Annie Niomi Higurashi is Kagome's cousin on her Father's side.

Authors Note: In later chapters there will be lemons, just warning you now. I will do my best to keep the story understandable for those who choose to skip the lemons.

This story takes place before we meet the Band Of Seven but includes a lot of the material from later episodes as well.

This means, if Bankotsu is in episode 112 and you see the bat demons in that particular chapter, just know I'm only writing what I believe is entertaining. Please do not hate or get upset about how all the episodes are either out of order or muddled together, Kay?

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoy!

Annie P.O.V

I slowly laid my head on the hard plastic side of the plane. Sigh...It had already been 5 hours on this plane, are we there yet?

I look at my phone and change my songs to shuffle.


"Are you ok, Annie?" Mama asked, putting her hand on my head. "You getting bored?"

I smiled a bit and leaned on her shoulder. "Nah, just a bit tired."

Mama always knew what I was feeling so I just told her the obvious one.

"I know, love, but we're almost there. Look." She pointed out the window.

The plane was just at enough of an angle for me to see land below.

"Wow,'s small." I say, unimpressed. I miss New Jersey already.

Mama laughed and messed with my hair. "I know, but you have a big family waiting for you down there."

"I thought we were just seeing your family."

"Nope. We're seeing your father's too." Mama said, shifting her gaze towards my father who was sleeping soundly beside her.

I smiled a bit, then looked out the window again.

"We'll be here for a month. First we'll meet with your father's brother's family, then we'll go see mine. The last week..."

I slowly tuned out the rest of her speech.

The whole atmosphere here felt weird. Just looking down at the land seemed like a fairytale. The sooner we get on land the better, I was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic.

"Oh, and you remember Kagome, right? You guys used to play together all the time." Mama asked, looking through her phone.


Oh yes, I remember. She's that one the kids used to make fun of because her name.

I smiled a bit from the memory.

A group of girls surrounded my little cousin and began laughing and pointing at the crying girl. I remember pushing the girls and hitting them as hard as I could, until the teacher came out. Man, I hated those girls. Kagome seemed so happy when she looked up at me, and I took her back home.

It's been 10 years since I've even seen her. I wonder if she'll remember me?

Kagome P.O.V

"A family reunion?" Sango-san asked curiously. All of her traveling companions looked at her curiously. She laughed a bit inside then said "Yeah, my cousins are coming into town. I haven't seen them in 10 years so I'm excited to see them. They come from a completely different land."

"Different land? Like the Mist Island?" The silver haired demon, Inuyasha. asked.

I shrugged a bit, "Kinda, but it's easy to get to and your not stuck on it forever."

"If it's easy to leave why don't you see each other more often?" Miroku asked, watching as I packed some things from these world to bring back as gifts for them.

"Well, it cost a lot of money to get to that place. Plus, those people speak another language so I'd have to study a lot just to know what they were saying."

"Oh, do they speak our language though? How will they speak to you?" Shippo, the tiny fox demon asked, jumping on my shoulder.

"Well, at first they lived my world then moved to another land. They know how to speak Japanese"


Sigh...The more I talked the more they wanted to know, but I really didn't have the time to explain.

I laughed a bit and picked up my bag. "I'll explain more when I get back. See ya!' I waved as I walked out the door of Kaede's little hut.

"Wait! Kagome!" Inuyasha stopped me before I took off. "When will you be back?"

"4 or 5 days. I want to spend some time with them."

"F...F...4 or 5 days! Naraku could gather the whole jewel in that time!"

I twitched and stared at him. "Inuyasha,...I haven't seen them in TEN years. I'm going to spend some time with them. If it gets bad here, come and get me, kay? Bye byeeeeeee!"

"EH! Kagome!"

I ignored him and rode my bike over to the well.

Wow...It's really ben 10 years since I've seen them. Annie-san, uncle Ireco-sama and auntie Marie.

I wonder if they'll recognize me or if I'll recognize them.

I lean my bike against the wooden well and hop in.

"Hmm, well we'll just have to see what happens, I guess! Alright!"

"Back Home"

My first Inuyasha Fanfiction. Please comment, like, follow! XOXOX