The dark night's moon illuminated the forest. A young boy sat in the middle of it. His salmon colored hair swaying in the wind, the boy sat by himself crying. However, this crying didn't go unnoticed. An old man walked up behind him.

"Hello there, m'boy. Whats wrong?"

The boy turned around to face him. "I.. *Sniff* Do..n't kno.. *sniff* know where my is *Sniff*"

The man introduced himself. "My names Makarov. I own a guild. Do you want to join it?" "My Names Natsu" The boy replied, wiping his tears away. "Can I really join your guild?"

"Yes!" Shouted Makarov. 'I'm really glad I got this boy before any Dark Guild could. His power basically shines off of him. So much dark magic, but such a nice kid.' He thought to himself.

The duo started their journey towards the Guild.

"Um.. Sir?" Said Natsu.

"Just call me Gramps." He grinned back.

"Do you know who Zeref is?"

The old man was shocked that the young boy in front of him knew Zeref's name.

"You mean Zeref the Black wizard? The Evil wizard to created demons to destroy the world?"

Natsu grew angry. "Zeref Ni-" He stopped mid word. 'If they all think he is evil, then I better pretend I do too.'

"So he's evil? Sorry I just suddenly thought of that name. I don't know why."

The two suddenly came to a stop when they reached a large building. 'FAIRY TAIL' was written on the front.

"Natsu, before you go in I want you to conceal your magical energy. Never let it open up, okay? I'll give you an escort for all your missions until you can do hand- to hand combat." Makarov Said.

Natsu did so. The large doors opened themselves to reveal sounds of joy and laughter.

"Listen Up!" The old man shouted. Everyone fell silent. "Today we have a new guild member. His name is Nat-"

"Hey Gramps! Is he even a wizard? I can't feel any magic coming off of him!" Shouted Gray.

"I can assure you he is a wizard."

"Lets see about that." Gray was charging towards Natsu.

"ICE MAKE: LANCE!" A long, shiny beam shot out of Gray's hand. Just in time, Natsu caught it and threw it to the other side of the Guild Hall.

"What you playing at snowman?" Natsu asked in anger. Gray looked at him with horror. "Come on. Tell me" A large hand layed itself on Natsu's shoulder.

"Calm down. My name is Guildarts, what's yours?"

Natsu pushed his hand off.


"Last Name?"



"Yes. Dragneel."

"I think I know someone with that last name."

"That's nice."

"You wanna go you little punk?"

"Yeh come at meh you old geezer!"

"NO! DON'T!" Shouted the Guild master, but Guildarts had already chased Natsu outside.

After a few minutes, A dark aura filled the air. Then it suddenly vanished. Guildarts and Natsu then returned. Everyone was shocked. Guildarts was badly bruised and was coughing up blood. Natsu was unharmed. A week later Natsu was given the title 'S-Class'. Only Guildarts and the Master were able to get a word out of Natsu for years. After that, he started to open up to the rest of the guild.

7 years after the one sided battle

The S class trials were quickly approaching. The wizards involved were Gray Fullbuster and his Partner Loki, Freed Justine and his partner Bickslow, Elfman and his Partner Evergreen, and Levy and her partner Gajeel Redfox. All 8 competitors left for Tenrou Island. On that ship was also 5 other people. One of them was the Master.


Everyone rushed onto the island and went in separate directions. Little did they know, someone was lurking on the sacred grounds. Evergreen and Elfman decided to take the A route. On the way, they heard rustling in the bushes.

"Who's There?"

A man with raven hair revealed himself. He was wearing a black outfit to match his eyes.

"Why are you on our guild's grounds? Be a real man and leave."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize this island belonged to a guild. I'll leave peacefully. I don't want to-"

"UGH AHH" He moaned. Evergreen started to get closer.

"No.. Don't come near me. You have to go before you... UGH" A black ball formed in the air. "I CAN'T CONTROL IT! RUUUNN!"


Black covered the area. Laying on the floor was Elfman, Evergreen and Natsu, who had just pushed them to the ground.

"I was waiting for you to come fight me. You took forever so I came looking for you. I'm sure glad I did. Who's this?" He asked pointing at the man.

"I'm not 100% sure but I recognize this magic. That's Zeref. Wait Natsu! Don't go near him. Sto-"

Natsu was slowly walking up to the man, who was now crying. "Zeref..." To the surprise of the people laying on the ground, Natsu wrapped his arms around the Black Wizards neck. "Zeref Nii-San!" Natsu cried, tightening his grip.

Yeh. This was rushed. Don't judge me. This was a One-off.