Hello fellow Fossil fighters.

I got the idea while watching a series of unfortunate events, I've always liked the idea of a character with a painful past, I think it gives them a strong moral concept. anyway this is my first FanFiction so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Now I will be following the story line but I'm going to be adding some extra chapters.

I will be adding the next chapter this month or the next.

So please R&R

(Disclaimer, I do not own Fossil Fighters or any songs in here)

"A" Normal Speech

'B' Thought

"C" Telepathy

'D' Human Telepathy


I sat in the back of a little white boat watching the deep blue waves slap against the boat's hull, I'm five foot nine, with deep purple hair and bright purple eyes.
I'm wearing a red long sleeve shirt and black jeans an orange bandanna to hide mutiple scars that cover most of my body and black finger-less gloves.

' I'm almost out of his reach, as soon as I make it to island I have to start training, I wont be beaten and taken back to him' I thought as I absentmindedly fiddling with a red rimmed silver medallion that was given to me by my mother before she died,"Are we almost there?" Asked Blaze, I nodded,' Almost Blaze' I said mentality," Alright then, do you promise to tell me when the Island is in sight?" Asked Blaze, chuckled inwardly,' Yeah I promise'.

" And can you stop twirling me around? You're making me dizzy" moaned Blaze, I stopped playing with her Medal,"Sorry" I mumbled," It's alright" said Blaze.

I slipped her Metal into my pocket, Blaze is a level 5 female T-Rex, she's my only true friend, my mother gave her to me on my 15th Birthday so I could understand what it would feel like to be a Fighter.
" So your heading to Vivosaur Island, kid?"asked a gruff voice.

I looked up and at the front of the boat was a man he had to have been is his early forties or late thirties he had neatly cut brown hair, gentle black eyes, he was wearing a blue T-shirt with red flowers printed on it and a pare of brown summer shorts, I just nodded.

" Where are you from" he asked" The U.S" I answered, he stared at me for a moment, then a smile sarted forming on his face," Let me guess you are on your way to become a Fossil Fighters aren't you?" He asked, I nodded " That's what I'm hoping for" I answered, he studied me for a second," You must be very brave to travel all the way to Vivosaur Island by yourself " he said, with that smile still plastered on his face," You must be a vary big fan of Dinosaurs" , I just nodded.

" Carnivores or Herbivores?" He asked, I thought for a moment," Carnivores," I answered," Big and strong or small and fast?" He asked," Big and strong" I answered,"Who do you like better, Tyrannosaurus, the fiery king of all dinosaurs or Tarbosarus, the purple skinned jaws of death?" He asked," I swear if you don't pick me I will never come out of this Metal!" Roared Blaze, I smiled," T-Rex" I answered

"I'll remember that, the Tyrannosaurus fan named James." Said Captain Travers smiling, he looked up at the front of the boat," Looks like we're about to arrive at Vivosaur Island." he said as walked to the wheelhouse, I jumped out of my seat and ran to the front of the boat, I saw an Island that was shaped like a T-Rex head slowly coming closer,' Blaze we're here' I said , she roared in excitement," I'll make you proud mom" I thought out loud.

When I stepped off the boat and onto the dock, I wobbled slightly like my body thought I was still on that boat, I did a quick scan of my surroundings, the dock I am currently standing on is made of stone and on each side were four yellow spikes that resembled a dinosaurs rib-cage, to my right I saw a sign that said Fighter Area,' So that must be where I am' I thought. Directly in front of ahead of me I a medium sized blue and white building with a dome like roof, to the left of that building was a massive red and yellow building that resembled a roman Colosseum, I could hear cheering and roaring coming from it.

" So long for now!" Hollered Captain Travers from the wheelhouse," I wish the bust of luck!" I just silently waved to him," We are here! and we're going to be Fighters!" Bellowed Blaze, 'Technically I will be the Fighter your going be a warrior' I thought,"I swear that I will never be defeated" she snarled,'I believe you Blaze' I thought with a chuckle.

" Welcome to Vivosaur Island!" Said a voice, I snapped out of my conversation with Blaze to see a girl maybe in her early twenties, she had mud brown hair and excited yellow eyes, she was wearing a dark red skirt and a tan-ish T-shirt," This is the Island where dinosaurs of past ages lie underground!" She said excitedly," Yes welcome!"Said a girl that just randomly appeared next to the first one, this girl had long blond hair, warm chocolate brown eyes, she was wearing a blue skirt and a yellow T-shirt," I'm Beth" said the first girl," And I'm Sue" Said the second girl a little too excitedly," James..." I responded,' They must be crazy' I thought," Wow , she has my eyes, I always wondered what a human would look like with my eyes and she looks amazing" said Blaze in a singsong kind of voice, I rolled my eyes," This is Vivosaur Harbor the only port on the Island" explained Beth excitedly," New people arrive every day, some are just fans of dinosaurs, but some are new Fossil Fighters in the making" said Beth, then Sue picked up where Beth left off," To become a Fossil Fighter you'll need to visit the Fossil-Center and talk to Dr. Diggins, to get to the Fossil-Center just follow the road straight ahead." Said Sue, I cocked an eyebrow,'Wow they must have done this a lot' I thought,"I agree " said Blaze.

They both stepped out of the way so I could see the building, But something else caught my eye, it was a man in his early thirties with wild blue hair and eyes the same color as his hair, he was wearing orange shorts a blue and light brown shirt as well as a white lab coat," So much to do," he muttered as he came closer to us," So much to do," he said again, he pulled something out of his pocket," That's not it," he muttered, then he looked at the ground," Hmm no that's not it either," he stood there for a moment," Hang on a tick..." he said, then he smiled," I've got it!" He said then he started to run of to the right toward a sign that said Guide Area

" Dr. Diggings, wait!" Called Beth, Dr. Diggings stopped running and look at us blankly," May I assume that your here to show our newest recruit the ropes?" She asked, " What?" He asked a little confused, he then looked at me, I raised an eyebrow at him.

' He doesn't seem like he's all there' I thought as I realized just how unkempt he looked," Oh a new recruit? Oh course!" Diggings exclaimed," Always happy to show a new recruit the ropes, let me see if..." he looked around clearly his mind was elsewhere," Change my schedule." He looked back at Beth and furrowed his brow," Wait... What were we talking about again?" He asked, before she could say anything, Diggings sighed," Never mind. I will see you later," he said and quickly became busy again muttering about how there was so much to do.

Beth sighed," That was Dr. Diggings of the Fossil-Center, He'll be responsible for issuing your Fighter License, Good luck with that..." she said waved and walked over to the Fossil-Center and entered the building " said Blaze, I grunted.

(Time Skip)

Inside the Fossil-Center had a lobby with chairs, benches and coffee tables with magazines, parallel to me was a large reception desk with two doors on either side of it. Standing behind the desk was a girl with strawberry blond hair that hung loosely around her shoulders, her eyes were sea green, she was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt with a red vest over it. I couldn't see what kind of pants she was wearing because of the desk, and she appeared to be a few inches shorter than me.

" Welcome to the Fossil-Center" she said happily," I'm Wendy", I stared at her for a second before responding," James" I said quietly, Her eyes brightened," I'm guessing you're here to become a Fossil Fighter" she questioned , I gave a small nod," I thought so, I've seen that look in your eyes before, Sadly you will have to wait, You see Dr. Diggings returned a moment ago but unfortunately he's wandered of again it may take us a little while to find him. You may want to check into the hotel while you wait" She said sadly, I grunted and decided to go to the hotel.

Okay she said it will be on the right when you exit the Fossil-Cen-," Look out! I can't stop!" Someone yelled, I looked up just as a girl barreled into me, " I'm so sorry" She stammered, she looked about a year or two younger than me, she light brown hair with dark blue eyes, she was wearing brown shorts, a dirty white T-shirt and laced combat boots.

" Are you okay?" She asked," Yeah I'm fine" I mumbled, she held out her hand to help me up, I stared cautiously at her before taking it, when I was standing again I glared at her," Why don't you where your running?" I growled.

" I was trying, I was running to get in shape and I ran a little too fast and I couldn't stop... Oh and I'm by the way I'm Peggy" she said, I could see her cheeks starting to turn pink, embarrassed maybe so I decided to drop it," Its fine, just be more careful next time" I mumbled and headed towards where I thought the hotel is.

" What's wrong with you?" roared Blaze, I winced at her tone,' What are you talking about?' I questioned, Blaze huffed in annoyance," You can be so dense sometimes you know that right?" she demanded, I growled inwardly,' Get to the point'.
" She wants to be your mate!" Bellowed Blaze, I stopped in my tracks,' She does not!' I managed to choke out, I could practically feel Blaze rolling her eyes, ' Don't you roll your eyes at me' I snapped at her as I entered the Hotel.

Inside the lobby was.. Incredible it looked like it was meant for royalty, I looked down at my clothing and realized how under dressed I was, A man who was previously standing behind a the front desk, now was in front of me," Welcome to the Relic Hotel" He greeted, as he flashed me a unnaturally white smile, he had black hair and black eyes and he was wearing a dark black suit," Where we provide quality logging for aspiring Fossil Fighters! We've been expecting you, James." The manager said, his name tag said Yagamamoto.

" What does he mean we've been expecting us?" asked Blaze, I shrugged my shoulders,' I don't know' I said skeptically.

Yagamamoto walked over to an elevator to the right of his desk," Right this way please" he said, I followed him into the elevator, he pushed the up button," This elevator will take you to your room which is on the second floor" he explained.

After a moment of awkward silence the elevator doors opened with a ding, we exited the elevator and Yagamamoto led me to a room at the far end of the hallway," And here is your room" Yagamamoto said as he unlocked the door and handed me the key, I thanked him and entered my room.

Immediately to my right was a Queen sized bed pressed against wall next, in the far left side of the room was a desk with an expensive looking laptop and a lamp, but the coolest part was the sliding glass door that led to a balcony, to my left was the bathroom and a empty bookshelf opposite of the front door.

" This is the nicest place I've ever stayed in, and I get it all to myself" I said with a rare smile," Oh no you're broken!" Exclaimed Blaze,'What?' I said as looked to see what I broke," Your smiling! Are you feeling alright?" Blaze purred,'Ha ha very funny' I snarled. I unpacked what little stuff I brought with me, one of which was a photo of my mom and dad, it's about the only thing I have left of them, once all my things were unpacked I headed back to the Fossil-Center.

(Time Skip)

In the Fossil-Center I found a room labeled Lab, I stuck my head inside," Uhh.. Dr. Diggings?" I said, a head with wild blue hair appeared from behind a large control panel," Oh" Dr. Diggings exclaimed when he saw me," James, right?" He asked, I nodded, he stood and quickly walked over to me, like he thought I was about to leave, " I'm Dr. Diggings I'm the director and researcher for the Fossil-Center, nice to properly meet you," I shook his outstretched hand," Sorry I was a little scattered when we first met," He chuckled awkwardly," This place keeps me really, really busy."

He cleared his throat, like he was starting a speech, which he was," Fossil hunting is all kinds of fun, I should know it's my life's work, I've been interested in Fossils since I was a little boy..." Dr. Diggings stared at some point in the distance, but he continued," I broke my mother's favorite teacup and tried to hide it by burying it in the garden. A few shovel scoops later, I found a strange rock, I stopped digging to get a closer look at it, it turned out to be a Stegosaurus Fossil! I was so excited, I forget about what I was doing in the first place. I ran inside to show my mom, she asked where I found it and before I knew it I told her why I was digging in the garden." Diggings Chuckled," I've only seen my mom that angry a few times, I was so excited about my discovery! That Stegosaurus Fossil is still my most prized possession," he said.

I suppressed the urge to smile, " But enough about me, let me explain about being a Fossil Fighter." Diggings said smiling.
" As a Fossil Fighter, you search for Fossils, dig them up, then clean them and use the Fossils to revive Dinosaurs, Fossil Fighter strive to revive stronger and stronger Dinosaurs and eventually become Master Fighters, you'll bring Fossils that you have dug up at dig-sites then bring them here for cleaning and revival," he said excitedly.

I thought about this for a moment," What exactly do you mean by cleaning and revival?" I asked, his smile widened and a wild glint entered his eyes," Cleaning is the process of removing extra rock from around the Fossil," Diggings explained," Bringing Dinosaurs back to life from the Fossils you've cleaned is called revival... and revived Dinosaurs are called Vivosaurs, I will explain more about them later. The Fossils are divided into four categories, Head, Body, Arms and Legs, as long as you have the head you can revive the Dinosaur, but the revival process isn't perfect, you see the Dinosaurs that we have revive pick up traits from there environment, which can give them strange powers, That's why we call them Vivosaurs, since they aren't technically Dinosaurs at all, anyway you should know that the more body parts you find, the stronger your Vivosaur will be" he said as he led me to a big machine in the back of the room.

" Okay now it's time for you to take your first step as a Fossil Fighter learning how to clean a Fossil" he said as he slipped a large brown rock into the machine, he handed my a drill and hammer," Use these to brake away the excess rock until you have uncovered the petrified bone" he said giddily, after a few minutes of working on the rock I had uncovered the skull of a large Carnivore.

" Good job," Exclaimed Diggings," Now let's revive it," he said as he was walking to another machine on the wall opposite wall of the cleaning station, he placed the Fossil beneath the screen and pressed a green button, the machine started making a loud humming noise and the Fossil glowed a brilliant emerald green, there was a flash of light and a Vivosaur appeared on the screen, it was large, it was deep blue on top with a lime green underbelly, it had short arms with only three fingers on the end, on the end of each finger was a thick sharp claw, it mouth was lined with large knife like teeth as thick as my thumb, on its back were rows of razor sharp spines that ran from the back of its neck all the way to the end of its tail, its piercing red eyes landed on me," Where am I?" It snarled, I noticed it sounded feminine.

'In a place called the Fossil-Center' I explained,' I revived you' I said, she was silent for a moment," I guess I should thank you" she said,' Its alright you don't need to thank me' I said,"This Vivosaur is called a Spinax." Said Diggings the Vivosaur disappeared from the screen and a small green rimed silver coin was dispensed out of the machine," One advantage of our revival process is that Vivosaurs can be carried around as Dino Metals. You can carry around your favorite Vivosaurs, to Battle other Fossil Fighters," said Diggings, he held out an empty hand," This for you to keep James," he said smiling," Your... hand?" I asked, Diggings chuckled," No the Vivosaur is yours to keep, but not my hand I still need that", then he looked down at his empty hand," Goodness now where did I put that thing now?" Exclaimed Diggings. I let out a small irritated sigh as he searched for the Metal," I'm in his left coat pocket" growled the Spinax," You put it in your left coat pocket" I sighed, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow then slid his hand into his pocket and removed it with the Metal in the palm of his hand," I was wondering where you had got off too!" He said as he held it out to me, I took the Metal from his outstretched hand and examined it, it was engraved with an image of Spinax's body," Thank's Doc" I said, Diggings nodded, and I left the Fossil-Center, I held up Spinax's Dino Metal 'Blaze meet our newest team member' I said.

" Wait I'm not you're first Vivosaur?" Asked Spinax,'Your the first one I cleaned and revived, Blaze was a gift from my mother' I answered, Blaze huffed she was clearly annoyed, and I think I know why," You better be a good fighter, James grounded me from the first few fights" growled Blaze, Spinax snarled," Are you challenging my strength".

Blaze responded with a deep growl,' Girls enough!' I shouted,' We have a test in a few minutes I need you two to get along or we might fail!' I yelled as I entered the Fossil-Stadium, inside was a large lobby with a lot of bookshelves, chairs, a big screen TV that was playing a live battle and a red carpet leading to a massive reception desk, on either side of the desk were two doors, I spotted a girl standing behind the desk, she had long blond hair, soft green eyes, she was wearing a green T-shirt with a red vest and a name tag that read Tiffany," Welcome to the Fossil-Stadium" she said energetically," I'm Tiffany, you must be James, if you're here for your Fingers test, first you'll have to complete a cleaning exam. When you are ready go through the door on the right" she said, I thanked her and walked over to the door on the right of the desk, I stood in front of it, I inhaled then opened the door, .

I was greeted by an empty hallway, at the end of the hallway were two doors, one on the right and the other on the left, before I could open one of them a metallic voice spoke behind me," Greetings," I turned around and was met with a floating robot, it's body was painted yellow, on top of it head with spinning drill like thing on its head and long arms with claw like fingers," I am KL-34N, I wish you the best of luck sir James, I wish you well on achieving your goal on becoming a Fossil Fighters, for this part of your test you must score fifty points or more for you to complete the cleaning test. let us begin," said KL-34N as he led me over to the door on the right, inside was empty except for a cleaning station with a large brown rock and a pair of freshly polished tools, I began my test.

(Time Skip)

I completed my test and left for the lobby with KL-34N trailing behind me ," Excellent!" KL-34N chirped," You past with an outstanding technique, surly you will be a top-class Fighter, James it is now time for you to begin the final stage of your text, please see Tiffany at the front desk", He said.

I watched as he hovered away,' I hope the fight is as easy as the first part of the test', I thought, I walked over to the front desk," Congratulations on passing your cleaning test James," Exclaimed Tiffany," Now it time for your final test, a Fossil Battle, when you are ready please go through the door on the right again." she said.

I went through the door again and walked down the hallway and was greeted by a familiar face," We meet again James," said Captain Travers with a vary large smile," Do you remember me?" He questioned, I nodded," Yes, How could I ever forget you" I said with another rare smile," This must be your first Fossil Battle, even thought it's your first time in a battle I don't expect to lose," he said with a challenging smile, with earned an enraged roar from Spinax," Just for that I'm going to eat his Vivosaur" she bellowed, I chuckled inwardly.

We both walked out onto a gigantic battlefield, he walk to one side and I to the other, I pulled Spinax's Dino Metal out of my pocket and Captain Travers took a Dino Metal out as well," Alright Spinax! Rip his Vivosaur to ribbons!" I yelled, there was a flash of green light and Spinax was standing in front of me she bared her fangs and let out a deep spine tingling growl," Goyo, let's make this quick!" Yelled Captain Travers, Goyo is a medium sized Vivosaur with dark blue skin, yellow markings and a dome like skull, lining the back of its head were sharp purple horns.

It stood its ground against Spinax, It was clearly unfazed by the difference in size , a loud gong sounded, Goyo let out a roar that sounded somewhat like a rhino, it lowered it head and charged, Spinax dodged Goyo's attack by jumping to the left, Goyo tried to turn but the momentum of the charge threw it off balance, Spinax ceased the opening in Goyos defense, lunged and sank her fangs into Goyo's neck, Goyo bellowed in pain and surprise, Spinax tossed Goyo across the arena nearly hitting Captain Travers. Goyo quickly got to its feet and lowered its head again and charged, Spinax growled in irritation, She lowered her head as well and charged at the oncoming Vivosaur, " She's going to head butt him" I thought, the two oncoming Vivosaurs collided head on. The collision caused a cloud of dust to cover most of the arena, when the dust settled both Vivosaurs were laying on the ground, slowly they began to rise," My head" moaned Spinax,' Oh my gosh your crazy!' I exclaimed, she chuckled, once she had her footing again, she shook her head to clear her vision, baring her fangs as she looked at Goyo, Spinax roared and charged Goyo while it was still dazed and closed her mouth around Goyos upper body and lifted Goyo up and shook the Vivosaur violently, from where I was standing I could hear the crack of its spine, Goyo let out a pained roar and disappeared in a flash of green light, Spinax roared loudly as she announced her victory before returning to her Dino Metal like Goyo.

(Time Skip)

" Nicely fought James that was a terrific first battle, that Spinax of your is the strongest I've seen a rookie have!" Travers said smiling, Spinax purred at the praise" Thank you," I said, I felt oddly giddy.

" That makes you an official Fossil Fighter" he said as we stopped at the reception desk," Oh I almost forgot," Said Travers, he pulled a large bag off his shoulder and reached inside. And removed a medium sized Fossil Rock, he handed it to me," What's this?" I asked with an eyebrow furrowed," It's an arm Fossil belonging to the Vivosaur you said you liked, it's not a head so you can't revive it, but the head is out there waiting for you, I'm wishing the best of luck James" said Travers as he walked away.

I stood there and I watched him leave," I'm going to get even stronger!" Bellowed Blaze." Congratulations James!" Said Diggings behind me, nearly making me jump out of my skin," You past your Fighters test! Now I am proud to present you with your Fighters License" said Diggings as he handed me a red and gold card with my name, picture and what level I am.

" That's proof that you're a real Fossil Fighter," said Diggings as he looked at his watch," Oh my.. Where has the time gone!?" Yelped Diggings, I rolled my eyes," You should go and get some rest" Diggings Chuckled," Sorry about all the yammering, your life as a Fossil Fighter will start with a bang tomorrow, get a goodnight's sleep and good luck on your way to becoming a Master Fighter," Diggings called over his should as he hurried off leaving me alone with my Vivosaurs, I looked down at my Fossil License and smiled a big toothy smile," We did it guys, we're officially a team, and there's no one out there who can stop us" I said out loud, Blaze and Spinax roared in agreement, I put my license in my back pocket," There's no were to go but up!" I whispered as I headed back to my hotel room.