Hello fellow Fossil Fighters, Okay so had someone ask why James can't talk to his other Vivosaurs like he can with Blaze.

James and Blaze have a unusual bond with one another, as for talking to his other Vivosaurs, He can only do it in a Battle, Being able to talk to your Vivosaurs is thought to be impossible so only James can do it.

And guys I've been talking with a friend SkyeSaber77 and she gave me some good ideas for Vivosaurs so be ready for an uncommon Vivosaurs for a Rookie.

And I'm so sorry it took me this long for me to publish this chapter.

I'll be shorting the chapters now.

"A" Normal speech

'B' Thought

'C' Human Telepathy

"D" Vivosuar Telepathy


Knock Knock

My eyes fluttered open, ' Did I imagine that or-' before I could finish that thought someone spoke," Hello anyone here?" Called a familiar voice, but I was too tired for my brain to place the who it was," I do have the right room don't I?" the voice said," Am I on the right floor?... Wait is this even the right Hotel!", After a moment of silence the voice chuckled," What am I thinking there's only one Hotel on the Island!" I rolled my eyes,'Only one person is that scattered' I thought.

' Maybe if I'm really quiet he'll go away' I thought, but he just kept knocking,' He's not going away is he?" I thought, I was nearly scared out of my wits when Blaze responded," No he's not so get your tiny butt out of bed and go see what he wants" growled Blaze.

Groaning I crawled out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I swung my legs over the edge of bed, but as I started to stand the floor was swept out from under me, I hit the floor with a annoyingly loud thud, I silently cursed myself for putting that Fossil Rock there," Is everything alright in there?" asked Diggings, I grunted then pushed myself up and walked over to the door.

Opening the door I was greeted by Digging who was in a disgustingly cheerful mood for this time of day," Diggings? Do you have any idea of what time it is?" I demanded, he must have misinterpreted what I said because he looked down at his watch." It's 9:28 , anyway I came over here because I forgot to give you something yesterd-" He stopped talking when he looked down at my bare chest.

I cursed myself for the second time this morning for not putting on a shirt before answering the door," My boy, what happened to you?" he asked, I avoided eye contact with him," I'm not ready to talk about it just yet. Now you said that you forgot to give me something?" I responded, he cocked an eyebrow but thankfully he dropped the subject.

" Yes I wanted to give you these" Said Diggings as he handed me a touch screen devise about the size of a phone with handles on both sides and a collapsible pickax," The devise you're holding is called a sonar it is designed to detect objects buried underground, that includes Fossil Rocks, but I think you should have some practice before you go to a real dig sites, so I suggest you go to the park area and talk to Bea Ginner, she'll show you the ropes. Anyway" Diggings said he waved goodbye," With that out of the way I should get back to the Fossil-Center".

I waved back and shut the door, I placed my pickax and sonar on the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After a little while I got out, brushed my teeth and washed my face, I wiped the steam off the mirror so I could use it, like always the first thing I looked at were the scars that covered most of my body, and just like every time I see them I feel anger boil up within me, I hate that man with every fiber of my being for what he did to me, forcing myself to look elsewhere I looked at my hair it was wet and curly so I grabbed a towel and dried it, when I was finished drying it I ran my fingers though it so it would at least look descent.

I got my bright purple hair color from my mom, but I got my amethyst eyes from my dad, my fathers eyes always looked so gentle , but mine had a wild look in them that would make cops think I was up to no good. And in all its warped glory was the scar on my chin, it starts below my left ear and runs to the end of my chin, I gritted my teeth in an effort not to punch the glass, I turned on my heel and left the bathroom to get dressed.

I changed into the same clothing I wore yesterday, my red long sleeve shirt, black jeans and orange bandanna that was tied tightly around my neck, I attached the Pickax to my back and slid the sonar into my pocket, I glanced at the photo of my parents then left for the Park Area.

(Time Skip)

The Park Area looked peaceful there were people sitting on benches and a thick forest," That would be the perfect place to train" said Blaze, I grunted in agreement.

" Are you the new Fighter?" Asked a female voice, I looked to my right and saw a girl with ginger hair and dark brown eyes, she was wearing blue shorts that were smeared with dirt and a purple T-shirt, judging by the amount of sweat on the her shirt and painful looking sunburn, she's been out in the sun for a long time.

I nodded and walked over to her," My name is Bea Ginner, no jokes please, I teach all the rookies who come here the basics of digging up Fossils, shall we go to the trial dig site for some hands on experience?" She asked," James don't be rude introduce yourself " huffed Blaze.

" My name's James by the way" I said, she gave me an amused smile," Well it's nice to meet James, normally a Tenderfoot is to excited to tell me there name, you're one of the few to ever be polite" she said.

I followed her into the woods on a well worn path that led to a large patch of dirt, Bea Ginner cleared her throat," Okay I'm going to teach you how to use your sonar as well as excavate. To locate a Fossil just tap your sonar's screen and wait for it to locate any near by Fossils, now how about a little test to see if you were paying attention so I'm going to go bury three rocks and I want you to dig them up." She said.

I looked away so she could bury them, after a minute of waiting Bea Ginner spoke," Alright they're buried", I walked to the middle of the Practice Site and tapped my sonar and three diamond shaped objects appeared on the screen with a ping, I removed my pickax off my belt and unfolded it, I tapped the sonar again and objects appeared on the screen again.

I walked over to the closest one and dug it up, when it was unearthed I quickly picked it up, after examining it I realized that it was just a regular rock, I dropped it back into the hole slightly disappointed.

" Yeah that will happen from time to time" said Bea Ginner, I half heartily tapped the sonar again and walked over to the nearest Fossil Rock and dug it up, this one was an actual Fossil Rock, but this one shimmered, " Why is this one shiny?" I asked Bea Ginner.

She smiled," That means it's a Fossil you've already revived, so I'll take that one" She said, I walked over to her and handed it to her.

Tapping the sonar again I found out where the last rock was hidden, I quickly excavated it,' This better not be a normal rock' I thought, when I freed it from it's earthly tomb, I discovered it was a Fossil Rock.

" That's a Fossil Rock you have yet to revive" said Bea Ginner, I walked over and handed the Rock to her. She held up her hands," That one is yours, you can hold on to that and revive it later," She said

" That is all the Fossils I buried " She said, I thanked her and left for the Fossil Center to clean and revive my Fossil.

(Time Skip)

I entered the Fossil-Center and headed straight for the cleaning room," Greetings Master James!" Exclaimed a voice behind me.

I reacted by swinging my right fist towards the voice, but my swing was blocked by a long metal arm, now that I was facing the source of the voice, I took a moment to observe it.

The figure in front me was almost identical to the Robot from the Fossil stadium, except it was white and blue, not yellow.

" I apologies Master James, I felt that it was best if announce my presence to avoid scaring you... But it seems I have failed my objective." It said.

" You think!" I seethed," I haven't seen you that scared before" teased Blaze,' Don't test me Blaze you're still grounded ' I growled, Blaze whined," James, you know it's cruel to keep me from battling".

Before I could respond to Blaze a voice pulled me from the conversation," Ah James, allow me to introduce you to KL-33N," said Diggings as he came out of his office," He'll be assisting you with cleaning".

I eyed the Robot carefully when it held out it's hand," KL-33N at your service," said KL-33N, Digging smiled," He's here to help you manage your Fossil Rocks and cleaned Fossils," Said Diggings.

" I'm unrivaled when it comes to revival," KL-33N said excitedly then he did some kind of salute," Ready to serve!" He exclaimed, I raised an eyebrow,' Well this is going to get real old, real fast', I thought.

" KL-33N is also programmed to observe your cleaning" explained Diggings," When he's observed long enough he will be able to successfully clean Fossils, eventually you would be able to let him handle all of your cleaning for you".

I fixed my gaze on KL-33N," I will do my best to meet your expectations!" KL-33N exclaimed," And I will certainly learn faster by watching the master!"

"You've got to give him points for his eagerness, I'm sure you two will get along great, Tootles!", Diggings said as he rushed off to some unknown point.

" I'm going to clean a couple Fossil Rocks...if you want to watch." I said, at this Kal visibly perked up," Of course I would!" Exclaimed KL-33N, I fought the urge to smile," I love your enthusiasm Kal," I said.

I placed the Fossil Rock from the trial dig site onto the cleaning station, Kal watched my every move as I began to carefully removed the outer layer of the Fossil, After a few minutes I uncovered a medium sized head of a carnivore.

" Shanshan head" Kal observed," I'll commence revival immediately!" he said as he flouted over to the revival machine with the Fossil held firmly in his hands.

He placed the skull into the revival chamber," Commencing revival" exclaimed Kal, the Fossil glowed a brilliant green followed shortly by a flash of green light, the screen blinked to life showing a Vivosaur about half the size of Cuttup, it had pink scales, and feathers on its tail that made a fan shaped, it's legs were thick and muscular and what looked like tattoos of high speed winds, above its eyes were a bright shade of blue that shone with intelligence, above its eyes were three yellow feathers.

" The revival process was successful!" said Kal as I walked over to retrieve my newest Dino Metal,' Welcome to the team Shanshan' I greeted, there was a moment of silence before Shanshan responded," Are you to be my master?" Asked Shanshan, this Vivosaurs voice lacked the higher notes to belong to a female Vivo but it was still pretty high for a males.

'I guess that's one way of putting it'I said ,"Then I'm ready to fight for you!" Roared Shanshan.

(Time Skip)

After lunch I went back to the trial dig site to see if I could find more Fossils, but I'm afraid the trip was a wast of time, I was geting ready to leave when a voice called out," Hello!".

I looked up to see a boy about my age trotting towards me, he had short black hair, his eyes were olive green. He was wearing black cargo jeans with a gold flame stitching, the shirt he was wearing was black with gold flame stitching, his hat was gold with small white wings on eather side.

" I'm Holt, nice to meetcha" said Holt as he extended his hand, I grasped his hand ," James" I said.

" You've only fought one on one battles right?" Asked Holt, I nodded.

" Would you like me to show you how it's done?" He asked with a smirk," I won't lose" I said with a grin that made Holt take a couple steps back.

" Please let me fight this wimp, please!" Begged Blaze, I resisted the urge to let her battle," No your still grounded" I thought, Blaze snarled in frustration.

" Igua, V-Raptor go!" Yelled Holt, there was a flash of green light, a large green,

beaked herbivore appeared and a small blue and white feathered carnivore appeared next to Igua.

" Cuttup, Shanshan to the battle field!" I yelled, my Vivosaurs appeared in a flash of green light, Cuttup roared at the opposing Vivosaurs to show she wasn't going to back down, when Shanshan saw Cuttup it appeared he was quite taken with her form.

' Shanshan! focus' I thought, he looked away from Cuttup and a deep threatening growl resonate from his throat, the opposing Vivosaurs returned the hostility.

V-Raptor was the first to make a move, it ran low to the ground to make itself as small of a target as possible,' Smart' I thought.

Cuttup was carefully watching V-Raptor as it attempted to maneuver behind her and Shanshan.

In an attempt to distracted Cuttup Igua's clawed hands became encased in green energy it roared then charged.

Cuttup turned just in time to get to get clawed fist to the face.

She staggered backward," It just hit me!" she growled.

I rolled my eyes,' Then hit it back' I sighed.

" With pleasure!" Growled Cuttup as surged forward with fangs bared ready to tear into Igua.

Her fangs sunk into Igua's neck, It took Igua a moment to realize it had been hit, after it processed the situation it let out a ear piercing screech.

I covered my ears and yelled out a command," Cuttup silence it!", She obeyed my order and tore out it's throat, Igua let out a gargled cry before it disappeared in a flash of green light.

Shanshan was so caught up with Cuttup's fight he forgot to keep an eye on the Raptor, the small air-type Vivosuar took the opening by jumping onto Shanshan's exposed side.

Shanshan wailed in agony, but before Shanshan could shake V-Raptor, it slit his throat sending the mid-sized vivosuar back to its Dino Metal in a flash of green light.

Cuttup turned sharply to face the smaller Vivosuar.

V-Raptor withered under Cuttup's dark gaze, I looked over at Holt to see a look of panic on his face.

With out warning Cuttup charged V-Raptor, when she was close enough she extended the spines on her head she then used her head like a club, swung her head into V-Raptors side sending little Vivosuar back into it's Dino Metal.

Cuttup roared mightily then returned to her Dino Metal in a flash of green light," Wow that was... Wow" stuttered Holt," You beat me and I'm pretty good, we should do this again sometime" he looked at his watch," I have to get going, I'll see you around the Island, later!" He exclaimed and took off running, I raised an eyebrow at his behavior.

" James!" Called Diggings, I looked over my shoulder and saw him rushing towards me," Looks like you've already revived two Vivosaurs" said Diggings slightly winded, I nodded," In that case I beleave you've learned everything you can at the trial dig site! I give you permission to go to a real dig site called Greenhorn Plains, go talk to Beth at the harbor when you wish to travel
to dig sites, happy hunting" Diggings said with a smile then he walked away.

"James " Blaze said sweetly," Can I be in the next fossil battle?", I sighed.

' Fine' I said. I could feel Blaze purring from my pocket, which was an odd sensation by the way.

Time Skip

I arrived at the dig sit known as Greenhorn Plains and it was gorgeous, wide open prairie, no people-" Hey! Hey James!" Yelled Holt, I grumbled and looked to my right to see the kid same boy I beat at the Trial dig site, he was running towards me as though he was being chased by a bee, he came to a compleat stop in front of me, he was out of breath and sweating profusely," Long time no see" he said with a lopsided grin," I was just on my way back to town to clean some new Fossils and wanted wish you luck, gotta run, see you later alligator!" And he was off again.

" In awile crockodile" I muttered as I walked deeper into the dig site in search of Fossils.

After a bit of looking I noticed a man in a light blue suit standing inside a hole in a fence, I carefully aproched him," Hello, I am a member of the Fossil-Center, the area behind me is rich with rare and incredible Fossils, Fossil Battles are strictly prohibited beyond this point, we don't want to damage the Fossils now do we" he said with a sly smile.

" If you would kindly hand over your Dino Metals, I will hold onto them until you return" he said as he held out his hand.

I hesitated, my head was telling me he was lying but my heart was telling me to trust him.

After moment or two my heart won the argument so I reached into my pocket and took out all my Metals but I subconsciously left Blaze's Metal, I handed them to the worker," Thank you, may rare and wonderful fossils await you" he said.

One Hour Later

I could feel my anger growing, I've been here for over an hour and all I've found were normal rocks, I stalked back to where the worker was last but he was gone.

I was about go find him when something caught the sun light. Two Dino Metals, I quickly picked them up and inspected them.

Relief washed over me, yup there mine, I thought," James Don't you ever do that again!" Snarled Blaze.

'Sorry, bad judgment call ' I said.

"Hey! Where did he go" said a female voice I looked up to see a girl with pink pigtails and bright pink eyes, she was clad in pink skirt and a pink hat," The guy from the Fossil-Center, where did he go?" She asked again," Was I the only one who gave him my Dino Metals?" She began looking through the dirt then stopped stood up and angrily said," We've all been tricked, all that was in there was rusty old junk" then she seemed to notice me for the first time, she walked over to me and grabbed my hand, out of surprise I dropped my Dino Metals, I ripped my arm out her hand then bent to pick them up," You still have your Dino Metals? How did you do that?" She asked, I glared at her," Oh I get it your a rookie your Vivosaurs are still pretty weak so he just thew them on the ground, but mine were really strong I was ready for my level up battle!" She was deep in thought.

" Wow her moods are unpredictable" said Blaze.

'I agree' I said, then the girl snapped her fingers.

" That guy said he worked for the Fossil-Center, right?" I nodded," Then what are we waiting for let's go to the Fossil-Center and get my Metals back!" She said as she grabbed my hand again and dragged me towards the dig site entrance, I yanked my hand out of hers," Why are you taking me?" I snarled.

" Because your going to help me get my Dino Metals back" she said.

" No I'm not, it's not my problem" I said as began to walk away, I aidble heard her growl, then she grabbed me by my shirt collar and dragged me to the entrance,.

I was about to free myself but Blaze stopped," Just play along for now" said Blaze, she sounded amused.

I let out an exasperated sigh and let the girl drag me where ever she said she was going.

Time Skip

The girl stood in front of Wendy's desk, I was standing next to her while she was glaring at Wendy," You better have a good reason for this!" The girl snapped, Wendy's brow furrowed.

" I'm sorry but I don't understand? Is there something I help you with?" Asked Wendy, she was clearly confused and I was furious with this girl for jumping to conclusions, the girl looked like she was about to exploded.

"Help me with something! How about getting my Dino Metals back that one of you employees stole from me in Greenhorn Plains!" She yelled, Wendy took a step back in fear.

" Greenhorn Plains you say?" She said nervously," Let me check the duty roster" she said, then quickly disappeared through a door behind her, the girl let out an annoyed sigh, a few minutes later Wendy returned with a clipboard," Hmmm, strange, we don't have anyone scheduled to work that dig site today" said Wendy thoughtfully.

" Then we need to go see Captain Bullwort" she said then she grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me towards the door, I mounted ' I'm sorry' to Wendy and she smiled.

20 Minutes Later

"Is there something wrong?" Asked the police officer as he eyed me suspiciously, I resised the urge to glare at him.

" Yes there is and I need to speak to Captain Bullwort right away" the girl said, the officer sighed," He's in his office, I'm sure that he can help you with whatever problem you may have" he said sadly,"Poor guy, seems like everyone wants to speak to the Captain but not the officers" said Blaze, I nodded.

" Thank you" said the girl, we walked through an automatic door and entered a hallway, at the end of the hall was the Captain's office," I'll talk to him" she said, I rolled my eyes, the Captain was a huge about seven foot nine, he was built like football defenseman, he had light brown hair that was neatly cut, pale blue eyes, he was dressed in a well decorated blue officer uniform with a blue cap tucked under his arm, it looked like he was about to leave," Captain Bullwort!" Said the girl, the Captain looked down at the girl and smiled.

" Ah, what's the matter did someone throw away your dolly or something?" He asked cheerfully.

" As if! Someone stole my Dino Metals, with out them do I even count as a Fossil Fighter?" She asked.

His eyes widened" Well that is serious!" Said Captain Bullwort," What did the Perpetrator look like?" He asked, The girl thought for a moment.

" He had eyes like a Lambeo and a mouth like an Anato's" She recalled.

'Huh?', I said.

"I don't know either" said Blaze, Bullwort sighed.

" Catching this man might be harder than I thought", the girl started whining.

" But I had ten Dino Metals! I was ready for my level up battle!", I sighed and shook my head, she looked at me like she just remembered that I was there." Oh.. I'm sorry here I'm dragging you all over the Island and I haven't introduced myself, I'm Rosie" She said.

" James" I said, she smiled," James? Nice name" I glared at her," Thank you for helping me find the thief" said Rosie.

" I didn't have a choice" I growled.

" Wait! Where would you go to test out some new Vivosaurs?" Asked Bullwort, Rosie snapped her fingers.

" The Fossil Stadium! Thanks Captain!" Rosie exclaimed," Come on let get my Dino Metals back.

Time Skip

" Are you here to compete in a Fossil Battle?" Asked Tiffany, I nodded and shot a glare at Rosie who was oblivious to it," May I please see your Fossil License?" Asked Tiffany, I reached into my pocket and pulled my wallet out, I took my Fossil License out and handed it to Tiffany, she scanned it," James, we have you listed as a level one Fighter, when you ready please enter the door to the right".

I walk through the door and down the hallway, at the end of the hallway I stopped and watched a boy fighting a ten year old girl, the guys name was stupid, P. B. Jay," Hey that guy is using my Vivosaurs, that rat" growled Rosie, she looked at me and smiled," Don't worry there not my best Vivosaurs, so you should win with out a problem" said Rosie, I let a huff.

" I could handle your best and still win" I said, she glared at me.

" I'd wish you good luck but it doesn't seem like you need it" She snapped.

" I'm glad you agree" I said which only made her angrier.

She turned sharply on her heel and headed up to the stands.

A few minutes later P.B. Jay was victorious and I walked out on the battlefield.

" No hard feelin's but I'm gunna crush you!" Yelled P.B Jay, he threw two Dino Metals at the Battlefield, there was a flash of green light and I was greeted by the familiar forms of Spinax and V-Raptor.

I laughed," Blaze It's time to reclaim your throne!" I yelled as I threw Blaze's Metal.

There was a flash of red light and Blase stood before me, her roar echoed though the stadium and silenced the crowd.

" I'm free" Blaze said happily, I couldn't help but grin like a mad man when the gong sounded.

Blaze roared baring her fangs at the opposing Vivosaurs.

The Spinax and V-Raptor coordinated there attacks, Spinax roared and charged Blaze in a straight line while V-Raptor snuck around the bigger Vivosaurs to get behind Blaze for a sneak attack.

'There're trying to box you in' I warned.

" Got it" said Blaze as smashed her head into the of side Spinax's skull then latched onto the air-type's muzzle, the force of the bite cracked Spinax's jaw, It bellowed in pain.

Blaze spun so her tail collided with V-Raptor sending it acrossed the Battlefield.

Blaze then turned and dodged a cyclone attack from Spineax, her eyes glowed red and her mane caught fire, she opened her large jaws and fire erupted from her open maw.

Spineax bellowed in pain but Blaze quickly silenced it by ripping out its throat, Spineax returned to it's Metal leaving V-Raptor alone against Blaze.

Blaze bared her fangs in a gruesome smile before V-Raptor was to engulfed in flames sending the small Vivosaur back to its Dino Metal, Blaze roared claiming victory before returning to her Dino Metal.

I held her Metal up to my face,' Nice job Blaze' I said proudly

I could feel her purring again.

10 Minutes Later

" You did it! You won!" Exclaimed Rosie.

" Of coarse I won" I mumbled, but she didn't hear me because she was to busy glaring at Jay.

" I'll take my Dino Metals now, thank you vary much" Rosie said, Jay took a step back.

" Whoa, whoa whoa I bought these Dino Metals with my own money, why do you think there yours?" He asked, Rosie's brow furrowed.

" You bought them? Are you sure you didn't steal them?" Asked Rosie, Jay raised an eyebrow.

" Steal them? Why would I steal them? Is this some kind of trick?" Demanded Jay.

" The Vivosaurs you were just using were the vary same ones that were stolen from me in Greenhorn Plains! Who did you buy them from?" Asked Rosie.

" I bought them from a guy named Metal Dealer Joe, you can't miss him, he has eyes like a Lambeosaurus" he said, Rosie was over joyed.

" That's him! He's called Metal Dealer Joe? Well that's tacky, do you know where we can find him?" Asked Rosie, Jay sighed and shook his head.

" No I don't know where he is" he was thoughtful for a minute," But I first heard about him at the Fossil Guide".

Rosie nodded," The Fossil Guide got it" said Rosie, she was about walk away but stopped," I know you are a victim too but could I have my Dino Metals back?" Asked Rosie, Jay nodded.

" If I knew they were stolen I would never have bought them" said Jay as handed Rosie her Dino Metals, she happily took them.

" Thank you" said Rosie with a small smile.

" I'm going to go talk to the police and see if I can help convict this guy" Jay said angrily, then he walked out of the stadium.

" Okay James let's go to the Fossil Guide" she said as grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out for the Stadium.