Hello! I have a problem with Kabby. Like a mental one. I thank you for taking time to read my story and using it as an excuse not to do homework or actual work or clean or anything else. This is the second version of the first chapter. So I really hope you enjoy it!

Marcus walked in the door. "Hi." He saw Abby on the bed. Her hair was covering her face. She was sitting cross legged working on her tablet that was lying on the bed. She didn't even react when the door opened. She stayed completely invested in her work. That was something Marcus loved about her but also something he hated. He put his files down on the desk and took off his jacket. He draped the jacket on the back of the desk chair. "Nice to see you too." He mocked. Abby flipped her hair over her head so her face was visible. Her eyes were sunken in and she was giving him the death stare. He was untying his shoes when she replied.

"Don't. Even." She put her head down and went back to work. Marcus smiled. He loved when she was mad. He hopped on the bed in front of her. He pushed her tablet aside. "HEY! I need that!" He chuckled. His legs formed a v around her. He brushed the hair out of her face. Her legs unfolded and she scooted closer to him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. They were now chest to chest.

"Hi." He smiled at her again. The annoyance was definitely still there but Marcus could tell it was subsiding. His hands ran up and down her back and rested on her waist. His hand went up to her cheek and he pulled her closer. Their foreheads were touching and Marcus closed the gap. It took Abby's breath away. She responded but not fast enough. Marcus pulled away. He began tickling her. Her laughter made him smile. It was like a breath of fresh air in their musty 'Chancellor suite.' He wrapped his arms around her stomach. She bit her lip and smiled. She kissed him lightly. But he wasn't giving up. He began giving her short and sweet kisses.

"Marcus. I. Have. To. Work." She said each word between kisses. Her hands went up to his neck. They were toying with the hair that rested behind his neck. She smiled as he kissed her again. But this time she was quick enough to kiss back. Her fingers raked through his hair and gripped it tight. "I love you." She said between kisses.

"I love you too." He smiled. He began to kiss her neck. Kissing soon escalated to sucking and biting. His lips were so soft on her neck yet so rough in her mouth. She loved it. She laid down and Marcus repositioned himself so he too was lying down. He was on top of her and he was sucking on her neck as she bit his ear. She began to suck on his neck too. They were only there 5 minutes and they could both feel a multitude of bruises coming on. She took a deep breath in. Her hand went to his chest. He stopped and looked at her. "Oh. Right. You have to work." He said disappointedly. She smiled and nodded slowly.

"I love you." She kissed him again. She loved him so much. She loved how after a long day at work, he just wanted to spend time with her. He loved that. As a doctor it was her job to protect and save people. And at that moment, having sex with her amazing husband wasn't going to help anyone. Except maybe the two of them. He lifted off of her and handed her the tablet. Reluctantly. He laid down next to her.

"So…..what's with all the work?" He stared at the ceiling. He knew they were both turned on but whatever it was must have been pretty important. He knew Abby wouldn't pass up an opportunity for good sex.

She looked at him. "After Mt. Weather." She chuckled. "Lots of people, decided to have sex. And I guess they just forgot." She smiled. "We aren't on the Ark anymore!" She rolled her eyes. She rubbed her face. "There aren't hormones in the water anymore. All of them adults and teens weren't smart enough to find a condom. ANYWHERE. idiots. Aaaaaaand nooowwwww. I have 8 KNOWN pregnancies I have to log and watch over. And they're all due at basically the same time. So. Yes. I will be stressed for the next 9 months watching over these hormonal crazy women." Her hands flew up and fell into her lap. She whimpered. "This is gonna be so hard." Her head fell. Marcus lifted her chin.

"Hey. Take a break. And we don't have to get all crazy either. We can just talk. No matter how much I want you right now, you just need some time to step away." She smiled. He propped himself up on his hand and Abby positioned herself the same way so they were looking at each other.

"Fine. 20 minutes. That's all." Marcus grinned. She put her hand down and rotated her body so it was lying flat on the bed. "Do you think Clarke's okay?" His hand instinctively went for hers. He squeezed it. Their fingers interlaced. Marcus felt the cool metal of Abby's ring press against his hand.

"You want me to say yes- I think she's fine. But truthfully," He paused. "I don't know. She's so strong. She's so much stronger than I ever imagined. I mean having you as a Mom makes a girl soft don't ya think?" He nudged her playfully. She chuckled and nudged back. But halfheartedly. "Abby, I know that not having her here is hard but I can promise you one thing." He stopped to think. "Two things." He nodded to himself. "I can promise you, wherever Clarke is, whatever she is doing, she is fighting. She isn't giving up. She is strong. Like her mother. Whatever the reason we can't find her, she wants it that way. But when she's ready, she'll come back. And 2. I can promise I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I will never leave you." Her hand squeezed his.

"I know she's strong, she's my daughter. It's just me worrying. And. I love you too. I'm never leaving either. I'm gonna stay right here to annoy forever." She smirked.

"Hey, things could be worse. You could be pregnant. I mean….." He stopped. Their faces went white. "WE are some of the idiots that forgot protection. Fuck." They both shot up.

Abby began running tests in her head. "I am late. 5 days but, I just thought …." She said cautiously. "Marcus. Am I pregnant? Oh my god.. I'm pregnant."

He took both her hands into his. Abby's eyes began to fill with tears. Another bad sign. Hormones. "Hey hey hey. It's okay. We'll figure this out." His hands went up to her face. "Abby, you're okay. We're okay. What do you want to do?"

She looked up at him. "Just hold me." Her voice was quiet and emotionless. Marcus pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face became buried in his neck. His biceps curled around her small frame. He wanted to protect her. He smelled her hair and buried his face into it. Abby pulled away. "Let's wait until tomorrow before I get tested. I mean we would make beautiful babies and of course I would love to have baby with you. But right now I don't know if I could manage my own pregnancy ontop of 8 others. Let's just wait." Marcus's hand traveled to the back of her neck.

"Okay." He pulled her back into him. Her arms curled into his chest and her head just under his chin. His heartbeat was strong and it lulled Abby away from all the commotion that had just come about. It was just the two of them. No one else. Nothing else. No problems to get in the way. No grounders to pick fights. No pregnancies. Just them. She looked up at him. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him. He had no objection when her tongue parted his lips. Their tongues began dancing between them and their lips were on fire. Marcus pulled away. Abby's teeth caught his lip. "This is what got us here in the first place." He laughed. He kissed her again. "Whatever happens tomorrow and the next day and the next. I'm never leaving."

Hope you had fun. Please. PLease. PLEase. PLEASE keep reading. This is only the beginning of a super long story. Please review. Love you all!