Can't find the words

Here it is the final chapter! A huge thank you to those who have read all the way to the end, it means a lot to have people who find some joy in my writing, (despite my awful grammar)

The 'Sit!' was an Inuyasha reference, for those who didn't know.

I hope you enjoy (Longest chapter yet!)

Can't resist you

"Gajeel," Levy whimpers; her breathing heavy and unsteady. Spread out on her back; clutching the bed sheets in her left fist with her panties bunched up around her right ankle. Her back arching off the bed as her ring and middle fingers slip in and out of her sex. She pushes her hips up, grinding her fingers in deeper. She desperately calls out his name over and over knowing full well he wasn't there to hear it. His warmth and smell still clung to the bedsheets despite his absence. She could feel him all around her, his image burned into her mind.

Every time she saw him or felt his touch, she filled up with an overwhelming desire. Even the mere thought of him makes her whole body tremble and durn; the intense craving for him was driving her insane. She needed him, now more than ever yet she refused to say a word; hoping her desire would subside.

"Ahh," Levy cries out; her fingers massaging the sensitive spots within her. Her shameless moans fill the room along with the squelching sounds of her fingers thrusting inside of her. Her thighs tremble, her knees spread wide apart. Her juices seep onto the bed sheets, her nether lips throbbing in need. The need for something other than her fingers.

The soft squeak of the door creaking open brings Levy back into reality. Frozen in shock, Gajeel stood silently in the doorway. The air heavy with tension

"Y-your- I was- this isn't-" Levy stumbles over her words, cutting herself off repeatedly. She crosses her arms over her chest, pushes her thighs together and sits up, "Please g-get out!" She orders as loud as she could, spooking the stunned Gajeel out the room. After slamming the door shut behind him, Gajeel stares down at the doorknob in disbelief.

Holy shit

"What happened?" Lily rushes in from outside; concern etched onto his face, "Are you okay?" Lily asks, his head tilted to the side as he observes his paralysed friend.

"A curse?" Gajeel asks. Levy nods, her gaze refusing to lift from the bedroom floor, "What do you mean 'a curse'?! When the hell did that happen?! Who d-"

"Keep your voice down," Levy orders in a hushed tone; not wanting Lily to hear their conversation, "I only have myself to blame."

Flashback to the night of the party

Levy groans as she stirs awake; she sits up and rubs her eyes. It took her a second or two to figure out where she was; it was Gajeel's living room. She had drunkenly pestered to go home with him after all.

"I gotta pee," Levy whimpers then sleepily fumbles to the bathroom.

While returning to the living room, she notices her red shoulder bag lying against the wall next to the front door. She cheerfully hums as she pulls out the curse book translations, she then flops down onto the sofa and flicks through the pages.

Memory curse, Blindness curse, Gender curse; she had translated them all. She continues to flick through, reading a couple of the translations along the way. She chuckles at the title of the next page; Lust curse, "This one is so embarrassing," her spirit lifted by her drunken mood she breaks into a giggle fit. She clears her throat; fighting the urge to laugh as she began to read out the spell.

"The passion for your desire

Is roaring like a fire

Every touch will take you higher

If you deny it, you're a liar

The only way to cure your lust

Is to be held by the one you trust."

"Levy?" Gajeel calls out to her from the bedroom, "Lev?"

"Levy McGarden here!" Levy answers.

Flashback end

"So… A curse that makes you horny?" Gajeel asks, clarifying her explanation; unable to wrap his head around it.

"I-I guess so," Levy says, her face beet red.

"Gihehe," He grins and rubs her right wavy side bang between his thumb and index finger, "So, you desire me?"

"Please don't," she whimpers, her eyes tightly shut.

"What was that part you said after 'fire'?" He asks as he accidentally brushes his hand against her cheek, "Every touch will take you higher?"

"Shut up," Levy orders, her voice and body trembling as her muscles tighten.

"We need to cure your lust, do we?"

"It's not f-," Levy's words were cut short as Gajeel claims her lips with his own. He pulls her forward, his right hand on the base of her back. The intense heat that was coursing through her body made her unable to withdraw. As if saving herself from drowning, her hands fist in his shirt, clutching on for support. She couldn't resist as he slips his tongue into her mouth. She moans deep in her throat as their tongues flick and roam around each other. His lips curl up into a smile as he pulls away. Her eyes flutter open, glistening with unsatisfied desire as their lips part.

He brushes her hair over her ear and whispers, "That's what you get for playing with curses little girl," his breath tickles her ear, she instinctively tugs on her lower lip between her teeth.

It's not funny, idiot

Next day

Almost everybody in the guild is busy working by themselves on solo missions; the S-Class trial looming closer. Some of the other members who weren't sharing the same 'go get em' attitude just hung around the guild.

Gajeel and Levy are wondering the Balsam Village streets. Gajeel had whisked Levy away from the guild with absolutely no explanation. Even now his words were few. What was even more confusing was that Panther lily didn't come along with them. If this was a mission request like Gajeel had specified then why wasn't he with them?

Levy's mind buzzed with questions as she follows behind Gajeel as if she were his shadow. Thankfully, it didn't take long to reach their destination. 'Love neat' a popular hotel designed exclusively for couples and lovers. The large property is surrounded by tall walls, isolating the customers from the outside. Instead of hotel rooms, the customers stay in detached cabins with their own private onsen.

"Why are we here?" Levy asks, stopping in her tracks.

"You'll see," he answers, holding the door open. She opens her mouth but then seals her lips shut before she could respond back. Her cheeks burn red as she stares silently at the ground.

Are we on a mission right? What kind of mission involves going to a love hotel?

Her hands tighten into fists as she walks through the door; trying to keep her thoughts as pure and clean as possible.

One of the employees walk them to one of the cabins and unlocks the door. She hands Gajeel the key as they both step inside.

"I hope you enjoy your stay," the woman says then bowing her head before closing the door. Levy flicks her eyes around the bedroom.

"Gajeel?" Levy mumbles, her body tense; realising her suspicions were correct, "A-Are we here to..." she pauses, looking for the right words in her muddled brain, "Do you plan on-"

"Do you have any other ideas?"

"But it's… it's just..." she places her hands on her chest, attempting to calm her thumping heart.

"This ain't what I had in mind either, ya know," Gajeel sighs and crosses his arms, "I don't wanna pressure ya, but we don't have any other options."

"I know," Levy says; her eyes filled with worry.

"Mirajane said that this is a good place to relax. To set the mood or somethin'," he groans; frustration eating at his confidence, "I just wanna help ya," his shaky voice catches Levy attention; making her raise her head.

Is he nervous too?

Silence falls across the room. Gajeel glares at his feet, his cheeks and ears burning red and his teeth gritted together. She smiles, feeling at ease after seeing his nervousness so clearly on his face.

Come on Levy show him you want him

The devil on her shoulder whispers her dirty schemes into her ear, reminding Levy of her desires. Bending over, she takes off her sandals then frees her hair from her bandana.

"What are you doing?" Gajeel questions, watching as she slips off her armbands.

"I'm going to get in the onsen," Levy says. Led by her demons, her trembling hands reach for the bow on her dress. Uniting the ribbon, removing the only support keeping her dress up. Gliding it down over her hips, she lets it drop to the ground revealing her underwear.

She briskly walks up to the door; the embarrassment quickly catching up with her

I can feel him staring at me

"Join me if you want to, I-I don't mind," She opens the sliding door revealing the indoor onsen. She hurries through the door then shuts it; wanting to get away as quick as possible.

Her heart beating so hard she could hear it thumping in her ears.

I did it I can't believe I did it

The rush of excitement was making her giddy, who knew being bold could be so exhilarating? Although, she did end up fleeing the room.

She breathes in deeply letting the steaming hot water wash over her. She lowers herself in, the water line barely above chest height. Lounging back, she rests both elbows on the flat giant stone tub.

"So goood," Levy says with a soothing exhale. Succumbing to the relaxing heat and the sweet trace of honey, she rests her head back and closes her eyes. The only sources of light in the dim room were the gentle glow of candles and the tiny lanterns on both sides of the door.

Several minutes pass by, every second heavenly. She has almost completely forgotten where she was when she hears the door open. Hastily she shifts into a defence position, hugging her knees to her chest. Her eyes tightly shut; paralyzed, unable to turn around and face him. After the door slid shut, he walks over to the tub. With her brain on high alert, her once drowsy scenes quickly wake up. Relying purely on the sound of his bare feet on the tiled floor, she judged his whereabouts in the room.

The water ripples and sloshes around as he steps into the tub. The water level rises as he settles himself opposite her. His knees sticking out above the water, his elbows resting on the tub. He groans softly while slowly swaying his knees side to side, his body loosening up.

He was right in front of her, naked. All she had to do was open her eyes. The urge to look at him was too overwhelming; she needed to see him.

Is he looking at me?

What kind of expression does he have?

I wonder if he has any piercings on his dick…

Mentally screams at her last comment; she sinks lower into the water, her nose just above the surface.

Stupid curse! Get out of my thoughts!

"We don't have to do this," Gajeel says, taking her silence as reluctance.

"I know… But the curse won't go away until we do… besides…" Levy shyly responds, her fingers tracing circles across her outer thighs, "I want to."

"That's probably the curse talking."

"I really want you," She argues, her eyebrows knit into a determined scowl, "I couldn't be reacting to you like this if I didn't," there was no point denying it now; her mind and body were stripped bare, everything exposed to the man in front of her.

Her feverish eyes explore his muscular chest, her fingers itching to glide over each sculpted ab. Noticing her wondering eyes Gajeel lips tug into a smile.

"Why Dontcha come over here then?" he invites, his knees spread wide apart, welcoming her between them. She only hesitated for a second before standing up. Her hands at her sides as she closed the gap between them. He releases a long, quiet groan as she stood above him. Once she was in between his legs she lowers herself down onto her knees. Wasting no time he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her petite body closer. She rests into him, nestling up against his chest.

"You said we were going on a mission, you should have told me the truth," Levy says.

"We are on a mission," Gajeel replies, "A small blue haired mage has gotten herself cursed and I appear to be the only one able to help," He chuckles as he grabs both her ass cheeks with his hands. She uses his chest to help muffle her moan, as he gives her ass a few good squeezes. She could now feel his hard, thick shaft pressing against her thighs.

She could feel his heart pounding as she kisses his neck.

"Levy..." Gajeel moans out as she sucks on his skin. Her right-hand trails down his side and over his hip, her fingers lightly stroking his thigh. Over and over her hand slowly caressed up and down his thigh, teasing his cock. She would have prolonged the teasing if it wasn't for her own aching desires, begging her to do more. Giving his neck one last kiss she pulls away and watches Gajeel face as she strokes his eager member with her right hand; drawing a delicious moan from his lips. She could feel the studs lined on both sides of his hard cock.

Well that answers that question

His breathing heavy with lustful as he meets her feverish gaze.

Her teeth unconsciously bite her bottom lip, his erotic expression turning her on all the more.

"Does it feel good?" She asks, pumping him in her hand as her other hand begins to cycle around the head. She plants kisses over his broad chest, occasionally stopping to suck on his nipples.

"Ya think you can toy with me?" He asks, his rough husky voice paired with deep gasps and moans. He raises to his feet, hoisting her up with him.

"G-Gajeel!" She shrieks in surprise as he throws her over his shoulder. He strides to the side of the tub Levy previously sat at and sits her on the stone ledge tub, her back against the wall. Kneeling down, he spreads her knees apart making room for himself between her thighs. Holding her legs apart, he kisses her left inner thigh following it up with a love bite. The tingling feeling his kiss left on her skin sent shivers up her spine. His face so close to her sensitive sex, so close she could almost scream from the torture. He repeats the same action again and again until she had received several little marks trailing up her thigh. Gajeel looks up to see Levy's trembling fingers playing with her swollen clit.

"Gihehe, someone's impatient," his laughs with his mischievous grin. Her back aches, unable to hold back her cry as his mouth begins to devour her. His tongue strokes up along her slit before sliding past her lips to fuck her with his tongue. He found courage in her response, spurring him to keep going. His hands clasp onto her slender wrists, ripping them away from her clit, "that's my job," he growls then swirls his tongue around her pulsing bud. Sucking it in between his lips, his tongue continues to flick and grind against it. She hooks her legs over his shoulders, hugging him in tighter; her hips rolling against his mouth.

"It feels so good!" She exclaims, her body trembling wildly. The slurping sound of Gajeel lapping up her juices ego through her mind, corrupting her already filthy thoughts. The fire in her stomach was burning too hot, she couldn't ignore it anymore.

"Please! Gajeel, don't stop!" She begs, her toes curling. Uncontrollable pleasure ripped through her body as his mouth worked her to the edge.

She settles against the walls, breathless. She glances down at him earning a wicked grin form him in return. He raises himself up, kissing her up stomach as he made his way to her heaving chest. Kissing her breasts, gently sucking and nibbling her skin; leaving marks.

"Gajeel," she whimpers out to him, enticing him forward. Obeying her call he lifts up and presses their foreheads together.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers before sealing his lips over hers. His kiss eases her exhaustion, bringing out her lust once more.

"Your turn," She says, her eyes admiring his body, craving to touch him.

"I don't think so," he stands up, pulling away from her, "Turn around, on ya knees" he orders. She follows his command without question, her hands on the wall and her knees on the ledge around the tub. He rubs his right index and middle finger over her lips, teasing her before pushing them into her pussy. Coaxing more sweet moans from her, "Do ya want me to fuck ya Lev?" he asks, slapping his left hand across her ass, forcing a sharp gasp from her lips,"Well?" he smacks her left ass cheek again, demanding an answer. Not taken by surprise this time, she follows up her moan with a soft giggle.

"Yes," she purrs, her cheek tingling.

"Yes, what?" He pats her cheek, taunting her, "I wanna hear ya say it."

"I want you to fuck me," she pleads looking back at him. Pleased with her response removes his hand from her sex. He rubs his erection between her thighs, grinding into her pussy lips; coating his cock with her juices. Her heart pounds as she feels his thickness and length rub against her. The head of his cock prods her opening, begging for access. Impatiently she backs herself into him, forcing the head of his dick into her entrance. He growls as she did so, responding to her needs with his own. She inhales deeply relaxing her body as he slowly pushed in deeper. His hard cock stretching her open. She hisses at the slight prick of pain as he tore through her virginity. Once it subsided she was once again filled with pure ease and fulfilment. After all this waiting, he was finally inside her.

His slow, tender movement allowed her to feel every inch and stud gently push inside her. he groans, straining at her tightness, almost all the way in. He grips her hips firmly and plunges himself in; his length completely buried inside her. She screams out, her eyes tightly shut and her hands balling into fists.

He's so big

She was amazed her tiny body could take him. Suddenly, she feels a sharp pain as Gajeel gives her an additional spank.

"You're mine now," he growls, "And I am yours," he lowers his head and kisses her guild mark.

"Gajeel," she whispers, looking over her shoulder. Her glossy hazel eyes lock onto his fiery crimson orbs, "Thank you."

"What ya thanking me for?" He returns back to his original position and grips onto her ass cheeks, "I should be thanking you, idiot," he slowly slides out causing her gasp as she feels his length pull out and slowly make his way back in. He pulls out again only his head inside, but he was so gentle the second time. He thrusts forward in one swift movement. She screams out, her back arching from the powerful pleasure that coursed through her, "Did that hurt?" he asks, resting deep inside.

"No," She replies encouraging him by rocking her hips into him. He starts up again, sliding his thickness out and back in again at a steady pace. Matching his rhythm she rolls into him, his piercings rubbing along her sensitive walls. They felt oddly good.

Their moans bonding together, each thrust better than the last.

"You're so tight," Gajeel growls roughly. She clenches up, his words intoxicating her, "Fuck," his moans and thrusts devour her whole, leaving her with an intense hungry need.

She needed more, her craving for pleasure intensifying with each agonisingly gentle thrust, "More," she begs.

Fuck me, please fuck me

Without a word he slams into her, his mouth latches onto her shoulder, sucking and biting her skin. Her arm reaches back and her hand grips onto his jet black hair. He groans deep in his throat and bites her harder. She couldn't hold back her moans as he drove his cock in and out roughly.

"Oh god!" she cries, he cheek pressed into the wall, his force leaving her powerless.

"You like this don't ya?" he pants plunging himself all the way inside her, "Ya little pervert," he pulls out. She pouts her lips, deprived of pleasure. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling onto her feet. He spins around and sits on the spot she had been kneeling and draws her closer and pulls her up onto his lap. She grabs his shoulders and hoists herself up and positioning her entrance above his thick member. Slamming her hips down she takes him all the way in, "Fuck...Levy," he gasps. Her body harshly bouncing up and down, her ass smacking against his thighs. She cries in absolute pleasure as she rode him, her fingers digging into his shoulders. His hand on her hips, unable to sit still he thrusts up into her.

"Gajeel!" she throws her head back and cries. Her core clenching as her pleasure hits its limit. She slams down, his cock deep inside her as she rode her high. Her moans weakening as her body spasms. She falls into his chest, breathless and limp.

"Damn Levy, that was hot," he purrs into her ear, "But I ain't finished yet sweetheart," His hands came to life, forcing her hips up and down wildly as he thrust up.

"G-Gajeel!" She wraps her arms around his neck, clinging to him. Her tight, soaking pussy squeezing him as his dick pumped quickly into her.

"Yes… Fuck yes!" He roars wrapping his arms around her waist. His cock buried deep inside her as he tightens up and releases. He bites his lip as his cum shots up into her, filling her up.

"Gajeel!" She yells, pulling out of his embrace, "Y-you did it i-inside..."

"Gihehe, sorry."

"Don't gihehe me!" she pouts angrily, then sighs and smiles, "You better take responsibility."

"Don't worry Levy," He presses a feather-light kiss against her lips, "I'll take care of ya," He wraps his arms back around her, nuzzling his face in between her breasts, "Maybe we should write that curse down. So when we give Makarov the book we still have it."

"Shut up, pervert."

That's the end! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review of the story and any final thoughts on the sex scene. (I'd appreciate any tips or constructive criticism)