AN!: This is the Sequel to Jr. Agent Richard Castle FBI. Which is the sequel to Of Officers and Agents. If you haven't read those stories then you're going to be very lost. This story takes place right after those two stories and it has a bunch of OCs. this is also a Castle/ Jordan Shaw story. If you're a Hard core Caskett shipper this might not be the story for you.

The Mayor's Ball

Jordan looked across the table at her uncle who sat bookended by two OPR agents she didn't know. She looked at her side of the table. She was on the end. Peter was next to her. To his left was Diana. Sitting next to her was Jones, and at the end was Kate Beckett. Her uncle started the tape recorder. "This OPR hearing is in regards to the incident that occurred two days ago on December 20, 2012. The incident in question is the robbing of the first national bank of New York by Confidential Informant Neal Caffrey, and Jr. Agent Richard Castle." Sam said.

Jordan shook her head and sighed, Rick just had to play Super Agent. She thought.

"This incident resulted in the deaths of two of the three Macready brothers, as well as the capture of their three other crew members. This ended their month long bank robbery spree. This meeting is to cover not only this incident but also a number of other incidents spanning the six months since Jr. Agent Castle began working for the FBI. Our findings and your testimony will result in not just a title change for a number of agents but also in the way we handle things from here out. Special Agent Shaw, as Head of his department, where do you think we should begin?" Rooker asked.

"I Think we should start with July 20, 2012. The Mayor's Ball." Jordan said pulling out the case file from her box labeled Castel. Most Jr. Agents had a small file. The good ones hand a big file. Jr. agents headed for great things in the FBI had a few files. Castle needed three boxes. She didn't think she could be more proud of him.

. . .

Rick sat up in his hospital bed, and groaned through the pain. "Remind me why I can't take any pain meds?" Rick asked his favorite Doctor.

"Because we have to see if the stitches are going to hold up to you walking around, and if you're all hopped up on pain meds you won't bleed through your bandages." Dr. Sterling said smiling.

"And bleeding through my bandages is good?" Rick asked as he stood up straight for the first time since getting shot four days ago. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

"How else are we going to see which stitch you popped?" The doctor asked.

"Well how are we doing so far?" Rick asked through clenched teeth as the doctor prodded and poked his stitches.

"Better then most, usually I tell patients to skip the pain meds and stand up, and I get a string of curse words and a look like I'm crazy." The doctor said looking at his three small wounds.

"Yes well, I have to get out of this place today." Rick said in a choked wheeze as the doctor pressed hard on his stitches to see if they could handle the stress of daily walking around.

"Something important happening today?" The doc asked reapplying some gauze.

"I'm being awarded all four service medals today at noon, it's the first time someone has ever gotten all of them at once. Then I'm driving out to my summer house to attend the Mayor's ball tonight, in a little under twelve hours." Rick said breathing through the fading pain.

"Well congratulations on winning the medals and on making a really good recovery. You're healing nicely, your stitches are holding up very well and your wounds are nice and pink." The doctor said as Jordan came in holding a garment bag. "Hello Agent Shaw. Rick was just saying he wants to get out today, and shockingly, he can. I'll have a nurse come by with some mild pain meds, and a care package so you can keep changing that dressing." The doctor said rubbing hand sanitizer on his hands and arms.

"Good, I want to get out of here, take a shower and lay on my own bed for an hour or two before we have to go." Rick said sitting back on the bed "Is the press still out there?" He asked Jordan.

"Still out there, they want to see you. Get a good quote from you about the shooting." Jordan said rolling her eyes. "It's not bad enough they had to write about you getting shot but they want you to smile and play up to the cameras."

"You're telling me, I had to talk to the girls for over an hour to get them to calm down. I'm just glad they don't know about the other shooting. I don't like lying to them, I really don't like the lie coming out in the press." Rick muttered as he shifted around to get comfortable.

"How's the pain?" She asked.

"Not too bad. I don't think I can drive today and as much as I'd like to dance with you tonight, I might be sitting a lot." Rick said.

"I don't care, as long as I get to sit with you tonight. As long as I get to hold you tonight, and sleep next to you and maybe, fool around a little bit." She said smiling.

"You have no idea how much I want that. The girls have been gone for a week and we haven't been together at all." He said holding her hand.

"It's your fault Super Agent. I spent most of the week in our big ass bed, alone." She said hugging his shoulder.

"Our bed, dose that mean you're agreeing to move in with me so you don't have to go back to your crappy apartment?" He asked smiling.

"No, I'm moving in with you because I love you, fool." She said lovingly before smiling. "And I may have seen a rat when I went back on Thursday." She said trying not to laugh.

"So I'm just a convent living arrangement? A nice place to come home to?" He asked touching her face.

"A nice person to come home to more like it." She said kissing him.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The nurse said coming in with a stack of boxes.

"You are, go away. I'm trying to get lucky." Rick said smiling.

"Well, If you give me a few minutes of your time Agent Castle you can get out of here and then you can do whatever you like." She said setting the boxes on the bed side table.

"Right, you have my attention." He said sitting up.

"Good, take this." She said handing him a little cup with two pills. "This will help with the pain but not put you down, as you requested."

"Good, I want to be able to go back to work next week." He said.

"For light duty. No gunfights, car chases, and no practical testing allowed. Bosses orders." Jordan said.

"You're not my boss." He said smiling.

"No, Ken is, and he's the one that said it, not me. For the next two weeks you're going to take it slow." She said turning back to the nurse. "What else do we need?" She asked.

"I just have to show you how to dress his wounds and you guys can go." she said smiling at the two of them.

A half hour later Rick and Jordan came out of the hospital and were met by a big group of reporters that all started shouting questions at him. Rick let go of Jordan's hand so she could get her car. Rick held up his hands for quite.

"I'll make one brief statement and then I have to go. As most of you know I have an award presentation to get to in a few hours and I'd like to take a real shower." He said with his trademark charming smile. Which set the group off laughing.

"Now, the reason I was in the hospital is because I was a part of a team of agent that executed a "arrest on sight warrant" on Vincent Adler Tuesday morning. Adler had five armed guards that fired on the team of FBI agents. Because I have the luck of a black cat walking over a broken mirror I was the only one hurt. I sustained two gun shots to the vest and a third shot grazed my right arm. For most of you this is information you already have. But I think there's something you all forgot to add to your stories. I was one of seven agents that entered that house, and I was not the only one to get shot at. I know you guys like writing about me because of my old job, but you all seem to forget that I'm not a writer anymore. I'm not famous, I'm not anything other then one of the countless FBI agents that go to work everyday. Because you guys splash my picture on the front page of your newspapers all the time I can't do undercover work. I would really appreciate it if you would not follow me around or take photos of me. You might end up getting a photo of an agent undercover and get that agent killed. Think about that before you camp out front of my hospital room, or my house. Your photo of me could get someone killed. Unless I call a press conference don't report on me. I'm asking you nicely. If you don't honor my request I will arrest anyone trying to take my picture. It's a crime to take photos of Law Enforcement Officers. I've always been good to you guys in the past. Now I'm asking you to do the same. I'm not going to cut you guys off all together, if I have something worth reporting on I'll call you. See you guys in a few hours." Rick said smiling as he got into Jordan's car.

"So, do you think they'll respect your wishes?" Jordan asked as she drove back to the apartment.

"They better or they'll end up in jail. I'm not kidding, and to prove it I'm going to arrest the first paparazzi that takes my picture, and if they get the charges dropped I'll sue them and the publication they work for. This isn't a joke. When I own the Ledger after my team of lawyers bankrupts the paper then they'll see how much I'm not joking. Neal is playing in the Saturday night game in a room full of very bad guys every two weeks. He came to the hospital twice before they showed up and he was coming over Thursday until I called him. One curious reporter puts two and two together and Neal ends up in the Hudson." Rick said.

"You always have to find the very worst case sanario don't you? But you're right. Me and you can end up on the front page but anyone else does and it could be bad." She said as they made their way through the traffic heading back to his place.

"I don't want to take credit for things I didn't do but if it keeps the heat off the teams I'll get up in front of the press and smile like a fool. Speaking of the teams how did they do on the tests Wednesday. They would have got the scores back by now." Rick asked smiling.

"Your Jr. agents are making huge leaps. All of them scored very high with Melissa making the biggest leap. She scored an 85. In fact all of them scored at least an 75. That's passing. You should be very proud Rick." She said smiling.

"Good. Will called me yesterday and said he and Mike were shadowing Espo and Ryan on a crime scene. A nasty case of lovers rage. Mike even spotted a possible murder weapon." Rick said.

"I know, I let them go yesterday. They've been bugging me for case work. You passed on the case bug to them. And Peter has been keeping Melissa and her team busy upstairs all week. They caught a case. One of Neal's old friends. I'm surprised Peter didn't call you two days ago to tell you about it." She said as they pulled up to the front of his building.

"Must have slipped his mind. What did Neal do?" Rick asked as he leaned on his cane next to her. Nothing was wrong with his legs but he was unsteady on his feet thanks to the pain and the meds.

"He flipped on him the second he spotted his work on the conference room screen. Then he roped Mizzie into helping to bring the guy in. I'm sure he'll tell you all about it. I've never seen Peter so happy." Jordan said as she opened the door to the apartment with his keys. "You're probably going to need these back." She said jingling his keys before tossing them on the table by the door.

"We need to make you and Kelly a copy." He said.

"Already taken care of. I put an order in with the building manager for two keys. Until then the door men can let us in if we come home alone." She said leading him up the stairs.

"Well move right in why don't you." Rick said poking her in the side and making her jump.

"Oh shut up, like you haven't been trying to talk me into moving in for the last four days." She said mildly defensive. There relationship was moving fast and she hoped she didn't overstep her bounds.

"Relax hot stuff. I was just kidding. But I am mildly shocked I don't see boxes. At the first sign of rats I know you would have packed up the good stuff and brought it over." He said smirking.

"You think you know me sooo well Mr. smart guy." She said helping him pull off his shirt as they made their way to the master bathroom and his big shower.

"Your telling me all your stuff is still at your place?" Rick asked as he watched her pull off her shirt and drop her jeans.

"No, all the boxes are in the guest room." She said dropping her bra and walking into the bathroom as he stood there staring.

"Ah Ha! So I was right!" He said to an empty bedroom.

"Well smart guy, are you coming?" She called from the bathroom.

"Your damn right I am." He said trying to drop his jeans and walk at the same time. He tripped landed on the bed and bounced back into a standing position with his pants off. "Holly crap!" he said shaking his head.

"I'm waiting! You okay out there? I'm starting to rethink this sexy come hither routine." She asked from the doorway.

"You kidding? Chasing you is half the fun." He said grabbing her around the waist and pulling her into the shower.

An hour later Jordan curled up next to Rick on the bed. "I've missed you." She said kissing his shoulder.

"Your telling me. You think laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed was fun? Especially when I know this was waiting at home." He said tracing his fingers up her back.

"Well we have plenty of time to catch up, but right now we have to get dressed you have the honor of being called super agent by Tim. I'm sure he's going to love it." She said hopping up off the bed.

"I love watching you." He said as she pulled two suits from the closet. A black suit for him and a gray one for her.

"You like staring at my body. Not that I'm complaining." She said smiling.

"No it's not that, well not totally that. You move with the grace of a predator. All lean muscle under taut flesh. It's sexy." He said rolling out of bed.

"You might not be writing books anymore but you still know how to spin a line agent Castle." She said walking over to him. As she got near she saw red on his side. "Oh God Rick! You're bleeding." She said checking his side.

"I'm sure it's fine." He said.

"No, you're bleeding. You must have ripped something when we…"

"When you were ravaging my sexy body. It happens. Slap a bandage on it. It'll be fine." He said pulling her up to kiss her.

"It's not fine. You're hurt, and we need to take better care of you. I knew pushing things this fast as soon as you got out of the hospital was a mistake. We should have…"

"We should have gone again. You need to stop worrying about me. You've done enough of that. God knows I've been the worst since we've been together. I've gone from one hospital stay to the next without any time for us. I'm sorry about that. Now let's slap a bandage on and get this awards thing over with. Then we can came back here and wait for the other couples." He said.

"It's just, I, you're hurt and I need to look after you. That's what being with someone is. It's looking after each other. Your hurt. I look after you. When I'm hurt you can look after me. But right now we need to see if I ripped your stitches." She said.

"Okay, but you can't treat me like I'm made of glass. These last three weeks aside. I'm used to taking care of… you know, other people, this feeling of being weak. Of relying on you. On everyone, really sucks. I've been biting my tongue, but I hate feeling weak. Playing the supporter for the last three years has made me feel strong. Confident even and with you. I feel weak. You're so strong Jordan. Strong and confident, and powerful. You don't need me, hell you don't need anyone. So when you take care of me, it makes me try harder to prove myself. This last week was me trying to prove myself. To the higher ups at the office. To myself. But mostly to you. And I know it's stupid. But some times I need to feel tough and strong too. Even if I'm bleeding and hurt. Even if I'm limping and stuck on light duty at work. So bandage me up lady and lets go. The faster we do this the more time I get to sit on the couch and hold my woman." He said smiling.

"Rick, I had no idea, I mean I get it. I guess I'm just used to having to be the strong one." She said kissing him.

"No, I get it too. But it's good we can talk about it." He said as she pulled the kit from her bag and stuck the big adhesive bandage to his side.

"So am I, now lets get moving." She said smacking him on the ass but she also kissed him.

The awards presentation was about as boring as one could imagine. Rick, Jordan, and Ken stood next to Tim on a small stage in front of the FBI Office building. Tim gave a little speech about how honored he was to have Rick as an agent. It was funny how a week could change his tune. But Rick stood tall and proud when Tim draped the four medals over his head. His speech, a slight variation of the one he gave to the press earlier, was given again and the gathered press got the message this time. His days as a celebrity were over. When the presentation was over they all walked back into the lobby and Tim beat a hasty retreat.

Rick looked at his medals and smiled. Ken patted him on the shoulder.

"I've done the job a long time Rick, and I've won all of those before. We always say it's an honor to serve. To just do the job. But the medals add something to it. Not the trinkets themselves. Sure those are nice. And the small pins they give you to put on your lapel add a little bit more status to your suits. But the glow of getting them, that stays with you for a while. I can't tell you if it will last your whole career as an agent, but for a few years. You'll get up in the morning, and add the pins to your jacket, and feel like a fucking hero. Always keep that feeling kid. That feeling helps you get through the tough cases and the long nights at the office. I'm proud of you Rick. In one week you've proven yourself to everyone. Now keep it up. But, try not to get shot again." He said laughing.

"I will Ken. Thanks for taking me on as your Jr. Agent." Rick said.

"You kidding? It's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Right up there with training Jordan and handing over the department a few years back. Now rest up kid we have work to do." Ken said patting Rick on the back and hugging Jordan before he walked away.

"I really like that man. He's like Yoda. Wise and calm." Rick said as they walked out to her car.

"Sure, you get Yoda. Back when I was a Jr. he was like Darth Vader." She said.

"Nice Star Wars pull. When are the others meeting us?" He asked as they headed back to the apartment.

"Soon, around one." She said looking at the clock on her dash. It was half past noon.

"We should stop at Caries and pick up some pastries. We don't have much at the house."

A half hour later and Neal and Sara were the first ones to arrive. "I caught the press conference Rick. You were taking about me weren't you?" Neal asked.

"The undercover agent line? You're damn right I was. The last thing you need is your picture in the paper. You're job is undercover work." Rick said shaking his hand and hugging Sara.

"Thanks Rick. I didn't even think about that until you called me yesterday." Neal said.

"That's his thing. He's a walking black cloud." Jordan said offering them coffee and pastries.

"I got the car. It's downstairs right now, you want to see it?" Neal asked waving a silver Z key chain around.

"You're damn right I do." Rick said following Neal to the door. In the hall they saw Peter and Elizabeth. "Were going to see Neal's car." He said to Peter causing the other man to turn around and follow them back into the elevator.

"Boys." Elle said rolling her eyes as she walked into the apartment.

"Neal has been obsessed with that car since he picked it up." Sara said smiling.

"I'm not saying a word, when I first got my car I did the same thing." Jordan said around her mouth full of cheese Danish.

"Are those from Carrie's?" Elle asked spotting the pink boxes.

"Yes." Jordan said going to answer the door for Diana and Christie.

"Sorry we're late. Someone didn't pack until this morning." Diana said looking at her embarrassed girlfriend.

"I just came off a 36 hour shift." Christie said pouting.

"That's okay you two, the boys are all outside looking at Neal's new car." Jordan said letting them in.

"Don't let her off the hook that easy or she'll be doing it forever." Diana said.

"So you're trying to shame her into packing in advance?" Elle asked laughing.

"It worked with her leaving her bras all over the house." Diana said.

"No you just didn't say that! It's been like forever since I did that." Christie said.

"See it worked." Diana said getting a cup of coffee.

"You two are adorable." Jordan said laughing.

Rick, Neal, and Peter came back laughing ten minutes later. "I see everyone is here. Good, let's pack up the rest of the pastries and hit the road. The faster we get to the house the faster you ladies can start getting ready." Rick said grabbing his Ferreira key off the hook and tossing it to Peter. "You're driving my 458. Have fun." Rick said laughing at Peter's shocked face.

"I can't, what if I scratch it, or break it, or crash it?" Peter asked.

"It's fully insured and I know a guy that can get me another one for a fraction of the list price, now let's get moving." Rick said laughing.

The road trip out to the Hamptons was fun, with Jordan driving Rick's black Camaro at the front of the pack setting a fast pace. They made it out to Rick's house in record time and Rick helped them find rooms. He put Neal and Sara on the first floor to help control the awkward noises that might happen over the weekend.

After they all picked rooms there was a knock at the door and an army of stylist were standing out front. "Surprise Ladies. Professional hair and makeup artists. One for each of you. Have fun, the guys will be out back. I want to show you my dream car." Rick said smiling.

"This is awesome Rick!" Elle said.

"Champagne is in the chiller next to the wine rack. The party starts at nine, and we're right down the street so take your time." Rick said leading the men out the back door.

At nine Rick lead the pack of cars in his 458, most of the cars were his that he lent out so they could arrive in style. Peter was in his Cobra and Diana was driving his DB4. Neal took his own car. They all blended in with the rich and famous attending the party and they were all shocked when the Mayor greeted Rick like an old friend.

"Rick! So good you could make it. How's the ribs?" Mayor Mike Baylor asked pulling Rick into a loose hug.

"And miss your charity ball? I haven't miss this thing in eight years. You know how I love the cause." Rick said pulling back.

"Well your signed copy of the Niki Heat manuscript will hopefully pull in some nice bids. I'm hoping we can go for a record this year." Baylor said.

"Mike I'd like you to meet my lovely lady Special Agent Jordan Shaw." Rick said pulling Jordan over.

"The Fed that captured Rick's heart." Mike said shaking Jordan's hand.

"It's an honor to meet you Mayor Baylor." Jordan said calmly with the grace and poise of royalty.

"The honor is all mine Agent Shaw." Mike said.

"And this is the rest of my table. Meet Agent Peter Burk, and his wife Elizabeth." Rick said guiding the mayor around the group.

"Honor to meet you." Peter said

"Thank you for coming. I believe you donated a piece of art for the auction tonight Mrs. Burk. Thank you for supporting the cause." Mike said shaking their hands.

"Trying to get kids off the street and into good homes is something I can get behind." Elle said.

"And this is Agent Diana Baring and her girlfriend Dr. Christie Smith." Rick said keeping things moving.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"And last but certainly not least. Neal Caffrey and Sara Elles. Neal works as a consultant for the FBI and Sara here works for Sterling Bosh." Rick said completing the introductions.

"Nice to meet you. I hope you all have a good time this evening and thank you for coming." Baylor said shaking hands before moving on to his other guests.

"That was crazy. I just shook the Mayor's hand." Neal said.

"Mike is a good guy. We met at the club about six years back. We share a barber, and one day we were both early for our appointments and talked as we waited for Tony to finish. As I say that out loud I can hear how one percent that sounds." Rick said laughing.

"At least you know it's super hoity-toity." Peter said laughing.

"Shut up." Rick said smirking. Which set them all off.

The night was going great. Rick even got a chance to dance with all the ladies before getting too winded to keep up.

"You have to pace yourself Rick." Jordan said as he leaned into his cane walking off the dance floor.

"I was just having some fun. I'm fine. I just need some fresh air. Don't let me slow you down. Elle and Sara are calling you over to the auction table. Go see what they want and put my name down on anything good. Make sure you bid high. I have a reputation at this event for taking home the best stuff. If there's a nice trip get it for mother. It covers her birthday present." Rick said smiling as he turned towards the open French doors that lead to the back garden.

When he passed the kitchen to the left of the back doors he thought he saw two of the waiters arguing. He was about to see what was going on when he saw two more waiters acting suspicious. Thinking he was being paranoid he put it out of his mind and went out side. The huge back yard was set up like French gardens with different levels and perfectly sculpted bushes and flower beds. He took a deep breath leaned against a short marble wall. A waitress walked over with a tray full of champagne glasses.

"Would you like a refill?" She asked with a flirty smile.

"No thank you, I'm taking pain meds and they don't mix well with alcohol." Rick said with his charming smile.

"Sorry to hear that." She said making her way back into the party.

Rick was about to follow her when he saw the two waiters come out the kitchen door and walk around the side of the house. Talking about something in rapid Spanish and acting suspicious. He got that gut feeling that something was not right and he was about to head after them when Neal and Sara come out to look for him.

"Jordan's looking for you." Neal said.

"Neal, if you were going to hit this party what would you take?" Rick asked looking confused.

"What's going on?" Neal asked.

"The wait staff have no idea what's going on with the food. They keep looking at each other, and checking the time. Which I thought was just so they could keep to a schedule of rotating floor waiters but now I'm starting to have my doubts. Now if you were working tonight what would you take?" Rick asked leaning on his cane more.

"Right." Neal said looking serious all of a sudden. "Security is too good inside the house for a hold up. The Mayor doesn't strike me as a secret art collector so that's out too. Really the only thing here that's worth stealing is the cars… Shit!" Neal said running to the side of the house and hugging the wall. He peaked around and nodded before running back. "They have a big car carrier parked behind those trees and they are loading the cars as they pull up. It looks like they have most of the cars on the truck. They also have a few cars off to the side. Your 458 is one of them." Neal said in a rush.

"Okay." Rick said calmly as he pulled his Sig 229 out of his back and his Beretta 85 out of his leg holster. "Sara, can you go get Jordan and Peter. Tell them what's going on. Tell them to alert the security guards, but keep calm. There are still a bunch of those fake waiters in there. The last thing we want is a shoot out in the house with all the guests in the crossfire. Neal, how many guys are working the cars?" Rick asked handing him the Beretta.

"Four." Neal said taking the gun.

"There are four inside. Tell Jordan they have three minutes to get those four guys covered." Rick said to Sara.

"Rick are you sure it's a good idea for you to do something?" Sara asked.

"I'll be fine. Push comes to shove, I'll hide behind some bushes until backup can get there. It's the same place Neal will be. I'll just follow his lead." Rick said smirking.

"Funny. Don't get killed you two." Sara said kissing Neal. She then turned back to the party.

"How do you want to play this?" Neal asked.

"Real nice and calm." Rick said picking up an empty rocks glass someone left on the garden wall and tucked his Sig in his jacket pocket. "In a minute we're going to walk around that corner like drunk party guests out for a stroll to cool off. As we get closer, if they turn on us we get behind cover and announce ourselves as Feds. If they pay no attention to us and we can get close to them then I'll drop a few of them with my cane and then we announce ourselves. With two of them down and guns pointed at them they should come quietly." Rick said.

"Right." Neal said palming the gun in his hand.

"Come on." Rick said leading Neal around the corner.

He saw four men in red velvet jackets running back and forth between the parking area and a side drive hidden by tall trees. Rick paced their walk to intersect two of the runners. As they approached, the two men turned to look at them. Rick smiled at the two, and raised his empty glass. They nodded back and turned away. That's when Rick struck. Hurling the glass he clocked one of the two in the head hard enough to drop him. His friend turned around in time to catch the but of Rick's cane to his face.

"FBI! Come out with your hands up!" Rick called out bringing his gun up aimed at the guy coming from the lot. Neal brought his gun up on the guy by the truck. Neal's guy put his hands up and stepped away from the truck, but Rick's guy took one look at the cane, smirked, and took off running into the mostly empty parking lot.

"Cover my guy! I got him!" Neal called out as he took off after the runner.

"Neal wait!" Rick called out but Neal was gone. Peter came running around the house from the back a few seconds later.

"Where did Neal go?" Peter asked

"Around the front…" Rick started to say but stopped when Neal's 240Z came screeching up.

"Get in! He took a BMW Z4!" Neal yelled.

"GO! I got this guy." Peter said.

Rick got in and Neal sped off down the drive and out to the main road.

"Take this next right up here, it leads to a big street and to the main road that lead to the highway. If he's running that's where he's going." Rick said as Neal followed he instructions.

"That's him up ahead." Neal said pointing to the white car down the road ahead of them.

"Pull up along side of him." Rick said pulling out his phone and called Jordan.

"Jordan we're on First Street in pursuit of a suspect in stolen BMW Z4." Rick said.

"Right. No heroics you two. We're sending two patrol cars out to you." She said.

"Stay on the line." Rick said rolling down his window as they pulled next to the Z4. "Pull over!" Rick called out pointing his gun at the guy.

"Fuck you." The guy said.

"Neal pull in front of this guy." Rick said taking the seat belt and wrapping it around his left arm. When Neal pulled ahead of the Z4 Rick slipped out the window and sat on the door.


When he didn't stop Rick took steady aim and put six rounds into the front grill. In seconds steam started pouring out of the car. The guy slowed down and as the car came to a stop the guy jumped out and tried to run into the woods on the side of the road. Rick shot the tree next to him and he stopped.

"I see I finally have your attention. You are under arrest for multiple counts of grand theft auto, evading arrest, and making us chase you." Rick said.

"I don't think that last one is a real thing Rick." Neal said pulling his gun and training it on the guy as well.

"It should be. I should be able to shoot this guy for making us leave the party and causing a big stink." Rick said as two cop cars pulled up lead by Jordan and Sara in a sliver Mercedes SLR.

"Nice car ladies." Rick said putting his gun away as the cops arrested the perp.

"You just had to shoot something didn't you?" Jordan asked walking up to Rick.

"The guy wouldn't pull over. It was either shoot the radiator or try to knock him off the road and I doubt Neal would hurt his new car like that. I doubt he even realized how close he was to smashing it." Rick said laughing.

"Oh God. My car." Neal said as it dawned on him that he took his new car on a high speed chase.

"That's why we drive cars we don't mind totaling at work." Rick said patting Neal on the back.

"I'm just glad you two are okay." Sara said shaking her head.

"Were fine. Rick did most of the heavy lifting." Neal said.

"It was a team effort." Rick said.

"Is this how it's always going to be with you two?" Jordan asked.

"She says that like it a bad thing. We stopped a car theft crew on our day off! This was great." Rick said smiling.

"Rick, shut up and take me back to the party. If you have strength enough to fight and shoot at bad guys you have strength enough to dance with me some more." Jordan said dragging Rick over the SLR. "Follow us back Neal."

"Where did you get the car?" Rick asked slipping into the passenger seat.

"It was the next car they were going to take. The keys were in it when we ran outside. So we took it." Jordan said smirking.

"I love being an agent." Rick said laughing.

"Well, love it just a little bit less. Let's try to spend the rest of the weekend not shooting at people." She said taking his hand.

"It's not my fault they were robbing the party. I didn't set it up." Rick said defensively.

"I know, but the next time something like this goes down talk to me first. You don't always have to be the hero Rick. You can let the local cops do their job. Tonight you were a guest at a party first and a Fed second. You could have pointed out your observation to a cop working the party, and let them take care of it." She said.

"I didn't even think about that." Rick said looking contemplative and remorseful.

"Hey, knock that look off. You can't question a good bust like this. If you do then you'll start questioning everything and it will get you killed. You did good tonight. You just didn't have to. If two guys walk into a corner store with guns then you take care of them. If you are surrounded by cops working security then let them do their job." She said smiling at him.

"I'll remember that. I'm just so used to being in bad situations with Beckett, and being unarmed that now I feel like I should be doing more. I have a gun and a badge now." Rick said.

"It's called Rooky Guilt. You think because you carry a title and gun you have to do everything you can to earn it and keep earning it. You don't have to earn it Rick. You already have. More then have if you ask me. Mr. Four times medal winner. At a certain point you can actually start pissing people off because they think you're a show off. I know you're not but not everyone does." She said softly.

"I didn't think about that either." He said shaking his head.

"You're not supposed to. We get fresh Jr. Agents once a year. By the end of the year two thirds of them are gone. Of the one third that has what it takes to be a full agent one or two of them are what we call Hovers. They come out of Quantico hard and fast and dieing to make their mark. They end up failing hard most of the time until they get this little talk. You're different. You have a great head on your shoulders, and years of experience. Instead of failing hard you are seceding and that can be just as bad if you don't slow down. Your first loss will feel ten times worse if you fall from a greater height." She said as they turned on to the Mayor's street. They could see eight cop cars up ahead.

"You don't have to fail to feel like you lost." Rick said to himself as he rubbed his eyes. During the day she thought the meds he was taking were causing his drowsiness but now she could see the wrung out look in his movements.

"Rick, how have you been sleeping?" She asked softly.

"Good when you're with me." He said smiling. It fell off his face a second later. "But when I was alone in the hospital I couldn't sleep."

"Why didn't you say something earlier?" She asked.

"I was going to talk to Ken about it on Monday." Rick replied looking out the window.

"Why Ken? Why not me?" She asked hurt.

"He's my boss. My mentor. I thought I was supposed to take all my questions and problems to him? Besides, it only happens when I'm alone so it's not your problem." He said looking sorry.

"Well, all of that is true but you can't hold back on me like that. We both work in the same office. I had a marriage were I couldn't talk to my husband about work. It was one of the reasons we pulled apart. I would come home after seeing a horrible triple murder and not be able to sleep and instead of talking about it all he got was 'It's work stuff.' we don't have to hold out like that." She said rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

"I see her eyes. Taffy's. The hooker I got killed. That night when we slept at the office to keep working was the first time I saw her. I saw her on the ground and then she turned to look at me with those dead unblinking eyes and she was judging me. Blaming me for her death. Asking me why she had to die. Telling me that some one smarter would have found the guy before he killed her." Rick said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oh Rick. That's the stuff you have to tell me about. Taffy's death is not on your head." She said trying to comfort him but he pulled away.

"NO, I said we needed a fresh crime scene! I called for it! I domed that girl's life and every others hooker in the city." Rick said looking green.

"NO YOU DIDN'T!" Jordan yelled shocking Rick to his core. "Her death and all the rest of those hookers died because no one else bothered to look deeper. No one made the connections. The truth is Taffy was doomed from the start. Her and Mary and the girl before her and the girl before her, all the way back to the second girl. After two cases, all the rest of the bodies fall on the heads of the local cops! What you have to do is focus on the ten hookers you saved by profiling the killer and stopping him. You had one file! One case! From that case you found more, and from that you found The 9mm John! You find a killer in a stack of files and everyone thought you were wasting time. I thought you were. So did Ken. No JR. Agent has found a killer like you did. Let alone their first week. So the next time Taffy is looking at you and judging you, I want you to look back at her and tell her you're sorry you got that case so late but her death is not on you." Jordan said as she parked in the lot off to the side.

"I, don't know what to say at the moment. But, thank you." He said looking shocked and deep in thought at the same time. It was a funny look but the last thing Jordan wanted to do was laugh at him.

"You're welcome. Now let's go, we have a crowd of reporters and rich people waiting to hear what went on tonight and you have to make your third speech today." She said smiling softly.

"Me? Why Me?" Rick asked snapping out of his deep thoughts.

"You cracked the case. You're solve, your Press conference." Jordan said laughing as she got out of the car. "You coming or what? Super Agent." She toss back at him with a sexy smirk.

"You're having entirely too much fun with this." He said as he limped after her. Now that the car chase was over and his adrenalin was wearing off he was starting to feel the pain in his chest.

He walked over to the assembled crowd of reporters and party guests and smiled as he got closer to the steps. They were arranged at the base of the front stairs and the Mayor's podium was at the top. Mayor Baylor was making a speech and when he saw him he waved him over. The crowd parted and Rick made it to the top and stood next to the Mayor.

"Rick can you tell them what happened?" The Mayor asked looking a bit frazzled.

"Sure Mike, I got this." Rick said patting him on the back before turning to the crowd. "A little over an hour ago, I walked out the back door of the house to get some fresh air. As you know I was shot recently so I'm not drinking and let's face it a party full of rich people is about as exciting as you can imagine, now add to that joy the fact that you can't drink." Rick said landing the joke and getting the crowd to relax. After that he gave a brief accounting of the events as they happened. By the end he made the security staff look good and made the car theft crew look like criminal master minds. Everyone looked good and no one person could be blamed for not suspecting the crew.

After the press conference was over he asked for the owners of the White BMW Z4. An older man and younger woman stepped up. Rick used a lot of his mental skills not to roll his eyes at the two. The words Textbook mid life crisis and Daddy issues popped up in his head. "All of the cars are being returned as we speak, but unfortunately your car was the one taken as the getaway car and it was damaged. This means it's evidence in the case. You have two options in this situation. You can either wait a few months for the damaged car to be returned to you, or I can write you a check for the value of the car and you never have to think about it again." Rick said as Jordan walked over.

"I guess I'll take the check." The man said looking shocked.

One check later and Rick had a handwritten note stating he now owned a 2011 BMW Z4.

"Rick, why did you buy the car?" Jordan asked.

"Alexis I going to start driving soon, and I thought it would be a good idea for her to have a nice little car to learn with. Beside, a two seater sports car means she can't have passengers. Just Kelly. No boys. No distracting group of girls. You get the picture." Rick said smirking.

"Good idea." Jordan said looking thoughtful.

"I get them once in awhile." Rick shot back with a smirk.

"Well come on Mr. Good Idea. Let's get you home. You look dead on your feet." She said leading him over to the group.