Chapter 1: The Guilt

MIkey's POV

My nunchucks soared through the air with a whoosh and wrapped around the pinball machine with a bang.

"Oh yeah!" I cry happily as I had hit my target for the tenth time in a row! I didn't have a point for doing it. I was just entertaining myself while my bros were gone on patrol.

I got left out on the daily run through the city, mostly because I littered the living room with pizzas, pizza boxes, and candy wrappers. I totally got grounded by my bros. Dude, they can't do that! They don't have authority! Okay, maybe Leo does, but still!

When I remembered the mess, I turned my head to look at the garbage still gathered around the TV and the couch.

"I'll do it later!" I grin as I flipped the TV on, set my nunchucks down, and sat down with eyes locked on the screen.

Later didn't happen like I said. And when my brothers came running into the lair, I totally unexpected it.

"Are you kidding me, Mikey!?" Raph roared over the booming TV. I turn my head to look over at my three masked brothers then at the mess surrounding me. Guilt was like a snake that snuck up on me, then without warning I was bit with long pointy fangs of dread.

Shrinking back the best I could I watched as my brothers towered over me with angry looks in their eyes.

"Mikey! When I say clean up what does that mean to you!?" Leo growled dangerously as his hands flew to his hips.

"Clearly it means ignore us." Donnie stated next.

"Screw up! Do we need to speak English or dumb for you to understand!?" Raph snarled as he kicked a wrapper my way.

Ouch my feelings…

"Mikey. Why on Earth didn't you do as I ordered!?" Leo hissed as he curved his arms into each other and gave me a hard glare in his usual happy blue eyes.

They were so mad at me… I definitely screwed up this time… Why didn't I just hurry and get it done…?

I stared at the ground thinking hard as I felt the impatience of my brothers increase.

"Well?" Leo demanded and the glares slammed into me painfully.

"I…" was the only thing I could get out as tears rose up in my eyes.

Oh darn it… I was going to cry… Great, more humiliation….

"I'm waiting." Leo snapped, drawing my attention back to the blue masked turtle.

"I just got distracted…" I whispered quietly as I forced the tears back into my eyes.

I was just having a little fun…

"See, there's the problem!" Raph lashed out at me, "This is why I hate living with you!"

Leo glanced at Raph with a disapproving look in his eyes.

"What!? It is! He always gets distracted! When we fight! When we train! When we do anything! It's always the same excuse! This patrol actually went well and it was all because we didn't have him with us!" Raph yelled.

Tears were gathering again in my eyes and this time I couldn't stop them. No one was paying attention to me as guilty, hurt, and sad tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Raph, that's enough. This is about him not cleaning up his mess." Leo told the red masked turtle.

"I know! And you know why he didn't clean it up!? He told you Leo! He got distracted! Like every other second of his annoying life!" Raph spit out at the other brother.

"I'm sorry…!" I gasp out softly as I bowed my head to keep my brothers from seeing the steady flow of tears I couldn't stop.

"You should be! And you know what!? I'm done! It's useless to talk to him! He will never! Never! Get it through his head! Because you know what!? He doesn't have a brain!" Raph roared out to the lair. Then without another word, he spun on his heels and stomped towards the bedrooms.

Leo and Donnie just stood there, watching as the tattered red mask tails flew from the dark greened turtle as he kicked the door open that lead to his room and disappearing with a loud bang.

"Seriously Mikey." Leo began as the blue and the brown eyes turned towards me.

"Just shut UP!" I screamed as I turned my head to look at them both.

I made Raph's life miserable… I made all their lives miserable…

I hastily wiped the tears from my face as I bolted to my feet.

"You know what!?" I yelled at them as their faces blurred in and out of focus. "I'll just go so you guys can have some peace for once!"

Mikey.." Donnie began as he held a hand towards me, but I shoved it away.

"You'll all be happier when I'm gone!" I sobbed as I dashed towards the turnstiles.

"Mikey! Stop!" Leo called after me, but no, I wasn't going to.

"Mikey!" I heard Donnie say next. I still kept running. Down the stairs, to the left, then down the subway tunnels.

My feet echoing around as they hit the surface was the only thing I could hear, besides my sniffling.

Once I was under a manhole cover I quickly pulled it out of the way and slide it back into place once I was out. Then I jumped up and climbed up one of the many builds in Manhattan.

The dark grey clouds tossed lightning bolts over my head as I sprinted from rooftop to rooftop. The rain poured against my skin and slide down towards my legs as my feet hit puddles of water. I didn't know where I was going, but only relied on my speed to get me as far away as I could from my angry brothers.

Nearly thirty minutes later I came to a halt. I dropped down on the wet hard concrete top as I curled myself up into a small ball with my face buried from the world in my legs.

"Screw up!" The words Raph said to me bounced around in my mind.

Am I a screw up..?

"See, there's the problem!"

Am I the problem…?

"This is why I hate living with you!"

Does he really hate living with me? If he didn't, why would he say that then…?

"This patrol actually went well and it was all because we didn't have him with us!"

Do they all think that…?

By this time I couldn't even try to get myself to stop crying. Gasps and sobs filled my ears. Quivers and trembling controlling my body.

"D-do any of them l-love me…?" I whimpered before sobs grabbed a hold of me.

"Love you.? Why would anyone love you.?" I hear from behind me. Pulling my head out from my legs I twisted my neck to find golden eyes glaring at me through the falling rain.

"You're just a stupid annoying turtle. No one could possibly love you."

"Rahzar!?" I cried out in shock.

Why am I always attracting unwanted attention...? Couldn't I just sob in peace...?

"Who did you think it was.?" The brown mutant dog snarled as he slowly moved closer to me. He dragged his long claws along a wall as he advanced.

"Just go away! I'm not in the mood for fighting.!" I yell at him as more tears jumped into my eyes.

"Which makes this the perfect time for fighting." Rahzar grinned with his lips crawling up to his gleaming eyes.

"Just l-leave me alone…" I sob half warn him as his paws click against the ground.

"I think not. Shredder wasn't your blood mutant. And I couldn't ask for a better way to give it to him without the older turtles buzzing around you like bees."

"My brothers aren't bees, unless you're talking about how bad they hurt you when you get on their bad side…" I mumble and watch with a slight bit of satisfaction when I hear him growl.

"For that I may hand you over to the Shredder without an arm." Razar hisses as he stopped two feet away from me.

I gives a small sigh as I move to my legs. I tilt my head up and our eyes meet, blue into gold.

He wasn't going to leave me alone, better get this over with so I can go back to crying without someone bothering me…

Without warning Rahzar sprung his legs and jumped towards me. I couldn't help the startled scream as I ducked and rolled out of his way.

My heavy heart seemed to be slowing me down as I grabbed for my nunchucks, but found an empty belt.

"What!?" I cried out as I ranked my mind back to the living room floor where my nunchucks lay motionless next to some pizza boxes.

Good thing I have a photographic memory, but that wasn't going to help me now…!

"Stupid ninja..!" I mumble to myself, "Splinter is always telling you not to leave your weapons…!"

I look up to see Rahzar rumbling with laughter.

"Did you forget something?" He asks with a horrible smirk then says, "this is just too easy!"

"Can we call this one off…? This is really unfair…" I comment as my feet started to back up.

"No. It's all your fault. Not mine. Not your brothers. Yours." He snickers as he moves closer again.

I felt my heel smack into the wall and look up at the dog as he closes more space in between us.

"I am so going to enjoy watching you suffer!" He chuckles as I see a mutant bug with thousands of green eyes fly towards me. Suddenly Rahzar grabs my shoulder and slams me into the hard wall from behind. My head hits it with a thumb and the world around me spins. The dagger like claws dig into my patron as he slams me again and again into the concrete.

Black dots spot my vision as I try to pry his nails away, but they feel like they're glued and no matter how hard I pull, I'm stuck.

"Shredder's going to love the present I brought to him!" Rahzar snarls as he lets go and I fell thump of pain as I hit the ground.

Stars were rocketing all over my eyes as my head pounded along with my heart beat.

"Do you have the serum.?" Barked the mutant as he slammed a paw into my neck. Gagging hard I struggled to breath as he pushed down harder.

I shouldn't have left the lair… I'm such an idiot…!

"Iiiiittssss Riiigh' heeerrre!" BuzzKill buzzed as he held out a syringe.

"Well don't just stand there!" Rahzar growled out. Buzzkill stared down at me as he slowly moved the sharp tip closer to my arm.

"No!" I gag out as his claw snatched my wrist. The point entered my skin and suck deep into my vein. The pain ripped across my body as screams erupted from my mouth. Then it was all over.

Suddenly my lungs weren't taking as much air as I needed. My heart was beginning to pump slower. And last of all, my eyes were starting to close. Everything went dark as I left this world to my dreams.