Skywalker in a single day, let alone two.

A cool wind whips through her long hair, tied up in neatly braided loops, as usual. Rey's hand hovers over her eyes, scanning inside the hangar and the rest of the field for signs of the Jedi. But he's nowhere to be found.

There is a sinking feeling in her still-gurgling stomach. What if Master Luke gave up on me? Perhaps I should go back inside and see if I can find him…

Just then a cargo ship lands nearby and new Resistance recruits begin filing out, carrying supplies. She's greeted by the ship's captain as she disembarks and offers to help them unload extra ware. Anything to pass the time until she decides whether to go roaming the base for Skywalker. Besides, Rey has been craving any opportunity to feel useful to the Resistance fighters. Although she feels more comfortable working alone, sometimes Rey feels cut off from the rest of them, especially other young people. Rey wants to be part of their missions sometimes, help find intel or rebuild the Republic instead of the hours she spends by herself with Master Luke.

She catches bits and pieces of rumors floating around about the First Order's new plans, what the Resistance hopes to do, but soon Rey tunes the others out and gets used to the steady rhythm of lifting crates and barrels and carrying them inside. Her muscles are taut and flex, satisfying her love of physical labor. Besides, the momentum helps her stay active. Lately, being still has the tendency to put her to sleep during the day. At night, it's another story…

Maybe that's why I haven't been meditating as much as I should…

The last few crates have to be stored in freezers that only go up to Rey's waist. Since she is the smallest of the crew still unloading, and unencumbered by a flight suit, Rey volunteers. She shimmies nearly the length of her body inside the frigid locker and then shoves the tubs of food as far back as they will go. Straining her arms, Rey grunts, and then gets the last crate in position. Unfortunately, she raises her head a bit too soon and bumps it with a thud against the refrigerator's low ceiling.

"Ah!" she cries, cursing her own clumsiness, her vision spinning momentarily. She huddles against the storage locker for a moment then slams it shut in frustration. Rey places a hand on the top of her head where there is now a solid knot, and it throbs steadily.

"Hey—you okay?"

Rey shields her eyes as she looks in the light from outside, although it's still overcast, and finds herself staring into the wide smile and crinkly eyes of Poe Dameron.

Her heart instantly begins fluttering, which makes her head hurt even more. Why, oh why must her heart rate sky rocket every tie she sees Poe? Or Finn, for that matter.

Because you fancy them, she thinks.

No, because they fancy me. Or at least enjoy my company. And that's a new feeling. No one's ever been my friend before.

Still, Rey fleetingly imagines Poe must have "makes droid and human hearts melt" written into his genetics. It has to be in there somewhere.

"Oh…yeah," she mumbles, trying to hide a creeping blush spreading over her face with the back of her hand. "Was just clumsy and bumped my head."

"Ouch!" Poe says, reaching out to inspect the bump. Rey can see the flash of concern in his eyes, and this look frustrates and excites her at the same time. "Do you want me to get a medic?"

"N-no," she says, smiling wanly. "I'm fine." Her head is still throbbing, but the initial sting of the impact is gone. Still, frantic blinking is not fixing the afterimages of blurred objects in her vision, and Rey prays that she isn't mildly concussed.

Just my luck for this to happen in front of Poe. He probably thinks I'm a total imbecile.

She hears a few familiar beeps and sees BB-8 sneak out from behind Dameron, running up against her legs excitedly. It reminds her of what she's carrying in her satchel.

"Got your new updates, BB-8!" she says, pulling out the mini disk and giving it to Poe while the droid trills with eagerness.

"Thanks!" Poe says with a grin, echoing the droid's astromech. "My buddy's gonna love the new fixes." He bends down and turns the disk over to BB-8, who snatches it up with one metallic claw, beeps appreciatively at Rey, and scurries off to find a power source.

Rey digs around in her satchel and grabs the holovid. "Thought you'd like this too. It's a new thriller, The Trauma of the Temptors."

Dameron snatches the vid and twirls around. Rey grins despite her aching head—she couldn't have asked for a better reaction.

"Rey, this is fantastic! Thank you! Makes me feel awful that I don't have any gifts for you . I mean, I gave the jacket to Finn."

She chuckles at this. "The jacket" has been an inside joke for ages. Finn will never stop raving about how much he loves it, and Rey has suspicions that he never takes it off, except (maybe) when he's in the sonic shower.

"I don't need any presents," she says, waving her hand.

Poe says, "Of course you do! Especially today!"

Rey is officially confused. "What do you mean?"

Dameron's eyes widen, as if he just gave up top-secret Resistance information to the First Order.

Rey realizes that the two of them have been staring at each other for an uncomfortable period of silence, and asks, "What's wrong?" Because Poe Dameron has completely stumped her.

"N-nothing," he backtracks and clears his throat, then changes the subject. "Hey—are you still up for having dinner with me and Finn tonight? His place."

Rey is about to respond with a definite maybe, even though she knows she already accepted a few weeks previously, but then she senses something about to occur—some imminent pain that she must prevent. And even through her sleep-deprived and aching brain, Rey knows better than to watch the scene play out in disaster and wait idly by. The Force is showing her something to do with the droid.

"BB-8!" she cries, ignoring Poe's invitation, and dashing behind a nearby shipping trolley where the little orange and white droid is about to connect to a power module that appears functioning. However, Rey knows (in a spine-tingling, bone-chilling, nails on chalkboard kind of way) that this outlet spells "impending doom" in flashing red letters.

The droid beeps at her, quizzical, continuing its actions until Rey grabs its shell and wheels it around.

"Stop!" she says with a gasp. "That conduit is faulty. You…" She steadies her breathing, slightly dizzy with the increased physical effort. "You could have been electrocuted!"

"What's going on?" Poe interjects from behind her, his countenance serious.

BB-8 makes the binary equivalent of "Oh dear" in a small voice and relays Rey's information to Dameron.

The pilot furrows his brow and examines the console carefully, jerking his hand away when it short circuits, sending mini blue sparks showering out and barely missing his fingertips.

"BB-8 could have been fried!" Poe exclaims, his lips pursing into a thin line as he scolds the droid. "What have I told you about leaping at power consoles before performing proper diagnostics?"

BB-8 coos an apology, its head bowing, but Poe pats it in reassurance as he kneels. The reprimand is the kind a protective parent would give to his child. Dameron often uses this tone with BB-8, and it's one of the traits that Rey finds most endearing about the pilot.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Poe says to the droid and stands up again. "Rey is really looking out for you."

He nods his head at her, gratitude shining from his eyes, and Rey clears her throat.

"Just felt something was wrong," she says, deferring to modesty. "I…"

But Dameron steps forward and touches her shoulder. Although the contact is brief, it leaves a warm mark that spreads from her shoulder down her arm and to the rest of her body. "Thank you."

Rey nods because she's not sure she can speak. She doesn't usually enjoy this kind of attention—in fact, it makes her extremely uncomfortable, however nice it is.

Poe must sense her insecurity, because he changes the subject smoothly. "So, how about dinner? Finn and me—tonight."

Rey can't help thinking that there was something else she was meant to do today that might get in the way of enjoying a meal with her friends, but it slips away again. Maybe it isn't that important after all.

"Yes," she says, "I'd love to."

"Great!" Poe says, giving her a thumbs-up. "Hey—can we take a spin in the Falcon?"

Rey has been swapping flying lessons with Poe when they have free time. She envies his maneuvers in Black One, and he'll act as gunner in airspeeders when they fly together. But she knows more about the Millennium Falcon's navigation, and Poe seems to be in awe of her skills. Strange. She supposes it has something to do with the legend surrounding Han Solo and the Falcon. Dameron often talks about "stepping into history" when he boards the General's old ship.

Rey would like nothing more than to float away and find a good method to forget her headache via spending time with Poe in the Falcon for a few hours, but she is committed to punctuality and her Jedi training. Although, not necessarily in that order.

"Sorry, I was supposed to meet Master Luke a half hour ago for—"

"Did you forget about your training?" The rough voice catches their attention immediately, and Master Luke is standing beside her. That man is quieter than the breeze, she thinks.

"Master Luke, I…" She trails off, gaze flitting from Dameron to her mentor and back again. She's not sure how to begin admitting being late for her training because she "slept in." Like I got loads of sleep to begin with.

"Sorry, Master Skywalker," Poe finishes for her smoothly. "Rey was helping me with some diagnostics for BB-8, and I must have detained her for too long."

Skywalker eyes both of them dubiously, cocking his head to one side, but then he nods. "Thank you, Commander. Come, Rey."

Rey murmurs something unintelligible to Poe and then dashes off before the pilot can view how pink her face is.

Add humiliation to the list for today…

Skywalker is characteristically laconic as they shuffle past rows of X-wings and turn to the right, towards the landing field. Rey wonders if he could see through Dameron's half-truth.

He probably did. There isn't much that gets past the old Jedi.

Rey is too preoccupied thinking about whether or not Master Luke is upset with her that she doesn't notice when the Jedi stops abruptly, causing her to crash into him with a surprising energy. Solid as a rock, Skywalker doesn't move an inch, but Rey is thrown off balance, falling until surprisingly strong arms catch her.

Her vision spins, and Rey finds herself looking up at the slightly puzzled, mostly amused expression of Luke Skywalker.

"Did you see today's lesson?" he asks, not missing a beat.

She feels the grip of his metallic hand on her shoulder, and Rey instantly stands up, brushing herself off and trying to stymie the overwhelming embarrassment she is feeling.

This is just not my day.

"Yes," she says quietly, as if it is of little consequence.

"Very well," Luke says, his eyes looking upwards at the white puffs of clouds, thoughtful. "We shall begin the first task of the day…"

Not meditation. Not meditation. Not meditation.

"You have been working very hard these past few weeks," says Skywalker, "and I've noticed that your concentration has suffered. Therefore…"

Anything but meditation. Really. Anything but meditation.

"We shall begin with meditation."

Rey groans inwardly, but she assumes a bright and obedient smile. "But, Master Luke, I have so much energy today. Do you think it might be possible to begin with something more active and save meditation for… later?"

Like later next month.

Luke examines her closely, and there is still a trace of delight in his eyes. It is very clear to Rey that he knows exactly what she is trying to get away with. And that makes his decision all the more astounding.

"Very well. Running. Forty kilometers before lunch."

Rey's heart rate immediately skyrockets. "Sir, lunch is three hours from now. I am not sure I can run—"

"Thirty kilometers then!" Luke says enthusiastically, clasping his flesh and blood hand with the metallic one. "Go on, Rey."

The Jakkunian's mouth is still open in surprise when she finds herself taking off through the woods of D'Qar, circling the base in an ever-widening circumference, and wondering how she is going to possibly have enough energy to get through the rest of the day.


A/N: This is a little fic I started writing shortly after "Far Away From Nowhere," and it gradually faded away as the other one took over my life. Ha! But it's back now. This one's going to be fairly short—perhaps only one or two more chapters left. It will be heavy on the fluff with some light hurt/comfort thrown in. More lovely moments with Poe and some wonderful Finn sections as well. This fic satisfies my craving of wanting to tell a story that is focused on Rey exclusively, but one that also delves into her relationships with the other men in her life. This isn't a strictly romantic fic (more emphasis on friendship) but you can definitely read it that way if you like. I'd love to get some feedback on this, and I promise that I will pay you back with dozens of virtual cupcakes! *Hugs* to you all!

~Ista ^_^