Author's Note: Got bored, decided to write. Hope you enjoy this OC/ GB Ekko story! (Spoilers: I like Ekko, cool story, cool champion, cool everything.)

I leaned against the stone, cold wall in an alleyway. I lost them, finally. Hopefully. Maybe.

"*huff*...*puff*...How in the they fast…" I mumbled to no-one but myself. I got off the wall, steadied my breathing, and dusted off my black coat. It wasn't originally black- the chemical burns made it that way. I checked my backpack- 2 flasks of chemical burns, 3 of blinding acids, and the red flask, as well as the note. I pulled it out, and took a sniff. It smelled like berries. And magic.

"Thank you Brandon for smuggling these potions...or whatever they're called." I said before taking a small swig, and feeling the cuts and gashes from me running across this city fade. I let the flask off my lips, and took in a breath, and let it out, and watched it turn slightly white.

For a city poisoned beyond belief, it is unnaturally cold. I pulled the red scarf back over my mouth and nose, and checked my gloves- the damage to them didn't seem severe, so the hextech inside should still work just fine. I checked my putting my hand against a trash can and pushed.

I grinned as I saw it fly back about 3 feet and tumble over, but then that grin turned to terror as I heard those assholes from earlier.

"Did you hear that?"

"It came from over here!"

"Check it out!"

"Well, time to go." I said to myself, before picking up my small backpack and hopping up a small wall, and onto a rooftop that wasn't too far off the ground. I didn't hear them, so they must not have se-

"THERE HE IS! GET HIM!" I heard as a Electro-Knife whistled past my face and imbedded into the wall, letting off a few sparks.

"Fuck." I said, and jumped even higher onto another wall, and pulled myself up, and started running. I knew Zaun, kind of- it wasn't my place of birth, but I knew it fairly well. "Down this block 100 feet, and then a left. Should get me back to my hideout." I told myself. I heard the voices faintly behind me, they didn't seem like the type that could run, fucking Pil-

"SHIT!" I yelled out as the roof caved in. Must've hit a wet patch!

I tumbled for a few seconds before hitting solid ground. I groaned, but I even worse- I heard a voice. Female.

"What the hell…" I heard footsteps coming towards my resting place. I definitely had a few bruised, maybe broken ribs...and my leg didn't feel too good, either.

I felt a slight poking at my side, and I groaned.

"Hey. You dead?" The girl said. I didn't even know my eyes were closed until I opened them and look at her. It was blurry...but I could see a white mohawk and a dark complexion.

"N-No… not yet…" I said, attempting to stand.

"Sit back down." She said, "I wouldn't move if I was you, might make whatever injuries you have even worse."

I laid back down, but could feel consciousness waning.

Last thing I saw before it all went black was her standing over me, looking up at the hole I fell from.

Author's Note: First chapter of many, do not worry. Actually, this Author's Note was written after I made chapter 3, so expect more. Anyways, enjoy the story!