Yeah, I know... I haven't updated in months and I come out with another new story... This just came into my head and I really wasn't going to publish it, I was just gonna use it to get the proverbial juices going, however I just couldn't resist once I started writing! I swear I'm not going to abandon any of my other stories, but I just got a bit sidetracked by college and life...

So yeah, Jak and Daxter was a favorite video game series of mine, and I really liked all of them, this story popped into my head a few years ago. Yes it's another neglect fic, but this one is a bit different from the others I've written. Of course a harem.

So, let's get started!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, the Jak and Daxter series, or any other media that may appear in this or any of my other stories.

Konohagakure no Sato.

If one were to look upon Konohagakure no Sato, then they would see the strongest hidden village in the elemental nations. Led by Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage, who spent every day watching over his beloved village, then going home to his loving wife Kushina, and adoring daughter Naruko and son Menma. One would think that they were a picture perfect family, nothing wrong and all the happiness they could ask for.

They would be wrong.

Sitting atop the Hokage monument, gazing up into the starry sky, was a young boy of about ten years old with sun kissed blonde hair gently spiking up around his head, and rather strange eyes. If one looked at them, they would seem blue, or violet, in reality, Naruto's eyes were a strange combination of both colors. It looked as if his iris' were normally violet, but bits of blue were leaking in from the pupil. It was just a strange genetic mutation though, nothing spectacular, while rare. This was Naruto Namikaze, the eldest child of Minato and Kushina. In order to understand why their family was not perfect, like everyone believed, one must understand what took place on the night of the twin's birth.

A masked man came and ripped the Kyuubi no Kitsune out of Kushina, who was weak from childbirth, and made it attack the village. Minato managed to subdue it long enough to use a forbidden fuinjutsu to seal it away, but not before splitting it. He split the chakra from the beast itself, thinking that it would be easier to contain that way. He sealed the chakra into Naruko, and the biju itself into Naruto. Normally, using this jutsu would take the user's soul, but the Shinigami decided that he would let Minato go, mostly since he was way backed up on work, and he was gonna get the soul sometime anyway. However, this had some unforeseen consequences, they started training Naruko and Menma when the twins were five, claiming that they needed to teach her how to control the Kyuubi's chakra, and since Menma had shown the ability to use chakra chains, he could help keep her calm. Naruto had no problem with this at first.

Three years later, he had a problem with it. When Naruko still couldn't control the youki a few months later, they devoted even more time to her training, but she was never even able to handle a single tail without going berserk. Their parents thought that it was because her own chakra was weak and minuscule compared to the Kyuubi's, so they trained her to be a ninja. They also put more time into Menma's training, wanting him t be ready for any situation. However, whenever Naruto tried to join in, it was the same promise over and over again...

'We'll train you later Naruto, after Naruko gets a handle on her youki.'

Naruto was no fool, he could tell that there was no way she would ever control it, but Minato and Kushina would never acknowledge it. Eventually, they started leaving him out of other things, family outings, events, parties. Hell, they had even forgotten his birthday the past two years, pathetic when you think that his and his sibling's are the same. Anyway, he was obviously pissed. However, he had come to an ultimatum with himself, if they didn't notice him by his birthday party tomorrow night, he would leave the village. What for, he didn't know yet. Greener pastures maybe? It really wouldn't be a problem, he had nobody in the village. Well, except Itachi-nii and Hiruzen-jiji. But he thought they expected him to leave at some point. The whole village didn't like him as a matter of fact...

Naruto stared up at the stars for a little while longer before sitting up and rising to go back to the estate. As he walked, a glint caught his eye, a small green light...

It was tiny, but Naruto was sure he'd seen something... He slowly and cautiously walked closer, and as he went, he saw more of the lights floating around, little green balls of energy, they felt... soothing... He kept following them until he reached a clearing. In the center of the clearing was an old man meditating, he was about 5'4" with a large white beard, white hair wrapped around a small log, complete with a small bird sitting on it. He was wearing brown and green robes with a dark orange sash, leather wristbands, small glasses, and wooden geta that looked like he just put leather straps on two more logs. He was also carrying a staff, his skin strangely enough had a small bit of a green tinge to it, along with his ears being long and pointed lastly, he was floating a few feet above the ground...

As Naruto walked into the clearing, the old man's eyes snapped open and he whirled around to point his staff at Naruto, "Confound it boy! Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone's meditation!" He yelled in a surprisingly powerful voice.

Naruto jumped and started to explain himself, "S-sorry sir! I was just following these little balls of light..."

It was then that the old man looked around and saw all the energy around him, it was strange... it should have faded away when he stopped meditating... unless... He looked over to Naruto and saw that he had managed to catch a bit of the light in his hands, and was examining it closely, with a small but excited smile on his face. He didn't even notice how some had touched his back and seeped into his skin.

"It's called Eco boy." Naruto looked up at the old man when he heard that, "My name is Samos Hagai, and I am a sage."

Naruto's eyes widened significantly, "A sage? Like Jiraiya?"

Samos scoffed and said, "The toad sage is no real sage. It is true that he can draw upon nature energy, but any halfwit with a connection to nature can as well. The toad sage just knows how to absorb it and use it to strengthen himself. I am a true sage, who knows the true form of nature energy and how it works. Not even the elder toad can compare to my knowledge."

Naruto was in awe, "Can you train me!"

Samos was so surprised that he dropped to the ground, before picking himself up, "Are you insane boy!? It's not something you can just learn! Besides, don't you have parents to teach you?"

Naruto's smile dropped and he gained a sad expression, "I do have parents, but they don't really care about me anymore..."

Samos looked at him for a while before sighing, "Tell me your story, boy."

Naruto was confused, but complied, "Well, I should start by saying that my name is Naruto..."

So, Naruto told the old sage about his life, and why he had said what he did, Samos listened patiently while Naruto spoke. Even though he was the picture of calm, Samos was boiling on the inside, he was appalled at what he was hearing! When Naruto was done, Samos spoke, "I'll tell you what Naruto... I originally came here because this village has the best places to get in touch with Eco, but you've caught my interest. Meet me here tomorrow morning and I'll then test you, if you pass, and if you're right in thinking that they'll forget you again, then I'll take you with me and train you. Deal?"

Naruto beamed, "Deal!"

The Next Morning, in the clearing.

Naruto arrived back in the clearing after making himself a small breakfast and leaving the Namikaze Estate. When he entered, he saw Samos sitting cross legged down on the ground, the sage turned to him and said, "Come Naruto, sit across from me."

Naruto obeyed and sat across from Samos, who gave him an appraising look before looking down at a small sapling in front of them, "Tell me, what do you see here?"

Naruto looked down before turning to Samos with a confused face, "It's a sapling, why?"

Samos nodded, an expected answer from someone so young, "Good, now I want you to tell me what you feel in this clearing, don't think, feel..."

The blonde nodded and concentrated hard on the plant, before he just lost interest in it and started spacing out a bit... He couldn't help it, when he was outside in nature, he just zoned out every now and again. However, he still answered Samos' question, "I can't explain it... I feel a weird energy all around me... In the ground, the plant, even in the wind... I can even feel it flowing inside me..."

Samos gained a small smile and a glint in his eye, "That is Eco... much like the energy you saw last night, but in it's whole form. An all-encompassing energy which binds us together, flowing through us and the planet itself. Now, let me explain it a bit deeper... Pay attention, because it's a long explanation and I don't want to repeat myself."

Naruto nodded and listened as Samos explained, "There are six types of Eco in the world. Green Eco, which is what you say last night, is the energy of life. It can heal almost any injury or sickness. Even someone trained in the basics of manipulating green Eco can put Tsunade Senju to shame in healing. Blue Eco is the energy of motion, when blue Eco is being channeled, it can speed up your muscles, nerves, brain, anything in the body connected to the brain's electrical impulses. A master can go so fast that they can go from zero to the speed of light in an instant. Red Eco is the energy of force, it can make a body incredibly durable, and increase strength by ten-fold. A master can break a mountain in a single punch. Yellow Eco is the energy of emotion, the stronger your feelings, the stronger it's power. It acts however you choose to form it, as a ball, or a stream. It will use the strength of your emotions to burn away the opponent. Now, here come the two most important types of Eco in existence. Dark Eco, the essence of destruction. It destroys anything that it comes into contact with, and anything that isn't destroyed is warped and mutated beyond all recognition. It is the most dangerous of all Eco. Lastly, there is Light Eco, the rarest of all Eco, it is the energy of creation, there is little on it's specific powers, but it has been said that should one master the power of light Eco, then they shall gain the power of a god, even the ability to bring the dead back to life..." With that, Samos stopped and watched Naruto's reaction.

Naruto was processing everything he had just been told, it was all amazing... Eco was greater than any jutsu or power he had ever heard about or read about, "Wow... You can do all that?"

Samos laughed and shook his head, "No I cannot. I have merely devoted myself to the study of Eco. You see, only certain people can channel Eco through their bodies, but it takes years of training. I myself can only channel Green Eco. However... there are people born every few centuries that can channel Eco as easily as breathing..."

Naruto spent the whole rest of the day listening to Samos explain, about Eco, about the precursors, about anything and everything he could think to teach. When it came time for Naruto to return home, he left the clearing with a headache from everything he'd learned. But he had a megawatt smile on his face that put the sun to shame. As he entered his house, he saw his parents and siblings having fun, with a banner that read 'Happy birthday Naruko and Menma!' written across it. He watched as they walked into the backyard and how everyone flocked to them, praising the twins and shoving presents onto them... Not a single person acknowledged his presence. He went out into the yard and sat down, watching the festivities from the shadows of the house. A few hours later, everyone had left, and his parents and siblings had went inside to have dinner, no doubt not setting a place for him...

By now his mood was sufficiently dampened. He put his head down onto his knees until a shadow came over him. He looked up to see Samos looking down at him with a saddened gaze, "I... I admit that I hoped you were exaggerating last night... But now I see just how honest you were being... Very well then. Pack your things and let's go."

Naruto's eyes went wide, "You were serious!?"

Samos' eye twitched as he lightly bopped Naruto on the head with his staff, "Of course I was! Now hop to it Naruto. We have a long way to go."

Naruto nodded vigorously and decided to forgo going inside, instead choosing to climb up the side of the house, open his bedroom window, and climb in that way. A few minutes later, he reemerged with a duffel bag crammed with clothes, along with a backpack filled with books and scrolls.

Together the two left the estate and headed for the village gate. When they arrived, the two guards perked up, Samos just walked up to them and quickly hit them with his staff, hard enough to knock them out. He then placed a hand on their heads and messed with their memories a bit. As Naruto walked down the path away from Konoha with his new teacher, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him...

Six Years Later - Small Island far off the coast of Kaminari no Kuni.

A now 16 year old Naruto lie down on a straw roof. He hadn't changed much really, he had grown more handsome, his face becoming more angular, his whisker marks gaining some thickness to them, and his ears had gained a small elfish point to them. He was wearing black shinobi sandals, brown cargo shorts tucked into the sandals, a grey-blue tank top with a leather harness around his chest, looking like it was meant to hold a sword, a small metal shoulder pad on his left shoulder, and black elbow length fingerless gloves, each with three raised metal domes made of precursor metal, about two inches across, and the tallest point only raising only one and a half centimeters off the glove. There was one on the back of both his hands, and the other four were on his forearms, two on each. They were engraved with ancient symbols and runes that even a trained scholar would be lost on. His hair had grown longer, reaching down to mid-back in a low ponytail, tied with a band under his neck and between his shoulder blades. Lastly, there were two bangs hanging down in front of his ears, there also seemed to be a strand of prayer beads braided into each of them.

Another piece of interesting information, Naruto was on very good terms with Kyuubi, or Kurama. Turns out that he would soon become a full jinchuuriki. As it happens, Naruko only had a fixed amount of youki in her system. It wouldn't replenish at all, since it was cut off from the source, while the biju itself was regaining it's chakra just like a human. Something that Kurama always mocked Minato for whenever the chance popped up.

Naruto relished in the feel of the warm sun on his skin... This was always the best part of his day, when training was over, and he could just relax on the roof of the hut in peace...

"Hey Naruto!" Well, almost peace. Naruto didn't mind though, it was better than his sensei yelling at him for something. He looked down to see a shapely girl his age with short blue and green hair, and green eyes, along with ears just as pointed as his. She was wearing tight fitting purple shorts that went down to just above her knees, where they were tied off with black ribbons, held up by black suspender straps, brown sandals, a white top that shaped her for well, while showing her midriff. Lastly, she had fanny pack on that she was stuffing a pair of leather working gloves into.

Naruto blinked a few times before smiling at her, "Yo Keira." This was Keira Hagai, Samos' daughter and Naruto's best and most trusted friend. Not saying much, but it was true. He slid down the roof of the hut and landed next to her, towering over her 5'5" with his height of 6'2", "What's up?"

She smiled and said, "I'm gonna go walk around the beach, wanna join me?"

"Sure, why not?" The blonde said with a smile. Keira beamed and turned to head toward the beach. (For an image of the island, just imagine Sandover village with just Samos' hut, no other structures except for the precursor stuff. Also, there's no fire canyon. If they climbed that cliff, it'd just lead to a sheer drop into the ocean, with geyser rock a few dozen yards out.)

As the two walked down the beach, a small yellow and black spotted creature about the size of a housecat jumped up on Naruto's shoulder and rubbed it's face on his. (It's the sculptor's muse.) Naruto brought a hand up and gave it a few rubs on the head before it settled down on his shoulders with it's head on his shoulder pad.

Keira laughed at this a bit, "Lazy little thing isn't she?"

Naruto chuckled as well, "Yeah, but I wouldn't have her any other way. Isn't that right Muse?" The small animal gave a small meow much like a cat before going back to sleep. Naruto and Keira walked in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes before Naruto looked to his companion, "Have you given it anymore thought?"

Keira, knowing what he was talking about, looked down at the sand, "I've thought about it... But I just don't know. I want to go with you, but I also don't want to leave Tou-san all alone..."

Naruto nodded, he could understand. He was planning on going back to the elemental nations when Samos had deemed him ready. Of course the old sage knew what Naruto planned to do. He had felt that Naruto would return someday ever since they left for the island. Naruto was all set to go really, there was just one more thing he needed to do, and that was to see if Keira wanted to join him. He would of course be disappointed if she didn't but he understood her reasons, he didn't want to leave Samos all alone either...

It wasn't just his desire to have a friend along for the ride though. Despite being more of a thinking type, Keira was a powerful fighter. From working on machines and her inventions constantly, she was really strong, and she was very good at taijutsu. Not only that, but she was a bit of a weapon's mistress. Not one who used a new weapon every attack, but she often switched between weapons during their spars.

The two spent the next few hours exploring and just enjoying each other's company, before returning to the hut.

A few Days Later.

Keira lie in bed staring up at the cieling, her brain refusing to sleep until she had an answer. She needed one, Naruto was leaving the next morning! As much as she wanted to go with him... to be with him... She couldn't just leave her father all by himself for who knows how long... Her mind started to drift back to some times with Naruto that stuck out in her memory...


"Keira, this is Naruto, he's going to be staying with us for a while. He's my new student in the study of Eco."

A young Naruto looked anxiously at the young girl in front of him, he hoped that she didn't hate him like the villagers...

She gained a bright smile and said, "Hi there, I'm Keira! It's so nice to have someone to play with here now!" With that, she grabbed his arm and dragged him all throughout the island in an impromptu tour.

A 12 year old Keira looked around the thick jungle of the island edge, she had wandered in here while exploring with Naruto, and now she had gotten lost! As she looked around, she wondered if she would ever be found... Her father had stressed for them to never ever go into the forest, and now she was lost in it...

"S-someone? Anyone!? Hello!" She called in vain.

She was about to have a panic attack when Naruto suddenly burst through the foliage, "Keira! There you are-" He was cut off by said girl crashing into his chest and crying onto it. He just smiled down at her and placed a hand on her head before leading her back out of the forest and back to the hut.

This time, we see the scene of a 15 year old Naruto and Keira, sitting atop one of the stone towers at the end of Sentinel Beach. They had just went a few rounds in sparing and were totally wiped out. They were content to just sit on the floor of the tower and watch the sun set against the clear blue water...

Naruto fidgeted a bit before speaking, "Keira... I'm planning on leaving once I finish my training. I want to head back to the nations and become a ninja."

Keira looked like she had been struck, "What! You're just gonna leave? What about me and Tou-san?"

Naruto looked out at the water, "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about... I wanted to know if... you wanted to go with me."

Her eyes shot wide open before she looked out at the sunset and asked, "If I didn't, would you forget about me?"

This time it was Naruto's eyes that went wide, he gently took Keira's chin and turned her to face him, "I would never forget about you Keira. You're my best friend, even if you decide not to go, no matter where I go, no matter who I meet, you will always have a place in my heart."

She nodded with a small smile, before the two stared at each other... Soon, they started moving closer, Keira's eyes slowly closing as she leaned forward, with Naruto doing the same... their lips were only a centimeter apart...


The two jumped apart and blushed an atomic red, before gathering themselves up and heading back to the village.

She groaned at her little trip down memory lane before throwing the blankets off and leaving the hut, walking to the shore and staring out at the distant shore of Kaminari no Kuni, her nightgown blowing gently in the wind.

"Something on your mind my dear?"

Keira jumped and turned to find her father behind her, he gave her a warm smile, something rarely seen, even by Naruto. It's not like he didn't care about them, he just didn't show it in smiles very often. She shook her head and gave a smile, "I'm fine Tou-san. I just wanted some fresh air..."

Samos shook his own head with a small chuckle, "I know you better than that Keira. You're conflicted about whether or not to go with Naruto." At her surprised look he rolled his eyes, "Come now Keira, I'm a sage. Plus, he asked me if it was alright with me to ask you."

She nodded and looked out at the ocean for a while before speaking, "I just... I don't want you to be alone..."

Samos nodded and stroked his beard a bit, "I thought as much... Keira, look at me please." She turned to look her father in the eyes, "I will not deny that you leaving would be hard for me. I have grown quite fond of Naruto, and you're my daughter, of course I'll miss you terribly. But, I can't let you stay here your whole life, you deserve to go out there and experience the world, I see it, there are days when you can hardly stand the island anymore! ...Keira, what I'm trying to say, is that your future lies with Naruto in the Nations, not here keeping me company for your whole life... Besides, it's not like it'd be goodbye forever! You can easily get through the illusion surrounding the island."

Keira was in tears as she thought about what her father had said, "I know... But I'm scared... I haven't been off this island in my life! It's just so... daunting..."

Samos smiled again and took her hands, "You'll be alright Keira... You'll have Naruto with you, and you can handle yourself very well. You two will do great things, I'm sure of it. But... not if you stay on this island your whole life."

Keira nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes, a small smile on her face. The two then went back to the hut to get some sleep.

The next Morning.

Naruto placed the last storage scroll into a holder on the side of Keira's A-Grav Zoomer, Muse sitting on the handlebars. A machine she had built from precursor metal and hard work. He turned to see Samos and Keira there to see him off. He smiled sadly at them, "I promise to come visit as often as I can... I'll miss you guys."

Samos nodded and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "My boy, it's been an honor teaching you, and I can only hope that you'll remember my teachings, and how the gloves work..." Naruto smiled sadly and nodded before turning to Keira, only to find her not there. Upon hearing a meow from Muse, he turned to see Keira loading her own scrolls onto the Zoomer.

She turned to him and winked, "What? You didn't think I'd miss out on this did you?"

Naruto gained a huge smile as he grabbed her in a hug and spun her around, laughing all the way. Samos shook his head and smacked him, "Now then, if you two want to make good time then you'd better get going now... I just want to say... I'm proud of you both. Protect each other, and stay safe..."

The two nodded as they said their goodbyes, a handshake for Naruto, and a huge hug from Keira. Samos watched as they sped off on the Zoomer, a few tears leaking from his eyes as he watched his daughter and his apprentice speed off. He wiped the tears away and yelled one last piece of advice at them...

On the Zoomer.

The two were speeding away toward the mainland when they heard Samos' voice carrying over the waves... Carrying one last piece of sagely advice for our two heroes, "NARUTO I SWEAR IF YOU GET MY DAUGHTER PREGNANT I'D BETTER SEE A RING ON HER FINGER WITHIN A MONTH OR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON MY MANTLE!"

The two teens started to resemble tomatoes as they rolled over the waves, "I agree with the sage. You must tap it at some point kit." Said a deep voice from Naruto's head.

Naruto ignored it and kept steering the Zoomer. However, it was hard to ignore Muse's staring at him like she agreed...

Coast of Kaminari no Kuni.

Keira had sealed the Zoomer away in a storage scroll, which she placed into a holder on her belt, along with a few other scrolls. She turned to see Naruto placing a sword into the harness on his back, it was a Katana that she herself had made for him. It was four feet long, with one foot being the handle. The whole thing was made of precursor metal, carefully cut, shaped, and sharpened in her father's yellow Eco lava forge. In essence, the sword was made using her own emotions for the blonde, she had poured her heart into making the sword, and it showed. When even Samos tried to appraise it, it just wouldn't work for him, it felt wrong in his hands, even Keira wasn't able to use it effectively. However, when Naruto used it, it was like an extension of his arm. The tsuba was the same orange red color of every other precursor structure, in the shape of a symbol they had found, the seal of Mar, an ancient warrior with the same power with Eco as Naruto. The blade was a pale orange, due to Keira wearing it down to shape the blade, something interesting that they'd discovered, precursor metal conducted Eco, as well as chakra even better than chakra metal. The handle was wrapped in interwoven leather and green fabric, lastly, the pommel was two hollow circles intersecting to form a kind of globe shape.

Naruto finished making sure the sword was secure and turned back to Keira, "Alright, let's get going. We'll head to Konoha, they have a special test for unaffiliated ninja to become members of the shinobi corps."

Keira nodded, "Are you sure Naruto? I know how you feel about that place..."

The blonde sighed and said, "Yeah, I'm sure. It's the only place I feel safe enough to go, as weird as it sounds. Plus, I'll need to confront my past sometime." With that, the two set off down a road toward Konoha.

As they walked, they could't help but be a bit nervous, they had been walking a few hours, and if they were still on the island they'd have reached the other side and gone back by now. After a few more hours of walking they had calmed down a bit and decided to enjoy the scenery. After all, it would be a few more days before they reached Konoha. Of course, Muse slept most of the way.

A few days later - Konohagakure no Sato.

Keira looked around at all the buildings, a bit overwhelmed at the enormity of the village. She turned to the hooded face of Naruto, now wearing a leather, hooded, sleeveless jacket. His bangs with the beads the only part of his hair showing, along with his mouth, his harness and sword now over the jacket, "This place is huge! I don't think we could explore it all as quickly as Sandover Island!"

Naruto chuckled at her, she was totally amazed by everything here, not that he could blame her, "Well we can try that later, for now let's get to the Hokage's office and apply to be ninja." She nodded and followed Naruto, marveling at all the things she saw. When they arrived at the Hokage tower, Naruto walked up to the secretary and said, "Hello there, we're from an island out near Kaminari no Kuni and, we'd like to apply to be ninja please."

The secretary took one look at him, then at Keira marveling at the huge tower, and immediately assumed that they were a couple country kids who thought being ninja was easy. She was going to tell them to scram, but maybe she should send them to the academy so they could see what it really took to be ninja... Yeah, that'd work, "Sure, just take this to the academy and show it to Iruka in class 5. He'll get you straightened out." She said with a slightly condescending smile.

The two nodded and headed off for the academy, when they left the tower Naruto scoffed, "Did you see that way she looked at us? Like she was somehow better than us because we weren't from the village."

Keira nodded with a huff, "Well, I'll guess we'll just have to show them how strong we really are." She said with a challenging look.

The two arrived at the academy and found out where Iruka's class was, then they headed up and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, a man with a scar across his nose and his hair in a pineapple style opened the door, "Yes, can I help you two?" Naruto handed him the note and he took a minute to read it, 'These two came in wanting to take the freelance ninja test. I thought that maybe they could use a little lesson in what a real ninja was like, just don't be too hard on them okay?' Iruka sighed at the secretary's handwriting. He new the rule that everyone got a shot, no matter what she thought of them. But since they were here, it couldn't hurt to test them... He was going to report to the Hokage the before graduation the next day anyway.

Iruka gave them a smile, "I'm sorry to say, but the secretary had you come here to get beaten and then leave... But don't worry, I'll give you two a test then personally give the Hokage an evaluation. For now, just come inside and hang out until class is over. By the way, what are your names?"

Keira smiled and said, "Keira and Naruto Hagai."

Iruka nodded as the two walked in, Naruto was immediately regretting his decision... His siblings were sitting right there staring at the two. Not only them, there were quite a few people there who bullied him when he was a child. Ino Yamanaka... Sakura Haruno... Sasuke Uchiha... Plus all the civilian kids who liked to gang up on him. However, Naruto noticed that most of the girls in the class looked like they wanted to grab Muse and squeeze the life out of her, Kami knows Keira did when she met her...

Anyway, his siblings had changed quite a bit. Menma looked like a miniature Minato, with an orange tracksuit jacket and black pants. A white shirt underneath, and blue ninja sandals. Naruko had her blonde air done up in twintails and was wearing white short shorts, a black long sleeved shirt with a V neck showing some cleavage, and a pink scarf loosely draped over her shoulders, with black ninja sandals reaching under her knees. She still had the same whiskers as Naruto, but thinner. (Everyone is in their shippuden outfits. Menma is cannon Naruto with no whiskers and his modified outfit, Naruko is Naruto in sexy jutsu form, just with clothes.)

Iruka turned to the class, "These two will just be here observing until the end of class. I'm going to give them a freelance test." At their confused look, he elaborated, "The freelance test is a ninja exam open only to people not from Konoha who are too old to start the academy." Keira immediately noticed the annoyed looks from people, no doubt assuming that she and Naruto were thinking it'd be easy. They took their seats at the back of the class and sat quietly as Iruka went through the rest of his lesson. A few hours later when he was done, he said, "Alright, that's it for today! You kids can head home. Alright you two, please follow me out to the training field." When they arrived, Iruka saw that all the students had come to watch. As he decided how to test them, he had an idea, "They're testing to become gennin, so why not have them fight a gennin?" He then gestured for one of them to come forward, Keira being the one who did. Iruka then turned to his students, "Ino, how would you like to fight her?"

Said girl was a bit surprised, but decided that it was a chance to show off to Sasuke. Plus this girl was showing her up in beauty! Ino walked out onto the sparring field as Iruka decided to be a referee, "Alright, this will be an anything goes match, if I feel that it's over then I'll step in and stop it, ready?" He received a nod from both girls, "Hajime!"

Ino immediately rushed forward, thinking it'd be easy to beat Keira, but when she got close and went for a punch Keira merely said, "Are you even trying?" Before she grabbed Ino's wrist, placed a palm on her shoulder, and turned, wrenching Ino's arm and slamming the blonde girl into the ground. Keira jumped back as Ino got to her feet. Ino then grit her teeth and took out a scroll before spinning and releasing a bouquet of flowers that flew toward Keira, "Flower Bomb!". Keira just took out her own scroll. When the bouquet hit, it exploded, everyone thought Keira was done, before she came rushing out of the smoke with a large shield made of precursor metal in front of her, it was triangular in shape and covered her whole body, it had runes all over it and the seal of Mar in the center. Keira moved surprisingly fast and slammed the shield into Ino, sending her tumbling back out of the arena. Iruka even had to help her stand after that attack.

Iruka watched as Keira sealed the shield away in a scroll and walked back over to Naruto, who high-fived her and walked out onto the field to take her place, Muse hopping onto Keira's head. As Iruka was going to pick an opponent, Sasuke stepped out onto the field, with a smug smile on his face, "I'll fight him sensei."

Iruka nodded and sighed, "Fine, same rules as the last match, ready?"

Sasuke smiled arrogantly to himself as he nodded, that girl Keira was strong, and if there was one thing Sasuke liked, it was strength, since he couldn't kill Itachi yet, he might as well start on his secondary goal. Keira was a perfect example of what he wanted, a strong woman who was, of course, attractive enough to arouse his interest. It was obvious that she was close to Naruto, and if it was the same one he knew when they were kids, then it'd be easy to show her how much stronger than him he was.

Receiving his nods, Iruka started the match, "Hajime!"

Sasuke settled into the Interceptor Fist style and waited or Naruto to make the first move. He wasn't disappointed as Naruto shot forward with average gennin level speed, he then went for a straight punch to the chest, which Sasuke easily moved to counter.

Before Naruto disappeared faster than Sasuke could follow, the Uchiha's eyes went wide open, the same with everyone else's. Naruto appeared behind Sasuke and finished the punch, nailing Sasuke with a hit to the back, sending him flying forward.

Iruka took a closer look at the field, and he, much like the more observant gennin of the class, noticed the scorch marks on the ground in a semicircle from where Naruto disappeared from, to where he appeared... Iruka's eyes widened, "That was pure speed!"

Sasuke, after recovering, turned back to his opponent with rage in his eyes. He then went through a flurry of handsigns, "Katon: Gokakyu!" He then shot out a huge fireball at Naruto, who merely lifted a fist, that was suddenly alight with yellow flame-like energy. He readied himself and threw his fist forward, when it made contact with the fireball, there was a small struggle before Naruto made a final push and destroyed the fireball. Sasuke stood stunned that Naruto was able to beat his jutsu with some tiny fire on his fist.

Naruto then let the fire go out and disappeared again, this time appearing in front of Sasuke with his sword at the Uchiha's neck. Iruka then spoke up, "The winner is Naruto! ...Alright everyone. Head home now. We'll meet again tomorrow for the graduation exam." He then turned to Naruto ad Keira, "You two come as well. I'll have your results then, alright?"

They nodded and walked away to the apartment Samos had let them use. Turns out, the old man was loaded! He had the apartment in one of the best buildings in the village. It was even a penthouse suite! They arrived and walked up to take a look. There was only one bed, but they didn't really mind, they'd shared a bed before. (Imagine the custom apartment in GTA Online with the Vibrant interior.)

Naruto stood looking out the window at the village, he then set his hear down and started doing upkeep on his gloves, while Muse took some time to explore the space. Naruto's gloves were very interesting... If anyone who knew the basics of Eco saw his fight, they would wonder how he was able to just use Eco at will without a source, well he did. His gloves. It was something that he and Keira had worked months on to perfect. They had studied Eco vents and tried to reverse engineer them, and they succeeded. The two miniaturized vents on Naruto's forearms were reversed, they drew whatever Eco Naruto wanted in from the Nature energy all around them, while the ones on the back of his hands released excess Eco back into nature after it had circulated through Naruto's system, or he was done with it.

After making sure that the vents were working properly, Naruto sat down on the couch, thinking about what all had happened. Keira sat down next to him, "Are you okay? Being here I mean..."

Naruto sighed and nodded, "I'm fine. Just a little nervous..."

Keira gave him a bright smile, "Well you're not alone! I'm here to keep you company!"

The blonde smiled, "Yeah, thanks Keira."

With Iruka - After Naruto and Keira left.

The academy instructor was walking into the Hokage tower with the student's files under his arm. He was still reeling from what he had seen, he could tell that those two could fight, but to beat his trained students that easily?

He walked past the secretary, who smiled at him, "Hey Iruka, how'd the 'test' go?"

He didn't even look at her, "Those two destroyed Ino and Sasuke with barely any effort." Her jaw dropped to the ground.

Iruka knocked on the door to the Council chambers and waited for the Hokage's voice telling him to enter. He walked in to see Minato, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kushina, the council. and all the Jounin sensei waiting for him. Minato raised an eyebrow, "You're late Iruka, what happened?"

"Something unexpected happened... Two kids showed up, a boy and a girl, the secretary sent them to me to get a freelance test, so I set up some matches between them and Ino Yamanaka as well as Sasuke Uchiha." They all raised a brow at this.

Jiraiya put a hand on his chin, "How'd they do, did they at least hold on for long enough to make the cut?"

Iruka sighed as he thought about how to word this... "Ino was beaten like a gennin taking on a jounin, her opponent threw her around like a ragdoll, then slammed a shield into her, knocking her down and out. Sasuke was utterly destroyed, his opponent moved so fast he scorched the ground and then punched through Sasuke's fireball with a fist covered in yellow fire."

There wasn't a single eye that wasn't widened. Minato narrowed his eyes and said, "Tell us everything..."

Later - Namikaze Estate.

Minato walked into the house and walked into the kitchen to find his wife making dinner. The kids were out in the backyard training, "Kushina. We need to talk."

She turned and saw the serous look on her husband's face, then made a Kage Bunshin to continue dinner as she followed Minato up to their room. When they got their, he turned to her and said, "Today, a boy came to the academy for a freelance test... His name is Naruto Hagai..."

Kushina's eyes widened as she understood, "Naruto? Is it... Is it out Naruto?"

Minato shook his head, "I'm not sure, he was blonde according to Iruka, but I can't be 100 percent sure yet..."

The redhead put her hands up to her face and started praying to every god she knew that this was her baby boy... They knew the mistakes they made with Naruto... They just wanted his siblings to be strong enough that they wouldn't hurt him or themselves later, but they just got so caught up with training his siblings that they just couldn't find the time to be with Naruto. Over time they actually forgot about him... Then they were shattered when they realized that he had left the village. They knew that it was nobody's fault but their own...

They could only hope tht this was him, and that he would let them make up for their mistakes...

With Naruto.

As our blonde hero was polishing his sword, he couldn't help but feel like things were about to get much more complicated... He looked down at Muse, "What do you think we should do?"

She merely gave him a small lick on his cheek and jumped into his lap to sleep. He shook his head, "Just relax and go with the flow? I like your style Muse...

Chapter End!

Finally... Well that definitely helped get my block out... Again, I'm so sorry about the long wait. So, tell me what you think of the new story! I do like hearing what people think, but please no flames or just all around bad reviews... If you don't like something fine, but please don't leave a review all about it. At least make it constructive criticism.

Anyway, once again, hope you guys liked it!

Review please!