phoenix wright ace dudeguy

by jakkid166

(note: dis story takes place AFTR portal 2 so nothin that hapens in that will affect this story so dont fukin complain to me if shits in here dident affect that story)

phoenix wright was in he house takin a shit cause he ate waYYYY to much bok chow and he was about ta blow a hole through his butt


"fFFUFUUCK" said phoenix and he got off the toilet but he stil had to poop so he dident pull his pants up and he hopped over to the door and open it

standin there was VON KARMA GHOST

"sup wright i wanted 2 give yuo this peace treety caus i think we shud set aside our differnc- HOLY SHIT WIRGHT"


"NOT THAT" said karma "ur dick is reaaally tiny"

"well u know what they say" said wright "pencil dick is precision master"

"yea watever you say" said karms "anyway if u sign here then were officially not enemys"

"why should i sign paper" said wright

"i think we can help each uther"

"but how, ur ghost"

"well i can help you in cases and you can help me prostecute"

"ok fine" said wrighter and he signed it

"AHAHAHHAHAA" said karma an he exploded "that were a trick wright"

"aw for fuks sake what did u did now"

"well" say karma "dis paper was to sign u up for a STRIP COURT WITH MILES EDGEWORT"

"wtf is strip court" said phoenix

"its like normal cort but when you get penalty you have to take ur clothes off"

"AWWWWWW FUCK" said phoeix but then he remembere he have to shit "okay hold dat thought" and he ran back to the bathroom


"ok" said wright "but what if i dont wanna go to strip court"

"its legal contract u have to" said karma

"well" say wright "ill make sure to wear my skin then"


"strip court is now in sessione" said judge who was dress like a pimp, he had purple pimpy pimp coat and pimp purple hat

"the defense is not ready your honor" said wright who was scare

"TOO BAD" said judge "is prosecution readi"

"pimp ass prosecutor miley edgeworth is ready" said miles

"fuck you im the only pimp here" say judge "now give ur opening stripment or get penalty"

"ok jeez man dont grow a pair of tits and tell me its raining" said miles "now then this case is abot the death of local man guy, named guy man"

"i cant tell if that name is very normal or very unusual" said phoenix

"now the defendant who is accuse of killing man guy with a dorito is none other than detectiv dick gumshoe, the man who hit phoenix with car in phoenix wright dank attorney"

"wtf that never happened" said wright

"fuck up" said gumshoe "dont u remember pal after the ceremony for you savin the world, you was drunk and i was backin outta the car parking place and i hit you then u prosecuted me in phoenix wright dank attorney by jakkid166"

"OH YEEEEEAH" said wright "good times"

"ok" said miles "anyway we gotta do the shit and suck the tit"

"right" said wright "wait we git to suck tits?"

"only if you win case" said pimp judge

"DAAAAMN son ok i gotta win this" said phoenirx

"but im a ghost i cannot suck tits" said edgewort

"dont worry there are ghost boob too" said judge


"comon guys" said phoenix "if we keep talkin like this the story will get rated M"

"oh right, like dual destinie" said miles "dont worry the tit sucks will be censor"

"now call your witness" said judge

"yes" said miles "i call the witness to the stand"

"hi im the witness" said the witness

"name and occupation"

"diksuka mcbrest" said she "i am a nurse"

"wow" said phoenix "heLLOOOOOOOOO NURSE"

"hello" said mcbrest

"pff, wow phoenix i bet u like girls faggot" said miles "anyway, give ur testimony miss mcbrest"

"okay" she said


"2 late" said judge "u get penalty, take ur suit off"

"goddammit" said phoenix and he took tha suit coat off

"ok" said mcbrest "now i testify"


"i went to check on my patient at hospital to give him oral exam"

"but then i heara the noise from the room"

"i then saw mr dick guy run out of the room, i went to check int here and THERE WAS VICTIM, GUY MAN, and he had been deaded, there was a knife stuckin out of his leg"

"OBJECTIONE" said phoenix "look at the atopsy report, he was killed by a bottel of wine, not a knife"

"i didnt say the knife killed him, it was jus in his leg"

"FUCK' said phoenix

"penalty" said judg "take ur shirt off"

"goddammit" said wright and he took he shirt off revealin his GIGANTIC PECS

"HOLY FUUUUUUUCK" said miles and he started hyperventilating

"whats wrong miles" said phoneix, who was oblivious

"n-nothing" said miles "TO BE CONTINUED"