A/N: Last chapter y'all. This one is sappy as crap. I may build on this AU in other oneshots but this is officially finished. Hope y'all like it. Enjoy~

Chapter summary: In which Alec breaks the tie and ties a more permanent knot.

Alec's Tie-Breaking +1

Alec shifted awkwardly. This was not exactly the way he'd expected to meet Meliorn in person after the whole arrest debacle. Yet here he was, standing front of the incredulous Seelie trying very hard to fight down the urge to run. But he was Alec Lightwood, a Shadowhunter with a mission and he would be damned if he didn't complete a mission as basic as this.

Not that it was actually basic. Nothing involving Magnus Bane was ever basic.

He licked his lips and deliberately ignore the flush creeping up his neck. Meliorn must have noticed the color because his lips twitched in a secretive smile.

"You understand," Meliorn began, that smile remaining, "what you're asking is costly."

Alec huffed but nodded.

Meliorn tilted his head in acknowledgement. "You have the agreed compensation then?" he asked, holding out his hand expectantly.

Alec pulled out the small sprig of leaves from a Satinwood tree and placed in gently in the Seelie's hand, mindful of the wispy cocoon spun near the base of the green leaves and the stem. "Emerald swallowtail," he said. "As requested."

Meliorn took the gift tenderly, carrying it over to a small vase filled with water to keep the sprig alive and well.

"Such a rare butterfly must have been difficult to acquire," he said, leaving it open for Alec to elaborate. However, he was not surprised when the Shadowhunter remained silent. A wave of his hand, and tiny green lights like fireflies gave the sprig an extra boost in energy. He brushed his fingers against the cocoon's delicate threads with a smile before turning back to Alec.

"I accept the payment," he said. He stepped around the dark haired Shadowhunter and procured a small cedar wood box which he presented to Alec. "I made sure the design matched the rune as you requested. It rests on top of the center stone with the two sapphires on either side. The gold is the finest I could find. Please."

Alec took the small box, lifted the latch, and opened the box. The smell of cedar filled his nostrils as he stared down at the small piece of jewelry nestled in a bed of silk. Without his knowledge, a tender smile graced his face. It was not an expression Meliorn had ever seen on the usually grim Shadowhunter before.

"May I ask," he said, breaking through Alec's distraction, "what does that particular rune mean? I assume the ring is for someone in particular."

Meliorn had always found Alec to a fascinating study. He was blunt, honest, and straightforward which captured his Seelie interest. But now, he suspected there was more to this whole situation than he originally thought. Isabelle's brother was positively glowing.

Alec flashed a shy smile to Meliorn then tucked the box in his jacket pocket and left without answering. While the latter action was hardly unusual, the first action was. Perhaps Isabelle could shed some light on the runed ring's new owner. Curiosity was not always a bad thing, after all.

Magnus had had a very long week. He was tired, drained, and generally just bored. Chairman Meow yawn and stretched luxuriously on the back of Magnus's plush navy blue couch. Magnus raised his cocktail glass to his cat in agreement with the sentiment.

The sun was beginning to set painting the sky a faint pink and orange. Storm clouds rolled in from the east reminiscent of the cloud Mufasa spoke through to Simba in the Disney twist on Hamlet with lions. Honestly, Magnus had felt faintly betrayed by the film. It was indeed a wonderfully animated feature and the soundtrack was something of a dirty little secret of the warlock, but Mufasa's death rang cold in his heart.

He couldn't help but see Ragnor's face in place of Mufasa's. His old friend may still be alive but Magnus hadn't heard from the former High Warlock of London in ages, literally. He missed his prickly cabbage.

He stepped out to his balcony and leaned against the metal railing sipping his drink thoughtfully. The storms were rolling as he watched. Lightning tinged pink by the setting sun flashed within the massive clouds like a heartbeat. A sickle moon rose above a smaller storm cell with what Magnus assumed to be a planet near the curved white sliver. He smiled against the rim of his glass as his mind's eye drew a curved bow with the planet as the bright tip of an arrow.

He sighed like a lovesick mess. Who was he kidding. He was a lovesick mess. Alexander had systematically ripped down his carefully built walls with all the skill of a wrecking ball and Magnus regretted nothing. Not even the seemingly endless attempts to make him laugh. No, what was that word Alec insisted on using? Titter. Yes, titter. Why Alexander was hung up on such a small, insignificant sound was beyond Magnus.

It may not have made sense, but the warlock found his lover's obsession absolutely adorable. He couldn't remember ever seeing Alec have tunnel vision for something so non-life threatening before. It was endlessly endearing when it didn't involved tickle attacks in which he was greatly outnumbered. He groaned and rolled his shoulders at the memory. Although, Alexander in a dress was something he would never forget.

Speaking of, the score was even now, wasn't it? Magnus felt a dark smile curl his lips. Yes, it most certainly was. Alec's stamina rune may have helped him resist a little but in the end, Magnus had been victorious. Alec had slept well that night and hadn't stirred until after ten the next morning. Magnus had enjoyed the chance to laze in bed next to his conked out lover tracing the dark runs on Alec's skin with his painted nails.

Magnus hummed at the pleasant memory, resting both arms on the railing and crossing his ankles comfortably. On the street below, Mundanes hurried about their business, cabs wove through traffic, and the sparkling constellation of city lights began to halo the horizon. Seagulls called, swooping over the river and pooping on at least one unfortunate Mundane fair below.

He stared out at the city that served as his home with a serene expression on his face, sipping his blue martini lazily. He never noticed the door to his loft open and shut or hear the soft footfalls approach him from behind. He did notice when a pair of strong, familiar arms slipped around his waist and pulled him back so he was flush against a much loved chest.

"To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" he asked with a content sigh.

The wind ruffled his hair just as warm breath planted a kiss on his temple. "No reason," Alec said. "Just wanted to see you."

Magnus's smile grew. "Oh? Just that?" He felt Alec's hummed reply vibrate his back. He carefully turned in his lover's arms so his back leaned against the railing and he could gaze into the most beautiful pair of eyes in existence. "Maybe I should start charging per view then," he teased, winking.

Alec blushed and pressed their foreheads together. "Come inside?" he asked hopefully.

"I suppose," Magnus replied.

The hand not holding his martini was engulfed by Alec's as he was led indoors. His loft was dark, only the fading natural light and dim manmade light filtered through the windows into the living room. He allowed Alec to lead him to the carpeted sitting area between the sectional and comfy armchair.

"Did you want something?" Magnus asked, taking a sip of his martini. "A drink perhaps?"

"Ah, no, no," Alec said quickly, shaking his head. He shuffled nervously, glancing briefly at the city skyline outside before dropping to the floor. "I, um... I had- have a question for you."

"Oh?" Magnus tilted his head in interest. "What kind of question?"

Alec licked his lips nervously. "An important one," he said, lifting his gaze to Magnus's and holding it with visible effort.

Magnus willed his drink back to his bar when he sensed the change in his lover's mood. "What is it?" he asked, sliding his hands up to rest on Alec's forearms.

Alec tried to speak, cleared his throat awkwardly, and tried again. "Um, I was... Uh, hoping you would... I wanted to give you something," he said at last.

The warlock blinked as he watched his lover reach into his pocket and pull out a small cedar box and a stele. He lifted his gaze in question.

"If I give this to you," Alec said slowly, "you have draw a rune on me."

Magnus quirked an eyebrow. "I don't understand."

"It's matched set," Alec said, tense and nervous but determined. "If you keep it, you have to draw the rune on me to complete it."

This was unusual. But Magnus was curious so he nodded. "Very well."

That answer made Alec sigh in relief. Although his body remained taunt as a bowstring, he was no long shuffling and stammering. Instead, before he lost his voice to fear, Alec said as clearly and gently as he could, "I'm not good at words. I never was. But I hope you can overlook that and accept this." He knelt in front of Magnus whose eyes grew round, opened the box revealing its contents, and said, "Magnus Bane, I love you. Will you marry me?"

Magnus said nothing and the lingering silence filled Alec with dread. He gulped, fearing the worst. He watched Magnus's face closely as the warlock reached out and brushed his fingers delicately, almost fearfully over the ornate gold ring. The pointed oval jewel, a mystic fire topaz that so reminded Alec of Magnus, sparkled in the dim light. But the gold rune overlaid on top of the jewel, acting as both the casting and centerpiece, glowed as if from an inner light.

Magnus's eyes were wide with surprise, fear, and the slightest hint of hope. He looked lost and oh so young in that moment. Gone was the ancient High Warlock of Brooklyn. In his place was Magnus Bane, the love of Alec's life who had an adorable laugh, a penchant for the glamorous, and insecurities centuries in the making. He was beautiful and terrified and perfect.

Alec felt hope fill his chest when Magnus plucked the ring from the box, cradle it in his hands, and stare at it in awe. Taking a chance, Alec set the box down on the rug and gently tugged Magnus to his knees in front of him. Magnus's eyes never left the ring still held as if he was afraid it would disappear if he looked away.

Alec massaged his lover's hands until their grip on the ring loosened. Then he took the ring from Magnus's hands mindful of the warlock's faint whimper. Magnus's eyes followed the ring's movement, watching with incredible focus as Alec took his left hand and slipped the ring on his ring finger.

Tears pricked Magnus's eyes at the sight of Alec's ring glittering dreamily on his hand. His attention was drawn away, however, when he felt something be pressed into his right hand. He stared at the object, recognizing it as Alec's stele, and furrowed his brow in confusion. He watched Alec unbutton his shirt, baring his chest, and tug Magnus's hand still holding the stele towards his skin.

"The rune on the ring," Alec said tenderly. "Draw it here." He placed the tip of the quarts crystal over his heart. "I'll supply the power," he said, reassuring Magnus when the warlock flinched, "just keep your fingers over mine and draw the rune."

With a jerky nod, Magnus took a deep breath and began drawing the rune. True to his word, Alec provided the power and helped direct Magnus's hand movements. It was a complicated rune but it came out perfectly; a dark, endless ebony against Alec's moon pale skin. When they finished, the stele fell from Magnus's limp fingers to the carpet beneath them just as tears slipped down dark cheeks.

"A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart," Alec intoned, his voice soft and reverent. A whisper in the silence. "A union is born." His smile was small, pure and guileless. "One that won't ever break."

His lips was quivering. Magnus could feel it. His entire being was quaking. This Shadowhunter, this boy, his Alexander had just done what no one else in Magnus's entire long history had ever even remotely been interested in doing. His Alexander. Magnus swallowed over a dry throat as his heart danced like a butterfly's wing in his chest. He was breathless with awe as joy welled up his body leaving him light and tingling with adrenaline.

He laughed, pressed his right hand to his lips to muffle the sound as traitorous tears continued to fall down his face. His makeup would be ruined, not that Alec would care. In fact, Alec was positively glowing with joy.

"You tittered," Alec said, a huge dorky grin splitting his face in two.

Magnus snorted inelegantly and found his voice in the form of laughter punctuated by sobs. He let Alec pull him close, shifting them so Magnus leaned fully against his lover -husband!- and held him as he cried. Magnus clung to Alec like a lifeline, crying into the boy's shoulder. It was all a dream come true. Hopefully it wasn't too good to be true.

Alec held Magnus together, leaning his head against Magnus's hair, kissing it while his fingers scratched comforting circles over his lover's silky shirt. He heard what were possibly muffled words and tried to translate them.

"What did you say?" he asked.

Magnus sat up but only far enough to meet Alec's eyes. "I'm yours," he said. His voice was broken and his makeup was ruined by tears and rubbing but he was beautiful in Alec's eyes.

Alec grinned. "I know," he said.

Magnus pouted and batted Alec's shoulder playfully. "Whatever," he mumbled before slumping on Alec's chest and cuddling close.

Alec chuckled and leaned back against the couch, watching dusk fall and the storms rumble closer. Tonight was a beautiful night. But nowhere near as beautiful as the lovely man in his arms. His husband.

His last thought was that he had indeed beaten Magnus's score, winning the tally. Then he fell asleep, the warmth of Magnus slumbering body on his chest.

"And the rune looked like that?"


"You're sure?"

A look. "I cannot lie."

Isabelle grinned. "Well, well," she sang. "Way to go big bro."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Meliorn said cautiously. He raised an eyebrow at the one called Jace who gave a high five to Clary.

"Guy's got moves," the former Daylighter said, looking incredibly impressed. "Going from dating to fucking to marriage in just a few months. Nice."

"Marriage?" Meliorn asked, confused but interested. "To whom?"

"Magnus," Simon said as if it was obvious. "Duh," he added for no apparent reason.

Melirorn's forehead creased. "Magnus Bane? The High Warlock of Brooklyn?"

Jace snickered. "Dude, you must be way out of the loop," he said. "They been fucking for a while now. Not exactly subtle about either." He shuddered dramatically. "Thin walls."

Clary and Isabelle rolled their eyes. "Admit it," Clary said. "You think it's cute how they fawn over each other."

"I do just," Jace stopped and looked around, lowering his voice secretively. "Just not when I hear them."

"I think it's adorable," Isabelle declared. "Magnus even out our hard earned score in one night." She winked. "Now that's some skill."

"Didn't need to hear that," Jace groaned.

Meliorn listened carefully to the conversation in amused interest. A Shadowhunter and Downworlder in a permanent relationship, a marriage. How unusual. Promising information indeed.

"Oop, got a text," Isabelle said, pulling out her phone. "Three guess who it's from," he joked, checking the screen. She grinned triumphantly. "I was right. It's from Alec."

/Time: 10:05 PM
From: Alec
He said yes! Oh, and add a point to our tally./

Isabelle's whooped. "Point for us guys," she cheered. "Magnus five, us six."

The laughter went on for a while afterwards as they explained the tally system to a clueless Meliorn. It was mildly interesting, but nowhere near as interesting as a Shadowhunter binding a high warlock in wedlock in secret. Very useful information indeed.

Final count (as of now):

Team Titter: 6
Magnus: 5