Disclaimer: First Chapter
You will see the lemon, at some point.
Story Start!

"... What are your clones doing Master?" Koneko asked when she saw Naruto's clones working on something in the clubroom. The furnature was being moved around, with a bed being moved to take the place of most of it, many clones were working on writing something on cardboard with black markers. Cameras were being set up in a variety of spots.

Naruto had also had clones reading up on how to work those cameras, and studying how to be masters at the art of taking video.

He also had clones reading up on editting video.

Rias was with one of the clones at the moment, and she was being run through... lines for something that Koneko didn't know about.

"Your King wants to use her body to escape an unwanted situation." Naruto stated with crossed arms. He wasn't going to hide this from Koneko, she was his student, and deserved to know to some degree. This wasn't going to be a secret for long anyway, considering Rias was going to be no doubt called a slut for what she was going to be doing. Her family was going to be, and as a father Naruto knew what a parent's reaction would be, giving her so much shit for what her choice was leading her to be doing.

"If you make me marry you, I will cheat on you everyday with random men." Rias stated as she read what was on the card.

"Good, but more feeling to it." Naruto (Clone) told her, seeing as she was going to be trying to get out of what annoyed her. She had to make Riser think that if he still tried to marry her, she would be the least faithful woman in the world. She had to make Riser hate her guts, or at the least make him utterly disgusted at the thought of marrying her.

Who wanted to marry a woman they knew would never be loyal to him, and would sleep with tons of other men just to piss him off?

Severe Masochists was the answer to that question.

"... Explain?" Koneko asked, not demanded (he was her Master, and she respected that) of him.

"Rias wants to use sex to break her engagement. If she uses Issei or Yuuto, then those two would be killed and the wedding would still take place. At the same time, sex without proof of sex would just end up being an assumed lie." Naruto mentioned to Koneko, who was smart enough to put the pieces together. Her eyebrow twitched, and her nose flared once in anger at the thought of what she was thinking.

Rias asked Naruto to have sex with her!

Naruto bonked Koneko on the head.

'Ow...' Koneko thought with a pout.

"Don't be mad at her, she is risking a lot. Her reputation, her body, her heritage. She is putting everything on the line for this. Respect her determination." Naruto told Koneko sternly. He knew she was jealous of Rias, and he could understand why. Koneko loved him, he was not ignorant to a girl's feelings after he had gotten married the first time. Koneko wanted him to herself.

They weren't dating or married though, their relationship was Master and Student, and until Koneko had entered her Mating Season, they would not have any kind of sexual relationship either.

"Understood..." Koneko pouted at him, and he rubbed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry Koneko." Rias apologized to Koneko, knowing what she was doing would hurt the poor girl.

"Don't apologize, you are protecting Koneko too. The way you made it sound, Riser turned his peerage into a harem... and if you marry him, he also owns your peerage... meaning Koneko becomes his slave. I am already annoyed that you own MY student. There is no way I am going to allow somebody to make her an actual slave." Naruto stated as he pat Koneko on the head. This was part of the reason he was so willing to help Rias like this.

This was the most peaceful solution that didn't need to involve violence, as a Hokage Naruto didn't flaunt his power to get his way, he did try and find a peaceful solution first.

Rias might own Koneko, but she also considered the girl family, treated her like family, and took care of her. Yes, she stilled owned her, but Rias didn't HAVE to do any of that stuff. The fact that Rias treated Koneko well of her own accord spoke wonders for her character. It means more when you treat somebody nicely because you want to, not because you have to. Rias could treat Koneko like dirt, and nobody would bat an eye... but despite that Rias still treated her peerage like family.

That meant something in Naruto's eyes.

Naruto was the same.

As the leader of his village, Naruto could have people executed for pissing him off. He could send people to their deaths, start war... anything really. He had been a dictator for his nation (because lets be serious, the Fire Lord was a figure head at MOST) and a world renown hero... yet he himself still chose to treat his village as a family.

"Hey! Pay attention. It isn't like we can just do this willy nilly Rias, you have to be convincing, and have this stuff down pat." Naruto (clone) told her demandingly when he noticed that she was being distracted.

"Why can't you have two clones... do it instead?" Koneko asked Naruto, and he looked at her with dull eyes.

"Because is an insult to Rias, and if they run her under a lie detector and find out she DIDN'T have sex the wedding is back on. Trust me, they are going to check to make sure this is her. You devils have transformation magic, they will check." Naruto stated as fact to Koneko. People forgot that you couldn't just use a fake, not with how people could check for fakes so easily now. Rias wasn't the best at lying, at least not in a convincing way, so there was no way that she could lie to her parents about this not being her.

So it HAD to be her.

"If you make me marry you, my child will be a half-blood with humans." Naruto (clone) stated to Rias, who nodded.

"If you make me marry you, my child will be a half-blood with humans." Rias repeated to the clone. She had a feeling that she would have a hard time talking during sex, but so she was going to make sure saying these lines would be second nature to her when the time came.

She had little doubt she was going to be drowning in pleasure.

The man was a fully grown adult with experience, not only did that make him simply larger in size than teenager boys, but he had the experience and stamina of somebody who had been around the block. Being an ancient ninja, she loved that by the way, he no doubt had super amazing sex abilities... such as those clones, she shivered at that thought.

"A clone do her then?" Koneko swiftly said.

"Rias is going to be getting more than a clone." Naruto hinted at Koneko, and Rias gulped when she figured out the meaning.

"How long is this going to take... the sex?" Rias asked Naruto, who rolled his eyes.

"Hours... days if you don't get your role down right the first time. We could do this in 1 hour, or it could take 72 hours... how long it takes is up to you." Naruto told Rias, and Koneko blushed when she realized... this might not be so bad.

She could use this to her advantage.

She could use this as the chance to see what Naruto liked, disliked, and his tricks so that she could practice on her own time to get herself ready. She would have to swallow her jealousy, but she would be able to make this a chance to prepare herself to please her Master.

Rias could only gulp.

"... You aren't going to ruin me for other men... right?" Rias asked him, and he shrugged.

"You're young, your vagina will tighten back up pretty quickly... though I will admit, not many men can be a one person gang bang or use my tricks." Naruto admitted with a small smile on his face.

Ah, the sexual uses of his ninjutsu... no mortal man could copy them.

Using the swirls of the Rasengan for slit stimulation, using the Frog Kata to stretch a woman out from the inside by using an invisible aura to make his cock feel bigger (not that he needed help) and move around as it on it's own. The shadow clones for a gang bang, and many other techniques just for the hell of it.

Using the Transparent Escape Technique to make a girl feel like she was having sex with the air itself, because being fucked by somebody invisible was always freaky.

"Doesn't a vagina stretch out to fit-" Koneko started, but Naruto stopped her.

"It is more like rubber than gum. A vagina stretches during sex, but after sex it will usually go back to the same shape... it would take a LOT of sex to actually change that. That, and age will usually have an effect." Naruto corrected a common mistake people made.

That being said, a woman would still remember the feeling of being utterly stretched, even if her pussy returned and tightened back up, so she could still compare men.

"Set up a camera on the ceiling Clone 8." Clone 4 stated as he pointed at another clone, who walked on the ceiling and attached a camera to it. He nailed the stand into place, before he truly attached the camera, and angled it so that it was pointed down at the bed under him.

"Good, Clone 7, go and set up the sound system. I want to be able to hear even the smallest of squeaks she lets out." Clone 3 stated as he directed another clone, and Naruto nodded his head.

Moans were always a good indicator of pleasure.

"You aren't afraid of what... of course you aren't." Rias pointed out to herself. She remembered how Naruto had rearranged entire landscapes with a super powered punch. There was nobody that could survive him being actually serious, let alone force him to be held responsible for fucking her.

Naruto gave Rias a stack of papers.

"I had a clone make these. This says that I am not responsible for anything that happens to you, and that you willingly agreed to everything that is about to happen. Devils have a low chance of pregnancy, but I have super fertile sperm... so better safe than sorry." Naruto told Rias, and she was about to get a pen to sign it. "Nope, you sign this with blood." Naruto told her, and she looked at Naruto.

"... Do ninjas really sign contracts with blood?" Rias asked Naruto, who thought about the summoning contracts.

"Binding ones, yes. Now sign." Naruto told her, and she bit her thumb, and she yelped when she realized how much that HURT, before she wrote her name on the paper in blood. "Good, now go and prepare yourself." Naruto told her.

"Okay, the shower scene is all ready. Somebody go ask Clone 20 in the school if the classroom scene is ready for showtime." Clone 14 stated as he showed that the shower was ready to be made into a porn video.

"I got it." Clone 18 told Clone 14 as he made his way out of the room.

Naruto told Rias he would help her.

He was going to make SURE that Riser wanted nothing to do with Rias after this.

Chapter End!
Please Leave Me Lots Of Nice Long Reviews, But No Flames Please!

-Confirmed Scenes- (Not a Vote)
The Bed Scene

The Classroom Scene
The Shower Scene
The Outdoors Scene
The Gang Bang Scene

Any suggestions for scenes are more than welcome.

Note: I am still looking for anyone willing to make a "Reading" story out of this story.