A/N: This is a Co-op between me and The-Stupidest-Author-Ever.

Disclaimer: although I wish, no ownership over RWBY or RvB whatsoever

RWBY: Red and Blue

Chapter One: The Rookies

The warehouse was still and silent. Black darkness shrouded the large expanse, filling the building with shadows. The white light of the cool moon served as the only light, shining through sealed windows, reflecting off the tiled floor as if it was some mirror. Crates filled the entire warehouse, some piles stacked so high it almost reached the ceiling far above. Several pieces of equipment for loading the crate were off to the side, yellow flames licking at the surfaces. Suddenly the racing wind shifted the clouds in front of the moon, shutting off its light from the center of the warehouse on a single object. A small line of blood-red droplets, leading out of the warehouse.

"I just want to know... Why?"

"You know why! You abandoned me!"

"So you killed my family?!"

"If that's what it took. We could have changed the world, but you turned your back on me. When I trusted you. The only person I ever loved."

"You didn't want to change the world. You wanted to destroy it, Tex."

"Do not call me that, Church."

"Come on, kitty kitty. Here's some fish for you."

"Let me go."

"Hey, Cardin, let's toss her into the river. We'll see if cats are really scared of water."

"Always the sergeant, Crimson."

"That's 'Sarge,' to you, dirtbag."

Cardin smirked at his cousin's jab with an amused snort. The bullies dragged the defenseless faunus towards the pond. She tried to fight back, kicking shins. Eventually Cardin snatched her heels while Sarge held her arms. They started swinging back and forth, counting in unison with each motion.

"One… Two… Three!"

The cousins let go at the same time, sending the younger faunus flying into the air with a scream. She slammed into the surface with a splash, throwing water into the air. The duo laughed at the event, not caring about her welfare. They were too busy in their fit to notice the young girl breaking the surface, gasping and looking around, scared of continued assault.

As quickly as she could, she swam for shore, practically dragging herself onto solid land. Without looking back at her harassers, she ran away, sobbing.

The store was rather quiet that night. Due to the late hours, only a couple customers roamed the shelves, the clerk half-asleep at the cashier. In the back of the little shop, however it was not so quiet.

"So tell me, what's a babe like you doing in this little shop?"

"Working. So how about you go back to doing your own job."

"Come on, don't be like that."

"Excuse me, do you know where the milk is?"

"Get out of here, pretty boy, this doesn't concern you."

"Hey, sweetheart, this Jersey Boy you giving any trouble?"

"I said get out."

"Not to be rude, but I think she'll prefer my place over yours."

"You little-"

The man pinning the girl to the wall backed away from her, glaring at the new target. He stormed up to the teenager that had trespassed into the employee's area. The boy simply glanced up at him with a cocky grin, even though the worker towered over him, twice his size.

Instead of apologizing, the teenager simply said, "Pirus Tucker, nice to meet you."

The man growled and cocked back a fist behind his head. He paused for a moment to allow the trespasser to get the message, but Pirus did not move. Taking that as permission, the man sent his fist towards the boy's skull in a blink of an eye.

Only in the same moment, Pirus ducked under the man's swing and moved to the side, not without sticking his leg into the brute's path. The worker crumpled with a yell, landing on his face. Grinning, Tucker turned away from the loser and towards the girl.

"So, me and you, coffee?" he invited.

"My hero," the girl drawled sarcastically, rolling her eyes and walking away.

The boy made sure his hood was still up as he ran through the shrubs of dead plants, dried by the harsh sun. He vaulted over a rock and continued to run as fast as he could. He could still hear the pack of cops chasing him, screaming for his arrest. Why was it only humans that could join the force? It wasn't fair! In the light produced by the shattered moon he could see perfectly well, but the cops couldn't, a bonus for him at least. However, the fact his legs were killing him quickly negated that bonus.

"I… hate… running…" he gasped as he slowed, leaning on his knees.

He looked over his shoulder to see how far back his pursuers were. The beams of their flashlights nearly touched him. Pushing himself back into action, he took off again. The yells of the officers followed him as he ran.

"I didn't do it, you morons," he yelled over his shoulder. "How many times do I have to say that?"

"You have nowhere to go, mutt!" a human snapped. "Come out, Kahel Grif!"

"Yeah, like I'm gonna do that," Kahel huffed.

His shadow flickered and disappeared and the faunus scaled up a lone tree, hiding in its branches. He watched as the squadron of police scrambled where he once was. He knew their poor eyesight saw nothing through the darkness, but he saw them perfectly. He silently jumped back onto the earth, directly behind a police officer, the man completely oblivious.

Instead of touching him, Grif slowly backed away. He melted into the night, away from the false allegations and harassment. And towards the only place far enough away that he was sure no one would recognize him.

"Why are you after me?"

"Heh, think I'll talk that easily?"

"You will when it's your life on the line."

His interrogation was interrupted when suddenly the teenager felt a cold touch on the back of his head.

"We're here to kill you, Siva Washington," a deep voice of a man growled.

Siva let go of his prisoner and slowly raised his hands above his head. "What for?" he asked.

"To finish what would have been done years ago. You should have died with him, boy."

Suddenly the man let out out a wheeze and blood dripped from his mouth, a tip of a blade protruding from his stomach. A second Siva stepped closer to the dying man and leaned in to where his mouth was next to his victim's ear.

"Gonna be hard to kill me if you're dead yourself," he snarled.

He ripped the blade back out just as his victim let out his final breath.

"Hand over all your Dust."

"Please, don't shoot!"

"Don't have to, as long as you don't cause any troub-"

The robber was cut off with a grunt as a shadowy figure slammed into his head. He fell onto the ground, unconscious. The man's fellow goons stepped back with gasps of fright. They glanced up to see a young boy standing in the middle of the store, a mischievous grin on his face.

"They won't, but I might," the boy commented.

"Tubari!" a woman cried.

"I'll take care of this, Mom."

"Shoot that brat!"

The boy reached behind his back and pulled out a long stick that was about as half as tall as he was. He flicked the stick behind his back and long blades slid out of the ends. Just when the thugs were about to open fire, the teenager leaped into the shadow of a shelf next to him. The Dust bullets sent at him struck only air. Tubari had vanished.

"What the?" One of the thugs asked in shock.

The group ran over to where he had disappeared, looking around any sign of the boy. While they were looking, they completely ignored the couple behind the counter, the husband secretly pressing a panic button.

"He just vanished, boss."

"I can see that, idiot," a man with ginger hair wearing a bowler hat scowled.

While the thugs were arguing, a shadowy figure appeared behind the "boss," slowly materializing into a solid form. The man was clueless, even as the rest of his goons noticed. All of their eyes widened in shock and fear, slowly backing away.

"What's wrong with you imbeciles?" he demanded.

"Hey, genius," Simmons said behind him.

"Oh, you gotta-"

The man turned, only for the teenager to slam his weapon into the his skull, knocking him into unconsciousness in the middle of the Simmons' family store.

"We can stop if you want."

"No, we keep fighting."


"We. Keep. Fighting."

Pyrrha sighed and stood still for another moment. Realizing she had no choice, she leaned back into a battle stance, raising her crimson javelin over her head and her shield held out in front of her. The artificial light reflected off her bronze armor, fashioned like an Amazon warrior. She watched with concern and uncertainty as her partner rose from her pathetic state on the floor.

Emerald eyes met emerald eyes as the fellow armored girl held out her own javelin beside her. The silver-colored steel, making the armor of a gladiator, glinted, but not as much as the other girl.

"One day, the world will get over you, Pyrrha Nikos. One day my name is going to be the one at the top of the listings. Risa Carolina." Pyrrha's face saddened.

"You won't win like this. Let me help you."

"I don't need your help."

"Look, I-I don't want to hurt you. It's just-" The teenager sighed and tried to recollect his thoughts. "My dad… wants me to go to Beacon. Follow in his footsteps as greatest Huntsman or whatever."

"What kind of excuse is that? I'm going to Beacon, too, you know."

"My life is already planned out for me. And it's not pretty. All I'll know will be pain. And I already had my fair share of it. If you get hurt because of me..."

"Just shut up, York!"

"Wha?" he said before he felt a searing pain to his face, provoking a loud scream. "AAAH!"

"That's what you get, you jerk!"

"AH! My eye!"

"Here's the beginning of that pain you wanted, Altin!"

The teenager writhed on the ground, his hands covering his face as blood poured from his eye. The girl sneered at the boy and walked away, feeling no remorse over her treatment of the future Huntsman.

The crowded airship flew over the city, heading for Beacon Academy. Ruby Rose was filled with excitement. That was the place. That's where she'll learn to be a Huntress. The castle-like academy sunk into the clouds, it's lights glowing from the top of the mountain like its namesake. Around the young girl, she looked around at fellow passengers as they also stared in amazement at the prominent school. Only the best of the best came here.

However, one passenger did not seem as pleased as the rest. Instead of a healthy tan, a blonde teenager's skin was a sickly green. Her sister, Yang Xiao Long, snickered and labeled him 'Vomit Boy'.

As soon as the ship had docked, the unfortunate boy rushed past them and threw up into the nearest trash can. Ruby calmly walked off of the ship and looked around at her new home for the next four years of her life. The courtyard alone was enormous and Ruby couldn't help but notice all the people and their weapons.

Her eyes practically popped out of her skull and she caught herself drooling. There were so many cool weapons! There was a blonde-haired boy with a long sword attached to his back with a brown haired girl rushing towards him, smiling happily. There was a boy in an orange jacket with a hood over his head. He was leaning against a nearby pillar, eyes closed and mouth open, like he was snoring. Standing in the center of the courtyard was a brown-haired boy in a maroon hoodie with a black sash wrapping around his torso, a staff hanging from his back. He stared curiously at the main building at the school, as if he was memorized by its architecture.

However, he was oblivious that Ruby was memorized by his weapon. Oh! She knew that model! It just came out on-

The wandering girl's thoughts were interrupted as the young Huntress bumped into something solid. Ruby gave out a squeak as she ricocheted off the object, rubbing her cheek.

"Hey, watch it," a voice snapped.

"Oh, sorry," Ruby mumbled as she picked herself up. She looked up at the person she bumped into, who was easily a head taller.

He wore a dark blue hoodie over light jeans. Black armored boots covered his legs up to his knees, with light purple colored pads on his shoulders and elbows. He wore black fingerless gloves that had small metal plates over the top of the gloves but Ruby could tell they had been used for awhile. A pair of swords criss-crossed on his back, the handles visible over his shoulders. He had light skin and brown hair that looked rather ratty. His vibrant green eyes quickly scanned her, as if searching for a threat.

"Nice going, sis," Yang's voice sounded behind Ruby. The young girl almost sank to her knees in relief as her older sibling settled about her side. The blonde was oblivious to the boy's edginess, as she still grinned with cockiness, hands on her hips. "Sorry about that. My little sister can be clumsy sometimes." The teenager huffed and turned away.

"Just pay attention where you're walking." He sighed. With that, he stormed away without another glance. Ruby's face burned with embarrassment.

"Sorry…" she whined before collapsing to her knees, wanting to shrink into a ball. Not even a minute on campus, and she was already making a complete fool of herself, not to mention enemies.

"Don't worry, sis, I'm…" Yang laughed before she trailed off.

She growled as she gazed at what had made her stop. Standing on the other side of the courtyard was a teenager with spiky golden hair. His left eye a deep brown and the other milky white. The eye that was white was surrounded by a spider web-like scar. He wore a light grey shirt under a set of golden armor that covered his entire upper body, save for his arms, which were left bare. The armor's chest bore a symbol that looked like a rising sun surrounded by silver wings. The symbol was also present on the gloves that covered his hands. On his right arm was a gold oval-shaped gauntlet that went all the way up to his elbow. He wore tan pants with light brown leather boots adorned with a gold metal that reached his knees. On his belt, a golden sword was clipped, hanging down and resting lightly against his right leg.

The boy was talking with another boy who wore crimson armor, his arm around a girl's shoulders. Ruby blinked when she realized it was the same brown-haired girl from before. But instead of wearing an excited expression, she wore an annoyed scowl, glaring at the boy touching her. Ruby saw the blonde-haired boy say something, making the crimson-armored teenager scowl as well. He let the girl go before walking off, but not without casting a glare at the other boy. The girl regained her footing and spoke to the golden-armored boy, probably thanking for saving her before walking away, looking for something.

Yang's eyes flashed crimson and Ruby looked at her sister in surprise. Usually her eyes only flashed like that when she was in a bad fight… or if she was really angry. Ruby tugged on her sister's arm, trying to get her attention, but the older sister's gaze was locked on the golden-armored boy.

"Yang? Yang! What's wrong?" Ruby asked in concern.

Instead of answering, Yang let out a deep growl and shrugged her off. Ruby watched with growing fear as the blonde stormed away, walking directly towards the boy, who was now alone. He was oblivious to her approach, even as Yang picked up her pace with each step. By the time the Huntress was halfway across the courtyard, she was at a full run, and only getting faster.

The teenaged boy turned, just in time to see the girl barreling towards him, screaming in rage. His eyes widened in fear and he tremored... like he had experienced Yang's wrath before.

The boy quickly dropped to one knee and raised his right arm over his head. He clenched his fist tight and his gauntlet unfolded into a circular shield. The shield was plain, only having the same symbol that adorned his armor in the center. Yang's fist slammed into the golden disk, sending the boy rolling backwards.

"You backstabbing, lying bastard! I can't believe a pig like you actually thought you could step foot here," Yang ranted, balling her fists.

The boy was sprawled on the ground, desperately trying to get to his feet as the crazed girl thundered towards him.

"I already told you I got accepted!" he yelled, but it sounded more like was pleading than arguing.

"Then you should've gone to another Huntsman academy!"

Yang raised her fist over her head, provoking the poor boy to raised his shield to cover his body. Ruby gasped in fright. She knew how strong her sister was-even if the boy defended himself, the blonde would surely kill him.

"Hey, baby, what's got you so worked up?"

Ruby squeaked and held hands to her face while Yang cocked her head towards the source. It was a boy with olive green eyes and short sandy blond hair. He had light tan skin with a rather obvious built physique. He wore light blue jeans with white t-shirt under a light blue denim jacket. He had a pair of grey armored boots on that went up to his knees and carried light blue sword that was strapped across his back. At his side stood the brown haired girl that Ruby kept seeing that day.

She had dark blue eyes and chin length brown hair. She had light tan skin much like that of the boy's and a small scar on her right cheek going down to her jaw. She wore black shorts and forest green combat boots. She wore a dark green tank top with knee and elbow guards of the same color. Strapped to her belt was a pair of silver escrima sticks. They stood a few feet away from Yang, unfazed at her burning eyes.

"How about we all cool down over some lemonade?" the boy asked, but his voice sounded too friendly, even for Ruby. The brown-haired girl glared at him.

"Pirus!" she snapped.

"What? C'mon, you know I love you, swee-"

The teenager was interrupted by a yellow flash of movement. The girl let out a scream as her boyfriend went flying from a series of punches, slamming into a pillar a few feet away. The pillar cracked on impact and the poor victim fell onto the ground, completely limp, but his moans confirmed he was thankfully still alive. Yang let out a huff at her work, glaring at the loser with a fist on her hip.

While she was turned towards Pirus, her back to the first golden-haired blonde, the armored teenager was slowly climbing to his feet. On silent footsteps, he tiptoed away from Yang, trying to escape. But he never made it to freedom.

Without warning, Yang's arm shot out, snatching him by the back of the collar. The poor boy could only let out a single squeak before all hell broke lose.

With a yell, the young Huntress threw the victim over her head and slammed his back on the ground, creating more cracks. Before the boy could recovered, Yang picked him up with two hands. Once he was in the air, she let go and twisted to land a powerful kick to his ribs. Ruby winced as he went flying and slammed across the ground. She had seen full grown men turn into ragdolls under Yang's wrath. But the boy was no ragdoll.

As the boy skidded across the ground, he suddenly corrected himself, sliding into a professional crouch. At the same moment, he unfolded his shield again, holding out in front of him, and unsheathed his sword, the golden metal gleaming in the sunlight. The look of fear in his eyes had been replaced by a determined glare.

By now, the commotion had attracted the rest of the courtyard, which was full of unloaded students from the airships. Ruby just huddled in the mass of people, mortified by her sister's actions. She promised she would be cool! The young girl was suddenly very thankful that they looked nothing alike. However, she was still concerned for her sister's welfare as she watched the battle continue.

Instead of being fazed of the Huntsman's change of nature, she gave smirk and settled into a battle stance. She balled her hands into fists once more, cocking her gauntlets. The two warriors stared at each other for several long seconds. Finally, Yang made the first move.

With a yell, she jumped forward with a terrifying speed. She closed the distance in a single leap, but the teenager was prepared for her. The slammed a powerful punch in the center of the Huntsman's shield. A clap of thunder sounded and a burst of red Dust exploded from the shield, but the boy held his ground. In fact, with a shout, he pushed forward, using Yang's own momentum to throw her back.

The girl flipped through the air, but was able to land on her feet, just in time to be greeted by the attacking boy. He brought down his sword, only for Yang to block it with her gauntlet. She tried to score a cheap shot by throwing a loaded punch at her opponent, only for the boy to block with his shield. Then in a blink of his eye, he twisted and kicked Yang's stomach, sending her onto the ground. Payback for his previous treatment.

The girl immediately bounced to her feet, but paused instead of immediately attacking. Both in battle stances, the two warriors circled around each other like dogs in a ring. Crimson eyes met dull brown, never wavering.

"I don't want to hurt you, Yang," the golden-armored boy said. "But I will fight back if you force me."

"Funny, that's what you said the last time," Yang retorted with venom in her voice.

"Before you took my eye?"

"You deserved that, Altin!"

Without warning, the boy lunged, Yang doing likewise. However before they clashed, a brilliant light flashed between them. Both skidded to a stop and shielded their eyes, gritting their teeth. The light faded and everyone gasped. In between the two stood a woman wearing a white business suit and holding a riding crop. A ragged cape hung from her shoulders, coal-black while the interior was amethyst purple. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her piercing jade eyes were narrowed in a glare. Her narrow glasses seemed to amplify the effect of the terrifying look.

"There is no fighting on campus grounds!" she snapped over the crowd, which had gone deathly silent at her arrival. "Not even five minutes upon your arrival and you have already broken school regulations. Do you two have anything to explain yourself?"

"I-" Yang started, but was interrupted by Altin.

"It was my fault," he spoke up. Ruby blinked in surprise and several other people exchanged glances. They all had seen that it was Yang that instigated the fight. Even the young girl seemed surprised, staring at the boy with wide eyes. "I provoked her. I'll take full responsibility." Everyone just stared, unable to process what he just said, while the strange woman only glared.

"So we have a troublemaker," she digested, frowning at the golden-armored boy. "Then let me tell you something. This school does not tolerate troublemakers. We train only the best students of Vale to become future Huntsman with discipline and pride. Should something like this happen again, I personally guarantee that it will be your last day at Beacon."

"But you-" Yang tried to argue, but a new voice cut her off once again.

"Fighting is merely a part of being a Huntsman," a smooth, leveled tone called out.

Immediately the crowd parted to reveal a new figure. He was tall and lean, dressed in a perfectly-buttoned black coat and pants. A green scarf was wrapped around his neck, an emerald broach attached to it. His untrimmed, silky silver hair fell over his hazel eyes, a pair of wiry glasses underneath them. Everyone turned to Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy.

The man held a cane in his hands, but he held himself straight and formal. However, Ruby could practically see the air of enigma around him, and she could tell she was not the only one. However, Ozpin was unfazed by the stares as he continued.

"In fact, you could argue fighting makes a Huntsman," he said. "That is the purpose of this school. However, Beacon Academy has rules in place I would like to be followed. I ask you all respect it."

The cross woman immediately turned to him. "I'm sorry for this inconvenience, professor," she apologized. "I'll take care of them immediately."

Instead of sharing the same annoying look, Ozpin looked calm, even wearing a ghost of a smile.

"No, Glynda," he said. "They may be excused. I understand the first time coming to Beacon creates a certain excitement."

Glynda just stared at Ozpin with a baffled stare, like he just grew a second head. However, after a moment, the woman recomposed herself with a cough.

"Right…" she hummed. "Now then-the show's over. Everyone return to your business. Remember there will be a meeting for first-year students in an hour in the auditorium. Dismissed!"

With that, the crowd dispersed in a moment's notice. Ruby just glanced Ozpin slipping away towards the main building of the academy, Glynda loyally by his side. Altin York and Yang were the only ones that remained, still standing with their weapons drawn. Altin observed his surroundings with a cool look, while Yang stared as if she was still confused was just happened. She glanced as the boy with a shocked expression, to which the teenager nodded, his posture stiff. He then turned around, making his way out of the ring of students.

"Alright, I'll keep this brief," Professor Ozpin said as he stepped up to the microphone on the auditorium stage. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose and direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge will only take you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Several students in the audience muttered at the headmaster's speech. The silver-haired man walked away from the microphone and was replaced by the woman who had stopped the fight between the two students. Glynda Goodwitch, the deputy headmistress. She kept her hands behind her back and spoke in a crisp, clear manner.

"You will gathered in the Borrow tonight, but tomorrow your initiation begins,"she said, looking over the crowd. "Be ready. For now, you are dismissed."

At her command, the audience dispersed into small groups, slipping out of the room in a steady stream.

"Well that was… interesting," Keabalt Church said his new companion.

"I know, right? It's like the dude wasn't himself," Pirus Tucker said from behind his left shoulder. Keabalt nodded and turned around, walking out of the auditorium.

"But Yang!" he heard someone complain. "I don't want to know her. She was mean!"

Church glanced over his shoulder to see a short girl, shorter than most of the kids here. She had reddish hair and pale skin, with startling silver eyes. She wore a black shirt that attacked to a black skirt with crimson edges. A bone-white cross hung from her belt a blood-red hooded cloak was wrapped around her shoulders. A large, crimson gun attached to the small of her back. Keabalt recognized her as the girl that had rammed into him earlier.

She was was talking to the blonde girl that assaulted the golden-haired boy earlier. The blonde was taller than her companion. Yellow locks fell across her back, reaching her waist. Her eyes, which had once burned crimson, were now a calm blue. She wore a leather jacket over a yellow t-shirt, that showed way too much cleavage and the young man had to check himself from staring. A transparent skirt surrounded black pair of shorts that reached her thighs. Leather boots took up the rest of the leg, reaching her knees.

Keabalt shook his head and walked out of the room along with the other students. Pirus muttered a farewell before he left to go talk to his girlfriend, Ciane, again, leaving Church to his thoughts.

So he was finally here. Beacon Academy. The best of the best. His father would be proud of him, not mention his mom. Heck, even his little brother would be jumping up and down. But they weren't here to celebrate his accomplishments. They were gone. They had been gone for a very long time.

Why? Why did she do it? She had changed so much… Keabalt tried to remember that sweet, but reckless girl he fell in love with. She was compassionate and brave… not some monster.

What happened to you, Tex? the boy thought as he wandered through the grand hallways of Beacon Academy. Instead of see the gothic designs of the regal castle, Keabalt saw burning walls and glowing eyes of monsters. Those scarlet flames were replaced by shadows, and those ferocious eyes were replaced by a beautiful green gaze. Only for them to slip away into darkness.

Instead of feeling a sense of joy or accomplishment, Keabalt Church never felt so alone.

Kahel Grif curled up and sighed contentedly. This was the best place to take a nap that he had ever found. There were bushes to hide him, animals making all sorts of noise to cover up any sounds he might make. It was perfect. Just as he was about to drift to sleep, a scent caught his attention. He thought about worrying, but decided that whatever it was couldn't possibly find his hiding spot.

"Come on out," a voice called, ruining any chance of Kahel getting to sleep. "I know you're there."

"Ah, come on, can't a guy sleep," the faunus complained as he stood up to see who had interrupted his chance of a nap.

He looked at the person who had called out and saw a girl with pale skin and amber eyes that flicked back and forth quickly. She had long black hair with a black bow that rested on the top of her head. She wore a sleeveless white shirt under a black vest with tails that hung down below her waist. She had purplish-black pants that had a pale flame on the side. She wore ankle high black shoes and carried a black handled sword across her back. Grif took all of this in, all the while cringing at the overwhelming scent of cat that emanated from her.

Kahel stood about half a head taller than her with skin that was not as pale as the girl in front of him and smooth, dirty blonde hair. He wore a yellow t-shirt under a hooded orange jacket with sleeves that stopped at his elbows. He wore light grey gauntlets that, when in standby, looked like fingerless gloves and went a little past his wrists. His hood was up, as always, to hide his pointed ears from the humans who would mock and insult him because of them. He wore light tan pants with multiple pockets for hiding things and, to top off the outfit, wore dull orange running shoes.

"So that's what I smelled," Kahel started off, yawning.

"Funny, I was about to say the same for you," the girl replied, eyes narrowed in a suspicious glare and lips tugged in a frown. "I didn't expect to see another faunus here."

"Well, I'm used to not filling expectations. Just ask everyone who really knows me," Kahel laughed. Apparently the laugh was contagious, as the black-haired girl grinned and placed a hand on her hip.

"I know the feeling," she said, almost sadly.

"So what's a kitty cat like you doing in a human school? Aren't most faunus in Vale joining that, erm, Black Tooth, or whatever." Immediately the cat's eyes darkened.

"It's the White Fang." she replied crisply. "And no, I'm not with them. I'm here because I chose to be. What about you, puppy dog? What are you doing here?"

"Well I can tell you what I wasn't doing," Kahel replied with a hint of a smile. "And that's taking a nap under the most secluded bush in the world."

"You really wanted that nap, didn't you? You sure you aren't a turtle?"

"Oh, ha ha," Kahel replied humorlessly.

"You know there's a perfectly warm building right over there. The rest of the new students are over there, too."

"Yeah, me in the same room with a bunch of humans. Not gonna work out."

"And you expect to go this school?"

"As long as I don't have to talk to anyone, I'll be fine."

"You're not going to get anywhere if you believe that."

"And how do you think they're going to react when they find out? With pats on the back and smiles? I don't know where you've been, lady, but I think you're dreaming."

The girl's eyes narrowed his words and her frown deepened. "I wasn't expecting that. So it's better they don't know at all."

"So we finally agree on something."

The stranger turned around the way she came, but she looked over her shoulder at the boy with a welcoming smile. "Come on, it's cold out here. You can stay with me. One night with humans won't kill you."

"Fine, but don't expect any favors," Kahel insisted, as he begrudgingly caught up to her.

"I won't. The name's Blake, by the way." Kahel grinned.

"Kahel Grif," he replied before they began to walk side-by-side, but the cat was walking too close for the wolf's comfort.

"What is this, a date?" the canine faunus huffed. "Get behind me."

"I'm just saying there seems to be a plethora of valid nobodies here," Cardin Winchester said, gesturing around the room where everyone was settling down for the night. "Just take Vomit Boy there. Perfect material."

"I couldn't agree more," Crimson Ayers, also known as Sarge, said.

He was a well-built, young man with tan skin and shortcut black hair. He wore a red long-sleeved t-shirt under a dark red armor that covered his chest, shoulders and arms, ending with a pair of fingerless armored gloves. He wore black jeans and combat boots that were the same color as his armor with a black shotgun strapped onto the small of his back.

"I mean, everyone knows I'm the best there is," Sarge exclaimed proudly. "I'm going to be the greatest Huntsman ever to live, way before any of these losers. If they even survive until then."

"Um, excuse me, didn't you just get here?" a nasally voice interrupted.

Cardin, who was rolling his eyes at his cousin's monologue, immediately snapped his gaze into a glare. Sarge did likewise, whirling around towards the source of the sound.

"And who are you, cupcake?" the red-colored teenager demanded.

The boy was easily a head taller than him but not nearly as broad. He had short, spiky, reddish-brown hair and observing hazel eyes. Not yet changed into his PJs, he wore light grey pants with laced black boots over them. A maroon hoodie was wrapped around a purple T-shirt, with violet sash around his waist and shoulder. A staff the same color as his hoodie was strapped to his back, about half as long as he was tall. The boy smiled at Crimson's question.

"Tubari Simmons. Pleasure to meet you, sir," he introduced.

Cardin sneered like he smelled something vile. "What are you doing over here? Losers are at the bottom of the mountain."

"Actually, we're not ranked yet. Therefor I could possibly be the best one here and you wouldn't even know it," Tubari said, still smiling.

"You?" Cardin snorted.

"Ha! And I'm a little girl with ribbons in my hair!" Crimson snickered sarcastically.

"Did you really just say that?" Cardin sighed, facepalming.

"Shut up, dirtbag."

"I wasn't going to say anything," Simmons said, smiling broader and folding his hands behind his back.

"I said shut up," Crimson snarled. "Now, before I make you… and you'll regret it."

"Excuse me, but some of us are trying to sleep here!" a girl in light blue pajamas shouted at them. Sarge turned around, only to receive a pillow in the shape of a snowflake to the face.

"Ow!" he yelped.

He glared at the girl who threw it, who had long, snow-white hair and icy blue eyes. She had a pale scar over her left eye that was the only thing that seemed out of place in her appearance. She was glaring daggers at him from where she was curled in her sleeping bag, close to some other girls. Crimson recognized the girl from the courtyard, who was still glaring at the golden boy, as well as the little girl with reddish black hair. A new face, a girl with long black hair, was among them, reading a book by candlelight.

Sarge's face grew red, tempted to tell the girl who assaulted him off. Before he stormed over to her, he had an idea. Tomorrow they were going into the forest for their initiation. He'd get his revenge then. And he would prove to everyone just magnificent he really was as a Huntsman. For his father's father and generations of Huntsman before him.

Jaune was really regretting his idea. He was way over his head. The people here actually deserved to be here. They were actually warriors. Him? He was just a loser everyone made fun of and an embarrassment to his parents, the greatest Huntsmen in Vale. They were still in disbelief that he made it into Beacon. Because he didn't.

He'd cheated and hacked his way in, and now it was already turning into the greatest mistake of his life. He couldn't even make it in the airship without losing his lunch because he was so nervous. And upon his first step in the courtyard, he saw a fight between a pair of students, who knew what they were doing. Oh, what had he done?

The young boy walked into the locker room, quickly noticing he was one of the last ones to arrive. He ducked his head to avoid glares from fellow students, and it didn't help that everyone was here. The locker rooms weren't for changing clothes-just for storing weapons and armor. And Jaune had to find his out of dozens, in a room filled with hostile warriors. He avoided direct eye contact, instead looking down at his paper, where he had written his locker number.

"There's no way I put my gear in locker 636," he muttered rapidly, unable to contain his anxiousness. "I would remember having to count that high."

He dared to look up, trying to look for his number. Oh, where was it? First day and he-

"Juane, is this your locker over here?" a warm voice called.

The blonde turned around to see a girl. She was dressed in bronze armor that reminded Juane of the ancient warriors he once read of as a child. Her fiery crimson hair was tied in a high ponytail, and even then it still reached her waist. Intense, emerald eyes gleamed at him and her lips were tugged in a friendly smile, showing perfect teeth. The girl patted the locker next to her. 636. Finally someone nice to him. Except for Ruby, of course.

Jaune gave an awkward smile and muttered, "Thanks."

The boy walked over and put in his code (which he thankfully remembered) and opened the storage crate to reveal his sword and shield. It was an old version and not as fancy as the other weapons he had seen here, but it was a family heirloom that had been passed down for generations. His father insisted giving to him when he learned the boy got "accepted" into Beacon. Sighing, Jaune took his gear as the girl spoke up again.

"Have you thought about your team yet?" she asked.

"Uh… what do you mean?"

"Well, there's a rumor going around that this initiation test will determine which team we will be on. Have you thought about it at all?"

Juane opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't have a chance when a cold voice spoke.

"Yeah, cause everyone wants to be with the nobody."

The teenager turned to the direction of the voice, only to blink and rub his eyes. Great, now he was seeing double, too? The girl before him looked exactly like the one next to him. She had the same scarlet hair, except it was cut shorter than the first girl, only reaching her chin. But her eyes were a perfect match. However her armor was completely different.

She wore silver armored boots that reached her knees, bound together by brown leather straps. Black shorts reaching halfway down her thigh poked out of an even shorter skirt made out of strips of silver metal. She wore a T-shirt of the same black material with the same-colored armor making a protective shell over her torso. A sheet of metal was tied around each of her arms and fingerless gloves covered her palms.

Jaune gulped at her piercing glare, but even though it wasn't directed at him. But instead of the girl next to him. Pyrrha looked at the newcomer awkwardly, like she didn't know the proper way to respond. She rubbed her arm subconsciously.

"Oh, Risa. It's… good to see you here," she said awkwardly. The girl, Risa, snorted.

"Can't say the same about you, Pyrrha. See you're already attaching yourself to a lost puppy," she said derisively.

"Jaune and I were just discussing teams," Pyrrha responded, as if she didn't notice the girl's coldness.

"If you want a good team, you team up with the best."

"Yes… and you team with someone that you work well with. They cover your weaknesses and you cover theirs. After all, we're all still learning."Another snort.

"Which is exactly why I think we should join up!" a high-pitched voice interrupted.

Jaune jumped as a white-haired girl appeared in front of Pyrrha's face in a blink of an eye. The crimson-haired girl leaned back, startled, as the girl-Weiss, Jaune believed-raised herself on her tiptoes.

"Get out of here, Glamor Girl," Risa snarled "Pyrrha, I'm not here to learn. I'm here to win."

"Just think about it!" Weiss said in an excited squeal, hands in front of her face, ignoring the silver-armored girl. "The best student of Sanctum with the best student of Atlas!"

"Um, who?" Jaune asked. The stranger turned on him, her eyes freezing him to the bone, making him flinch.

"You don't even know who this is, do you?!" she demanded. Jaune shifted and stuttered, but before he could reply, Weiss answered for him. "This is Pyrrha Nikos. She graduated top of her class at Sanctum and won the Minstrel tournament four years in a row."

"Just barely," Risa huffed. Pyrrha opened her mouth to reply, uncertainty in her eyes, but Weiss turned around and faced the silver-clad girl.

"Just barely?!" she echoed. "How is setting a new record 'just barely'? Do you even think you're even in a position to be on her team?" Risa curled her lip like she just ate something sour.

"As her twin sister, I've had enough being on her team," she snarled.

Jaune blinked and winced while Weiss made a short gasp. Pyrrha merely stared at the ground, rubbing her arm. Sisters? He glanced back and forth between the two, which only confirmed it. They were perfect mirrors of each other. Why hadn't he seen it sooner?! Before he could digest it any further, he heard a chuckle behind him.

"Yeah, family and business, never really works out," a voice hissed.

Jaune looked over his shoulder to see yet another figure. His eyes were immediately meet by eyes that were ocean-blue, but they were as cold as northern waters. Not as cold as Weiss, but Jaune felt his hairs stand on end. This guy was dangerous.

It was a teenager, possibly only a year older than him. The boy had short, silver hair, bangs falling over his eyes. He wore black boots that covered his calf, swallowing brown trousers over his legs. A black t-shirt was over his chest, protected by a black vest with yellow lining. He wore the same colored bracers covering his forearms, leaving a gap of muscled skin between his shoulder and elbow. A pair of knives were strapped to his belt, half the length of Jaune's sword. Risa was not fazed by the newcomer, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Who are you?" she questioned.

"Siva Washington," the stranger answered. "And may I ask who you are? Since, you know, no one's heard of you." Jaune squeaked when he saw a vein pop out of Risa's temple. The girl growled before clinching her fist.

"Risa Carolina," she snarled. "And make sure you remember it." And with that, she stalked out of the room.

Beacon's first year students stood on the tiles placed on a tall cliff, looking over a great forest, A green blanket stretched to everything horizon, broken by rolling hills. Church stood as still as a soldier as Professor Ozpin spoke to them.

"For years you all have trained to become warriors," the headmaster said as he paced before them, holding his coffee and a hand behind his back. "And today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

"Now," Professor Goodwitch said, looking over her scroll. "I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams here at Beacon. Allow me to put your confusion to rest. You will be given teammates...today."

Keabalt glanced at his fellow initiates and noticed that several other students were shifting uncomfortably. Professor Ozpin stepped forward and spoke once more.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon," he said monotonously. "So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years."

Church shrugged while whispers and groans came from the other students. It didn't matter to him much. He wasn't here to make friends.

"After you've partnered up," Ozpin continued, "make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way, so don't hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die a most painful death. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of the initiation but the instructors will not intervene. At the northern end of the forest you will find an abandoned temple that contains several relics. Each pair must chose one and return here. Your job will be to guard your relics, as well as your standings, and we will grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Keabalt heard mumbling and shuffling of feet during the speech, but for the majority it was quiet. Everyone here knew it wasn't going to be easy. But at the end, a worried voice cut through almost instantly.

"Um... yes, sir, I have a question-" a skinny blonde boy said, raising his hand.

"Good," Ozpin interrupted, completely ignoring the student. "Now, take your positions."

Church immediately understood. Oh. He crouched and snatched both of his swords, ready for just about everything. Beside him, he saw students down the line being vaulted into the air, one by one. That's what the tiles were. Launch pads. As the screams of either joy or fright came closer, the warrior braced himself. Even when it was finally his turn, it was still all too sudden.

Keabalt grunted, all the air in his lungs being ripped out of him, as he was launched into the air. The wind whistled in his ears as he flew towards the forest and his initiation into being a Huntsman.

Darkness surrounded her, like a blanket she couldn't pull away. Not even the light from her palm could not fight it. Nor could her silken clothes protect her from the chill, cold enough she swore she could see her breath at times. But it did not bother her. In fact, she prefered the darkness over the light, and the fire within her would always protect her.

Suddenly her skin prickled, but not from the cold. She sensed she was not alone, feeling another presence pressing against her mind. It reverberated inside her, so strong it brought a dull ache in her skull. She tolerated it, though, as it was not enough to bring discomfort and she certainly was no stranger to pain.

"You… have come…"

She did not hear the voice. No, it filled her senses, drowning all thoughts in her mind. She smiled and paused.

"Our prey has entered forest, as I promised," she reported. "What do you desire?"

Her bones reverberated as a rumble filled the darkness. She felt the prison quiver, but it would take much more power for it to break. After all, it's only prisoner was still asleep.

"The one that flies… shall be their destroyer," the voice growled. "And the mourning of their loss… shall feed me the power I desire…"

Closing A/N: ok so I don't normally do these but I figured that this fic deserved it. As many of you know by now, the RVB characters will be primary characters in this story so I thought that I should tell you. To stick with the naming rule of RWBY, The-Stupidest-Author-Ever and I changed the first names of the entire cast of RVB. But we have left their last names the same so that you guys can tell who's who. And th-th-that's all folks!