Chapter 4

"And at the banquet he kept on giving us weird looks for some reason." Gwen, Freya and Trella giggled together upon the bed which they sat.

Merlin walked into the room carrying a basket full of sheets and headed to the dresser.

"And, he got our names messed up!" Freya laughed.

"Oh really?" Merlin walked to the girls unable to hold back a smile.

"Yeah but we just rolled with it, I mean we were both becoming knights, so it didn't really matter."

Merlin laughed and said, "it would be pretty funny if you told him, though."

Trella looked over at her sister and saw that her eyes, which were alert just moments ago, were glazed over for a short moment.

She wanted to think something of it, but she wouldn't have been surprised if it was just fatigue.

"Yeah it would be priceless to see his face." Freya replied.

Gwen yawned. "Well, I better be going. Don't want to keep Arthur waiting." She said with a wink.

Trella and Freya smiled and said goodnight to Camelot's once and future queen, who walked out of the room.

"I should be going too." Merlin said. "Goodnight."

"Night Merlin!" Freya chimed happily.

"See you tomorrow!" Trella added, before Merlin left through the door.

The twins sat on the edge of the bed, in a giddy silence.

"I'm happy." Trella said randomly.

"Me too."

"We're knights."

"We're knights."

They were quiet again.

Trella yawned. "Goodnight Freya."

"Okay. Goodnight."

Trella hugged her sister. "I love you."

Yeah, right. "I love you too."

Trella stood up and rubbed her eyes wearily before leaving her sister in solitude.

Freya fell back onto her bed, her armour and chainmail had been discarded on the floor.

She listened for a while, making sure that everyone was asleep, using her magic to double check. She got up and walked carefully to the door, making sure to be quiet.

She quietly pushed the door open and stepped out into the dark hallway.

Pulling a torch out of it's hook on the wall, Freya made sure she wasn't being followed, she hurried silently down the corridor.

She sprinted down a set of stairs, and through the courtyard.

As she neared the gates of Camelot, she slowed.

Crouching down next to a keg, her eyes flashed molten gold.


A noise from the left startled the guards.

"Who goes there?" One asked open air.

When he got no reply, he motioned to his partner to follow him, swords in hand.

Freya smirked.

She dashed out of her hiding spot, disappearing into the dark forest.

A bird - a merlin - chirped happily from a tree just above her head.

Freya sneered and shot a spell at it. It fell to the ground with a dull thud, dead.

That's better, she thought. Now, to Lady Morgana

She walked through the burnt out trees, the crippled leaves making a satisfying crunch under her boots. She walked through the forest, uncertain which way to go, but knew that she would find the Lady Morgana soon. But remembering what the lady Morgana had told her, she whispered a spell "Dwg i mi fy meistr. Yr wyf yn gaethweision yn barod ac yn ymroddgar."

From behind her she could her a person walking, she turned to face the Lady Morgana, a smirk on her face.

"What are you doing out here." The guard asked. His hand inching to his sword.

Kill him! A voice whispered to the back of Freya's mind. Kill him Freya! The voice grew stronger

"I asked what are you doing out here!"

KILL HIM! The voice inside of her screamed to her but i cant, i dont want to!

KILL HIM! But instead of protesting, she accepted the voice.

"fel llosgiadau tân hir fel yr wyt i, o'r tu mewn nes eich bod yn ddim byd, ond yn araf a phoenus fydd ei werth."

He dropped to his knees screaming, black liquid dripping from his eyes and coughing it up.

What have I done? Freya took a step back, staring at her hands, panic and guilt starting to spread through her body. I killed him, I killed an innocent man!

"Hello Freya." Morgana said behind her, over the screaming of the guard.

"Pleas- Arghhh - please make it stop, oh Pleas-"

What have i done? I'm killing him!

Are you ashamed of what you did? The voice who had urged her to kill him spoke

Who are you? She pleaded in her mind.

I AM you.

No, no you aren't.




Yes.. you are me… and i am you…

"Yes, she turned to the Morgana, her face showing no regret or guilt.

"I had began to think you had forgotten about tonight." she said.

Of course not." she turned to Morgana with a sly smile.

"So it is done then?"

"Yes. the people of camelot trust me, they think i am their friend."

"Good, and you girls?"

"We have become knights, we were appointed earlier today."

"Very well done."

"Now go Freya, we don't want Arthur getting suspicious too early."

"Yes m'lady."

"Oh and Freya,""


"Watch out for the boy Merlin… her is well… very good at finding out things."

"I shall."

Freya walked back to Camelot, a mission awaiting her.

But back at the castle Merlin watched her from his window, and he knew something was up.


short chapter - sorry hope its still good though :) sorry for long wait we have been writing a couple other stories with the beautiful Veronyca Chaliss and Spring Nymph

- Psycho Cheshire Cats -