~Chapter Fourteen~

After our six months of training we headed home, when we arrived we were greeted with hugs and smiles. They were all asking what we had learned and were happy to note that we had all gotten stronger and not as reckless (meaning they stopped destroying towns and cities).

Everything was fine; until the darkness came and with it a man named Daechir, meaning Shadow Lord/ King.

Despite the name and title, he wasn't married to Daeris, in fact he had no relation to her at all.

Daechir told us that what he wanted was me. My soul. My being. My power. Everything. He wouldn't get it though. After battling for days on end we emerged victorious. Daeris, Gailil, and Nengwen came to our plane and congratulated us on a job well done.

"And that honey, is how I came to possess Veryn." I told my five-year-old daughter on my lap.

"Now, time for bed pumpkin." Laxus says.

"But daddy," Angela whines.

"No buts. Get to bed." I say.

She climbs into bed and with a kiss good night she is fast asleep. With a smile I close the door, letting my daughter get some sleep.