A/N: Hey there guys! This is my first public fanfiction, and I'm super excited! I know that this is a stereotypical "betrayed then joined Chaos" story but please give it a read: This is my favorite kind of story to write! Leave some constructive criticism, that would be very appreciated. Five questions will be answered in each A/N if there are.

So let's get on with it! Here is...Revenge Is Sweet!

Oh yeah...Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own PJO or HOO, only my own OCs.

Third Person POV- No one

Percy, Thalia, and Nico were having a hunting party together for old times' sake, before Thalia left the continental US for a hunt in Greece and Nico went to Venice for some alone time.

"Thalia! Let's see who can kill a hellhound first!" challenged Percy.

"You're on, Seaweed Brain!" Thalia laughed, drawing her bow.

"Hey!" protested Nico. "Count me in, too!"

Percy and Thalia snickered. "Alright, three, two, one, go!" Thalia called, and they split off, running off in three separate directions.

"Killed one!" Percy yelled triumphantly.

"Too late, Kelp Head!" sniggered Thalia. "I've got three already!"

"Losers," snorted Nico. "I've killed five."

It was dusk already, and growing dark in the forest of Camp Half-Blood.

"We'd better head back," Thalia remarked. "It's gonna be super dark soon."

Percy and Nico nodded in agreement, and they set off through the forest, arriving at the edge of the forest in record time.

They were met by Annabeth and a group of livid campers.

"Whoa," Thalia said, drawing her bow again. "What kind of welcome home party is this?"

A boy shoved out of the crowd and stood next to Annabeth, his arm snaking around her waist. He had dark black hair and latte colored eyes, and a sword dangled at his side.

"Hey!" Percy snarled, uncapping Riptide. "That's my girlfriend you got there!"

"Not your girlfriend anymore," sneered the boy. "She's mine now." He kissed Annabeth on the cheek, and Annabeth laughed in delight.

"Annabeth?" whispered Percy. "Is this true?"

Annabeth gave him a pitying look. "I'm sorry, Percy, it's just you were gone for school for so long, and I was lonely, you know? Then Kerran arrived," she gestured to the boy. "And I couldn't help it, Percy. I'm sorry."

Percy's eyes darkened. "I fell into Tartarus for you, and you couldn't wait for a few months? Gods, Annabeth, I thought you were better than that."

Thalia was watching Annabeth with disbelief clear in her eyes. Nico couldn't believe Annabeth would betray Percy like that, and disgust was clear on his face.

"Anyway," continued Kerran, his sneer pasted on his face in triumph. "Your fathers told me to give you this."

He flicked a plain white envelope to the three angry demigods carelessly, his eyes full of self-respect.

Nico caught it and tore it open in one swift movement.

Shadow poured from the folds of the envelope and solidified into three smoky, ashy forms: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

"Thalia, Percy, Nico. For abandoning Olympus and Camp Half-Blood in their time of need, you are exiled from the camps," Zeus declared.

"I hereby command Brother Poseidon and Brother Hades to disown their children."

Poseidon reluctantly stepped forward. "I, Poseidon, god of the seas, hereby disown my son Percy Jackson and renounce his titles as Son of Poseidon, Savior of Olympus, Retriever of the Master Bolt and the Golden Fleece, Destroyer of Mount Othrys, Defeater of Kronos, and Downfall of Gaea. I claim all of my gifts back, and exile him from the camps." His voice wavered slightly, and tears threatened to flow down his cheeks, but Riptide suddenly vanished from Percy's hand.

Kerran sniggered.

Hades went next. "I, Hades, god of the Underworld, disown my son Nico di Angelo and renounce his titles as Son of Hades, Savior of Olympus, Retriever of the Athena Parthenos, and Downfall of Gaea. I reclaim all my gifts, and exile him from the camps." His oily voice held an ounce of regret, but Nico's sword disappeared.

Thalia's lips curled back in a snarl. "Zeus..."

Zeus's smoky form opened his mouth. "I, Zeus, god of the sky and King of the Gods, disown my daughter Thalia Grace and renounce her titles as Daughter of Zeus, Savior of Olympus, Lieutenant of Artemis, and Downfall of Gaea. I reclaim all my gifts, and exile her from the camps."

Thalia's Aegis disappeared, along with her spear, lieutenant's tiara, and bow and quiver.

Percy snarled in anger as the figures vanished. He glanced at his fellow exiles, who nodded, and raised his voice to the sky, Kerran snickering all the way.

"Hear me, Gods of Olympus! Hear me, Camps Half-Blood and Jupiter! I will have my revenge one day, and I know that Thalia and Nico here will too! I don't care about whatever you throw at me, or whatever the Fates decide to weave about me on their loom, but one day, I will have my revenge!"

Kerran snorted. "Bold words for an exile."

Percy smiled savagely. "You will see, son of...?"


Nico flinched, but held his glare.

"I promise you, son of Hades, that I will be back, and I will take my revenge in the most painful way possible. You watch out, son of Hades. I will be right behind you," Percy swore, then gestured to the other two. "C'mon, guys. Let's get out of here."

Without a backward glance, the three strode off into the forest, leaving Kerran, Annabeth, and a horde of stunned campers behind.

Well, that's the first chapter, guys! Hope you liked it, and more explanations will be made in later chapters. Remember, constructive criticism please! Please review and follow! Have a good day!
