A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first Miraculous fic, (and first fic in my new FF account!). I'm really excited to get back into writing, even more so with this story that I've been thinking about for a while now. Sorry in advance the chapter isn't long, but I felt this was the best way to at least kick of a pilot chapter.

I really hope you all enjoy!

Amnesia- Rise of Lady Luck

Chapter 1

Patrol started just as it did every night that was planned. Marinette sat on the Eiffel Tower gazing out at the city as the lights of the night began to flicker on, the sun steadily setting behind her. She wondered where her partner was. She hadn't heard or seen any sign of him, which was a surprise, as he always had to make sure his appearance was known. A small smile crossed her lips and she couldn't help but roll her eyes thinking about her silly kitty. Though he may have annoyed her at times, Marinette couldn't be happier with any other partner to help watch over Paris.

An hour went by and the young girl jumped in surprise when she heard thunder. She hadn't realized there was supposed to be any thunderstorms that night, but with that Marinette thought that Paris would be safe for the night. She stood and stretched, looking around again. Taking her yo-yo out, she quickly checked the phone communication to at least let Chat know she was calling it a night. It was odd that he hadn't contacted her or anything, Marinette only hopped nothing bad happened to him, then again he might have had other things to deal with.

Just as another boom of thunder sounded, Marinette felt a few wet drops hit her cheek. She looked to the sky again as it started to rain.

"Well, time to go I guess." She said getting ready to throw the yo-yo and take off.

Of course, Hawk Moth picked the worst time to decide he wanted to akumatize someone.

There was a scream and Marinette turned in the direction in which it came from. She narrowed her eyes and could see some flashes of light not to far away. "Hopefully this wont take long." She said, and immediately went in the direction that she saw the flashing lights.

It was dark now and the rain had gotten steadily worse from when it had had started earlier that evening. Marinette didn't know how much longer she could last. She leapt across to another roof quickly turning to fight off the akumatized person.

'Where are you Chat…' she thought desperately leaping out of the way as Memoria shot at her again. Marinette cried out as she was hit and thrown from the rooftop towards the ground.

Memoria laughed, jumping down and landing near the heroine. "It's over Ladybug! Just give me your Miraculous and this can end quickly." Memoria smirked to her.

Marinette glared at her. "No way." She said, spinning her yo-yo quickly. "Lucky Charm!" she called, throwing the yo-yo into the air, waiting to see what it is she could use to get the akuma quickly and purify it.

"Bye bye little butterfly." Marinette smiled as she hit the top of her yo-yo and it opened up, now releasing the purified akuma. "Miraculous Ladybug!" she cried after, tossing her luck charmed item into the air and fixing all the damaged that had been done.

After going over to make sure that the young girl was okay, the sound of a beep from her earrings reminded her that she needed to go. She flung her yo-yo to the top of the building before taking off into the dark rainy Paris night.

Marinette ran over the rooftops blinking through the heavy ran as she worked her way back towards the Bakery.

Another two beeps had gone by, and the rain was making it more difficult for her to see.

Less than a minute left before she would change back.

She blinked as she tried to see ahead through the dark and rain but it was becoming she felt a jolt of pain run through her. Marinette came to a sudden stop collapsing as she fell to her knees, her hand gripping her head painfully. The pain was nauseating and made her head spin. She tried to force herself to move, knowing she had to get to safety.

"C-Chat.." she said weakly feeling herself slipping into unconsciousness as the magic of the Miraculous wore off and she started to change back to Marinette.

The last thing she heard was the sound of thunder and rain roaring around her, and the high pitch voice of Tikki calling to her, before she collapsed and fell.

"Marinette!" Tikki cried worriedly, flying towards her and trying to stop her from falling off the building by gripping her blazer and tugging as hard as her strength would allow.

As the girl fell, Tikki was pulled with her. Marinette's unconscious body hit the awning of a shop below before landing on the street below.

Tikki looked over her in panic, calling her name and nudging her, trying to wake the unconscious girl up. "M-Marinette.." she whimpered, unsure what had happened and looking scared for the younger girl.

The sound of people coming towards them alerted Tikki that she had to hide. Quickly she flew into Marinette's open purse that was steadily getting soaked from the rain, just as the girl was.

Tikki was at least relieved when the bystanders came over and sheltered Marinette with umbrella's and could hear another calling for an ambulance. The little kwami was shivering, hoping that help would come soon.

Tikki could hear someone approaching and speaking to Marinette just as she had been trying to no avail to wake her. The man was a doctor, she gathered from what he told another bystander, and was instructing some people to help him gently move her out of the pouring rain. She heard him say that nothing appeared to be broken but to take extra care as they moved her inside the nearby shop and waited for the ambulance.

As Tikki felt her chosen carefully lifted to be brought inside, she heard an all to familiar voice shout her chosen's name.