Authors note: Finally, the Chapter you all have been waiting for! Apologies for taking so long to write it. But I finally got the chapter out to you guys. Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Chaos

At the town hall, chaos had erupted. People were struggling through the crossfire towards soldiers fighting towards them at the end of the streets, and robots were laying half dead on the ground, their owners trapped in the ensuing horror. Overwatch had not expected the Talon agents to be in the crowd, and now they had to deal with not just the agents, but also the civilians trapped below them.

On the ground, Winston was fighting an agent with a plasma rifle, while Tracer fought Widowmaker on the rooftops. Then Tracer disappeared for a moment, and Widowmaker turned on her goggles, scanning for her. But then Tracer appeared behind her, teasing her with a humorous "Peek a boo!" and then disappearing again, annoying Widowmaker.

Then, out of the shadows, the infamous Reaper appeared behind Winston, and fired two rounds into his bulletproof armor, not killing him, but stunning him for only a moment. However, Tracer appeared behind the shadowy villain, and fired her pistols at him, giggling. Reaper responded with an angry "Die." and fired back, with Tracer missing all of his shots. Winston then recovered from Reaper's surprise attack, and roared as he threw his fists at him. However, Reaper managed to shadow step out of the way of his fists, leaving Winston dumbfounded. Solider 76 was also busy, as he had been fighting the Reaper inside the town hall.

Back on the rooftops, Widowmaker had resumed her fight with Tracer. As they were fighting though, she spotted the Chancellor of machines being guided to an armored van below her with a pair of guards. She threw down a gas mine behind her, which Tracer tripped, causing it to release its deadly gas. She tripped and fell to the ground, unconscious. Widowmaker smiled at her. The moment was hers.

"Looks like the party's over." Widowmaker said. She aimed her rifle at the two guards, and saw Reaper also coming behind them. Widowmaker then fired her two shots at the guards, causing them to fall over dead. But not long before Winston charged at her, causing her to fall off the building. The chancellor fell over and saw a dark ball of smoke coming towards him. Reaper and the two Talon agents appeared and pointed their guns at the robot's head. "Prepare to die, tin man." Said Reaper. But before he could pull the trigger and finish off the Chancellor, an explosion knocked the agents and Reaper off their feet. Both Overwatch and the Talon agents looked around to see who had caused the explosion. Standing before them was a man, standing with a machine gun and a bitter look smeared across his face. Reaper, along with Widowmaker and several more Talon agents surrounded him. But the man barely flinched. He raised his machine gun, and began to fire upon the men that he had hated so much for so long.

End of chapter 3

Thank you so much for your interest in this story. I apologize for being late with this chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I hope to get the next chapter up and running as soon as possible.

The Author