He's going to kill me-Camilla…My eyes—

I sit up with a panicked gasp, only to have a hand clamp onto my shoulder I turn terrified to find the man with a knife ready and waiting—only to be shocked by Fury. Looking around I realized Camilla got us to Shield, Fury helped me up and lead me to his SUV.

"Wha—What happened?" My vocal chords were still warming up after whatever had been injected into them, so I sounded closer to a prepubescent boy then my regular self. Fury's gaze was full of confusion, intermingled with annoyance.

"I thought I told you Cameron comes out—"

"It's me! I'm Cameron!" Fury's one eye looks me over but gun still pointed at me he looks at my eyes.

"Why is one eye still green then." I blink in stunned silence a moment then turn seeing my reflection in the car mirror. One acid green eye and a blue eye stared back. With a shaking hand I touched the left cheek just below the green eye.

Your eyes, oh God your eyes!

My would-be-murders voice echos in my mind, Camilla silent, my own thoughts probably drowning her out if she were to say something. I turn looking at Fury, who's lowered the gun at this point.

"I—It's me I swear…I don't know why my eyes are like this—"

"Did it have something to do with your incarceration?" I stop then slowly nod as my reply Fury takes it for now.

"Get in." I slip into the SUV Fury gets in not a second later, revving the engine he peels out of the parking garage.

It's silent for a moment before I buck up the courage to say something.

"Why did you lock—"

"I didn't…You had been—behaving with your Grandmother. I saw no reason to have you put away again." The moment he mentioned Oma I felt my heart throb in mourning.

"Even after New York?" His hands tense on the wheel.

"The first month we had you supervised daily 24 hours a day. But you never showed signs of Camilla breaking loose—"

"Then it wasn't you…was it?" Fury sighs rubbing his forehead as we drive through DC. I don't know what scared me more about his lack of an answer, the fact that it wasn't him…or the fact that he didn't know whom it was.

"No and that is what worries me, is your Grandmother—"

"Whoever locked me up decided…" The words died on my lips, I didn't want to admit it. I bit my lower lip to stop the tears that beaded along my lower lash line. Fury took my silence as confirmation that, no Oma wasn't alright.

"I promise we will find whoever did this…"

"Don't let me near them…I'll enjoy hurting them." It was something I never thought I would say, it sounded more like something Camilla would whisper but it was true. I wanted to hunt down and hurt whoever had uprooted my life once more, who had left me in the white room, tortured me again. Fury didn't reply rather kept driving; the few silent minutes were tense but one neither of us were willing to fill. Fury's attention turned to the console. Pressing a few buttons a automated voice responds,

"Activating communications encryption protocol." I remained silent keeping my gaze forward.

"Open secure line 0405." A beep of approval before a short confirmed, sounded.

"This is Hill." This caught my attention; if Fury was contacting Agent Hill on a secure line something was wrong, more importantly something was wrong in Shield.

"I need you here in DC, deep shadow conditions."

A pause then, "Give me four hours."

"You've got three, over." And with that the communication was cut.

"Fury what's really going—"

"I'll explain when we're off of the road for now shut it." I huffed but buttoned my lips for now, at least he was promising answers. Coming to a stop at a red light I relaxed back into the passenger seat. For a moment the tense silence was gone, until I had that horrid creeping feeling that someone was watching us. A car pulling up beside us it looked like a normal metro DC police unit. However risking a glance out of the corner of my eye their unwavering gaze on us dropped a stone into my gut.

"Fury." I mumbled, he turned glancing over as well.

"Want to see my lease." I rolled my eyes at the remark but when they flashed their lights and a siren whooped I gave Fury a withering glare.

"Nice." They pulled forward Fury moved to comply; we never made it to the other side.

I had never been in a collision before but I guess it's true what they say everything seems to happen in slow motion. Another car sped through the intersection, slamming into driver's side. Not wearing a seat belt I slammed into my door, head cracking against the window I saw stars for a moment. My entire right side in agony, and I was unable to take a decent breath. Just as I started to get my bearings back two more cop cars crashed into the front and back of the SUV.

"Fractures detected." I didn't bother to check the screen as Fury brokenly mumbled.

"Cameron, get in the back now!" I reached down moving the seat back groaning in pain as I maneuvered myself as best I could to the back seat. Once there I attempted to get my lungs to fill with air properly but each breath was short and painful.

"Recommend anesthetic injection." I glanced out seeing the car that had collided with us now pulled away and a black van slipped in. Panic filled me; my heart began to race.

"DC metro police dispatch shows no units in this area."

"Oh shit…" Whoever these people were they were armed to the teeth. I glanced up at Fury who watched on, I sat up ignoring the jolts and cracks that sounded from my body.

"Get us out of here!" I glanced out seeing all of them with semiautomatic rifles all aimed and ready to fire. I dropped my head down as bullets ricocheted against Fury's side of the car. Thank god the windows and steel held-for now.

"Propulsion systems offline." I looked at the screen in panic.

"Really!?" I squeaked looking between Fury and the console.

"Reboot damnit! Cameron stay back there and keep you head down!" I fell back grunting again as I jostled my side but watched wide eyed as the armor integrity kept dropping. Just as soon as the firing started it stopped and I let myself foolishly hope for a second that they had run out of bullets. But seeing them pull a mechanized battering ram from their truck I gripped the seat tighter, fear dripping down my spine with cold surety.

"Warning window integrity compromised."

"Your console has terrible timing!"

"You think?" I muttered, Fury didn't answer slipping into the passenger's seat I had occupied.

"How long to propulsion?"


"Calculate faster!" I wheezed as the crew outside worked with quick, trained movements. The first hit rocked the bulky car jolting both Fury and I back into the side of the car. I gasped as I clenched my fist against my side hoping somehow to deaden the pain in my ribs.

"Window integrity thirty one percent, deploying counter measures—"

"Hold that order—"

"What!?" I gasped pressing myself back against the door as I listened to the battering ram reboot for another hit. The next hit rocked the car harder a part of me terrified they meant to over turn the SUV to prevent a get away.

"Window integrity nineteen percent, offensive measures advised"


"Fury!" I shrieked panic clear now in my gaze as he did nothing and I watched as they set up for another, most likely final hit. Another hit, the window held much to my relief. But we were still sitting ducks and Fury had done nothing to correct that.

"Window integrity one percent."

"Now! Get down!" I ducked as the divider released a stored machine gun Fury let loose a wave of bullets killing the battering ram operators along with any one his eye caught on to. I had tucked myself back against the seat back listening to the carnage around me. A few explosions later and the console took me out of my moment of panic.

"Propulsion systems now online."

"Full acceleration now!" The tires squealed to life below us as the SUV rammed into the car at it's front. The still living attackers now firing back, I winced and ducked with every bullet, the SUV rocketed back and once more hitting another of the fake cops' car it propelled onto the road. I sat up finally feeling safe enough to gage where we were going.

"Initiate vertical take off!"

"Flight systems damaged—"

"Then activate guidance cameras!" I held onto the passenger seat headrest for dear life as Fury flopped back over into the driver's seat wincing as he jolted his arm. The SUV swerved barley missing oncoming traffic I hissed with every pull and jolt of the car. Glancing back I saw the fake cops in hot pursuit.

"Those cars are still working!?" I griped, of course they had collision proof cars.

"Give me the wheel—"

"Should you seriously be driving right now!?" Fury ignored the quip as he steered along the traffic route.

"Get me Agent Hill."

"Communications array damaged."

"Well what's not damaged?"

"Air condition is fully functional."

"Congrates it has your humor!" I shouted glancing back.

"Give me a gun!"

"Not happening!"

"Fury we've got two of them on our tail I can hit them—"

"There are more civilians that you could hit then them." I glared at the back of his bloodied head, furious that even now the ass hole didn't trust me.

"Traffic ahead."

"Give me an alternate route."

"Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge, all vehicles stopped."


"Seventeenth Avenue clear in three blocks, directly a head."

"Hold on!" I cried out as the SUV collided with a truck, and winced.

"What was that about civilians!?" Fury ignored me, rather focusing on getting us the hell out of the way. The cars Fury had damaged let us weave a bit more carefully through the throngs of traffic, till they started shooting again.

"Fury I need a gun now!"

"Not on your life." I growled in frustration but ducked once against as bullets decorated the side of the car. I glanced up seeing one gunman shooting through a bus.

"Fury they are going to hurt people!"

"They are gunning for us we get out of here they leave the civilians alone!" I gasped as the gunman ran out of bus, but Fury was one step ahead. He reversed hitting the gunman who had snuck up to the back of the car. One gunman out of the way he was easily able to manipulate the SUV into hitting another car and send the other gun man into the bus stop. Speeding ahead, Fury twisted with the sharp turn I held on for dear life with my good arm as we reached what I could only assume was Seventeenth Avenue. Unfortunately though our pursuers followed with ease,

"Now can I—"

"You ask one more time you can run outside of the car!" I held my tongue then, Fury really didn't need the conversation distracting him. The cop cars caught up bullets flying again, I gasped as the bullets whistled past my profile one lucky shot grazing my upper forehead.

"Cameron! Sit back now!" I fell back more out of reaction to the bullet then at Fury's order but I stayed slumped back against the back seat as the tall DC buildings rushed by. Fury slammed us into the shooting cop car the shooter now lodged in the window still firing I couldn't get close without ending up with bullets in me. I curled up reflexively as the second car hit our other side. Stuck between the cars Fury was able to fight off the attacker getting the gun out from his grasp.

"Warning approaching intersection." I gasped looking up Fury slammed on the breaks the two cars propelled forward. I watched opened mouthed as an oncoming truck crunched one of the cars flinging it with ease into the other. Fury turned down the street the truck had come.

"Get me off the grid!"

"Calculating route to secure location." I sat up finally thinking we were safe, I froze seeing a man in all black walking…almost strutting to us.

"Fury?" He didn't reply obviously as confused by this new obstacle as I was. He stopped mid-intersection; I finally noticed the gun in his hand.

"Fury!" My voice was now wavering with panic something felt off something felt wrong…He fired but nothing flew at the windshield, no bullets, nothing shattered the already compromised glass…I thought for a sweet moment he had missed. Until the explosion sounded below our back wheels and we were sent into the air. For a moment I was weightless the front of the SUV sliding along the asphalt then gravity took its hold. Fury and I landed with painful gasping grunts. My leg caught on a seat bending wrong until a sickening snap sounded my ribs were only probably bruised before now they were broken as my back collided with the solid metal of the roof. The cut on my forehead opened more and bleed openly down the side of my face. I groaned weakly as Fury sat up slowly beside me.

"Cameron…We need to move…Cameron!" I heard Fury's voice and saw the boots of the approaching attacker my mind…or maybe my magic over powered my pain. I slid forward as Fury sliced into the roof the powerful laser slipping through rock and steel.

"The drop is going to hurt." I looked up to him, nodding.

"Let's go…" I whispered before slipping into the abyss of the DC sewers.

Heh, sorry about the delay on this one but here it is please read and enjoy!