Characters: Bree Davenport, Oliver

Location: Davenport Tower Penthouse – Mission Command

Date: May 9, 2017

Oliver and Bree are sitting down in Mission Command, talking about how the rest of the group is facing problems with a new mysterious enemy.

Bree: So, Oliver, that guy that we just faced in the alley, do you know him? We need more information about him so that we can stop him from hurting anyone else. Skylar was put in the hospital because of him.

Oliver: (sighs) Yes, I do.

Bree: Who is he?

Oliver: He's my father.

Bree: (gasps) What? How? That's impossible!

Oliver: It was when I was little. My mother and father were arguing one night about something I didn't understand.

Bree: Keep going.

Oliver: Well, when they finished arguing, my father had left the house, angry. The last time my mother had heard from him was when he became evil and threatened to kill her and me.

Bree: That sounds bad. I can see why your mother wanted those powers.

Oliver: It wasn't because she cared, even when she did. He was controlling her to bring the Arcturion to him.

Bree: What's his name?

Oliver: His name is Preston Johnson, a Russian-American scientist who worked for one of the biggest dictators of all time.

Bree: Wait, wasn't that the guy that Brandon was talking about when the guy tried to steal his powers?

Oliver: Yeah. Brandon had called me saying that he wasn't feeling well. When I went to get him, he was poisoned by Preston.

Bree: If that guy messes with my boyfriend again, I'll… I'll…

Oliver: Bree, calm down! Brandon is fine now; he went to get some parts for something to stop my father.

Bree: Wait, isn't Preston human?

Oliver: Not anymore. He turned himself into a half-human/half-cyborg killing machine when he first turned evil. That's why he had that electrocution power that was five times stronger than that Krane guy you guys always talk about after you killed him.

Bree: So, how do we stop him?

Oliver: I don't know. Brandon said that he would figure how to build this, "thing," before Preston can make his next move.

Bree: What about your mother? He's not going to go after him, right?

Oliver: I would not count on it.

All of a sudden, a mission alert pops up on the screen.

Oliver: Wait, that's the prison. That's where they're keeping my mother!

Bree: I guess I deserve an "I told you so," don't I?

Oliver: No. You didn't do anything wrong. We have to warn the rest of the group, now. If we don't, Preston will kill my mother!

Bree: All right, let's go get them.

Oliver: Thanks.

Bree: (stops Oliver) Wait! That dictator guy that you were talking about… who was he?

Oliver: He's a bionic villain named Massacre. He had started a bionic war against the United States back in the 90s.

Bree: I feel like I heard about this guy before…

Oliver: I have always heard about him. In the comic books they used to publish about some bionic superhuman that stopped him before he suddenly disappeared.

Bree: Wait, so Adam, Chase, and I weren't the world's first bionic super humans?

Oliver: No, you weren't. The guy was experimented on in Russia before escaping back to the United States to help the country and the United Nations stop Massacre.

Bree: Well, who was the guy who stopped him?

Oliver: His name is Vincent Davenport.

Bree: Wait, Davenport? So he was in our family?

Oliver: Yes. I can show you the rest of the story so I won't hurt your feelings in any way.

Oliver pulls out the last comic book made about Vincent, and turns to the very last page.

Oliver: Look at it.

Bree looks at it, then has a shocked look in her face.

Bree: He's our father?

Oliver: I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to let you see for yourself.

Bree: This is a lot to take in. Is he dead?

Oliver: No, he's just missing. They just put him as "presumed dead."

Bree: So there's still a chance of finding him?

Oliver: Yes. But first we need to stop Preston, that way he can give us information about this entire topic so we can figure out what to do.

Bree: Okay.

Oliver: Come on, let's go upstairs.

Bree: Wait! I wanted to say thanks. I couldn't do this without you.

Oliver: Me neither.

Oliver and Bree hug, then go upstairs to alert the rest of the Elite Force and Brandon about where Preston is going.