A/N: Okay this is a male x male story. With Blue Bloods character Jamie Reagan and Supernatural character Dean Winchester. This is currently a one shot. Unless someone requests for more and if that is so this will probably turn into a collection of one shots. I am sorry!

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural The C.W. assumes the rights of the show and Blue Bloods right belongs to CBS.

Timeline: No real timeline for Blue Bloods but Eddie is Jamie's partner. As for Supernatural season 11. This is also an A.U. of both shows so be forewarned. Good? Good let's get this show on the road.

Jamie Reagan slept peacefully on his right side. When he was awoken by the gentle feel of a calloused hand run through his hair. He smiled gently then he gingerly pried his green eyes. When his eyes were fully open they were meet with a brighter pair of green eyes. Jamie grinned slightly before propping himself up on his elbows. As soon as he was up on his elbows he gently kissed the other man on the lips. Jamie almost laughed when he felt Dean smirk in victory at Jamie kissing him. Jamie instead settled for rolling his eyes.

"I missed you. How long has it been?"

Jamie said to Dean softly. Dean gave a soft smile kissing Jamie softly on the lips again.

"I missed you to and too long!"

Jamie noticed the stress on Dean's face. He frowned and he cupped Dean's face in his hands.

"Hey. Hey look me. Dean look at me."

Jamie ordered softly and Dean looked at him. Jamie gave a soft sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Dean talked and he talked and talked. Jamie listened. He did not say anything just listened to Dean. About how Sam went to Hell possessed by Lucifer. Lisa and Ben also. The issues with Castiel. Bobby's death. Meeting Henry Winchester. Abaddon. Leviathans. Sam trying to finish the trials and begin possessed by Gadreel. The Mark of Cain. Killing Death. Rowena. Lucifer possessing Cas. Charlie's death. Killing Cyrus. Amara and so much more. So much death and betrayal. When Dean just broke down.

"Oh, God Jamie! I could not protect Sammy. My kid brother Sammy. A-a-and I almost listened to Death!"

Dean weeped as he struggled to calm himself down and he failed. After a while he calmed down enough to talk again.

"I failed Sammy Jay. I failed him! After Charlie was murdered I blamed him! Then Cyrus oh christ! Cyrus he had his whole life ahead of him and I killed him!"

"Dean, Dean this is not your fault! They all made their choices and you can not change that. You just have to believe that the future well be different. I can guarantee you that it will because I am with you. I got you"

"I love you Jamie I love you with my whole heart. But you can not do this! Everybody I love dies. Or I ruin there lives. I refuse to let that happen to you Jamie!"

"I am tougher than I look Dean. I am a Police Officer for a reason. I can look after myself. Also I know you got me."

Dean grinned saying something under his breath. Jamie sent Dean a quizzically look. Dean just grinned at him that would be worthy of a rogue. Dean smirked and kissed Jamie firmly on the lips. Lounging at Jamie. Dean draped himself across Jamie and made sure Jamie was firmly at his side.

"Goodnight Jamie, I love you and I got you. We are both safe."

"Night Dean and love you to."

With that the two men fell asleep. Jamie nuzzled in Dean's arm and Dean curled protectively around Jamie.

A/N: Okay this sucks. I am well aware of that but constructive criticism would be nice or just a comment in general. Also sorry about the OOC for both characters. I just needed to have Dean talk to someone with what has been happening in the last few seasons and well this happened. Have a nice Day, Night, or Evening ladies and gents.