Psst.... Atleast I got two reviews. I am also going to be adding on Pokemon bashing, and Junpei bashing. Who unfortunally is going to be chased by a mob of angry looney toones characters through chapters 3-5.

This is a note to tell you that it will take a while for the first chapter I have missed alotta school days and I want to get my homework over with. I also will be WRITTING the story before TYPING. Because it will be easier for me to write in my best mood, you don't want a sucky film do you? And somewhere around the last 8 chapters I will have the digidestineds from season 2.

I'm writing this as a note like I said before, though I am also eager to read a.k.a write the fic. Please don't burn me into a crispy creamy turkey! Wait! Flame me and you won't get a fic, ha!

Just flame me after the first chapter. u.u;

[ALI] Ja Ne?

P.S. This story will end up being written on my new name, WeirdzShackalaArise