AN: I've gotten a few PMs and reviews asking when I'm going to get them to school already. The answer is never now. Attending classes and doing homework makes no sense since they have all seven years of NEWT prep in their heads already. A majority of you guys said the making friends and allies stuff was boring and dragging the story down so I cut it. I cut almost everything "school" related out to get to the end of this story which is the death of Voldemort and the kids living happily ever after. I figure 4-6 chapters will get me there.
The next day at lunch time Bill came to the house with a metal box and a look on his face like he saw a ghost. Harry greeted him with a smile but it fell off his face at the look in Bill's eyes.
"What happened?" Harry asked.
"I need to talk to you in private." Bill said transferring the box, which was about the size of a shoebox made of a dark wood on it's side with a briefcase handle from one hand to the other. That allowed Harry to see the glowing runes on the handle of the box.
"Okay, I'll get Hermione, we work as a team and she's more book smart than I am. She's also better at enchantments and wards. Why don't you head into the garage and pour yourself a pint." Harry said patting the tired looking man on the back.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Bill said walking into the garage he grabbed a bottle of lager and a chilled mug from the cooler and sat at the bar. He set the case next to him on the dark wood bar and looked at it. That's how Harry and Hermione found him.
"Hey Bill, what's in the Box?" Harry asked.
"Harry do you know what a Horcrux is?" Bill asked.
"Sounds vaguely familiar." Harry said looking to Hermione.
"We read about it in Axton's notes for the DoM. It's a vessel used in a ritual to split your soul and store it in said vessel to cheat death. It's a nasty bit of magic. You found one?" Hermione asked looking at the box.
"Yes, it was in the Lestrange vault, and I think I know who it belongs to. Normally I would take something like this to my bosses at the bank and they would be able to tell me for sure but I thought it would be a better idea to keep this under wraps. I was hoping you would know someone that could…" Hermione cut him off.
"Cast the detection and dispelling rituals? We know of them but we would need to build a chamber to cast them safely. Also I would like to consult with an Unspeakable before we did anything. This is a very powerful and nasty branch of dark magic. I wouldn't dare try this without supervision from a master of the unknown arcana. I think it's time we called a meeting with Neville's great uncle Algie." She said looking at the box.
"First I think we should transfer that object into something more powerful. I can feel the evil rolling off that box. The magics of the box are not strong enough." Harry said hovering his hand over the box and shaking his head.
"This is a Curse Breaker's safety box. It can contain a bomb. The box should be fine." BIll said taking the box off the bar and standing up.
"Bill, I know we just met you but I think you're acting funny. Why don't you set the box down?" Harry said in a calming tone of voice.
"But I'm fine Harry, and why would I set my box down? It's my box. Why would you want me to set it down if it's my box? You want to take my box! You want it for yourself!" Bill said getting loud and drawing atten to himself from the group outside of the garage.
"Bill, I need you to listen to me very carefully, I don't want your box. You can keep it I just want you to think about the way you're acting right now and tell me if you think you're acting normal." Harry said as Neville and his father came into the garage and saw Harry trying talk Bill down.
"NO! You can't take it from me! IT"S MINE!" Bill yelled.
"Right, Drop him Nev." Harry said making a gold box with runes etched all over it and a fist sized diamond in the center of the lid as Neville snuck up behind Bill and grabbed him in a bear hug and cast a stunning spell into his body to bypass the shield stone Harry gave the curse breaker. Bill went limp in his arms and Harry floated the box up out of Bill limp grasp. He floated his gold box under Bill's box. He then vanished Bill's box and a gold cup fell into Harry's gold box and he slammed the lid closed. In the split second the cup was exposed to the air they all felt a cold oily feeling wash over them. The gem on the lid of the gold box glowed and pulsed for a few seconds.
"Let's get Bill out of this room before we wake him up." Hermione said levitating the curse breaker and floating him out of the garage.
"Neville, I think it's time we set up a meeting with your great uncle. I think it's time we talk to a higher power." Harry said looking at the gold box but not touching it.
"I'll make a call, he's been wanting to meet you and Hermione for a while now." Neville said pulling out his phone.
A half hour later found Harry and Hermione sitting in the parlor of Neville's house with Neville, his parents, and his gran drinking tea. Bill was asleep on a fainting couch off to the side of the room. He was not asleep by choice. Harry fed him a sleeping draught when he started ranting and raving the second they un-stunned him. He was also wrapped up in magic damping chains. Harry cast a monitoring charm on the gold box again to make sure it was okay.
"No change?" Hermione asked.
"No, the enchantments are holding. We really need to keep something like this with us from now on." Harry said before he sat up taller. "Someone is in the entryway." Harry said looking at the closed door to the room.
"Yeah, I know. It's uncle Algie." Neville said getting up and walking out of the room.
Neville came back a minute later with an older man in his seventies. He had grey hair cut short and thinning at the top to form two deep widows peaks and a thick but we kept grey beard. He was tall and thin with thick gold rimmed glasses. He had a kind look to his face and a slight limp to his walk. He was dressed in a dark grey suit that looked like it had seen better days and over the top of that was a grey robe that looked very familiar to both Harry and Hermione. Most people would think a man like this was old and frail but he carried himself like a man that knew how to kill. A predator and a powerful one at that by the amount of power rolling off him as he crossed the room. His shoes made no sound as they hit the marble floors. Harry tracked him with his eyes and the old man tracked Harry with his. It was mutual respect. Both men knew they were the biggest threats in the room. As he got closer his eyes shifted to the gold box and his eyebrows went up. Augusta stood out of her chair and hugged the man in grey with a big smile something that was an almost permanent feature of her face now.
"Algie! I'm so glad you could come on such short notice." Augusta said.
"Of course. Frank, Alice, how are you two feeling?" He asked as he looked at the two in their work out clothes. Both were looking toned and strong.
"Good thanks to the kids." Alice said smiling at Harry and Hermione who both stood up to greet their future boss.
"Yes, I can see that." He said turning to look at the two of them. "I'm algernon Croaker it's good to finally meet you two." He said shaking first Harry's and then Hermione's hands.
"We wanted to hold off meeting you until we were ready to be interviewed for the department to stem any whispers of favoritism. We hope to receive black envelopes upon completion of our NEWTs." Harry said in a formal tone while holding himself up to his full height.
"So Neville has told me. And under normal circumstances you would both receive black letters but I think we can do away with all that when it comes to two Order of Merlin holders. Your research and grasp of magic is truly something else. I had my staff look over your potion patent. Two of the three potions masters could not reverse engineer it back to it's base ingredient list and the third gave up after two days of trying. I think we can work something out where you two can start using the labs and the library in the DoM. As I understand it you both have gear already?" He asked.
"We do, we would have turned it over to the department but we wanted to get used to wearing it and we also wanted to see if we could reverse engineer the enchantments. We have by the way and I'm happy to tell you we found a few ways to improve on your design." Hermione said pulling her black robe out of her bag and handing it to the head Unspeakable with a big smile.
"Oh my!" Algie said turning the robe inside out and looking over the enchantment string connected to a flat sheet of gemstone the size of a playing card attached to the back of the robe under the neck line with his mage sight. "You have a power rune connected to three shield charms and powered by a power draining enchantment that absorbs spell fire. Why the hell didn't we... Right. As of now you are both hired full stop. We will deal with the paperwork later. We need to make more of these for the department. If we had this three years ago we could have saved Pandora's life." Algie said looking sad and haunted.
"Pandora is dead?" Alice asked looking shocked.
"Pandora?" Harry asked.
"Lovegood. She was our head researcher. She died from an enchantment she was working on. It blew up in her face. This could have saved her life." He said.
"That name sounds familiar." Hermione said.
"It's Ollivanders nephew." Harry said making a mental note to talk to and get to know the daughter a member of the department was lost. Her daughter would need help and guidance. Losing a parent was tarmatic.
"You know Ollivander?" Algie asked looking at the boy.
"Yes. We're business partners. He's making wand handles for the crystal wand shafts I created. This is all going to come out soon but we want to expand the school to teach weaker witches and wizards that did not get their letters. The shafts work on the power stone principle to power weak spells." Harry explained making a crystal wand with a smoky quartz shaft and grey ash wood handle. "Gery ash right?" Harry asked handing the wand over to his new boss.
"How did you know?" Algie asked.
"Your wand is sticking out of your belt holster. A quick scan and I had it. Give it a go, I precharged it." Harry said nodding at the slimpe wand.
"Okay." Algie said and the wand glowed bright he shook it and it shut off. "I barely had to think lumos and it lit." He said looking at the wand in his hand.
"Again, we are happy to share this with our Unspeakable coworkers." Harry said.
"This is unbelievable." He said looking at the pair of eleven year olds.
"Hey, I hate to break up this little game of show and tell but can we get back to the box of dark magic?" Frank said.
"Right. I almost forgot. Let's see what we're working with?" Algie asked.
"Bill, our curse breaker was tasked with looking over the Lestrange vault for the newly reinstated Lestrange ladies. He found a gold cup that he said was a horcrux. He said it was very powerful and that it might belong to Voldemort. When we tried to transfer the cup to a stronger box he freaked out on us. We had to sleeping drought him and chain him up with magical suppressing chains. I then transferred the cup to this box I made. It's been holding up good so far but I don't know if it will hold up forever." Harry explained.
"Good call with the box. I'm guessing he used a curse breaker's box. Normally it would hold up but if these power reading are right then this horcrux it too strong for that. This box is, again, ingenous. Your mind works in truly amazing ways. We need to get this to the safe room in the DoM before we open this box. You think this belongs to him?" Algie asked waving his new wand over the gold box.
"Bill thought so, and I know so. That cup has a piece of the dark lord's soul. We have a bigger problem than just the cup in the box. Ever since I got close to that cup an hour ago my scar has been itching and burning. It also gives off the same magical signature. I've always known this scar is full of dark energy. I've walled it off from my core and I've shielded it from my mind but the closer I get to the cup the stronger the scar pain gets. If that's a horcrux, and this scare is a horcrux then how do we get rid of them both?" Harry asked as the room around him got very quiet.
"Harry, how long…"
"Since I transferred it into the gold box Hermione. The power of the cup hit me right in the face. I've been contemplating it ever since then. Axton's notes said the easy way to remove the soul from the cursed object was to break the object. Obviously we can't just kill me, that would suck, so how can we get it out?" Harry asked.
"I'm not sure to tell you the truth." Algie said looking at Harry's scar. He raised his wand and he was about to point it at Harry but stopped. "Do you mind?" he asked.
"Not at all." Harry said waving him on.
"Sometimes you forget to ask." Algie said with a smile trying to break up the tension in the room. He cast a few spells and hummed before casting a few more. He then clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"WHat's that supposed to me?" Hermione asked with just a bit too much heat in her tone.
"It means that this scar is not a normal Horcrux. This was not created by the ritual. This looks desperate and dirty. There's good news and bad news. The good news is it's a small piece of his soul and it can't poses you. The bad news is it's very attached to your soul. As of right now I can't see a way to remove it without killing you. We can work on it but as of right now it's attached." He said looking sad.
"That's what I thought. Okay. let's get this cup to the lab and see what we're working with." Harry said calmly.
"WHAT!?" Alice and Hermione said at the same time.
"What?" Harry asked as he flinched.
"How can you be so calm?!" Alice asked rushing up to him and hugging him.
"Yeah, what she said." Hermione said hugging him and crying.
"Why should I be freaked out? We cured brain damage, failing health, that house yesterday, and we're looking at the werewolf curse. I'm sure we can, if we put our minds to it, solve any problem that comes up. You all need to relax. And they call me high strung." Harry said laughing.
"That's the spirit Harry. I wasn't freaking out." Neville said laughing with him.
"Good looking out brother. Now let's get this evil cup to the office. I can't believe we're Unspeakables." Harry said with a huge smile before it fell off his face. He stood up tall, pulled a grey robe out of his bag, and put it on. He looked to his new boss as Hermione followed his lead.
"Alright. Let's head out. Neville, would you like to join us?" Algie asked.
"Sure, does this mean I'm in as well?" He asked pulling out his black robe.
"Not yet, these two I can make a case for they are going to get Order of Merlin medals next week, but you still have to pass your NEWTs." Algernon said picking up the gold box with a glove.
"That's cool. So we're talking a few years then?" Neville said following his uncle out of the room with his friends.
"Yes, that reminds me, using a time turner without department permission is highly illegal. Lucky for you I put the paperwork in when Neville told me about how you were studying over the summer." He said holding out a gold badge the letters DoM over a book with crossed wands.
Without saying anything the kids all touched the gold shield and with a "go" they were spinning before they landed in a circular room with red doors. Gold name plates appeared on the doors and Algernon lead them through a door marked Labs. They followed down a hallway with big vault like doors as they walked down the hall a few other people in grey robes saw them and they looked at Harry and Hermione with wide eyes but they kept to themselves for the most part. The exception being a tall thin woman of spanish descent that stopped them in the hall. She had very pale skin and dark violet colored eyes. Her long black hair looked wet and pulled back into a tight bun. She wore light makeup but her lips were dark crimson red. Her grey robes were loose but her black low cut dress was tight and stopped at mid thigh to show off her long toned legs. Both Harry and Neville were caught looking by Hermione.
"Tongues back in your heads boys." She said with an edge to her voice.
"WHat?" Harry asked shaking his head.
"It's not his fault. I'm excited to met you both and I think I let my power slip. Maria Rios, I'm the head Potions master in the department, and I'm also a vampire. Sorry for the full blast of charm I hit you with." She said shaking Hermione's hand first as she turned to the blushing boys.
"What." Harry said holding out his hand.
"Sorry." She said taking Harry's hand. Her hand was cold to the touch and very strong.
"No it's fine, Harry Potter." Harry said spotting the family ring on her finger he bent low and brushed his lips across her knuckles. "My lady." He added in a formal tone.
"Very good lord Potter." She said with a smile and nod as she turned to Neville.
"Neville Longbottom my lady." Neville said copying Harry.
"Very good recovery boys." She said laughing with Algie.
"What did you need Maria?" Algernon asked still grinning.
"I wanted to formally welcome the pair that came up with a potion I could not crack. It was the highlight of my year. Do you have any idea how hard it is to stump me?" She said excitedly.
"It took a lot out of us to come up with the formula but we hope the potion does a lot of good." Hermione said confidently.
"I'll bet. I took me three days to find the root in an old druidic mind healing tonic." Maria said.
"Maria, I'm sure you three could talk for hours but we have a Dark Lords horcrux to deal with." Algie said holding up the box.
"Oh! Sorry I stopped you. Should I go get Victor?" She asked as she pulled a short gold rod from her robes and cast a few spells at the box.
"Yes please. Also I want your opinion on something as well." Algie said.
"I be back in a minute." She said rushing off down the hall at a fast jog making almost no sound even though she was wearing heels.
"Victor?" Harry asked as they continued down the hall.
"Hoffmann, Master of enchantments and the Dark arts from Durmstrang, and the department's head Enchanter for three decades. He's the man to talk to about this. I also trust him with my life. The same with Maria and a few other department heads. I've worked with them for decades." He said stopping in front of a heavy vault door marked "Dark Enchantments" and punching in a rune set to unlock the door. Inside the room was a thick slab table made of marble covered in runes and on top of the table was a box made of thick glass also covered in runes. Algie set the box on the table as Maria came into the room with an older man in his sixties with salt and pepper hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, cold blue eyes set deep in his angular face, high cheekbones, thin lips set in a sneer, and a pointy goatee that outlined his pointy chin. He was wearing a black suit, black shirt and black tie. If you pointed to him and Maria and said one of these two people is a vampire they would always point to VIctor every time. The man looked like death and he moved like a predator. He might be the head of dark magic but he was an operative first.
"I hear we are dealing with a Horcrux? It's been awhile since we had one of those down here." He said with a hint of excitement masked by a heavy German accent.
"Yes, from the dark lord, and it's powerful." Algie said stepping back from the gold box.
"Really?" Victor asked with a shocked look on his face. He walked up to the box and cast a few spells. "Yes, we need to get it in the box and see what we're working with. I think it might be time to get the kids out of the room." He said casting a few spells at the glass box.
"Victor! These are not kids, they are our co-workers. Lord Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. They made the mind healing tonic." Maria said prompting the thin man to pause.
"Really?" He asked turning to look at the two.
"Yes really and if you want to get the cup out of the box you're going to need me to do it. I made the box, I sealed the cup in the box, and only I can open that box." Harry said feeling defencive.
"Begging your pardon. I'm not used to working with young prodigies." Victor said bowing slightly.
"It's fine, we really didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves. Now is there a way to trap the dark magical signature rolling off the cup?" Harry asked.
"Maybe, it depends on what you plan on doing with it." Victor said.
"Make a tracking device to find the rest of these things." Harry said.
"I've never thought about it. Maybe?" Victor said scratching his chin.
"What are you thinking about using Harry?" Hermione asked looking at her partner.
"I'm thinking a three dimensional compass that glows as you get closer to the magical signature." Harry said.
"It's simple enough. It would work on a modified pointment spell mixed with a dark detection spell." She said pulling out her note book and drawing out a few rune strings.
"Yes that was what I was thinking as well." He said leaning over her shoulder to look at her work.
"These two always like this?" Algie asked Neville as Victor looked over Hermione's other shoulder.
"Yes. This is how they get started. Next thing they'll ask for is books." Neville said.
"He's right, we need to look at a book on tracking charms." Hermione said.
"They can also hear you no matter how deep into their work they get." Neville said with a smirk.
"The library is down the hall to the round room and through the door marked library. I can take you." Algie said Leading them out the door.
"Harry, where are you going? You need to stay here to open the box and trap the essence." Hermione said.
"Good call." Harry said turning back to the room with Victor and Maria.
"Got lost there did you?" Maria asked with a smirk.
"I kind of did. So how are we going to do this?" Harry asked looking to the two masters in the room as the vault door was shut and locked.
"First thing we need to do is get the item out of the gold box and into the glass box we can…" Victor stopped talking as Harry floated the bottomless glass box over the gold box and vanished the gold box. "Next time warn me yeah? We take thing slow and methodical in this room. Things, they go boom in here." Victor said with a chuckle.
"Sorry I'm used to working with Hermione. I'm the magical brawn and she's the brains. I will follow your lead." Harry said looking sheepish.
"You're doing fine Harry." Maria said putting her hand on his shoulder as Victor checked the placement of the box. "Victor is just set in his ways." She whispered to him.
"I heard that, I'm old but I'm not deef. You old bat." He tossed over his shoulder with a smirk.
"Old Bat!" She said laughing.
"You know, when we thought about working for the DoM we never envisioned this working atmosfear. We thought it would be a lot of dower nerds and bookworms working quietly over old tomes and caldrons." Harry said trying not to laugh at the byplay.
"Harry, we deal with dangerous shit everyday. Do you have any idea how many times we almost get killed a year by touching the wrong thing or adding the wrong ingredient? We have to have a sense of humor. If not, it gets too tense down here, and we're liable to kill each other. We good Victor, or are you going to look at the glass box all day? I might be immortal but I have shit to do." She said.
"Ready to go demon woman." Victor said backing up. "Okay maker man vanish the box." He said turning to Harry.
"Maker Man? I like it. It sound very DC comics." Harry said vanishing the gold box. As soon as it disappeared the cup glowed and a black tendril of magic shot out at Harry but stopped at the glass wall.
"Now you see why I double checked the glass box." Victor said running a few scans on the cup.
"I'll say! It was coming for my face." Harry said backing up into Maria.
"SO many jokes. Try to keep it PG." Maria muttered.
"What?" Harry asked turning to look at her.
"Nothing." She said stifling a giggle. "Victor is it killable?" She asked.
"Yes. it's powerful but it's not attached to the cup very well. The dark lord wanted to make sure he could get his soul back if things went wrong. There looks to be an activation password to siphon the soul out. This is a nasty bit of work. It looks like someone triggered the cup and it's trying to leech power from them to self actualize." Victor said.
"Our friend Bill is a curse breaker. He found the cup in the Lestrange vault. He's the one that triggered the cup. He was acting strange and very protective of it." Harry said.
"Yes. the cup has a Gollum enchantment." Victor said nodding when he got two blank stares back he looked mildly offended. "Gollum? Lord of the Rings?" He said.
"Oh. yeah. I've read it before. What's that have to do with anything?" Harry asked.
"The books are based in real magic. The one ring was a Horcrux. It had an enchantment on it to possess the holder of the Horcrux and make them a slave to it. To protect it. Until the owner could siphon off enough power to regain a body. It kills the slave. The Gollum if you will. Ever since those books came out we in the curse breaking business call it the Gollum enchantment. Your friend Bill will know what he was hit with when he wakes up. Now that the classroom portion of today's lesson is over let's get back to the evil cup. I can strip the soul out of the cup. Put it in a container and we can toss it through the veil. I can also end the enchantments on the cup. Normally we just seal up the glass box and chuck it through the veil but you want to keep the dark magical essence. So I'm going to need two containers. Strong enough to hold a lot of dark power. That's your cue Maker man." Victor said.
"Right. First the soul jail." Harry said closing his eyes and concentrating.
He held out his hand and a gold six inch cube formed inside the glass box next to the cup. As soon as it came to be, the cup attacked it with its black tendrils, but it stopped almost immediately. Instead the black tendrils pushed the cup back into a corner of the box but it was too late. The gold box started to glow. The cup let out a scream and the black energy sucked from the cup into the box. A second later the box stopped glowing and the cup looked normal but the runes on the gold box glowed blood red and pulsed.
"What the hell was that kid?" Victor asked.
"I made a box to strip out the soul and store it until it goes through this veil you keep talking about. Now I'm going to make a container to house the dark matter and strip the dark enchantments on the cup. I understand that you guys work methodically. But I work fast and overpowered. I know that box will hold his dark soul until it can be killed in this veil you talked about. Just like I know this gold cylinder will suck the dark enchantments from the cup. See." Harry said waving at the glass box.
A gold cylinder about the size of a roll of pound coins formed. Again it sucked the dark magic from the cup and blood red runes from on the gold cylinder. Harry waited for a few seconds before looking at Victor.
"It's clear. You can unseal the box now." Harry said.
"If you don't mind I'm just going to check it and see first. You work by making merical gold boxes I work with spells and incantations. You're eleven and I'm sixty-five. I've lived this long because I check and double check things." Victor said.
"I don't mind at all. I would check to make sure but I don't know the spells and enchantments. I can only monitor the amount of dark magic rolling off the object." Harry said.
"Well what a perfect time to learn. Let's make sure you make it to sixty-five." Victor said.
"I know these spells so this is my cue to leave. See you later Harry. Come by my office before you go I have a few notes for your potion that I would love to talk to you two about." Maria said winking at Harry with a smile before she walked out of the room and resealed the vault door.
A half hour later the two emerged from the lab with Harry floating the gold box in front of him. They walked through a few hall ways and came to a room that was bowl shaped with a platform in the center. On the platform was an arch way with a flowing black veil. Harry could feel the power of the arch way. It was cold but not dark. It felt like death. As they approached the box glowed brighter as the soul inside fought to get away from the archway. Harry looked at the box and grind coldly.
"To hell with you! The rest is coming soon." Harry said as he chucked the box through the archway. As the box crossed the archway the box vanished and the black soul formed a specter of a man before it was pulled through the vail and vanished with a scream. In his head he felt a pinch and he heard a scream as the soul piece inside his scar felt the death of the cup horcrux. He fell to his knees as a feeling of rage and pain shot through him. "Shit." He said as Victor cast spells on him to see what was wrong.
"What happend Kid?" Victor asked as Harry popped back up on his feet.
"The piece of his soul in my head knew we destroyed the piece in the cup. He knows. We need to collect them all as fast as we can so he can't move them or reclaim them." Harry said holding his head.
"We also have to find a way to pull that out of your head. In fact, why didn't you just pull it out of your head like the cup?" Victor asked scanning the scar.
"Algernon said it's attached to my soul." Harry said.
"I see that, but your box pulled the soul from the cup. I don't see why it can't pulled the soul from your soul." Victor said.
"Maybe. I mean I can try." Harry said making another gold box. He held it to his head and nothing happened. Then Harry started thrashing about until he chucked the box away. "No go. It's stuck. I could feel it ripping something out of me as it was pulled out." Harry said rubbing his head.
"What we need to do is pull both souls out. Have the box strip away the dark piece of soul and put your soul back in your body." Victor said.
"Sure because that's easy." Harry said rolling his eyes as he took a healing tonic out and drink it.
"It is. We need a soul trap. Then we need to kill you. And trap the two souls with the box and let the box do it's job." Victor said with a shrug.
"Just kill me?" Harry mocked with a shrug.
"I'm thinking drowning, or something not to volent." Victor said.
"Your serious!?" Harry asked.
"Deadly, pardon the pun. Maria can assist us. She know ritual blood magic." Victor said.
"Look on a scale of one to crazy how far up the crazy ladder are we talking about?" Harry asked.
"I've never done something like this but Maria helped a village under possession in Spain a long time ago. She knows the magics involved and if she thinks it could work it might be our best shot. Mix in the box you can make and we're looking at some good odds that it might work. We would need to talk to her about it and maybe some of her fanged friends, but? Look let's put it this way, it's an option." Victor said.
"A part of me thinks you're mad for even suggesting it but, well I'm a bit stuck at the moment. Look, talk it over with who you need to, but keep it discreet. Do not under any circumstance tell Hermione. Are we clear?" Harry asked looking VIctor in the eye.
"I can do that. I'll have something for you in a week or two depending on what she says." Victor said holding out his hand. Harry shook it and they both nodded. Harry summoned the gold box and handed it to VIctor.
"While you two talk it over see if you can figure out how this works. I'd do it myself but I have a feeling I'm going to be looking for shiny things with not so shiney cores in the next two weeks." Harry said as they walked to the library.
"Yes, let's see if we can figure out your tracking compass." VIctor said putting the gold box into a pocket in his gray robe. "Could you make one of those object vaults as well? I'd love to get a look at it." Victor asked.
"Sure, here, I'll make you a sample pack of things we came up with for the department." Harry said making a bag of holding and handing it to Victor. "Hold this open for me." Harry said before he stopped in the hallway and closed his eyes.
He made three object vaults and dropped them into the bag. He made three robes in grey with the shield charms and added them to the bag. He made two more soul stripping boxes, six lightsabers, three pairs of the dart guns in cases, and a case with ten doses of their twelve potions they came up with. As he made a list of the things inside the bag and handed it to victor he wavered on his feet and shook his head. He took out a power tonic and drank it.
"You okay kid?" Victor asked holding Harry's shoulder.
"Yeah, I over did it a bit. This is three day turned days in a row of taxing power making and it's catching up with me. I'm going to need to take a break after we collect all the horcruxes. Thankfully we have a potion we need to work on." Harry said.
"Potion?" Victor asked as they started walking again.
"We're working on a cure for the werewolf curse. We have a new improvement on wolfsbane but we know we can do better. The library here might just hold the answers we're looking for." Harry said.
"Really? Wolf will want to talk to you about that. He's head of Operations. He's also a werewolf." Victor said.
"His name is wolf?" Harry asked.
"No his name is Michael Meeks. But he prefers Wolf. He embraces his wolf but the turnings still hurt. This last turn took a lot out of him. He's half my age but he looks just as old as me. He's a good man." Victor said with a sad tone and a hard look.
"Then we need to get him on the healing tonic now and the new wolfsbane for the turning in three days. Is he in today?" Harry asked.
"He should be. You can help him?" VIctor asked.
"Yes, let's go talk to him. It will be good to get to know the boss anyways. I plan on working for Operations so does Neville and Hermione. Research and development is fun but we're warriors at heart." Harry said.
"Well in that case, let's head over to your wing of the department." Victor said with a grin as the headed back to the round room and through a door marked Operations.
This hallway had a few offices, a gym room, a lounge and kitchen area, and a room set up with barrick style bunk beds. There were a few people in the halls but unlike the other wings these Unspeakables were not dressed in grey robes or suits and dresses. They had military style black cargo pants and shirts. Also these men and women were bigger and fitter. The last thing he spotted was the gun holsters on their belts. All of them had one and Harry knew they were enchanted guns that fired conjured rounds. He had Axton's case with his guns so he was familiar with them. His dart guns worked on almost the same magic. Harry counted about a dozen operatives in top form and none of them were over the age of sixty. They passed the last door on the left which was a medical room with a healer seated at a desk and three unoccupied beds. The end of the hall was a bigger door marked Danger Room. Harry grinned at that. Someone liked the X-men. A girl about mid twenties with red hair pulled back in a pony tail came out of the door as they approached. She was covered in sweat and she had a towel around her neck but she was grinning.
"Is wolf in the training room?" Victor asked.
"He's in there. I was going to get the healer. I just kicked his ass in murder ball." She said proudly.
"Healer? Is he hurt?" Harry asked running a scan over her form.
"I think he threw out his back. He hit the court like a sack of bricks after a training dummy tackled him. I'm Kit by the way." She said with a grin as she took his waving hand and shook it.
"Harry, it's good to meet you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go see to Wolf. this will be a good interview." Harry said.
"Interview? Harry Potter is coming to work for the department?" She asked Victor as Harry pushed the door open and found a huge black man on the floor of what looked like a basketball court with three small quidditch rings instead of basketball hoops. There were training dummies off to the side. The big man was holding his back and groaning as he tried to cast spells at his own back with a black wand.
"I did it this time Doc. I think I broke something." He groaned out trying to turn over to look at who was coming through the door.
"I'm not the doc. But I can help you with that." Harry said jogging up to him and casting a few charms at his back to confirm nothing was really broken. "Well it's not broken. You did pull a muscle and slip a disk at the base of your spine." Harry said healing them with a few more waves of his hand.
"OH, Fuck!" He called out as he disk slipped back in place. "You sure as hell are not a healer. But I think that did the trick." He said rolling over and standing up as he did every joint cracked and popped and he groaned again. "I'm gettin too old to play this game. I don't know you." The big man said looking at Harry.
"Harry Potter. New unspeakable and Operative hopeful sir." Harry said holding out his hand to the huge man.
Wolf was at least six and a half foot tall, and four foot wide. He was about four hundred pounds and most of it was muscle. His arms and legs looked like tree trunks. He was bald with a bushy beard, deep set brown eyes, and oversized pointed incisors like a wolf. Harry knew that meant Wolf had embraced his beast and that allowed him access to some of his werewolf senses. The cost was a shorter temper and wolf like traits like a need to show dominance and a pack mentality.
But even as big and powerful as Wolf looked he could see what Victor was talking about. Wolf had a tired look to his eyes and his spine had a curve to it that looked painful. As the big man stretched Harry heard more pops and cracks from the other joint in his body and from the way he moved his knees and elbows he could tell the big man had no cartilage left. When he shook Harry's hand his huge mit made Harry's normal sized hand look tiny but his grip strength was miniscule.
"No kidding? You're an Unspeakable? You're like eleven right?" Wolf asked in a deep booming voice.
"I am, I'm also a Maker, a black belt in Karate, and jr saber champion. To top it all off I'm a soon to be three times Order of Merlin recipient. Now Victor tells me you're a werewolf. My partner and I have come up with a few potions for werewolves. The first being this healing tonic to get your bones and joints back to shape. You should gain back some more of your height and the cartilage in your knees and elbows. We also have this new wolfsbane that should let you keep more of your mind during the change as well as make the turning less violent. I'm going to start you on the healing tonic three times a day for a few weeks and let's see where we are after that. Take this flask and take a shot of this before breakfast lunch and dinner. I'm also going to make you a power shake. Werewolves tend to need more protein than normal wizards. What flavor do you like?" Harry asked pulling a big flask of glowing white healing tonic out of his bag and making a shot glass.
"WHat?" Wolf asked looking down at the kid in front of him like he had two heads.
"Just take the potion Wolf. the kid is for real." Victor said from the door.
"Really?" Wolf asked.
"He just sucked the dark lord's soul out of a horcrux. I'd listen to the kid. Also I think we should start calling him Harry, kid is a bit of an insult." Victor said.
"I don't mind Kid, Hermione on the other hand, might. Now back to what I was saying, what flavor do you like?" Harry asked handing Wolf the big flask and shot glass.
"Chocolate." Wolf said looking at the glowing flask.
"Right. I want you to drink three of these a day. As well. Like the flask this is a weeks supply. I'll give you another set in a week." Harry said making a case of potions. "Each one of these has all the protein and vitamins of big meal. I want you to eat a high protein diet on top of these. Eat as much as you can at every meal. The more you eat the better you'll feel. Do you have a place to turn?" Harry asked.
"I have a house, I lock myself in the basement in a cage." Wolf said.
"Well you're coming to our house then, that is no way to turn. Our uncle Remus turns and we ward him off in the woods behind the house you both can run free there for the night. We'll have healing tonics and hot baths ready for you in the morning. It helps." Harry said.
"O-k?" Wolf said looking between Harry and Victor.
"Good, now if you'll excuse me I have to get to the library. I need to help my partner build a tracking compass to find the other horcruxes. I can find my way I think." Harry said.
"Actually Harry, you need a DoM shield or the round connecting room won't work. Here take mine. I'll meet you in the library in a bit." Victor said tossing Harry his gold shield. Harry caught it without looking, clipped it to his belt, and started walking out of the room.
"That kid's something else." Wolf said.
"You're looking at the future of the department." Victor said.
Harry smiled as he walked out of the room and down the hall. He made his way to the Library and found a round room about a hundred foot across and a hundred foot tall. The outside circle was floor to ceiling book shelves. The middle was full of tables and desks. He spotted Hermione Neville and Algie sitting at one of the tables. They were talking animatedly and making hand gestures but no sound was heard. Harry walked closer and when he was five feet from the table he broke through the silencing buble.
"But it doesn't work like that!" Algies said.
"No but it can. Just because it wasn't made for it doesn't mean it can't work. Power stones were made for wards, that doesn't mean that they can't be used to power everything else. It's a runes set carved into stone. This spell was made to detect dark magic. This is it's rune set. If you mix it with this set to power the compass it will work." She said holding up a big book.
"What's going on?" Harry asked with a smile.
"Your girlfriend is breaking the laws of magic!" Algie said.
"So what!" Hermione said with a shrug.
Harry looked at Neville who was laughing but no sound was coming out. Harry waved at him and dropped the silencing charm. Neville laughed so hard he was having trouble breathing.
You good Nev?" Harry asked with a smirk.
"Yeah, just fine. This was fun. It's always fun to see adults try to tell Hermione she can't do something." Neville said.
"Okay. Hermione, don't mess with the boss. Boss let her work. This is what you hired us for. Speaking of hiring us we need these if we're going to come here to work and move through the halls." Harry said taking Victor's gold shield off his belt.
"RIght. You also need to fill out paperwork and we have to set up payroll and you need offices and lab spaces." Algie said.
"Let's deal with the these first, you can pay us later. We don't need offices at the moment because we are going to continue with school for the next three years. On our turned days we'll work from home and only come here for books or to use the lab. Even though we are officially Unspeakables we still need our NEWTs to hold our seats on the wizengamot. Also we want to stay close to the school for a few years to keep an eye on the old man. Gold shields would help if we have to threaten him again which, if my thoughts are correct then he knew about the soul piece in my head and he set me up. So me and him are going to have some words soon. I think right after we collect some more horcruxes. Why don't you gather up the paperwork you need us to fill out and get two gold shields and met us back here. By the time you get back we'll have this horcrux detector working. Also the things we come up with that are safe for public consumption will be given to the public. If it's a potion we will file a patent on the formula and let anyone use it. If it's something like the wands we will contract someone to sell them for us. We are not greedy. We want to help people. We're working on a cure for werewolves. If we crack it we will patent it and give it to the world. If other Unspeakables help us we will give them full credit if they would like. But we work for everyone. Not just this department." Harry said locking eyes with Algernon to make sure they were on the same page. Harry decided he was going to do as much good as he could and if they had to be on their own to do it they would walk away. It would suck because this was their dream job but they would walk.
"What do you think we do here? Hide potential life saving magics from the world? It's our policy to make sure good things get out. Where do you think the spells and potion in textbook come from? We only keep things locked up down here if they pose a real threat to the world. Even then we regulate the usage and restrict access without a licence or documentation like time turners. We control those because they are dangerous. Relax Harry, you guys are working for the good guys." Algie said with a reassuring smile.
"Right, sorry about that." Harry said looking embarrassed about laying into his new boss for no reason.
"It's fine Harry. You didn't know. I fully understand your concerns. I'm happy to hear you say that you want to help people. That's what we do." Algie said walking away.
"Now that you're done telling off our boss can we get back to work?" Hermione asked looking at Harry.
"Yes." Harry said coming to sit next to her at the table.
"Good I need you to read these two passages and study this rune string I made." She said handing him the two books.
Twenty minutes later when Algernon came back into the library with the stack of forms he found a crowd of ten unspeakables around the table where the kids were working. He pushed his way through and saw Harry holding a three foot long arrow with a thick shaft made of gold.
"You made it just in time to see if it works." Harry said flipping open a door in the shaft of the arrow and placing the glowing cylinder inside the arrow. He closed the door and the arrow glowed and floated in the air in front of him. He waved his hands and encased the arrow in a big glass ball. With another wave the ball shrank to the size of a snow globe and held it. The arrow spun around and pointed at Harry's head and glowed bright white. Harry smiled and tapped the ball with his finger the glowed died down and the arrow spun around a few times before it slowed to a stop pointing north west.
"I can't believe it works." Victor said from his place by the table.
"Half of what we do is mix magics to make them work together with each other." Hermione said with a triumphant smirk.
"What's the other half?" Victor asked.
"Finding old magics and tweaking them. Now let's get this paperwork out of the way and head home to rest. It's been a long day full of draining magic." Harry said with a yawn as the rest of the unspeakables wandered off to go back to what they were working on.
"Yes and after your done with that arrow I would very much like to study it." Victor said patting Harry on the back as he looked at the ball with wonder.
"Or you can come with us on the hunt. Having a dark arts master with us might save us some hassle in the long run." Harry said looking up to the man that was quickly become a mentor.
"I would love to." Victor said looking excited.
"We also have to get home so we can tell mum we have jobs." Hermione said with a smirk.
"Well Dan said we should get summer jobs like normal kids." Harry said laughing.
"I don't think this was what he meant, but it's your dream job so I don't think he'll mind." Neville said.
"I have the paperwork you need to fill out. I also have your code of conduct book as well as two unspeakable trunks with the basic kit. Not that you two need these things but every new Unspeakable gets one. I understand that you two want to work in Operations. You will need to try out and you will be put on a team. You don't need to do this now but that's the way that side of the department works. Now if I can have you two fill out these forms." He set a file in front of each of them with a few forms. He also set two shrunken trunks the size of matchboxes on the table.
"Sure and after we do this I would like to invite you and Victor to dinner at our house. I'll be making it and we would love to pick your brains about the department. We would like to extend the offer to Maria but I know she's very old and I'm not sure if she eats still." Harry said looking at the two older men.
"She eats more than the two of us combined. She takes something to help with digestion. It's really annoying. The old bat doesn't gain weight." Victor said.
"Then before we leave we should talk to her and Wolf as well. He can get a look at the woods behind the house and meet Remus and Sirius." Harry said as they looked over the paperwork.
"Sounds good to me. I skipped lunch and it's way past quitting time for me. In fact why don't I go round up the dog and the bat to save some time." Victor said looking at his watch.
"You've met Wolf?" Algie asked.
"I did. I gave him a flask of extra strength healing tonic as well as a nutrient booster." Harry said filling out the forms with a gold pen he pulled from his pocket.
"Wolf?" Hermione asked using a matching pen to mow through her forms.
"Head of Operations. His name is Michael Meeks, he's a werewolf. He will make a good second test subject and he is in dire need of healing and care. In many ways he's worse off then Remus." Harry commented as he worked.
"We'll need to run a full battery of tests to get a baseline for his chart but you're right he would make a good test subject." She said also not looking up from her work.
"Test subject?" Algie asked looking at the two.
"For our new wolfsbane potion. We should have it ready for the turning in six days if we dedicate four or five turned days and a few long nights to it. Maria would also be a great help now that I think about it. Either way we want to test the potion on this full moon so we can register it with the potion's department and have a big batch ready for the full moon after that. Ideally we want to get it to as many werewolves as we can as fast as we can. We also want to relax the laws on our furry friends." Hermione said.
"This would also give us access to a huge group of test subjects we can use to find a cure. By looking at a huge sample size of cursed blood we might be able to speed up our work on the cure." Harry said moving on to the last form.
"You two are that close to a cure?" Algie asked looking shocked.
"We could be a lot closer but other things keep getting in our way. Things like Horcruxes and house wards and a dark lord growing out of the back of our teacher's head. It's really slowing our work down. I can not wait for these three years of school to be over so we can cut out the distraction." Hermione said as she shuffled through her paperwork and put them back into her folder.
"True, but life and death situations take precedent over potion experimentation. We really need to check up on Bill and see how he's doing." Harry said handing ALgie his file at the same time Hermione held out her file.
"Well now that the paperwork is out of the way I can formally welcome you both to the Department of Mysteries. We work in the dark to serve the light." Algernon said pulling two small boxes out of his robes and holding them out to the kids. They each took one and Harry opened his to see his gold shield looking back at him. He saw the crossed wands over the open book with the words Department of Mysteries around it. Under that was the word POTTER. Harry felt himself grinning so hard his jaw hurt. He took the gold badge out of the case and clipped it to his belt he looked over and saw Hermione do the same this as a tear rolled down her cheek. They locked eyes and a second later they were hugging each other. A second later and Neville was hugging the both of them. They broke up after a few seconds and straightened themselves out as they looked to Algernon with the mature and looks on their faces again but Algie, Victor, Maria, and Wolf were all standing there with smirks on their faces.
"Don't worry kid, I acted like a fool when I got my shield and I was twenty." Victor said patting Harry on the back. "Now I was promised food?" He added looking expectantly at Harry.
"Right, let's go. Neville, can you head back to your house to see if Bill and your family is still there? We'll head to the house." Harry said said leading them back to the round room where he held out a gold key marked home.
"Sure Harry I'll meet you at the house." Neville said pulling out his own portkey and vanishing.
The group landed in the back yard and found all the kids and most of the adults sitting at the bar in the garage or playing pool or darts. Remus was playing pool with Caitlyn Perks but when they landed he stopped and looked at the group. He vaulted over the table and ran up to Harry. He got between the kids and the Unspeakables with his wand out before he could even stop to think.
"Remus, the healing tonic is working well I see. Reflexes and energy levels are way up and your wolf senses are in top form." Harry said patting his uncle on the back as Sirius walked over with his wand out.
"Harry?" Remus asked.
"It's fine uncle Moony. This is our boss and head Unspeakable Algernon Croaker and these are our colleagues Victor Hoffman, Maria Rios, and Michael Meekes. Fellow grey robes these are our uncles Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black." Harry said defusing the situation.
"Colleagues?" Sirius asked shaking hands.
"Yes. can you handle the introductions for us? We have a lot to talk about with Dan and Emma." Harry said touching his gold shield on his belt.
"Sure Harry." Sirius said with a big smile as he saw the gold shield on his belt. "I'm proud of you two." He added patting them on the back as they walked into the garage.
Dan was behind the bar serving drinks and Emma was talking to Aurora and Andy. when the kids walked in they saw the look of fear and excitement in their eyes and they both rushed up to the kids. Harry lead them up to the loft so they could talk and cast a few wards and charms to make sure it was a private conversation. As he worked they saw the gold shields on the kids belt's. When he was done he sat next to Emma so Hermione could sit between her parents.
"Well, you know how you said we should get summer jobs next year? We kind of jumped the gun on that. On the upside it will mean we have a whole team of experts to help us." Harry said with a smile.
"You two are Unspeakables? How? I thought you had to be adults to join." Emma asked.
"You do, Neville Needs his NEWTs but we both have Orders of Merlin. It's a loophole we can use to get in now without having to wait. I think we should start from the beginning. We met with Neville's great Uncle…" for the next half hour Harry and Hermione told Dan and Emma a short version of what happened that day. When Harry said he had a dark soul piece in his head Emma latched onto him so tight he had trouble breathing. He said they would collect all the other pieces and then the team would come up with a solution to his issue. They had to answer a few questions but for the most part The grangers were happy for the two of them. They came down and were greeted with a congratulations banner over the bar and the rest of the group waiting for them at the base of the steps.
"Speech!" Neville called out making Harry laugh.
"What's there to say? We got jobs. Dream jobs, but jobs none the less. Now lets eat!" Harry said as the group cheered.
Everyone sat at the huge outdoor table after Harry extended it yet again. He then made plates for everyone and walked around the table checking up on everyone. For the most part the new group blended in with the old group just fine and each one found someone to talk to over dinner. After they ate Harry pulled remus and Wolf aside and talked to them about the turning in a week and the new wolfsbane. Hermione talked to Maria about the arrow and Victor talked to Bill about what tried to kill him. Algie sat with Dan and Emma and answered all of their questions with a smile and understanding tone. Harry and Hermione got together that night and watched as everyone mingled and talked. He pulled the gold shield off his belt and looked at it.
"It makes you feel warm inside right?" She asked looking at the gold shield in his hand.
"I almost feel like we cheated to get here so fast but with all the life and death situations we've been facing lately I'm happy we have professional help." He said.
"True, still, it's crazy we have jobs at the DoM." She added with a smirk.
"We have jobs but now we have to work our ass off to keep them. We need to prove our worth to the whole department. We'll start with the horcrux hunt and the wolfsbane. And after that we'll see what we can help them with. We also need to have a chat with the old man. He knew I had a soul piece in my head and he knew I had to die to get it out. He's been setting my ass up to die this whole time. I truly am contemplating tossing him out his tower window. If I find out he's keeping anything else to himself I'm liable to kill the old fool." Harry said.
"We'll have Amelia and Algernon at the meeting. We'll set it up for next week." She said patting him on the arm.