Hey guys!

This is the last chapter, i hope you enjoyed the story :)

Beck had to leave the room but the rest of the gang and Jade's dad stayed there. "Jade, you need help…what you do is not normal and it's not okay" Her father affirmed.

"And what are you gonna do?" Jade questioned coldly. "Take me to a psychiatrist? Pretend you care? Lock me up, daddy?" She questioned and smirked.

"Yes" He simply responded and she stared at him surprised. "Except that I'm not pretending, I do care about you, Jade, you're my only daughter" Mr. West affirmed.

"As far as I remember, I'm your biggest mistake and disappointment" Jade commented and he sighed.

"I've told you many times that I didn't mean to say that, you're not a mistake" He affirmed. "But it's okay if you don't believe me now, it's obvious you're not well…you're not sane"

"Go to hell, I'm perfectly sane" Jade responded angrily. "You're not gonna lock me up, I'm eighteen"

"You self-harm and you just tried to commit suicide, I don't need your permission" Her father commented. "You're legally incompetent and therefore I, as your father, have your custody and you're going to get the help you need"

"You wouldn't dare…" Jade said nervously.

"Dare to do what? Save your life?" He questioned and she stared at him coldly so he put his hand on hers. "This will be for your own good, when you come back…you'll see things differently" He affirmed and she pulled her hand back.

"I hate you" Jade informed coldly and he looked down.

"Okay, it's fine…you can hate me all you want but it's my responsibility to keep you alive" Mr. West simply said and Jade looked to the other side upset, she knew he was right, he would be able to put her in an institution if he wanted so she was panicking because she hated the idea of being locked up.

"I never thought Jade had such deep mental issues…I mean I thought she had issues but of a different kind" Tori commented sadly as they ate lunch in the hospital cafeteria. "She's always seemed so confident and strong"

"She is, she just doesn't want to see it" Beck responded.

"How is that possible?" Tori asked confused.

"Jade is confident most of the time, in almost all circumstances but she's emotionally…fragile" Beck explained. "And I'm an idiot because I've always known it and she is right, I enjoyed pushing her buttons...I just didn't think it affected her so badly"

"Well, now we know it did" Andre said coldly and Beck sighed.

"Do you guys think she'll get better?" Cat questioned sadly. "She seems so upset"

"She is full of anger and sadness, she just needs to let all that go" Beck commented. "And I need her to understand that I truly love her"

"That's gonna be hard, especially now" Robbie commented.

"I know but it's the truth, my actions in the past were dumb…and wrong and egocentric, I should have never made her feel she wasn't good enough to be the only one" Beck affirmed. "But most importantly, even if she doesn't want me back, she needs to stop being emotionally dependent on others…I hope therapy helps her"

"I don't think she's emotionally dependent, she can be alone…I think she's just emotionally unstable" Andre commented. "It's not the same, she said it…she doesn't do it because she needs someone, she does it because she feels miserable"

"Yes, you're right…That's her actual issue" Beck responded. "I hope she can grow out of it"

A few days later Jade was released from the hospital and her father drove her directly to the mental clinic she would spend a season in. "This place has very good reviews, it's the best in the city" Mr. West affirmed as they walked inside.

"Am I supposed to be excited?" Jade asked coldly. "I didn't want to come here"

"It's for your own good, you won't be here permanently" He responded.

"You never know" Jade said coldly and he shook his head.

"Goodbye, honey, I'll see you soon" Mr. West said and tried to kiss her cheek but she leaned back.

"I hope not to see you again" Jade commented and started walking away with the nurse. She was put in a room with a bed, a closet and a desk in it but it wasn't ugly, it had huge windows and view to the garden.

"I hope you're comfortable in your stay with us, Jade" The nurse commented but Jade ignored her. "Doctor Edwards will see you in a few hours, as for now, make yourself at home" she said and left so Jade sighed, she couldn't believe she was actually in a mental clinic.

Five weeks later the gang was at school having lunch but they weren't talking at all so Tori decided to break the silence. "Do you guys think Jade is okay?" She asked worriedly.

"She's in a really good place, I've read good reviews" Robbie commented.

"Her father said that she wasn't happy about being left there, though" Beck said and sighed sadly. "However, I hope it's helping her"

"Can we go see her?" Cat asked.

"Mr. West said she can have visitors on Fridays" Andre informed.

"Tomorrow's Friday" Cat said excitedly. "Can we go tomorrow?"

"Sure, let's hope she agrees to see us" Next day Beck drove everyone to the clinic and they went to the garden to wait for Jade; a few minutes later they saw her accompanied by a nurse walking towards them and they immediately stood up.

"Jade!" Cat said happily and hugged her so Jade hugged her back. "We've missed you"

"How are you?" Tori questioned nicely but Jade was just staring at them emotionlessly.

"Your scars look better" Robbie complimented, Jade was wearing jeans and a plain gray tee so they could see her arms.

"Are you gonna speak at all?" Beck asked and Jade sighed.

"Jade, did you take your antidepressants?" The nurse questioned and Jade rolled her eyes but nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna leave you here and trust you but remember I'll check you when the visit is over and I hope not to find any sharp object"

"Do you think we'll give her a sharp object?" Tori questioned confused.

"Happens sometimes and with her it's happened once" The nurse informed and Jade looked down.

"I told you I never asked for it, why didn't you believe me?" Jade questioned annoyed.

"What happened?" Beck asked.

"A young lady came to visit and said she was Jade's friend, they talked and when the visit was over I found a pair of scissors in her pocket" The nurse responded.

"That bitch wasn't my friend, she came because Daniel told her to" Jade informed.

"But you accepted the scissors and didn't report her" The nurse commented.

"That was on my first week here, drop it…I haven't tried anything" Jade said upset.

"I know, Jade and I hope you will continue like this but you've been warned" The nurse said and walked away so Jade rolled her eyes.

"That woman is after me all the time, it drives me crazy" Jade commented annoyed.

"Why?" Cat asked.

"She's my personal nurse, her job is to make sure I take my medicine and stay alive" She explained.

"How do they treat you here?" Beck asked.

"Horrible, I can't access the internet or make calls without someone hearing it and they don't let me drink coffee" Jade said.

"How about therapy?" Andre questioned and she shrugged.

"It's okay, I guess…" Jade answered. "I like talking with him, he doesn't judge me"

"I'm glad you like it" Beck said and she turned to him embarrassedly.

"Listen, I'm sorry for blaming you for…what I did" Jade said sincerely and he stared at her surprised. "I've realized this is my responsibility and all I've done is try to find excuses or blame it on others"

"It's okay, don't worry…you were partly right" Beck said sincerely.

"No, I wasn't…I've realized I was to you what Daniel was to me, when it comes to jealousy, of course" Jade commented. "Listen, this is hard for me to admit but…I was just afraid you would realize there are girls out there who are way better than me and you would end up leaving me" she said while looking down. "It's stupid, I know but it's how I felt and I guess that's what made you get tired of me in the end…how ironic"

"Jade, listen…" Beck started but she interrupted him.

"No, let me finish…I need to get it out now or maybe I'll regret it later" Jade said and continued. "It's not your fault that I went back to self-harming and it's not your fault that I tried to kill myself, that was just a mistake…I was afraid I would be put here after you found out" she commented and shook her head while chuckling. "My whole life is so ironic, nothing turns out the way i plan it" she said and sighed. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is…sorry" Jade said and turned to Beck. "I never wanted to make your life miserable and I know that you tried to make our relationship work but…I ruined it, I really did and you have no idea how much I regret it, especially because when Daniel entered my life I was in a dark place and he seemed the light…but he ended up being the biggest shadow"

Everyone was just listening sadly but happy that she'd realized things so they looked at each other not knowing what to say. "I see you're seeing things a lot better now so I believe it's the right time to talk" Beck said and she turned to him.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Jade questioned.

"You and me" He said and Jade looked to the other side. "Listen, Jade, it's true that your jealousy was partly what harmed our relationship but it was also my fault and it's also hard to admit this because it wasn't right of me…but you were right when you said I made you feel you were an option"

"It was true, though" Jade commented.

"No and let me finish" Beck demanded. "I didn't treat you like you deserved to be treated, at least not all the time…I enjoyed making you jealous and having certain control over you" He admitted ashamedly and she looked at him surprised. "It wasn't even a conscious thing, I just liked it when you got jealous, when you asked me to say I love you, all those little cute things you did made me feel good and it was egocentric of me because I never actually thought I was making you feel bad" He confessed sadly.

"You don't have to do this" Jade said.

"Yes, I do…I need to" Beck responded. "But even though I wasn't the person you deserved, I love you, I've always loved you and you weren't just an option, you were the one girl I wanted, the one and only girl I want" He affirmed and she looked at him not knowing what to believe. "Right after I broke up with you, I realized what a horrible mistake I'd made…at first I panicked because I thought you would crack and then when you didn't, I was glad but when you started dating Daniel, I just wanted to punch myself because I'd given you to him" Beck commented upset. "And the worst part was that he seemed to be making you happier than I ever did, he did things right…at first, so I was burning up in rage, I was angry with myself for being so stupid to let you go, I knew he made you happy and you'd realized you don't need me"

"Beck…" Jade said but he continued.

"No, Jade, this is necessary, I need you to understand that I love you, I really do and I'm an idiot for not showing you how much you're worth" Beck said sincerely with tears in his eyes as he got on his knees in front of her so he would see her face to face. "It was MY mistake what caused yours, I knew how you were and I used it to feed my ego….and you have no idea how much I regret it because you deserve better, much better" He affirmed and she looked down. "I just want you to know that you're worth gold, Jade, you're amazing and I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to show you that, but I love you, I really do...However, I get it if you don't love me back anymore, I deserve it"

"Are you being honest?" Jade asked.

"Completely" Beck affirmed and she looked down. "What? What are you thinking?"

"Umm…I'm just confused" Jade responded. "I know I loved you…a lot, I really did and then when Daniel appeared, I loved the idea of being with someone who impressed me every time but I don't think I ever loved HIM" she commented and sighed. "Maybe…my feelings never changed" she said and he stared at her smiling a little.

"Are you saying you still love me?" Beck questioned and Jade stared at him emotionlessly.

"I don't know" Jade responded sincerely. "Perhaps but it's not good for me to think about being with someone right now, I need to recover my life first"

"Of course…but that gives me hope" Beck commented and winked at her so she laughed.

"You're unbelievable" Jade said while shaking her head and then her nurse came back.

"Jade, the visit is over" She informed and Jade nodded before standing up. "You know what to do" Jade rolled her eyes and proceeded to open her arms and legs, the nurse started touching her all over to make sure she didn't have anything on her and then nodded. "Clean"

"I told you it wouldn't happen again" Jade commented and the nurse smiled.

"Let's go, Doctor Edwards is waiting" Jade stayed in the clinic for a few weeks more and she was finally released so her father and friends went to greet her outside the clinic. When they saw her again, she looked completely changed, she was still the Jade they remembered but she seemed a lot more confident.

"Hello honey" Mr. West said.

"Hey dad" Jade responded and hugged him.

"I'm so happy to see you like this, so changed" He said and she exhaled gladly.

"Me too" She said and turned to her friends.

"Jade!" Cat exclaimed happily and they all hugged her but after a few seconds she started pushing them back.

"Okay, that's enough" Jade said annoyed and they started chuckling.

"It's good to have you back" Beck said and grabbed her hand so she pulled it back smiling uncomfortably. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm perfectly fine" Jade responded.

"I thought you said you loved me" Beck commented and Jade shrugged.

"Things aren't that easy" She said and he raised an eyebrow at her confused.

"So…what are we now?" He questioned.

"Friends, I guess" Jade commented.

"You don't want to get back together with me?" He asked.

"First, you haven't asked me and second, you have to earn it" Jade said and he stared at her surprised but smiling.

"I have to earn it?" Beck questioned surprised and she nodded.

"It's totally up to you, I'm not gonna be chasing you again" Jade responded and smiled at him casually before turning to her friends, who were just trying not to break out laughing at Beck's shocked expression. "Let's go…" she said and started walking away but then Beck suddenly turned her around and put her close to him as she stared at his face with a proud smirk.

"Challenge accepted"

Beck indeed had to work and put a lot of effort into recovering Jade's love, she sometimes gave him hope and sometimes acted like she didn't care to make him feel what she'd felt during their relationship but after a few months, she finally said yes and they became a couple again. Lots of things happened that year but by the end of it, Jade was in a much better place that she'd been the previous time, she was more mature and more stable and so was Beck; he had to learn to appreciate Jade more and he always tried to remind her how important she was to him, just so she would never have to find a new love again.

Happy ending!

I hope you guys enjoyed! :)

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