Disclaimer: I don't own Steven Universe!

Title: Distant Lights Darken Dreams

Summary: In order to survive life as a prisoner in Homeworld, Steven and Connie are forced to fuse, tying their lives to Stevonnie's gem rather than their own need for food and water. Escaping is easy enough, seeing how, as a political prisoner, they were mostly left to themselves. But they've forgotten how to un-fuse. They've lost themselves.

Chapter Title: Bonus

Chapter Summary: Stevonnie's hit a slow patch in recovery.


Krazyfanfiction1- Thanks!

The Keeper of Worlds- Thank you. =)

FleksAndru- I'm glad you see it as much.

Guest (July 24)- No sequel at the moment, but here's an extra chapter for the heck of it.

DragShot- Go momma Garnet!

Alex (July 29)- Thanks =)

Guest (August 17)- 'Twas the point of the 'fic! That, and fiddling with fusions, but hey.


The air surrounding the barn is crisp and warm, blanketing their skin pleasantly. The scent of churned dirt and vegetables tingled on their tongue, and a cob of corn was starting to sound really good, even if they didn't need to eat quite as often as Steven did. The fields, lit up by the milky yellow of the setting sun, were vibrant and colorful to the eye. Pumpkin barked somewhere in the distance.

Steven had always known exactly what made this place special to Lapis and Peridot, Stevonnie thought fondly. It was like Greg's van, only for aliens. Not just a home, but a peaceful one. Even the hay they sat against felt significantly less prickly than normal hay, and the log the gem called her own assuredly was a pillow in comparison to a regular tree.

They wove their fingers together across their belly, twiddling the thumbs. Stevonnie watched them move, lips tightly shut. Quaint it may be, but they still felt anxious. Perhaps that was from Lapis herself, calmly laying beside them with a hand behind her head and the other casually draped across her midriff. Peridot was operating the tractor, and the yips of Pumpkin told them the creature was excitedly following.

Lapis is perfectly indifferent to them. Of course, her interest had been piqued when they started splitting at odd intervals, and had made no attempts to hide that, shrugging sheepishly when asked, but they all knew she wasn't waiting for Stevonnie to return. No one was. That had not faltered when Stevonnie's progress did.

That's not to say Lapis didn't like Stevonnie. She was fine with them, had been from the very beginning. She simply didn't like what they had become on Homeworld; what their use had been. Given her experiences, that was understandable.

Stevonnie knew she wished Steven was by her side again. They wanted that too. But sometimes life just doesn't work that way.

"Do you miss Homeworld at all?" They asked suddenly, uncertain as to why. "Old Homeworld, I mean."

Lapis slowly cracked open an eye. "Yes. But it's not my home anymore. Why the question?"

Stevonnie shrugged self-consciously.

Lapis frowned. A blue foot lightly nudged their knee. "What's up?"

"We're sorry."


"We're not Steven."

"No, but you're part of him, and that's enough for me." The woman smiles thinly. Not for the first time they're so thankful that Lapis has found a place where she can feel happy and free, as was any gem's right.

"It feels like I'm moving too slow." They admit, wrapping their hands around their knees. Perhaps this conversation was best saved for Garnet, but they didn't want to have to work to find time alone with a fusion. "But everything's too fast at the same time."

"It's like Steven says; nothing is still on earth." She chips in. "As much as I miss Steven, I'd rather we have him back healthy then to mess him up more by forcing it."

"Everybody says that."

"Then we all agree. Nothing wrong with that."

"The thing is; I think they want to come back. I think they want to be free." They mumbled. Yeah, this was definitely something best saved for Garnet, but they needed to know now. "It's almost like I'm holding them back."

Lapis doesn't look relaxed anymore. Her eyes are alert and curious as she pulls herself up onto the log. Her face is blank, which is somehow worse than if she were spitting hatred and calling on her water powers. "You think?"

Stevonnie steeled their courage and nodded, staring at the homey yard. "I think I'm afraid of giving up control. Of not being me when there's trouble. I dunno if that's a Steven and Connie thing, or a me thing. I just know it's not conducive to becoming a separate entity again."

"Both, I'd say." Lapis replies. "You're all pretty protective of each other."

"You don't think that's a bad thing?"

Her eyes narrow. "Why would I?"

They hesitated, then shrugged.

"You better not be making a parallel between you and Malachite." A growl hitches in her tone. "Those situations were completely different."

"But I'm trapping them."

"You're a defense mechanism, and it's hard to let go of that once you've latched on, especially in an uncertain environment. You're no more of a trap than Garnet is unhealthy." She folds her arms across her chest with a shrug. "We aren't good pals by any means, but even I can tell she's stable. Just clingy."

Maybe. But there's such a sense of urgency. Every night the dreams they wander into- be it the gems or Greg or close friends- all want a face that isn't their's. And both sides of their basic means of life are pleasers. They want to see smiles and happiness go their friend's way. "It's hard to be okay with waiting when nobody wants me to wait. I feel wrong."

A slight weight presses into their side. Lapis nestles into them without complaint, body fluid and relaxed. "We'll wait as long as it takes. You aren't wrong. You're protective- Malachite was possessive. There's a difference; you taught me that."

Stevonnie bites their lip to avoid letting it tremble. "We'll try."

They watch the sunset together.

Author's Note: I felt the need to make a bonus chapter. There really should've been interaction between Lapis and Stevonnie in the body of the 'fic, but I made this'un instead.

Goodbye for now, everybody!
