Ichabod and Abbie have been home for just over three months. They stopped in at the Horseman Inn on their way home to see Jenny and Joe and show them their journey was successful. They very nearly had to pick Jenny's jaw up off of the floor when she saw Ichabod restored to himself.

Abbie noticed quite a few admiring glances from some of the female patrons (and from women wherever they went, in fact), but felt quite secure when she noticed that while she spotted the attention her husband was getting, he did not.

Jenny and Joe had some news of their own to share as well: they were getting married. Ichabod immediately offered the use of Crane Manor for the wedding, and Joe and Jenny gratefully and happily accepted.

When Abbie started feeling nauseous several weeks after returning home, she at first thought she had a stomach bug. When she realized her monthly had also failed to show up, she and Ichabod sought out a midwife in Sleepy Hollow who confirmed their suspicions.

Now, in late July, the garden is decorated, some chairs have been set out for their few guests, and the same friar who married Abbie and Ichabod is waiting to join Joe and Jenny in wedlock.

"Stop fussing; you look beautiful," Abbie says, pulling Jenny's hand away from her hair for what feels like the hundredth time. "Besides, Joe's going to be looking at you with such heart eyes that you could walk out there wearing a flour sack and he would still think you were the most beautiful woman in the world."

Jenny rolls her eyes. "I think you may be exaggerating a little."

"Fine. How about this? He's already seen you at your worst, so you have nothing to worry about," Abbie retorts, grinning. "Remember that summer when you were 13 and you fell into the—"

Jenny hold up her hand. "All right, you can stop there. And you're lucky I'm wearing white and you're pregnant, because otherwise we'd have to throw down."

"Right," Abbie says, slowly nodding as a knock sounds at the door. She walks over and opens it just a crack.

"Is Miss Jenny almost ready?" Ichabod asks, gazing down at her.

"Yes," she answers. "Just finishing up. We still have ten minutes, you know."

"I am well aware, but young Mr. Corbin is nearly walking out of his own skin," he informs. "I fear he is going to wear a path in our garden."

"We'll be down very soon," she says, lifting up on tiptoe to kiss her husband.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, his large hands framing her face.

"I'm all right," she answers. "I've got some crackers in my pocket," she adds, smiling.

"Did you drink your ginger tea?" he asks, stroking her cheek.

"Yes," she answers, smiling at his concern for her. "But better safe than sorry, right?"

"Of course," he agrees. "You look magnificent, Love," he adds, leaning down to kiss her again.

"Hello, another person is in the room," Jenny calls, and Abbie pulls away from Ichabod, giggling.

"Go," she says. "See you in a few." When she walks back to her sister, Jenny is shaking her head.

"You were saying Joe has got the heart eyes?" she asks, raising her eyebrows. "He's got nothing on Ichy there."

"Don't let him hear you call him that," Abbie laughs. "He may not be a beast anymore, but…"

Jenny waves a dismissive hand. "I could take him," she says. "Honestly though, I'm really happy for you guys. You've been through so much."

"Thanks to you, you know," Abbie says, taking her sister's hand. "If you hadn't decided to trespass, I'd still be cooking at the inn."

"Well, hey, someone had to get you out of the house," Jenny teases, laughing as she hugs her sister. "Come on. Let's get this over with," she adds, laughing more as they walk to the door, hand in hand.


The wedding is short but meaningful, the bride and groom joining hands before the blind friar with Abbie and Ichabod attending. The entire thing took place in front of the large central rosebush, which started growing again after Abbie and Ichabod returned.

It is currently in full bloom, covered in white roses, and, apart from the change in color, appears to be a very ordinary, if exceedingly beautiful, rosebush. Flowers bloom, flowers die, and Ichabod thankfully remains unchanged.

Ichabod had asked Henry if he had anything to do with the resurrected bush on one of his trips to see him, and the strange old man had neither confirmed nor denied any involvement. However, he did rather cryptically say, "I hope your wife enjoys the roses," leaving Ichabod to draw his own conclusion.

There is food and celebration following the ceremony, and the few guests consist of Sophie and some villagers who frequent the inn. Everyone eats their fill and, as the sun starts to disappear behind the treeline, begin to depart for their homes.

The path leading to and from Crane Manor is now quite visible and well-worn now that Ichabod has become part of society. Luckily, Jenny had taken it upon herself to explain Abbie's whereabouts and Ichabod's sudden appearance while she was working at the inn, making sure to drop the right information with the right people so word would get around.

Abbie had to find out what, exactly, her sister had told them, because she knows it wasn't the truth. It turned out Jenny concocted a story about Ichabod having returned from some extended traveling. He allegedly came to the inn requesting assistance with getting his home back in order. "And since my sister is the most organized person in town, Joe and I suggested Abbie. Didn't know they were gonna wind up falling in love, but it was a nice bonus for both of them," Jenny had said.

After they say their goodbyes to Jenny and Joe, Ichabod pulls Abbie into his arms, wrapping her in his embrace.

"Mmm," she hums, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest.

"You must be exhausted," he comments, kissing the top of her head.

She nods, sighing contentedly. "It was a lovely wedding, but I am done," she agrees.

"We can clean up in the morning," he agrees. Then he bends down and sweeps her into his arms.

"Too bad I'm not a witch," she says, leaning her head on his shoulder as he climbs the stairs. "I could just wave my hand and – whoosh – everything would be cleaned up."

"I don't think that's how witchcraft actually works," he chuckles.

"It does in fairy tales," she replies, lifting her head to look at him. He kisses her, then places her on the bed and begins removing her shoes.

"Yes, well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are not living in a fairy tale," Ichabod says. He sits on the bed, pulls her tired feet onto his lap, and begins massaging them.

"Aren't we?" Abbie counters, opening her eyes to look at him. "Because this sure feels like a 'happily ever after' to me."
