If your evil and on the rise...

"Steven," A small, woman like voice calls me. "It's time to get up."

You can count on the four of us taking you down…

I open my eyes as the women helps me up. She has pink curly hair and the beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I seen her before…mom?

"Hello Sweetie." Rose Quartz says and hugs me.

Cause we're good and evil never beats us…

"How are you here? Where are the gems? Where am I?" I ask her getting anxious and started to get sad. Rose breaks the hug and looks to stare at me. Tears were running down her face.

"Steven you're in your gem." She says softly as I look my mother in the eyes. "The gems are waiting. You need to go to them."

We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas…

I stayed silent as my mom waited for my response. I was in my gem! Pearl said it wasn't possible. This has to be a dream of some sort? My mom was here! I can't leave her. Are the gems waiting for me?

"If it means waiting for you until I return then I'll go." I started but white lights started surrounding us. "I love you mom."

"I love you too, Steven. You grew up with the gems. Now promise me to not get poofed again until you're grown" Rose says taking my face in her hands. I held on to her hands and nods.

"I will mom. See you soon." I whisper trying to hold my shaking breath.

Rose smiles and kisses me on my head. Lights engulfed me and then I heard voices.

Pearl had me in her lap as Garnet and Amethyst tries to wake me with tears running down. I open my eyes.

We are the crystal gems…

"Steven!" Pearl says surprise.

"Welcome back dude!" Amethyst says patting my head.

"You had us worried, Steven." Garnet whispers taking off her shades and wiping away tears.

We always save the day…

I didn't respond but laugh at them. They were worried! I was worried about them. They always find away to find me.

"Love you guys too." I whisper to them pulling them into a hug.

And if you think we can… we'll always find away!

"Well done Steven!" Tezoth says in my head as I smile with happy tears falling.

That's why the people of this world… Believe in…



And Pearl,

And Steven!

"Thank you, Steven." A voice sounding like my mother says.

I am sorry about this! This is the end! *Preparing for fans carrying "Make a sequel" sign.* I'll think about it guys! Review if you want a sequel!

See you guys!