Disclaimer: I do not own Broadchurch or any of the characters

The sky was bright blue and sunny a few clouds drifted through he thought glumly "of course today of all days" Hardy was tired, exhausted even, especially with everything that was on his mind the trial, Sandbrook, Daisy, Miller... Ellie he thought. Except while his mind was wandering, he seemed to have ended up at the Church, the graveyard specifically. He walked through the dewy grass occasionally walking around a headstone. Until finally he arrived at his destination, a non-description plain gray headstone that said,




He heard someone walk up behind him and without turning he knew who it was "Hi Sam" he said his voice cracking slightly. He felt an arm slide around his waist and he leaned his head on top of her head tears slowly dripping down and disappearing into her hair. "Hi Alec" she said quietly leaning into his side. They stood look that for a while until they broke apart and slowly headed back towards the Church. As they walked

Alec asked gruffly "How have you've bin Sam?"

"I've bin okay, bit ah haven't seen ya in a while Alec" she replied her Scottish brogue stronger then his

Before Alec could say anything he heard yelling coming from the church, he and Samantha shared a glance before they ran towards the church.

Inside they saw a tall beefy looking man shouting at Paul Coates and waving his hands around angrily.

"Hey whit's going on in 'ere? yelled Alec while he strode up the aisle toward the two men.

As he approached the man quickly turned around

"None of your business now go away!" he said angrily.

Hardy's day already was started off awful and now here was some idiot who thought he would be intimidated by him. Quickly closing the last few steps between him and the other man and throwing caution into the wind. He grabbed the man by the arm and swung him towards him. The man quickly reciprocated and pulled his arm away and punched him square in the face.

Hardy deciding that this day was now not just awful, but slowly becoming terrible doubled over clutching his nose. His heart was pounding in his ears making him even dizzier. Although, he stood up and punched the man in the solar plexus hoping that it would stop him.

But alas no, the man quickly stood and looked if possible even angrier except before anything else happened Paul Coates and Samantha who were forgotten in the sidelines nailed him in the head with a broom and a heavy book knocking him out.

Hardy who was already winded running up to the church and then getting punched in the face. Slowly staggered over to the nearest pew and semi-collapsed on it. His heart was racing and he was beginning to see black spots dancing around the edge of his vision even though he was sitting down. Offhandedly thinking that he didn't expect the laid back pastor to hit a man in the head with a broom.

He heard people talking to him and soft hands touching him before he gave into the blackness that was encroaching his vision and passed out.