I didn't really see any episodes where it showed Mei singing ouo and despite how I have a sinking suspicion that Mei's father is dead, let's just say he isn't. So au time everyone owo ~ I own nothing and tips on how to improve is always great ^^ or what you would like to see happen x3 lets go!

Shall be using Mei's point of view for the prologue. Sorry for OOCness since I've only finally finished watching all the episodes. Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors owo/

What takes days, months, years to form, can be shattered within a few seconds. The strings that tied our hearts together, were always a bit too thin, and snap. Blinking back tears is always tough to do, especially when they escape you so freely. And running, that is the first action that came into my mind. What my mind told me to do. Without a place to go to, all I did was run. Run. Run.

A person who gave me everything that I have had for the past year. How.

I noticed though, didn't I? I knew everything that was going on, but I didn't say anything, I didn't move. I know that. But being just too... scared, or else everything will shatter. Delaying everything, knowing that it would be over one day. But I never wanted this, I never want to go back, to being just so lonely. I want to be around my friends, I want to be with him.

"Mei," that one voice.

"Why?" I cried. "What did I do? Why did he do this?"

"Mei." Ever since he came, he was always there.

"Didn't I give him everything? Didn't he say," the burning sensation that surrounded me, causing me to grip onto the strands of grass that surrounded me, "I love you."

"I love you.

I know you may have been caught up with him recently. I don't think this is really the time to even be saying this, knowing that you have so much to think over. But I want you to know that you have someone here. Right here." The gentle tap above my heart caused my eyes to open, wide. "I know that you might not even see me that way, I know that you're still... Caught up with him. But I am always here. With you no matter what. You know the promise we made."

The shadows that always lingers in the darkest areas where they cant be seen, normally appear on the brightest of days.


Just having someone to hold onto tightly, just having someone to have me with them. Just having someone that says so freely, so honestly, so sweetly that, "I love you." All just for me.

"You don't ever have to feel lonely. Even if you don't accept me, I will always be here. You just have to call my name."

Love is so confusing. Lying down with covers surrounding me did nothing to soothe the ache that surrounded me. But the lack of everything that became so familiar to me has got me thinking. Grabbing a cushion I held it tightly, my hands clenched with this feeling I couldn't really explain.

Asami has been more distant, it's always so much more tougher to start a conversation with her now. And Aiko is normally being dragged my Asami. With Kitagawa Megumi always there, smiling and making everyone else smile.

"I'm jealous. So jealous," I whispered out in a chipped tone, unable to say anything else. If there was a way, to go back. To fix everything, to avoid everything, to just -

The ringing of my phone surprised me, and instantly I felt my heart begin to thud in my chest. Grabbing it, I flicked it open, my lips parted as my eyes scanned the typed up words. The hope that I clinged on throughout this month disappeared.

I used to know my place was a spot next to you, but lately I don't even know what page you're on. Standing in the crowded room, I saw you so many times, but we're not even speaking. Yamato. Why?

"Hello?" My throat was dry, my head was spinning and I felt my body crash against the wall.

"Mei, are you alright?" It's been so long since I've talked to you.

"Yeah, just that the studying has been giving me some light headaches."

"Ah, I see. Well you better be taking care of yourself. Remember that you're moving in a month's time." Why don't you ever speak to mother any more?

"I know. Is there anything else?"

"Just wanting to check if you're sure about this." She really misses you.

"I'm positive about this."

"Alright. All the papers are sorted, I'll see you then." I think she still loves you.

"See you father."

I just want a break from everything. I just want to forget everything. I'm so selfish, I just want everything to stop.

School became more... Tiresome with every passing day. It was always the same. Just like a year ago. There they would be, the people who had friends, standing and smiling together. Then there was me, just waiting for this day to end.


But at least there was still a voice that called out towards me.

"Look what I got from Land! They're the super limited edition key rings. I just managed to buy you one."

You have no idea how grateful I am, for staying with me.

"Kai... Thank you."

I can't even tell you with words.

"Cmon now, you can't cry like this. Just promise me you'll keep contact with me, and that you'll take care. Alright?"

You're the kindest, sweetest person I know.

"Of course! Thank you."

Why can't I have control of my own heart. Why couldn't it be you.


Why did it have to be him?


Why are you here? Why aren't you gone? Why aren't you with Kitagawa?

"Are you leaving next week?"

Just why.

"Get away from me!" I screamed, and before I knew it, I was running away from everything all over again. Terrified of everything.