Natsu walked to the park, the meeting place Lissana had set. He took out his phone and saw the time."Great, as usual, only one here on time." He sighed. Suddenly, he heard music. It sounded pretty, Mozart, Behtoven, no, something different, yet the same, as if someone had taken the same notes and put them in another key or time. He walked towards the music's source and stopped short. A girl, with vibrant blonde hair, hopping about as she bounced to the beat of her own song on the melodica, stood atop one of the playground structures. He saw three little kids staring up at her as she played. The cherry blossoms flew about her in the breeze, creating a pink snow. He wanted to remember this and got out his phone and turned it to camera mode. When she finished the song, he didn't stop recording, mezmerized by the girl. is train of thought was interrupted when he heard one of the girls at her feet say:

"They didn't come down!" The blonde looked up with deep brown eyes.

"Huh, that's odd, usually that song works like a charm, hmmm, I know! We just have to play together!" The kids smiled and got on the structure and they all stared playing the song again. A large gust of wind blew the girl's skirt up high, above her *ahem* place. Unfortunately it was at that time that she noticed Natsu's presence. "PERVERT!" She threw her melodica at rubbed his face.

"Oww, what the hell?"

"YOU'RE SAYING WHAT THE HELL, YOU JUST GOT IN A PANTY SHOT OF ME!" The girl frowned."Well, if you put it on the internet I'd become famous, heh heh heh." Natsu was confused, then after a few minutes of fighting, he was on the ground with her sitting on top of him. His friends now came into view.

"LUCYYY!" Lissana yelled. The blonde, Lucy smiled.

"Hey Liz!" She smiled. Lissana and Gray stared at her.

"Uhh...why are you sitting on Natsu?" Lissana asked.

"Help me." Natsu squeaked. Lucy stood up and brushed herself off before going to talk with Gray. Lissana helped her pink haired friend up."Thank you , this is the girl Gray wanted to meet?" The silver haired girl nodded.

"Mhmm, apparently she was to shy to talk to him or something. Natsu scoffed. 'shy my butt, well, it is Gray, he's kinda hard to approach.' He looked and saw Lucy giggle. He felt his face heat up. Lissana seemed to notice and chuckled."Whatcha thinkin there, lover boy?" Natsu rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead.

"Your as bad as your sister you know that?" He hissed. She just smiled and looked away.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked. Gray looked at them.

"Come on you two, we're going to Lucy's concert."

"Concert?" Natsu cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, Lucy is doing a violin competion today and asked if I could bring you guys to come see it." Lissana looked at Natsu.

"Eh, why not?" He shrugged. Lucy cheered and they all ran to the concert hall, ready for the performance of a lifetime.

Natsu and the others sat in the seats. He remembered the last time he was there, when he broke down. He pushed that thought aside and focused on the stage as Lcuy walked on with a green haired girl. She lifted the bow to her violin, and the magic began. Lucy's nimble fingers traced the bow up and down the strings and plucked at them when needed. Her eyes remained closed as she played a haunting melody that her accompaniest could barely keep up with, that much was obvious. She took an old piece and made it new again. It was then at that point that Natsu remembered just how amazing music could be. AS she finished there was a slight pause, then the audience roared to it's feet, applauding greatly and throwing roses onto the stage. Natsu knew it, there was something about this girl, she made the desire come back.

The desire to play.