AN - This is a work of free art and no profit will ever be demanded or expected, all rights to Monster High and the characters belong to the respective creators and I only call claim to a good imagination to bend their data.

Jekyll - Hide Secrets

Chapter II - The Divergence Point

Jackson sighed to himself as he looked at the melody, trying to figure out why he still hadn't gotten the lyrics any further.
'This is absolutely ridiculous, I never had issues with my lyrics before this! And with this one I am having problems, and no idea why?!'
He nearly huffed as he made his way for his next tutoring appointment, with Clawdeen Wolf, who was having issues in Hiss-tory.
He really hoped she wasn't going to hate him for what Holt did…
But then again, it 'was' his fault, he deserved to be hated.
He shook his head free of those thoughts, trying to focus on the task of tutoring.

Upon entering the library, he sought out Clawdeen, unsure if she would even appear.
Upon not seeing her anywhere, the spectacles wearing teen immediately turned to leave, a bit crestfallen, only to nearly topple over the werewolf on his mind.
Clawdeen had been sitting just out of sight, parallel to the door, when she saw Jackson enter.
She observed as he nervously looked around, before his expression became heartbroken.
Did the human of Monster High think she would hate him for what Holt did? Jackson must truly believe Holt's behaviour was his fault, and she could see it was hurting him, badly.
She immediately moved behind him, wanting to surprise him, but she didn't expect him to nearly topple her over.
Of course, Jackson immediately caught himself, but was pressed solidly against her, making her get an accurate feel of his body.
Jackson had a tough, and surprisingly thick build, even sporting a prominent six pack!
Trembling, Clawdeen admired the feel of his body, her hips moving subconsciously closer to his, wanting to grind against them.
"Sorry, Clawdeen, didn't see you there." Jackson immediately pulled away, making Clawdeen nearly whine like a puppy from the loss of his heat, but she caught herself and blushed softly.
Jackson immediately pointed to some of the top tables of the library, intent on them sitting there, but Clawdeen dragged him away towards her original table.
She also blushed again, upon seeing her table offered them relative privacy, she somewhat liked that idea.
"So, let's start with a review of your notes, then we will expand with your study habits."
Clawdeen nearly laughed at how smoothly Jackson began tutoring, given his previous nervous posture, but didn't comment it out loud.
Jackson and her would spend almost two hours in the library, but she wouldn't complain, the tutoring with him was more fun than any class had ever been.
She'd also managed to have a good talk, and explain to Jackson that she didn't hold Holt's behaviour against him, he was he and Holt was Holt.
Even when Holt and him had been one, she wasn't able to see them as one and the same, they were simply too different.
Though she immediately complimented his new outfit, to which he blushed and fidgeted.
"Can I tell you something in secret?" He decided to be a bit brave, as he took off his jacket, revealing a dark purple T-shirt that went with the pants easily.
Clawdeen felt immediately intrigued, and nodded for Jackson to speak, and he pointed to the outfit, wry grin on his face.
"I ordered this outfit from a cosplay site, since it was modeled after my favourite game character."
She immediately looked deeper into the outfit, before gasping in recognition, as she remembered the human video game.
"Jin wore that in that color scheme in Tekken 4!" She said in surprise, and Jackson immediately nodded with a big grin, not mocking her knowledge or making any such comments.
He was happy she recognized it, and admitted that he had ordered a couple more outfits like that, some in different color schemes, others completely new outfits.
She immediately asked if he could get her an outfit like Nina's secondary from Tekken 4, to which he agreed to immediately look for.
The two left the library with big smiles, having found a new topic to talk about, combining her love of fashion and his love of games, as they discussed the many outfits in many games.
She really liked Nina's outfit in Tekken 4, and almost squealed when he said there's a good chance he could get it.
She left for home, wondering how to repay the spectacles wearing teen, and in mind came a simple idea.
"That could work!" She said loudly, dashing quickly to get home.

Again, the sound of hitting was heard from the Jekyll basement, as Jackson worked out, his body feeling surprisingly light and nimble.
He swiftly went into a double jab to elbow and high kick combo, maintaining balance and speed with more ease than normally, so he added a swift Tae Kwon Do dragon kick.
He nearly tore the bag off of the chain, so he decided to relax and cool down, before focusing on the new moves he was trying to incorporate into his personal fighting style.
Jackson notices his cellphone light up, and immediately walked over, checking what it was.
His eyes widened in surprise, as he saw it was from Meowlody, thanking him for saving them.
He smiled, before texting that there was no need for thanks and he did what anyone would have, which led to a simple message of 'maybe'.
He brought his focus on the bag, and he decided to exercise some more, not really feeling that exhausted.
It would take two more hours of hard training, before Jackson started feeling fatigue, and grabbed a shower to cool down.

His eyes moved onto the thing in the driveway, before moving back to his parents, and back onto the thing in the driveway.
"You… You're serious?" He asked in open surprise, looking at the sleek custom Harley with elongated front fork, making it seem more beautiful than it already was.
"Yup, since we didn't really go big on your last birthday, we decided to make this one a bit early and bigger!" His father had on a huge grin, looking at the sleek bike, as mesmerized by its beauty as Jackson was.
The matriarch of the Jekyll household shook her head at the two being like little children with their first toy, it was both adorable, and frustrating.
"But remember to drive responsibly with it!" She warned, unsure about the whole idea.
Jackson smiled softly at his mother, his new smile much warmer and open than his old one.
He slowly went to the bike, softly caressing the bike, before sitting on it.
He carefully ran his hands over the bikes handles, before running them over the tank, almost like he was caressing skin.
Jackson's mother blushed deeply as she observed his caressing of the bike, she turned to her husband, who looked like he was holding his laughter in.
"Remind you of something?" He asked with a cheeky grin, making her blush worsen.
"Zip it! And don't you dare comment about that!"
Jackson's father broke into loud guffaws, drawing his sons attention, who rose from the bike.
"What has you laughing so much, dad?"
His father only shook his head, saying it was nothing, before handing his son the keys and helmet.
"Take the beauty out for a stroll, you and her should get well acquainted."
Jackson smiled, before putting the helmet on and sitting on it, ready for a drive on his new bike.

He loved her, she purred in a way a kitten would envy, and drove with confidence as if she were alive.
He grinned at her, his bike, before deciding on her name.
"Jessica, just the name for ya, hun'."
He revved her engine, and drove that tad faster, while relishing in the feeling it gave.
Truly, nothing could make you feel more free, than a drive on a Harley on a long stretch of road.
'Freedom, pure and simple.' Jackson thought with a big grin, and again caressed the gas tank.

Toralei was surprised, and it clearly showed, as she looked at the two were-cats that were, to her, like sisters.
"What?" The twins looked incredibly nervous, but didn't back down.
"We are starting to like Jackson more and more, and we are going to confess today."
She was silent, truly unsure how to respond, while thinking about all they told her.
"I'll be with you, just to stand by your side, we are sisters after all!"
Meowlody and Purrsephone smiled happily at their sister in all but blood.
This of course, warmed Toralei's heart more, and made her promise unfathomable pain to Jackson, should he make them cry.
Of course, neither of the three girls could guess just how life changing their decisions would be, and how much life would change.

The normie, unknowing of the two were-cats about to seek him out, was in his music room, fingers dancing across the keys of the piano, as he softly sang, unknowing to his audience.
Purrsephone, Meowlody and Toralei were shocked as they listened to the melody Jackson played, their ears twitching at the beauty of it.

"If you weren't born with it You can buy a couple ornaments Just be sure to read the warning, kids Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it Sexual, hey girl if you wanna feel sexual You can always call up a professional They stick pins in you like a vegetable

Kids forever, kids forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive

Oh, Mrs Potato Head tell me, is it true that pain is beauty?
Does a new face come with a warranty?
Will a pretty face make it better?
Oh, Mr Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery?
Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Even if her face don't stay together

If you want a little more confidence Potatoes turn to French fries, yeah it's common sense All you need's a couple condiments And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments It's such a waste When little girls grow into their mothers face But little girls are learning how to cut and paste And pucker up their lips until they suffocate

Kids forever, kids forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be dramatic it's only some plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive

Oh, Mrs Potato Head tell me, is it true that pain is beauty?
Does a new face come with a warranty?
Will a pretty face make it better?
Oh, Mr Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery?
Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together

Oh, Mrs Potato Head tell me, is it true that pain is beauty?
Does a new face come with a warranty?
Will a pretty face make it better?
Oh, Mr Potato Head tell me How did you afford her surgery?
Do you swear you'll stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together Stay forever, stay forever Even if her face don't stay together…"

His voice was haunting, giving the song an ethereal quality, and he smoothly finished the melody, his eyes overflowing with tears.
He felt the tears, and didn't bother wiping them, rather he relished in the hot and cold sensation they offered.
"How many times have I stood at this precipice, how many times do I sin…"
He calmly removed a dark wooden box, and opened it, revealing a ceremonial dagger and vial holding a clear liquid.
He slowly took the dagger, before rising and removing his jacket and undershirt, revealing his quite muscular upper torso, and with it, his many scars.
He calmly sat back down, looking at each scar, memories flooding with them.
He drew the dagger across his skin, eyes closed, not showing a hint of the pain he must have felt.
Rather, the normie of Monster High seemed relaxed, relieved.
He looked as if he was letting go of some horrendous burden, and the blade dug deeper, letting more blood spill out.
Suddenly, something smashed into Jackson's side, toppling him onto the ground.
His eyes caught sight of two pairs of cat ears, as well as two heads, one decked in black and the other with white hair, Meowlody and Purrsephone.
"What…?" He started to ask, but was violently cut off, by the soft, plush lips of Meowlody.
The white haired girl was kissing him with fiery intensity, making his head swim from the passion, then he was released, only to have his lips captured again.
Only, he immediately felt these were not Meowlody's lips, so he opened his eyes, catching now black hair, Purrsephone!
He felt something trickling over his wound, looking over he saw Toralei pouring the fluid over it, causing the wound to close and heal into a white sheen scar.
She looked at the effect of the potion, her eyes nearly bursting into waterfall tears.
"Self harm, a form of control obsession or self hatred towards appearance or behaviour."
Jackson looked at her in shock, which she noticed, giving him a wry grin.
"My main goal is to become a psychiatrist, I am quite obsessed with the topic."
She moved back, inspecting the potion and wooden box, noticing a leather bound book.
She carefully removed it, before opening the first page, revealing the name of the owner.
'Victor H. Jekyll, esteemed chemist and doctor. London, 1738.'
The diary of Dr Jekyll, his book that held the legendary potion that allowed a man of ordinary blood, to be equal to monster.
She felt awe, as she closed the book and caressed its leather cover, almost feeling the tremendous knowledge within.
She put the book down, focusing rather on her two sisters, who obsessively licked Jackson's cheeks, stopping only to give him a fiery kiss.
"I don't think I have to explain why we came here? Meowlody and Purrsephone wanted to confess, and caught you in the midst of song."
Jackson immediately moved slightly back, guilt flashing across his features, before he focused on the two were-cats.
"I didn't want anyone to see me like that, I'm sorry." He said, his self loathing bleeding through, before he was toppled over and swarmed with kisses and caresses.
Meowlody spoke first, her voice soft and caring.
"Never say that, we care for you, and will always be there for you."
He smiled warmly, caressing with each palm, one ghouls cheek.
He hummed when Purrsephone flicked her tongue out, causing his thoughts to fly around.
"You're now ours, whether you like it or not. We will be there to heal your body, mind and heart."
Jackson was visibly shocked by the more reserved twins words, especially the possessive way she said 'ours'.
Of course, just because Purrsephone was moving out of her comfort zone, didn't mean Meowlody would be overseen.
"We will accept those seeking to be in your heart, but that doesn't mean we are letting go." She leaned close, whispering the next words. "You're never gonna be without love and support again, we will always be there."
Jackson felt overwhelmed, and did what any red blood male would have done.
The spectacles wearing human fainted.

A groan left the lips of Jackson Jekyll, as he held his head and looked around, seeing he was home.
"That was one… mixed feelings dream."
He honestly admitted to himself, leaning back onto the bed, before realizing something…
He was stuck between two soft, female and feline, bodies.
"That wasn't a dream." The dry tone in which he stated that, had the two were-cats giggling, as they caressed his bare chest.
"Exactly, and you should remember our promise, in its entirety."
He shivered, Meowlody was ordinarily the assertive one, so it was offsetting to be seduced by Purrsephone, who caressed his chest ever gently.
"You shouldn't, you really shouldn't, I am broken and damaged, not worth such beautiful love you show."
Purrsephone grasped his face between her hands, looking into his eyes with angry intensity, before slamming her lips onto his, pouring her love into it.
Jackson didn't understand, he simply acted, his arm tangled in her hair, his other drawing Meowlody close, while caressing her back.
By the time he understood, the point was painfully obvious, and had him blushing.
"Try denying it." Purrsephone was victorious, as she reclaimed his lips for a short peck, before making sure her sister also had her fill.
And in between the two, Jackson was simply helpless, his own hunger for such love lapping it all up.
He was falling in love with the two mesmerizing were-cats, and there was nothing he could do.

Frankie Stein was chatting on the phone with Clawdeen, trying to find out if she had picked up amidst her tutoring, if Jackson's feelings for her hadn't diminished.
Of course, Clawdeen nervously admitting she had lost herself in talking and hadn't kept a keen enough eye, was making that quite difficult.
She grumbled and decided that she would focus on the main issues, but tomorrow.
Little did the fine-stein ghoul know, tomorrow would be a day of surprises.

HEEEEEEELLLLLLOOOOOOO! No, this doesn't mean I am giving up on my other work, those will be updated soon... very SSOOOONN! OH OH OH! And a shout-out to Hoguie, for the 'gushing' that made my heart melt, I shall strive to make my writing even better!

Your Friendly Neighborhood writer, Nicholai Black.
