It had been too long. Far too long. Eight months, in fact. And he was growing restless.

"Where is it?" he asked, his sea green eyes anxiously scanning the skies above. It looked like a storm was approaching. A faint wind rustled his already-unruly dark hair.

"Don't worry," said the burly boy beside him, a bow slung over one shoulder.

The girl to his right nodded, her head only reaching his shoulder."It'll be here soon," she soothed, her golden eyes consoling.

But the raven-haired young man barely heard either of them, for he had spotted something in the distance: a looming ship, descending from the silver-lined clouds like some sort of heavenly body. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine seeing her standing at the bow, her golden curls swirling about her face. Her gray eyes would be closed too...

His sea green eyes shot up, the old light rekindled in them.

"She's here," said Percy, gazing at the ship. "Annabeth is here."