Love Bites

Author's note/ Warnings: Yaoi fanfic for male x male pairing. You might want to turn back now, if this offends you. Any reviews will be greatly appreciated. I figure this will be either a hit or miss story. The responses will determine if it gets continued or removed. I hope you enjoy.

Some slight historical references, but I am being rather flexible. Consider there to be elements of a historical fiction to the plot. In a movie I saw, Dracula had a son before he was changed into a vampire, so that's where I got the idea. I am not sure if Vlad the Impaler had a son in real life or if that was just in the movie. I will also be taking liberties with vampire culture and biology. There will be no sparkles like in Twilight. They will be REAL vampires, lol.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit.

Chapter One

"You've got to be joking. We would have known if Dracula had a son," Naruto says, at the gathering of some of the most powerful vampires in the world.

They came from all corners of the globe, from the unforgiving heat of the desert to the frigid tundra. Dozens of languages were being spoken, but thanks to a witch a translation spell was in effect. The ages ranged from the youngest having been turned during the American Civil War to a bonded pair of vampires who had seen the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.

Vampires tended to be rather fond of luxury. The vampires and witch in question were currently in a conference room at a luxury hotel. The cost of the room for the night, was more than most people would make in a year. The wood of the conference table was made of beautiful cherry wood. The walls were made a luminous white marble. The plush red silk carpet, was made of the finest silk. Every vampire had a golden chalice filled to the brim with blood. (The witch was perfectly happy with her wine. Thank you very much.)

The pink haired witch sighed and placed her head in her hands at the blond vampire's outburst. This was going to take awhile to explain. She probably should have gotten something stronger than wine.

"He's not his son. He's the descendent of Dracula's son. Dracula had a human son before he was turned. Most just assumed the son died before continuing on the human line. That was not the case," Sakura said.

"So you are telling me that there is something like a 5 or 10 times great grandson of Dracula out wandering around," Naruto asks.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you," the irritated witch replied.

"Great. So let's get his ass here. Europe's vampire population has gotten pretty reckless since Vlad's death," Naruto says merrily.

"The problem Naruto, is this boy is HUMAN," Tsunade a busty blonde vampiress who, along with her mate Jirayia, was one of the oldest vampires to still be walking on the planet.

"… He's human. Shit. That means he's," Naruto starts, but is interrupted a feral looking red head named Gaara.

"Fangbait if the general vampire population finds out." Gaara finishes.

"The solution is simple then. We find him, have him turned, and train him to take over his birthright," Mei, a vampiress turned during the Middle Ages, says.

"That is the plan. Even if he is turned though, like any new vampire there is a rather steep learning curve," Jirayia says.

"He'll be an easy target for any vampire wishing to make a name for themselves by killing him, becoming his lover, or influencing him," says Onoki, who was turned during the 1700's.

"Yes, that is our concern. Though perhaps not as easy to kill as one might think, watch the footage," Jirayia says as he clicks on the tv and plays the video.

The video started playing. The setting was a night club. There was man, who barely looked old enough to be in the club, sitting next to a white haired man, red headed girl, and orange haired man. They all looked like college kids, enjoying a night out.

The one that the camera was mostly focused on, exotic to say the least. He stood around six feet tall. He had raven black hair that was spiked in the back and two long bangs framing the sides of his face. His skin was luminous shade of ivory. He had aristocratic facial features and broad shoulders. The rest of him appeared to be lean muscle.

He wore a long sleeved white shirt and blue jeans. Naruto suddenly had a whole new appreciation for jeans, he'd never seen them worn THAT well before. But the real show stopper were his eyes. They were obsidian in color and regal expression to them, that very few humans had ever possessed. (And Naruto had met many actual monarchs.)

The white haired one speaks, "Hey, just got a call from the frat. They are having a keg. Let's blow this place," he says.

"Is that all you think about, getting drunk," the woman asks.

"No, that's not ALL I think about. I also think about getting laid. Preferably both can happen in the same night," he smirks.

"Suigetsu, duck," the large orange haired man says.

"What? Why," Suigetsu asks.

The woman's fist goes flying and connects with his face. He backs up and rubs his face. She glares daggers at him and mutters something about perverts and how Sasuke would NEVER act like that.

"Owe! Bitch that fucking hurt. No wonder he doesn't want to date you, Karin. You are so abusive," Suigetsu said.

She twitches, "What'd you call me?"

"I called you a bitch. If the shoe fits, wear it" he says.

The dark haired college student rolls his eyes, "Let's go before Karin gets arrested for assault and you end up in the hospital," he says.

They start heading towards the door. After a moment, Sasuke tells them he'll catch up with them in a bit. He forgot his wallet. He heads back and retrieves it. This was when the camera catches a small group of vampires in the distance watching him.

Sasuke, as Naruto had determined the obsidian eyed youth was called, heads out of the club. Clearly, his intention was to join his friends. But the vampires follow. They were swift. One blocks the door and another soon stands in his path. Still there were two others flanking his side. In any normal circumstance, this kid was a goner.

"What's your hurry," one of the vampires asks.

"Move," he says with a velvety, commanding voice.

Dracula had been famous for his ability to compel people with his voice. Most vampires could compel after awhile. Dracula still to this day was the best at it. Looked like a trace of this ability had been passed down through the generations because the vampires almost move.

"He's bossy for a pretty boy," another one of the vampires in the group says conversationally.

"The feisty ones always taste the best," says the only female in the group.

"Taste the best? Are you all on drugs," Sasuke says reaching into his pocket and pulls out a hand gun.

"Not unless you consider blood to be a drug," says the leader of the group.

"Listen you crazy fuckers, you picked the wrong guy to mess with," Sasuke fires off a warning shot, aiming at a trash can to prove that he would shoot.

"Awe that's cute. Humans and their toys. Maybe we can leave this one alive, I'd kinda like to play with him," the female says.

"You're all crazy," Sasuke says as he rushes at them, intent on knocking them back.

"Fast for a human," the vampire says and all extend their fangs.

Sasuke must have realized he was in some serious trouble, because his eyes widen. He does a roll to avoid a direct collision with vampires. Sasuke runs into the alley. Smart in a way, only one could fit through that narrow a path at a time. He'd have point blank range with his gun. If they had been human, it would have worked.

BANG! BANG! BANG! The sounds of his gunshots could be heard. The mortal was an excellent shot. If he had only aimed for the heart, he would have escaped.

"Owe, that hurt. I see you are having a bit of trouble understanding the situation here. You are our dinner," one of the vampires says.

Sasuke makes a mad charge and manages to knock them down. But they were on him in a flash. Sasuke grabs an empty beer bottle and smashes it over one of their heads. Still that didn't stop the other one from biting into his neck, now that he was pinned to the ground.

"Jesus, you were right about the feisty ones tasting better. This is the best fucking blood I've tasted," the smallest of the vampires, who got the bite in, says.

Sasuke was fighting for his life. Kicking, punching, and even kneeing the biter in the nuts. The last one did the trick. Vampires had a much higher tolerance of pain than humans, but some things were universal. Nutshots hurting like a son of a bitch, yeah that was one of them.

He manages to get out from underneath them. He was bleeding badly from his neck. His formerly pure white shirt, was now stained crimson red. But it wasn't a fatal wound and he hadn't drank any vampire blood. So if he could get out, he'd survive this encounter and still have a heart beat.

"You must be losing your touch, if this human can pose a challenge," the vampiress said.

"Oh shut it," the vampire starts towards Sasuke.

"So how accurate are the Hollywood movies," Sasuke asks.

"Interesting question to ask before you die. It depends on the movie, why," he asks.

"So that thing about the Sun burning your asses to a crisp, is for real," he smirks.

"Shit! The Sun is coming up. Enjoy your last day, you'll be our supper when the Sun goes down," the vampires flit off.

The video ends and the elite of vampire society look at each other. Immediately a chorus of chatter starters. When was this video shot? Had the vampires already got him? If he was still alive, who was going to get him?

"The video was shot last night. There is still time to retrieve him before the other vampires try to finish their kill. We'll need to send an elder vampire, who can travel during the day," Tsunade says.

"I'll do it," Naruto says.

A little known fact about vampires. The young ones would be burnt to ash if they were exposed to Sun light. The older the vampire, the better able they were to tolerate Sunlight. Meaning if you were 500 and up, you could travel during the day. You'd feel weak, like you had the flu. But you could do it and it go progressively easier as you aged.

"Well you are old enough to tolerate the Sun exposure. Plus you look like you'd fit in on a college campus and have picked up modern American mannerisms better than anyone else in this room, kid. Go for it," Jirayia says.

"Kid?! Come on pervy sage, only you would call a vampire whose over 500 years old, a kid," Naruto said.

"Well to me you are. I'm over 5 times your age. But you better hurry. We don't Dracula's descendent to be dinner," he waves Naruto off.

In almost no time at all, Naruto was on a plane. He was heading to Cambridge, MA. It seemed Sasuke attended Harvard. Nauto vaguely contemplated the classic pick up line of, "What's your major," but decided against it.

Thanks to Sakura, Naruto knew which dorm was Sasuke's. There was still that little matter of getting inside or getting Sasuke to come outside. Given that he had just fought for his life against vampires, he was probably aware of that little cockblocking rule.

Naruto curses his luck about the "Invitation Only," rule and knocks on the door. It was during the day, so Sasuke actually answered. He had wrapped a scarf around his neck. He was lucky this was New England, in winter. So a scarf wasn't out of the ordinary. (Other than the fact he was wearing it INSIDE.)

He raises an eyebrow at Naruto. Sasuke had never seen the blonde before in his life. He looked like one of those models that Sai sometimes had to paint in his art class. You know the kind that poses naked and was the only reason why half the girls signed up for it? (They also had female models. So you know equality.)

"Hey, you are Sasuke, right," Naruto says feigning his best "college student voice."

"Yeah. Who are you," he asks suspiciously.

"I'm Naruto. Your girlfriend asked me to grab you. She's waiting for you at the café down the street. I don't know what she wants, but she sounded pretty freaked out," he begins.

"I'd be worried about that, if I had a girlfriend. Liar. What do you really want," he demanded.

"Whoops, boyfriend then," Naruto asks hopefully.

"…No. Who the Hell are you," he twitches.

Naruto couldn't tell if it was the lie or him asking indirectly if Sasuke was gay, that had annoyed him. Either way, there went that cover story. He figured that Dracula's descendent would have been shacking up with someone. A body like that doesn't stay single for long, unless you preferred one night stands.

"Well that's a really long story. Sorry for this, but remember I am saving that sexy ass of yours," Naruto starts.

"Sorry for what," Sasuke says.

Compelling was one of the most useful tricks a vampire had in their arsenal. To be able to influence the mind and make another do what they wanted, was a powerful gift.

There were a couple important catches. Vampires were naturally resistant to being compelled. Now if you were a lot older or more strong willed than the other vampire, it was possible. It was very difficult though.

` Some humans were harder to compel than others. It all depended on the strength of their will. It wasn't based solely on intelligence. But the more intelligent someone was the more likely they were to perceive something was going on.

"Come outside your room and we'll talk," Naruto said.

Sasuke jerked almost immediately, as if trying to physically pull away from the compulsion. Naruto was intrigued. Yeah, he definitely sensed it.

Sasuke's mind, felt very compartmentalized. It had a beautiful efficiency, almost ruthless in the precision… much like a Katana Naruto used to have. But when his compulsion touched, he was met with resistance. In his mind's eye, Naruto visualized black flames rearing up to try to force the compulsion back.

Naruto had always loved a challenge. This was definitely a challenge. Still, strong willed or not, no human was ever going to beat an elder vampire in the game of compulsion.

"Wh-at the Hell are you doing to me. Get the fuck away from me or I will call the campus security," He slams the door in Naruto's face.

Sasuke leans against his door and rubs his temples. He felt like there was a tornado whirling around in his head. That blonde, he was doing it. He was probably involved with those freaks that attacked him last night.

He weighs his options. The vampires hadn't minded attacking him in a public place. But the music had been blaring and no one had been looking. Naruto might be more cautious though. This was a college campus. There was no music to drown out his screams. Someone would see. But would that lead to a massacre if he was a vampire or would he retreat, waiting for a more private location to attack?

Naruto was not going to let a little thing like a door stop him. He mentally winced at this. He really didn't want to use the hammer approach. But he was so damn stubborn! All he wanted was for him to open the door and talk to him. He was trying to save him! Now he'd have to be the "bad guy."

He increases the power of his compulsion. Naruto could sense Sasuke struggling wildly over it. But he was hit with such force he was quickly overwhelmed. His mind went blank. Sasuke had passed out.

Naruto sees the white haired man from last night approaching. The keg lover. What was his name? Suigetsu, yeah that was it.

"Hey! I need some help. I think he collapsed inside his dorm. I heard a loud crash. But it's locked," Naruto yells.

"Shit," he says and pulls out a key quickly unlocking it.

"Dammit! We have to get him to the nurse. He's passed out," Suigetsu said.

"I'll help you," Naruto makes it look like it was somewhat difficlut take Sasuke's legs while Suigetsu takes his shoulders and they begin carrying him off to the nurse's office.

On the way there, Naruto compels Suigetsu to make him forget this ever happened. Suigetsu put up more of a resistance than most humans could have mustered. But still it was easy enough to do.

Naruto props Sasuke up against his shoulder, after putting some shades on him. He didn't want to draw suspicion dragging a clearly unconscious person around. Thankfully, the blonde vampire was able to get Sasuke to the car without incident and even onto the private plane.

A few hours later, when Sasuke awoke, the first thing he experienced was confusion. He wasn't in his dorm, that was for damn sure. While Harvard had nice dorms, it definitely did not come included with a canopy bed and silken blankets, pillows, and sheets. They were all red and black by the way. The walls were made out of stone and there was a roaring fireplace in the room. Not to mention an old fashioned regal grandfather clock and wardrobe. Was he in a castle, he wondered.

When he tried to rise to his feet, he realized that he was restrained. Holy shit! He was tied to the bed by some ancient looking iron chains. Sasuke wasn't prone to panic, but yeah…he was panicking now.

He hears an amused chuckling. It dawned on Sasuke that he wasn't alone in this place. His eyes lock on the laughing woman. She looked to be about 30, but he got the impression she was much older. Her hair was light blonde in color and she had rich cinnamon brown eyes. She also possessed some very impressive cleavage.

Sasuke was NOT the type of guy to sneak a peak at a woman's breasts. Alright, well no more so than any other guy. It was human nature. But the fact that she had some Dolly Parton level cleavage, could not be avoided as she leans over and pushes him down.

"I see your awake. You can thrash around all you like, if you want. But it is useless. Nobody can escape those chains, especially not a human. I'm Tsunade by the way," she says.

"… Especially not a human. You're one of them. One of those," Sasuke couldn't finish his sentence because he was now picturing his own gruesome death at the hands of the vampiress.

"Vampire, yes. Well I ran all the tests while you were unconscious, you are in perfect health," she says.

"Tests? What the fuck kind of tests," he growls out.

"Hmm such vulgar language for someone of your nobility. Then again Dracula could cuss out a sailor, when he had the mind to. You know the normal tests. Blood tests, blood pressure, reflexes, brain activity, oxygen levels, and so forth. There's really no reason why you wouldn't survive your transformation," she says with the air of a doctor explaining the results of a routine checkup.

"Transformation," Sasuke says cautiously.

"Of course. If word gets out that you are of Dracula's family line and you are still human, it won't end well. It's for your own protection really. Some humans have medical conditions that would make the transformation painful or even fatal. You're fortunate that isn't true in your case. You also happen to be at the Vampire Summit. Some of the most powerful and oldest vampires in the world are here. You'll even get to choose your sire. Something that the vast majority of vampires, never get to do. Choose wisely," she says.

"Dracula's family line? You want to turn me into a vampire? Vampire Summit? Sire," Sasuke says, getting progressively more panicked as he lists each one.

"Yes, you are the descendent of Dracula. It seems his human son must have procreated at some point and now hundreds of years later, you are the result. How your family flew under the radar for so long, I have no idea. Yes, this is the Vampire Summit. Once a century, leaders of the vampire world meet at an agreed location to talk about various things going on. This helps to prevent wars, clear up misunderstandings, and to forge alliances. We call this the Vampire Summit. A sire is the vampire who turns you. For all intensive purposes you can think of them as your mother or father. Though the relationship between childe and sire, varies greatly all the way from parental, to lovers, to friends, and to business associates," she explains patiently.

"And if I don't want to be a vampire," he asks.

"According to the current laws on the books, it can not be forced on you. But I would strongly advise against it. You are currently a sitting duck. We would not tell anyone about your existence, but those vampires you met last night will come back for you. Even if they don't, when word gets out and it always does eventually, the next vampire to capture you might not be as… chivalrous as Naruto was," she says.

"You call knocking me out with some sort of mindfuck, CHIVALROUS," he bellows.

"Compared to what he could have done, yes. He could have turned you then. He could have forced his mark on you. He could have killed you. Naruto could have sold you to the highest bidder. He simply took you here," Tsunade answers, Sasuke's question.

"… This has to be a nightmare," Sasuke mutters as much to himself as to her.