Chapter Twelve

The next Wednesday, LaSalle and Percy were out investigating a Navy contractor suspected of funneling food from a commissary to his suburban restaurant. Brody and Pride stayed back at the office clearing up some paperwork and other administrative duties. Around 3 p.m., a large man Pride recognized as Griffin Whitman, a NOPD vice detective, walked in.

"Griff!" Pride said, greeting the man with a hearty handshake. "What brings you down here?"

"Professional courtesy," he said, tapping a Manila envelope on the desk. "Can we talk in private?"


Ten minutes later, the men were walking down the stairs from the second floor interview room.

"Take care King," White said.

"Thanks for the heads up, Griff," he said. The men shook hands. The detective tapped his forehead to Meredith, "Ma'am."

"What was that all about?" She said glancing at envelope. Pride exhaled deeply. He reached into his wallet and pulled out fifty bucks. "Here, you were right."

He gave her the envelope and went back to his desk. She opened it and looked at the photo inside. "Wow, I sure was," she whistled.

Pride gave her a sour look.

"Oh c'mon, don't be a sore loser," she said, pocketing the money.

"It's not that," he said tapping his fingers nervously. "But, now that I know, and other people know I know…" he trailed off.

"You're obligated to say something," she finished for him.

"Puts me in an awful position," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I know you'll do the right thing," she said.

"If I could figure out what that was," he said.

"What time are they due back?"

"About 5."

She looked at her watch. "So, that gives you some time to sort it out." She got up and put on her jacket.

"Wait," he said "Where are you going?"

"Dentist appointment?" she widened her eyes. "I told you this morning."

"That's right," he said, sighing. "I guess this is something I just have to do myself."

She gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown," she said.


Chris and Sonja came into the empty office around 5:10.

Sonja was talking. "Seriously, I'll never forget that guy's face when you caught him with those Yeti coolers."

"Yeah, if he only dropped them," he said shaking his head.

"Those suckers are like $500 each," she said. "Of course, they're shit now, with the bullet holes."

"Better those, than him...Too much paperwork," He looked around. "Where is everybody?" He called out. "King! You here?"

Pride popped his head out of the kitchen. "Can y'all come back here for a minute?"

LaSalle grinned. "Dinner surprise."

Percy looked at LaSalle, and grabbed his arm. "I have a bad feeling about this."

LaSalle looked doubtful. "It's Pride in the kitchen, what could go wrong?"

The entered to see Pride sitting at the kitchen table. There was no food. He had a Manila envelope in front of him.

Now LaSalle had a bad feeling.

"Sonja, Christopher, sit down," he said in a stern tone.

Pride looked across at the highly skilled agents he would trust with his life. He also saw two young people who had no idea of the trouble they were causing. His duty as their senior lay heavily on his shoulders; he knew he had to reprimand them, but he wanted to be compassionate. He always thought of Christopher as a son and, given her age, he couldn't help but feel paternal toward Sonja.

Friggin' millennials - probably thought they'd invented clandestine sex. But, this was a old story. His coworkers at the Sheriff's department had affairs back in the 80s. Hell, they probably went back to every workplace since Noah built the ark.

He took the pictures out. "Remember that movie premiere a month ago. Seems some working girls like to use the balcony to do business. NOPD Vice keeps a motion sensitive surveillance camera up there. One of the officers recognized LaSalle, but not Sonja, until they saw you at an investigation."

LaSalle looked first and glanced at Percy, who had gone pale. He pressed the photo in her hand. "It's OK, Sonja." he said. The pictures weren't very bad, PG-13 maybe a soft R. But there was no doubt it was them, especially with the close up of Sonja's ice cream tattoo.

Pride said two words, "How long?"

"Six weeks," LaSalle spoke up. Percy seemed too stunned to speak.

Pride gave them a few minutes. "I just wish you two had come to me first. It would have been better than finding out like this," he said.

"Yeah, but King, isn't that the point?" LaSalle said. Pride tilted his head in a challenging manner. LaSalle lifted his chin defiantly and carried on.

"I mean, you had to catch us like this. Our work hasn't been affected," he said. "You told me yourself, you've never seen me happier and you were glad I'd gotten my act together."

Pride took in a breath. "For now." he said.

For the first time in several years, LaSalle felt a flush of anger toward his boss. "What does that mean?"

Pride continued. "It means, where is this going?"

Sonja and Chris looked at each other sheepishly. Pride put his arms out as if trying to beseech them. "Chris," he turned to Percy, "Sonja. I don't want to get in your personal business," he said.

"So, don't," LaSalle spat out.

Sonja put her hand on his arm. "It's OK Chris. Hear him out." She hated to think that their relationship would ruin the special bond between LaSalle and Pride. She was no Yoko Ono.

Pride pressed ahead. "For right now, you're together. You're happy, everything is fine," he paused and continued. "But, if you would say, have a bad fight or break up - just saying - that's when things can get ugly and work goes down the drain."

Chris took Sonja's hand. He took a deep breath. "Well, King, I can only speak for myself, but, I don't see that happening." He looked at Sonja.

Sonja gulped, gave Chris a small smile, and squeezed his hand. "We are committed to each other." She looked Pride straight in the eyes. "This isn't a casual hookup. I don't do those."

LaSalle wondered if that was a dig against his former man-whore ways, but she gave him such a sweet smile, he knew she was telling him she loved him. He thought of that tattoo and how he liked to lick it...

Pride broke into the moment. "Still, if Washington finds out - and they have ways - they will not be pleased. But…'

"But?" LaSalle raised his eyebrows.

"But, they don't like losing good agents and training new ones is very expensive," he added. "And they HATE expensive."

"So…" LaSalle asked.

"So, keep it professional at work, and, I'll look the other way," he added. "But, for God's sake, be discreet." He came around the table and gave both a fatherly hug.

"Go on. Get out of here," he motioned with his hand.

"Thanks King," LaSalle said. Sonja just smiled and nodded her head.

Pride watched the young couple hold hands as they walked away. Although he still felt they were an accident waiting to happen, they made an attractive couple. From what he could see, they seemed to be genuinely in love. He hoped to hell they would make it.

The couple stepped out of the office doors and went over to their cars. Behind the gate, Chris swung Sonja around, took her in his arms, and gave her a deep soulful kiss.

"Were you listening to one word Pride just said?" she teased when they broke.

LaSalle grinned. "We're out of the office…"


He took her hand. "Yeah, but we don't have to hide anymore."

Sonja sighed, "I do feel like a weight's been lifted." He pulled her close for another kiss. They stayed in an embrace for awhile.

"So did you mean it in there," he said in her ear.


"About this being a committed relationship," he said.

She took her head off his shoulder and looked at him.

"Trying to get rid of me?" she looked scared.

"Never," he stroked her chin. "I love you, Sonja."

"I know," she demurred.

"No," he put his hands on her shoulders. "I really, really love you."

"I know," she said. "I love you too, Christopher."

They kissed again.

"So Barbie," he said, eyes twinkling. "Wanna take a walk to Framboise and celebrate our coming out?"

"Whatever you say Ken," she responded. "Your treat right?"

"Every single night, darlin', every single night."


A/N: Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Thanks for all the support and encouragement. For more adventures in PerSalle land - stay tuned for updates to "Sonja Go Boom" which is a different take on their relationship.