Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update, I'm still a student and it's the end of the school year for me. I also got into some trouble with family (if anyone remembers what happened before I re-wrote this story) and suffered a really bad concussion, but I don't want to worry anyone again like I did before! I'm okay! Anyways, I really like writing this story for all of you, so please enjoy!

P.S. I've grown to hate author's notes, for reasons like people who read it way after it's completed and stuff like that, so when I update the next chapter I will also edit this one and delete this note, just to let you know.

Chapter 4: The Demon's Seed


"What is wrong with you?! Have you no conscience, not even a shred of sympathy?!"

Zeref stepped back, his hand rubbing the mark Layla's hand left on his cheek. "Now, now, listen to me, I already told you why. I can help you and your family-"

"No! You, listen to me!" Layla's breath was ragged, her hand clutching her nightgown, and her feet dangling just above the floor from her position on the end of the infirmary bed. "You think you can burden the Heartfilia family with caring for the Eclipse Gate for generations when you haven't done a thing for us?!"

"The whole thing is for the sake of Earth Land, not just for me-" Zeref tried to explain, but he couldn't find the right words. Layla knew exactly what he was talking about, but she was too angry to care.

Layla slapped her glass of water down onto the ground to silence him. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep that giant gate a secret from the Magic Council?!" Her arms flailed around with rage. Zeref stayed silent, waiting for her to calm down. "Then, you come to me on my death bed, right after I gave my life to open that portal for you, and tell me my only child belongs to one of the most powerful demons that you just so happened to create, thanks to a deal you made with him that you cannot break!" She paused to catch her breath. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" she said, annoyed tears beginning to fall from her tired, angry eyes.

"For starters, this doesn't have to be your death bed." Zeref shrugged. "You could make your own deal with E.N.D.."

Layla's eyebrows furrowed together, her hands wiping away her tears. "What do you mean?"

"You don't have much leverage - except for maybe Lucy, sort of - but you could somehow threaten him until he gives you what you want."

"And what will I ask a demon to do for me?!"

"Your life back from the Celestial Spirit King. Demons can do just about anything, for the right price." Zeref smiled, and the book rumbled like it was confirming what the dark wizard had said.

Layla looked at the book hesitantly, but then her face hardened. "Alright."

"I made a deal with E.N.D.," Layla said slowly.

Natsu stared at her, his arms hanging loosely by his side.

"If he gave me back my life, I would seal a boy by the name of Natsu Dragneel into his book, when the time came."

The young dragon-slayer immediately stiffened. "Does that mean..." he trailed off when she nodded.

Layla clasped her hands together. "I sealed you into the book when you passed out, after E.N.D. manipulated you and your body, using the demon seed he planted within you. But you should thank me because if you were still in your body you probably be long dead by now. I'm also giving you a chance to escape from the book."

"What?" Natsu's one-track-mind could not handle all this confusion and new information. "Demon seed?"

"You've, how should I say this, always had it within you, but it was dormant and doing no harm. It should've stayed that way, but I'm guessing you somehow came in direct contact with E.N.D.'s book, did you not?"

Natsu recalled when Zeref struck the book, and it felt like someone had stabbed him through with a lighting bolt, and then, he felt like something nasty was growing inside him. He nodded.

Layla lifted her chin, her eyes seeming as if she was looking into a different place. "Now that E.N.D. is gone, the demon seed should soon go back to its dormant state. But we must wait until it does because it would be risky to try and return you to your body now."

"How will I get out of the book?" Natsu looked around, wondering whether this was his 'heart' or the 'book.'

"The book can only handle detaining one being at once." Layla answered. "All we have to do is trap someone else into the book with you, and it will deteriorate."

Natsu narrowed his eyes, growing a little suspicious of the woman.

A day later Layla was already back to her usual self. Dressed in a formal gown, she came down the hallway towards Zeref, who was waiting in the doorway of an empty room.

"Are you ready? It took you forever," Zeref said, looking at her from head to toe.

Layla nodded and motioned the two servants following her to come closer. "Gather the supplies I have in my room and bring them here," she said to one. "And you, make sure no one comes near this room, understand?" she ordered the other. They both nodded, and the second closed and locked the door when Zeref and Layla had entered.

"It's not a big deal." Zeref set the book down on the floor. "The whole mansion's gonna meet him anyway since he'll be staying with Lucy."

"I don't want them to know that he is a demon." Layla cleared her throat. "I was thinking of telling them that he is…a special celestial spirit of mine, one that protects Lucy."

Zeref laughed. "And how will you get him to follow that ruse? He would hate being called your's, I can tell you that."

Layla crossed her arms. "The demon will grant me his service."

"You?" Zeref covered his mouth, his face turning a little red. The book rumbled with anger on the floor, and Layla took a step back from it.

"That's right, I will be his master."

"No way!" Zeref couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. "A demon has to choose their master, and E.N.D. definitely won't choose you!"

Her eyes hardened. "He wants to choose Lucy, doesn't he?"

"I don't think this is just about your daughter anymore, Layla," Zeref declared loudly. "Try to be more subtle about it."

Layla averted her eyes to the floor, feeling like she was transparent. He really could see right through her!

A soft knock on the door broke the tension building in the room. Zeref opened the door and a servant handed him a carton, a brush, and a big box of food. The door closed quietly as Zeref set the items down next to him. The dark wizard opened the carton, and after taking a whiff to confirm it was what he wanted, crinkled his nose in disgust.

"Are you sure this is demon's blood? Smells a lot worse than I remember."


Zeref shrugged, settling himself down on the ground. He dipped the brush into the carton and began to paint on the floor around the book.

"What is that?" Layla asked, her hand over her nose. Zeref began to make more distinct shapes with the lines.

Zeref dipped the brush again, also covering his nose. "This is called Hekate's Wheel, or the Strophalos of Hekate, or the Crossroads… whatever. The symbol has many names. Anyways, what matters is that Hekate is the goddess who made this book."*

"I thought you did," Layla said. The symbol was a circle with three shapes inside that formed a maze around a spiral in the center of another, smaller circle. Zeref wasn't quite done, but the basic shapes were showing.

Zeref shook his head in response. "This was an empty book when I found it. You see, I was researching something I could write in to recreate my brother, and learning about this book, I thought it would be perfect."


He rolled his eyes. "It was a holy book that could seal away any being, them having to be evil of course. Because it was holy, I thought that it would keep Natsu from turning into a demon, since the ways I planned to revive him were with dark magic that could taint him. I'm not sure what went wrong, but I ended up accidentally making E.N.D.." He stopped, thinking about it. Then tossing the brush to the side he stood up. "There, I'm finished."

Layla looked at the box of food Zeref grabbed. "What's that for?"

"Haven't you ever been to a shrine? If you want a great deity to listen to your prayers, you usually give it food." He looked down at the food. "Or a sacrifice," he mumbled to himself.

Zeref took out the containers filled with different dishes from many places, and set them around the circle of blood. He beckoned for Layla to stand next to him and grabbed her hand. "Repeat after me, shikashi-shin was hontōni chijō ni sumudeshou ka?"

She hesitated, wondering what in the world he was making her do, but followed his instructions. "Shikashi,-shin wa hontōni chijō ni sumudeshou ka?"

"Miyo, ten to ten no ten wa anata o daku koto ga dekinai."

"Miyo, ten to ten no ten wa anata o daku koto ga dekinai."

"Watashi ga tate tako no ie wa dore kurai sukunai no?"

"Watashi ga tate tako no ie wa dore aurai sukunai no?"** The lights flashed for a second. When they were back on, the food was gone.

"Alright." Zeref let go of her hand. "In"

A white fire burst from the book as it slammed open, the pages flipping against the wind coming from the swirling flames. The fire began to form a shape, that of a young man with bright pink hair, pure white horns and a matching, long tail that had a fan of scales at the tip. When the flames disappeared, Layla noticed his sharper canines, pointed ears, and talon nails.***

"Layla Heartfilia," E.N.D. hissed, his forked tongue slipping out between his lips. "I offer my service to you." He kneeled down in front of her, holding out his hand which she took instinctively, which shocked both herself and Zeref.

"I-" Layla began, but was cut off when he suddenly pulled down on her hand, making her slam face first into the bloody wood floor. His hand roughly grasped her hair and yanked her head up so she looked him right in the eye. He had a wicked grin spread on his face.

"Is that what you wanted me to say?" E.N.D. cooed, his blood boiling with hatred for the woman. "You greedy bitch!" His tone quickly escalated, his mouth flipping to a snarl. The demon raised his hand to strike her, but Zeref caught his wrist, stopping the action.

"Now now, E.N.D.. Is that how you greet your 'mother-in-law?'" Zeref smiled.

E.N.D. grunted a "no" and yanked his arm away from the dark wizard. He then stood up, letting Layla's head drop onto the floor.

"Why don't we keep the violence to a minimum, at least until I leave - soIwon'thavetogetstuckinbetween - and introduce you to Lucy, hm?"

E.N.D.'s whole body immediately seemed to brighten at the mention of Lucy. Layla felt sick.

"I will not let this monster near my daughter!" Layla sat up, glaring at E.N.D..

The demon grimaced and his tail whipped back and forth in anger. He took a deep breath before speaking, "I think we both know who the real monster is here."

He left the room, demanding the servant waiting outside to take him to Lucy. Zeref helped Layla up off the floor.

"That was...lucky," Zeref said. "He could've disobeyed me, since me releasing him meant I gave up my ownership over him, because of our deal, but I guess he's just so used to listening to me that he obeyed." He handed her a rag from his pocket, and she wiped the rancid blood from her face, noting that fortunately none of it was on her clothing. "Or he was thinking of Lucy."

"We need to catch him before he finds Lucy." Layla quickly stood up onto her feet, staring down at the kneeling Zeref. "He needs to know that I'm in charge."

* Hekate is the name of a chakra referred to as the "surrounding" chakra, and is considered the ground of one's being, and so I thought it was like the being of E.N.D. and how he is sealed. There is no position or color for this one, so not having much to go off of, I looked up "Hekate" which ended up being the name of a Greek goddess who chases and destroys evil, or something like that. I know Fairy Tail has like its own gods and stuff but they never talk much about them so I think I'm safe on this one. Also, I couldn't really think of another way to incorporate why Zeref was using Hekate's symbol so I figured, why not have her be the creator of the book?

** The chant translates to: "But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?" which is another verse from the Bible that I used. It's about how God is omnipotent (everywhere) and so it was kind of referring to the "surrounding" chakra, and also how the book can't contain E.N.D. very well just like the house this person "builded" cannot contain God.

*** If you couldn't tell, I am deeply influenced by Ao no Exorcist, so it's almost impossible for me to get myself to think of any other features for a demon in human form. There is also a race of demons in Earth Land, and E.N.D. matches their description pretty well, so I'm safe. The traits between demons can vary, such traits may include horns, pointed ears, claws, tails, and wings. Should E.N.D. have wings? What do you readers think?