((A/N: Well, here we are. At the end.

This story took a lot longer than I expected. For those of you don't know, I was in the 9th grade when I started this story.

I'm applying to college now.

So, yeah; a big gap in time. A lot has happened to me. I can imagine there may be a difference in my writing abilities spanning from the first chapter all the way to now, as well.

I really do apologize for the lack of updates, especially towards the end. I hated keeping everyone waiting. Life just catches up with me, that's all.

The last year of my life has been so crazy. I've barely been able to keep up with myself. I've experienced love. I've experienced hate. Things have been fast. However, they've also been a bit slow. Things have been both so beautiful, and so ugly. I've been at both my highest and at my lowest in such a short span of time. I really do feel like a different person. I was talking to someone earlier today, and I realized that in my 18 years, this is probably the most alive I have ever been.

However, during the low parts, whenever I thought of this story, and everyone who supported it despite the angsty mess that it was, it really would help me feel better. I would never let this fanfiction go unfinished, not even if it took me a million years to complete it.

I had a little bit of spare time tonight. I decided I would take advantage of it before life swept me away again.

Thank you, everyone, so, so much for your support. I really didn't think anyone would enjoy this fic when I first started working on it. This has been a big confidence booster for me, and through you guys, I was able to learn so much about the art of writing. Again, thank you so much for everything. I couldn't be more grateful.

Also, I really want to give a shout out to my friend Amanda. She helped me through the editing process of each chapter. She gave me honest feedback on the characterization of each character and happened to catch a bunch of stupid mistakes that I probably would have missed otherwise. Without her, this probably could never have been as successful. I can't thank her enough for this, and just for being a good friend in general :)

I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to write another fic like this. Spare time really is hard to come by these days, and eventually, I would like to start focusing on something original. But, I do love to write an angsty Zim fic from time to time. No matter how much I grow, that's a part of me that I don't think I could ever let go. I do believe a couple one-shots are in order.

I do hope you guys liked the ending. I think it was a little sappy. Hopefully, no one thinks it was too sappy. I kinda like it. Lots of happy feelings. Please, leave a review and let me know what you thought. I will read it!

So, that's a wrap.

Thank you one final time for everything. Happy Holidays everyone!
