AN: Hello! So I am working on chapter 17 for La Bella Madre Italiana and also the next chapter for Hetalia Questions so look forward to those! Thank you guys so much for the kind reviews JHere is chapter two!

Disclaimer- I don't own anything!

Lovino Vargas was far away from his father's anger at not showing up to perform. It's not like he liked singing in front of others anyway, it was embarrassing!

The Italian merman had a red tail with golden scales that shown whenever he went in the sunlight and his hair was a dark auburn color. He had brown and green mixed eyes that practically showed every emotion, and right now they were shining with curiosity.

His 'brother' was swimming around him nervously, and not liking the fact that they were around something they shouldn't be. His name was Feliciano and despite the fact that he and Lovino looked extremely similar, the two were not related. It shocked the broth of them but Feliciano called Lovino his big brother anyway.

The younger merman had bright red hair and a green tail that shown as brightly as his personality. His golden eyes always had a caring look in them and he was extremely kind. Some would say he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but those who truly knew him said that he was one of the smartest people they had ever met.

Lovino however…Well, he wasn't known to be the nicest merman to meet. In fact he was rather rude to others and he had a mouth worse than any sailor. However he was sweet to children and women since he wasn't a total jackass, and he was the youngest prince so he kind of had to act polite…He didn't do this very often unless his father was watching him closely. The two mermen had curls that defied the gravity of the ocean, Lovino's hanging to the right side of his head and Feliciano's curl hanging to the left. It still boggled the older one's mind that they looked so alike yet they were not related in the slightest.

Lovino stared in wonder at the sunken ship not too far away from himself and Feliciano. It was odd to find anything like this around the ocean so when he found something so interesting, he couldn't help but to try to get a closer look! "Lovi! Wait for me!" Feliciano called from behind him, keeping his distance from the ship. It looked creepy and dangerous in his opinion and he couldn't understand why his brother was so curious about it. It's just a boat!

The older merman rolled his eyes and gestured for Feliciano to come closer. "Hurry up idiota!" He snapped, turning his attention back to the sunken ship. The younger Italan gulped and swam next to his brother, panting from swimming so fast earlier. "Fratello you know I can't swim that fast!" He whined, causing the other to wave his hand. "Yes you can, you just choose to be lazy."

He ignored his brother's reply and felt his lip twitch up a bit when Feliciano was swimming beside him. "There it is! Isn't it fantastic?" Lovino asked with a twinkle in his eye. Felicinao laughed nervously. "Si, si it's great! Now c'mon fratello lets get out of here!" Lovino glared at his brother trying to escape and grabbed his hand firmly, dragging him closer to the ship. "You're not getting a cold tail now are you?" Lovino asked, rolling his eyes when he heard a squeak that was the younger's voice.

"N-No! Me? No way Lovi! Italians are strong and brave! It's just that uh…It look damp in there! Si! And um…I-I think I might be coming down with something fratello…I got this cough!" Feliciano rambled, Lovino continuing to drag him until they were directly outside the ship. Lovino rolled his eyes once more and got out his red bag that he liked to put odd things into that he found interesting.

"Well I'm going inside. You can just stay outside and watch out for sharks~" Lovino ended with a smirk, heading inside the open window that lead into the boat. "Okay~ You go and I'll stay outside and watch for-WHAT? S-Sharks?! Wait Lovi!" He ended with a yell of fright, swimming through the window to follow his brother inside. He tail somehow got stuck inside and he tried to squeeze through some more, failing in the process.

"Fratello! I-I can't move I'm stuck! Lovino help!" Lovino couldn't help the chuckle that came out of his mouth, swimming over to help his younger brother out. "Oh Feli…" He muttered in amusement, raising an eyebrow when his brother replied. "Lovi! Do you really think they'll be sharks around here?" The older continued to help pull him out. "Don't be an idiot fratello." He muttered with a soft smirk. "I'm not an idiot fratello…" Feliciano pouted.

Lovino finally pulled him through the window. "I know you're not, I was just joking don't worry." Lovino replied, swimming farther into the ship and looking around curiously. "This is uh, great! I really…really…love this…Excitement, adventure…danger, lurking creatures-FRATELLO!"

Lovino swam back only to find things falling over and his brother swimming into his arms, looking terrified. The older merman frowned at his brother shaking and held him close. "Hey are you okay?" He asked softly, petting his brother's hair. The other nodded, still hugging his brother. "Si, I'm okay now. I think."

He was about to say something else when Lovino shushed him gently, looking upwards with a small grin and letting his brother go, he started to swim in that direction. Feliciano followed, wishing they were back at the castle. They swam through a hole in the ceiling and it led them to a room that seemed pretty empty. Feliciano was about to head back but then he heard his brother gasp.

"Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!" Lovino yelled, swimming quickly over to an object that was shining in the light. It was a glass bottle and he grabbed it with a firm grip, holding it up to the light and looking at it all over. "Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire fucking life?!" Lovino exclaimed, Feliciano smiling.

"Wow~ That looks pretty fratello!" He swam towards Lovino to get a closer look at the bottle before tilting his head. "But, what is it?" He asked curiously. Lovino shrugged and put it in his bag. "I don't know but it looks awesome so I'm taking it. I'm sure Gilbert will know…" Feliciano saw a shadow cross the window and gulped.

"What was that?" Lovino didn't hear him, for he had gone to search for other neat things. Feliciano stayed next to his brother, muttering. "Did you hear something…?" Lovino once again, was too caught up in his own findings to hear his brother talk. "Huh, what's this?" The older one asked himself quietly, putting it in his bag. "Lovi!" Feliciano whined, feeling extremely nervous. "Feli will you relax? Nothing is going to happen!" The older Italian snapped, Feliciano freezing in his tracks as he turned around slowly to face the window behind him.

He gasped and his eyes widened. "SHARK! FRATELLO!" Feliciano screamed as the shark burst through the glass and Lovino looked up in terror and worry. The shark started chasing Feliciano and he swam as fast as he could to get away from it, eventually swimming into Lovino's arms. Lovino caught him and wrapped his arms around his brother as he swam away from the shark, nearly avoiding it as it tried to bite Lovino's tail. Lovino held on to Feliciano tight, making sure not to drop him as he swam as quick as possible. When Feliciano was able to swim by himself, he let him go and simply grabbed his hand to drag him away from the sharks incoming attacks.

They thought they were in the clear when all of a sudden it burst through the floor, almost capturing them! Feliciano screamed as he swam, Lovino following him and making sure that they didn't run into any dead ends when his bag fell off onto the floor. He could see the incoming shark and that it would destroy the things inside it and the bag itself. So he made a brave decision and decided to turn back around and grab his bag, snatching it away in time before the shark could bite his hand off. The two continued to swim for their lives until they reached the window where they first came in.

Feliciano swam through first, getting stuck again. "Fratello help! Help!" Lovino pushed his brother through and swam through as well, pulling himself out just as the shark busted through the side of the ship and continued chasing them. Feliciano ran into the ship's flag pole hard and passed out, starting to float down. Lovino saw this and cursed under his breath, swimming as fast as he could while the shark was doing the same. Thankfully, the older merman got to him first, and pulling him through a part of the ship where the shark finally got stuck.

He couldn't move no matter how hard he tried and Lovino smirked at it, swimming away as his brother followed, out of breath. "You really are a dumbass." Lovino muttered, laughing when Feliciano replied. "I am not and you know it!" "Si si…" Lovino assured.

They swam to the surface and Feliciano smiled when they saw their friend Gilbert, hanging out on his little island like usual. Gilbert was a merman who liked to just sit on a small pile of sand in the middle of the ocean, only going underwater when he had too. He somehow didn't have a tan, but his skin was white as snow. He had red eyes, wore a grin 24/7, and loved the country of Prussia. He was the type of merman who always wore his ego on his sleeve and bragged constantly about his human knowledge, since a friend of his lived on land. He had a white tail to match his white hair and he grinned widely when he saw the two mermen coming near.



The two mermen called, swimming closer. Gilbert sat up a little and waved his hand, gesturing for them to come up where he could see them better. "Whoah! Two mermen coming towards the awesome me?! I knew I was hot but damn I didn't think I would ever get two booty calls at once!" Gilbert laughed, Lovino scowling and Feliciano laughing as well. The older Italian rolled his eyes and held out his bag when they reached the albino merman.

"Look what we found idiot." "Si! We were in this sunken ship! And it was creepy-" Feliciano rambled, Gilbert chuckling and looking down at the items. "Human stuff ey? Let me see!" He said excitedly, grabbing the bag and pulling out random stuff from inside. He pulled out the bottle from before and stared at it with a grin.

"Well would you look at this! I wonder how it got down to the bottom of the ocean…" "Well? What the fuck is it?" Lovino muttered, crossing his arms. "It's a bottle. On land they use these things to hold liquids and all that. It's pretty shiny when it's not holding anything huh?" Gilbert answered, Feliciano staring wonder and Lovino nodding at this information.

"A bottle…" The merman muttered, Feliciano smiling. Gilbert held the bottle to his mouth and blew into it gently, creating a noise. "You can almost make music with this thing!" He shouted cheerfully, Lovino paling.

"Music?! Oh fuck the concert! My dad is going to kill me!" He yelled, hitting the sand in frustration. Feliciano looked at his brother worriedly. "The concert was today?!" Gilbert held out Lovino's bag and he snatched it, looking frustrated with himself. "Shit I'm sorry, I got to go or else I'll be food for the sharks!" Lovino yelled, going underwater and making sure his brother followed him.

'Shit I'm going to be in so much trouble!' Lovino thought to himself.

AN: There you go! I hope you liked this chapter JAnd also if you can't tell, I'm making everyone a mermaid or merman since it's easier to describe their movements and all that. So Arthur will be shown in the next chapter~ And I think some Antonio as well? Either way it'll be awesome! So until the next chapter of this, my other stories, or something new, Peace!
