Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Zelda franchise. This novelisation is based on the LBW walkthrough at the Youtube channel of user packattack04082.

Important author notes bellow.

Chapter 1

Yet another morning errand.

Smoke. Splinters of fire blazing crimson as they were lost in the black void. No, that was wrong. It did not smell like smoke or ashes, even though there was no other word for it. In fact, it did not smell like anything. An impenetrable blanket had covered all senses but sight.

Above everything stood the omnipotent, golden power of the legend. The Triforce. Scattered into the wind, no trace standing as evidence of its existence. Emptiness took its place, the crimson ashes dancing undisturbed.

Any hope was lost to him. Him? Who was he? Did he have a self? Did any sense of self have place in this void? No; he did have a self. But he felt as if he was a complete stranger.

All senses returned with vengeance. A weight in his arms occurred to him. Somehow, even without looking, he knew it was a sword and a shield. How did he know did not matter. His breathing was ragged. His throat was dry and sore. His feet ached. Several parts of his body were in pain.

Yet somehow he still stood.

Two glowing orbs were high above him. A low rumble, increasing in strength, shook within his bones. This. This was the reason he was still standing. He had to defeat it. This was the task that had been set out to him. It was his quest. His duty. His destiny.

A name came to him. And everything faded in the darkness.

An ominous sound was heard from behind him. A gate closing…

… a door knocking.

With a sigh of frustration at receiving no answer, Gulley opened the door and strolled into Link's house. "Hey, Link!", he yelled as he entered, and his eyes fell on his friend. "Huh. Still sleeping.". Sure enough, Link had decided to sleep in. Again. And still wearing his work clothes from the day before, to boot.

Now very much angry – as much as a boy no older than seven could be, at any rate - Gulley proceeded to wake him in the way he knew best. He carefully walked closer to Link's bed, but making sure he was not anywhere close to it, and took a nice, deep breath.


He was rewarded with a sound between a groan and a "what". Or "who".

Link went through his regular routine of sitting back up and trying to get his bearings from whatever dream it was that he had, but today Gulley would have none of it. "Come on!", he yelled, running close to his side. "How long are you going to sleep, Link? Do I have to wake you up every morning? I have chores to do! I'll be waiting outside, so get up – and let's get going!". And with that Gulley with quick steps left the house, leaving Link still moving on his bed back and forth like a pendulum.

"Papa was really angry.", added Gulley once outside. "He said that you can't be a blacksmith if you don't get up at the crack of dawn!".

Link shook awake at the sound of that. "I'm in trouble!". He got off his bed as quickly as he could, thankful he was already dressed, and rushed to get his pouch, which he hid underneath that decorative, heart-shaped mask on the wall. A mask that was currently staring at him. Link felt himself shooting it a dark, silent glare, and rushed outside.

Gulley was waiting for him impatiently, arms crossed, tapping his foot on the ground and everything. "Papa is steaming mad that you're late again.", said the younger boy as soon as he saw him. Gee, so much for a good morning. "C'mon, let's get to his shop.".

Nodding in agreement, Link set off the running boy. Which boy came to an abrupt halt. Link crushed on him, but Gulley did not even seem to notice it. What was that kid made of, rock? No, he was dressed in green. A tree trunk, then. "Oh, almost forgot! Don't forget to check in here.".

Link stared. "Where?".

"What do you mean, where?" Gulley pointed to his left. "With that weather vane here!".

"The Bird Statue?". Hold on – Bird Statue?

"What bird statue? I said it's a weather vine! Are you still sleepy? Anyway, always give that a spin when pass by. That way the goddesses will hear your prayers! Papa says you should always do that.".

Something about this conversation sounded awfully familiar… "Why would master tell you about a prayer?". Link always called Gulley's father "master", even though his name was Nick. He was his apprentice, after all.

"…Hmm. Not real sure why he told me that. I'm just a kid. Nobody tells me anything.". Ouch. "Anyway, I'm going to run on ahead. Catch up after you spin that vane, Link.". True to his word, Gulley ran down the hill on which Link's house stood and set off running straight to the smithy.

Link watched Gulley's retreating form vanish under the trees. He then turned to the weather vane. With slow steps he stood in front of the vane, which depicted a sleeping bird, and touched the inscription – "Link's House", it said – on it. Then the most impossible thing happened. The bird woke up.

I should be more disturbed by this, thought Link. But in contrast to the "should be", Link was not surprised at all.

Link's behaviour had been very strange as of late, at least to himself. Ever since that bizarre dream with the… monster started, Link felt as if he was not in complete control of his actions. From the habit he had developed to sleep with his clothes and his possessions close to him, and the urge he had to carry a weapon on his person at all times – he had a knife hidden in his boot, just to stop his fingers from itching; it was disturbing how relieved he had felt when he strapped it on – to having bizarre déjà vu's – like just now with the weather vine – or generally having strange feelings when being close to certain items, the mask on his wall being the prime suspect, every single little aspect of Link's was definitely not rational.

And he knew that. The Goddesses will hear your prayers, huh? With a silent prayer for answers? Link span the weather vane and watched as the pink bird on it replied with a small dance and a whistle. Prayer received!

His mood brightened considerably for some inexplicable reason, Link followed Gulley, future earful temporary forgotten.

A few minutes of intense running – enjoying physically straining activity was another thing that had changed in his behaviour the last few weeks – Link was standing in front of the smith's house. "You'd better get inside.", shouted Gulley, who was standing next to the door. "My papa's waiting, Link! I think Papa might really have it in for you now!". Just what he wanted to hear. "He really blew his stack! Maybe he's cooled down by now. But, uh, I sorta doubt it! Now, off you go!". And Gulley pushed Link towards the door.

"Hey, you're going to leave me like that!?". With a resigned sigh, Link opened the door, completely expected to be yelled at as soon as he set his foot in. Much to his relief though, Mr. Nick seemed to be talking with a customer.

"All right.", he heard the blacksmith say. "So tell me, how's that shield suit you, Captain?". Captain Alfred of the Royal Guard! Now he really was in trouble! Good thing none of the two seemed to notice him.

"Superb work as always. But I'd expect nothing less from a master.", praised Captain Alfred.

"I do what I can, Captain.", replied the other modestly. "Also helps that I have a good source of ore. That shield's tougher than ever now.".

"I wouldn't trust my gear with anyone else. No one can bring the best out of a sword quite like you. So, if you excuse me, it's time that I forge ahead. Busy day.". Mr. Nick nodded in understanding.

Captain Alfred turned around to leave when he spotted Link standing next to the door. "Oh, who's this? Well, well! If it isn't Link.".

Link nodded as a way of greeting.

"Slept late again?". Link's tendency to sleep in was almost legendary in Hyrule. "You sure you're cut out to be a blacksmith? It's not my business to say, but you'd better mend your ways lad. There's no future in being a layabout.".

Link scowled deeply. He knew the Captain only meant well, but why did everyone assume that he wanted to be a blacksmith? Sure, he had a talent for it but the main reason he was the smith's apprentice was simply because no-one else would offer him a job. Sure, one would think that the kind residents of Kakariko Village would be more compassionate towards a no-name orphan that lived in the abandoned house on top of the hill. But… Link was far from the only person who had it rough at the time. Anyway, the Mr. Nick – or rather, his wife, Lily – more or less took him in, and Link came to see Gulley as his younger brother. He owed them a lot.

Still, that did not mean that being a blacksmith was his life-long dream.

With those words, Captain Alfred departed and Link resigned himself to his fate. In three… Two… One…


Link could not help but wince at the volume. Now he was certainly awake.

"Well, come on, get over here. Time to get to work, Link!". With small and slow steps as if hoping to avoid the unavoidable, he approached his master and witnessed with dread as the man took a deep breath and prepared to unleash a charade.

His wife beat him to it. "Oh, my!", she exclaimed distressed. "The Captain left without taking his new sword.".

"What!?", exclaimed the blacksmith in return. "He's gone off unarmed?".

That tiny but annoying bit in Link's head that had made him carry a knife around also made a snide comment about the Captain competence – or lack of thereof – but Link promptly ignored it.

The blacksmith turned to face the blond-haired boy. "Lucky you. Instead of getting an earful, you got an errand, Link." sigh in relief "Take that sword and hurry after the captain. Hurry, run after him!".

Link only stared blankly.

"What now? Don't know where to go? Where else? He's got to be headed to Hyrule Castle!".


"You still groggy? I said he's at the Castle! Do I have to mark it on a map or something? Get a move on!".

"I know where the Castle is.", replied Link with an eye roll, perhaps a bit more aggressively than he intended.

The blacksmith was so surprised by his apprentice's sharp tone that he actually paused; just long enough for Link to grab the wrapped with cloth sword – his wife must have wrapped it while they were arguing – shout an over-the-top-cheery "I'm off!", get out of the shop and bang the door behind him.

"I worry if he's alright…", expressed Mrs. Lily.

Mr. Nick shook his head and started muttering under his breath. "Don't know what'll kill me first, him or Gulley.".

As for the old smithy in front of the forge who had gone completely unnoticed during the entire ordeal, he hid a smile under his mustache.

"And I still can't find that blasted knife!".

"Huh?", came a very much disbelieving and annoyed voice. "You done already? You get off easy or something?".

Link, who was just about to take that much needed deep breath and release a far more needed heavy sigh, cut said action short and turned to shoot a death glare at Gulley, who completely ignored it.

For an adorable, sever years old, fully cheeked, short boy with blond hair, cute freckles, and wide sparkling blue eyes, Gulley could surely be a jerk.

Without any further ado, Link took the packed sword in his right hand and rushed to the Hyrule Castle. Thankfully, the smithy was almost right next to the palace, so Link did not have to run for long. It was almost disappointing. He crossed the white and green, stone and marble bridge that went over the "protective" trench that surrounded the castle – in reality the trench was part of a larger river that poured from Death Mountain – and saw that the front gate of the castle was locked tight with old but heavy and very strong metal bars covering it. However, much to Link's relief, there was a guard in front of the gate.

Just like all of Hyrule's soldiers, this guard was wearing a red uniform which consisted of a tall hat and a coat with golden buttons. In Link's humble opinion, it looked ridiculous.

"Morning, Link.", greeted the soldier. Everyone knew everyone around the Castle. "What brings you here so early?".

"I have a delivery for the captain.".

"He's not at the castle. I know he was headed to your master's shop…".

"Yeah, I bumped into him there.".

"Really? Well, I know he was planning on visiting Sanctuary. He probably got hung up there.".

"The Sanctuary?", asked Link in surprise. As far as he knew, the Sanctuary was currently the only working temple in Hyrule. "What is he doing there?".

"No clue, but I hope he comes back soon. We've had an outbreak of vandalism. All over the walls – paintings everywhere!". The soldier looked very annoyed at the situation.

"Weird.", commented Link.

"Anyway, if you need to find him, I'd say head north of the castle. That's where the Sanctuary is.". He pointed to his right – Link's left. "That way is a shortcut.".

"Thanks a ton!", shouted Link, having dashed off already.

"Don't mention it!".

As Link was running around the castle walls, he could not help but notice the bizarre situation. The guard really was not joking about the vandalism outbreak. All over the walls, a group of well over a dozen soldiers had grabbed a broom and a bucket of soap-water each and were furiously rubbing the countless paintings on the walls. Delivery temporarily forgotten, Link crept closer to take a better look.

The paintings were creepy.

All of them depicted soldiers, but not the soldiers that he was familiar with. "Warriors" was a more accurate description. All the paintings were almost identical, save the changes in the colour – green, yellow and purple. Every single one of them was armed to the teeth, carrying all sorts of weapons and clad in heavy, metal plated armor which completely obscured any features they may have had. The only visible part of their faces was the eyes; yellow and narrowed, giving the impression that they glowed.

However, what was more disturbing was not the paintings, but the feelings they roused in Link. Those paintings were so realistic – they might as well have been actual people that had walked into the wall. Link could easily picture them in flesh and bone, alive and moving, patrolling the darkest and most secretive parts of the castle, deep underground, in a rotting dungeon filled with decay, the scent of corpses hanging in the air, the soldiers paying no heed to the desperate cry for help in the dark, a black chain wrapping around his neck, chocking the life out of him – I HAVE TO LIVE –

Link snapped back to reality. "What was that…?". He grabbed his forehead in pain, his eyes wide in horror as the image of the black knight in the prison replayed in his mind, and the pain around his neck… Snap out of it!

The young boy shook his head forcefully to get rid of the images, painfully aware of the presence of the knife in his boot and the sword in his hand. He cautiously approached one of the soldiers, almost eager to find out more.

"Excuse me?", he asked the closest soldier, feigning ignorance. "What's with those paintings?".

The soldier grumbled in annoyance. "Some damn vandal a paint that doesn't wash off!".

Link blinked in surprise. "Doesn't wash off?".

"Not a single speck! I'm here rubbing the wall all day and no result!".

Shaking his head to avoid even more strange thoughts, Link crossed the bridge on the east, heading north following the lone path among the trees. He passed through the tiny lake and soon found himself in the small and plain, but beautiful yard of the Sanctuary. There he saw Seres, the daughter of the Temple's Priest, talking with Dampé, the local grave keeper, though Link could not make out what they were saying. Ceasing his jog, he fell back to a slow walk as he approached the two adults. Once he was in hearing range, Seres noticed him.

"Oh, look who's here!", she exclaimed in pleasant surprise. "Welcome to the Sanctuary, Link.".

"Good morning, Seres!".

She laughed good-naturedly at Link's cheerfulness. "Eager as ever, aren't you? Is there something I can help you with?".

"Yes… I'm looking for the Captain…".

"Well, you're at the right place. He's come to see my father.".

He decided to ignore how bizarre that sounded. "He forgot his sword at my master's place, and I've come to deliver it.".

"The captain forgot his sword? Oh, how unlike him to be so careless!", Link nodded in agreement. "Just a moment.", said Seres, stepping in the building. "I'll fetch him to you.".

"Coming and going! Going and coming!". Link turned his attention to the now shouting grave keeper. "The captain stops by here more than anyone… You think he wants to yak with the priest? No, sir – just makin' excuses to see Seres there.".

"Eh?!", exclaimed Link wide-eyed, putting two and two together. "The captain likes Seres?!".

Dampé laughed at his reaction. "She hasn't got a clue either. But I s'pose that's what's so lovely about Seres. Carefree as a bird… But ol' Dampé sees more 'n people think.". The rugged man's presence suddenly turned more serious, all good humor gone. Link stiffened, sensing that something important was coming. "Like those paintings on the castle walls this morning.".


"There's trouble brew - ".

"AHHH – !".

The doors closed with a bang.

Link and Dampé jumped back in shock. "Wh-what's happening in there?", stuttered the grave keeper. He ran to the door and started wrestling them open. "Th-th-the doors are shut tight!", he yelled in desperation. "Can't get them open!".

"Hold it!", yelled Link. He ran to the door and pulled the knife from his boot, focusing on the lock as he tried to pick it.

"Where'd you get that from?!", asked the grave keeper in shock.

"Later!". Link wrestled with the mechanism a couple more times until he heard the clicking shout of triumph. A smile came to his face and proceeded to open them but then… "What?! They still won't open!".

"Wh-what can we do? That was Seres crying out! Dampé doesn't have a key! Dampé just digs the grave around - ! Wait. Dampé remembers! Dampé once heard the priest talking about a secret way into the Sanctuary, hidden right in my Graveyard.".

"I bet that won't be locked!".

"Bad luck, Dampé thinks, messing around with graves. Worse luck, going under the ground… I would know.". He pointed a finger at Link. "But YOU! If you get scared just swing that sword around!".

"What sword?". The Captain's?

"That sword you've got there! Dampé heard you say it belongs to the captain, but who cares?.".

"OK, OK…". "I got the captain's sword! Well, sort of…"

"Use that sword if you run into trouble. Dampé would help, but these old bones are falling apart as it is. So go find the secret passage. It's got to be hidden somewhere in the Graveyard!".

"I'll go!", said Link, and he hurried to the yard. Wait – the weather vane! He quickly woke up the vane bird for good measure, which replied with a whistle, and unwrapped the sword, tying it to the belt of his tunic. It was by no means a safe place to hold it, but Link, for some reason, was confident that he would not get cut.

He ran to the Graveyard, which thankfully was right next to the Sanctuary, and after cutting down a short tree – sorry, Dampé – to gain access, he started pushing the gravestones. Something jumped in front of him. Link's reaction surprised even himself. With a movement so fast that not even he knew was possible, he grabbed the sword with his left and landed two slashes on the Poe's lantern, destroying the deceased spirit instantly. He stopped for a second to question his feat. That sword felt strange in his hand… It felt good. Link had never used a sword in his life.

Sword still in hand, he ran to the most decorated grave in sight, cut down the trees and pushed it. Instead of soil, he found a staircase.


Inside, it was pitch dark. Just great. Using his sword as some sort of a blind stick, he found a staircase, which he climbed. His sword hit something wooden. Is that a door? No, further search revealed that it was a chest of sword, curious, Link opened it and inside found something made of glass and metal. It's shape was like… A lantern? And as soon as he thought the word, it lit up. "A magic lantern!", he exclaimed happily. Most magic items did not require their owner to actually use magic – they just did what they were made to do. And this lantern here would never run out of oil. "I wonder why it was here…".

Glad to finally be able to see his surroundings, Link searched for the door, only to see that it was at the other side of the room, which was by design flooded. Why would anyone flood the floor on purpose was beyond Link's understanding, especially considering that the water barely reached his ankles. Still, running around in wet shoes was annoying. And why in the world were there so many pots in here?! Plus, the door looked a little creepy… and it was locked.

I'd better look for a key or something… He spotted two torches on both sides of the door, which he lit up to illuminate the room even further. And the door opened.

"What?!". How did that door open? And who in their right minds puts a lantern in hidden pathway that had a door that needed a lantern to be opened?

In spite of his thoughts, Link ran to the next room, which was also partially flooded, and significantly larger. He lit up the torch right beside him, and found that this room was infested with Rats. There were rats and then there were Rats. The later were larger than the former animal, purple in colour, somewhat poisonous, lived in wet places and absolute darkness, and attacked anything that moved. Link was quick to find a staircase and the door, and just as quick to see a keyhole. He ran on the metal net that was above ground – good thing it was strong – he looked for a key which he soon found in a chest. "Those chests sure have some useful stuff in them…". Remembering a chest he had spotted down bellow, he jumped from the net and ran to it, finding inside a Red Rupee. He ran buck up the stairs, unlocked the door and proceeded to the next room.

A room that was full of Poes. Link quickly struck down the small ghost-like spirits and lit the two torches, opening the gate.

The next room had bare save for a few pots, and had a staircase which led to – by this point expected – closed gate. There were two pumps on each side of the staircase. "Looks like I'll have to pull them…". He ran to the one on the right and pulled it, resulting to a few monsters falling through the ceiling. Link was quick to dispatch them. "So one of them is a trap and the other is the key forward… Looks kinda risky as a security measure.".

The blond-haired boy climbed the stairs, and found himself at the Sanctuary. "Finally!". Under normal conditions, he would have stopped to admire it, but these were no normal conditions. For in the middle of the Sanctuary, stood a stranger.

Forget about Dampé, who looked like a zombie himself – this was the strangest man? that Link had ever seen. He was tall and slim, wearing long black robes with the Hyrulean Royal Family crest on it – except that the symbol of the Golden Power was upside down. He also had teal coloured pants and a purple cape. He was deathly pale, wore red make-up and his long red hair were done in multiple little braids. However the most disturbing bit of his appearance was the thing he was holding. A golden rod-torch, as tall as he was, ablaze with a multicoloured fire, undoubtedly magical. Link found his eyes drawn on him, in a horrid yet fascinating way.

The priest was shouting. "What do you want with Seres? I swear, if you hurt my daughter…! And what sort of fiend dares to defile the Sanctuary in this manner?".

"A fiend?". Link shuddered at the man's voice. A pitched tenor, filled with absolutely nothing but scorn and mockery, along with irritation and the not so subtle amusement. "How easily you stoop to petty insults. My name is Yuga. And I have come here seeking nothing less than… perfection.".


The man – Yuga – turned to Seres. "And you, my dear, are perfection.". She let a terrified yelp. "Such pale and flawless skin, those soft cheeks and nose have just the right dose of innocence. And that wonderful teal shade of your eyes and hair…! Usually the combination of that shade and sky blue is not all that pleasant to the eye, but it suits you just right.". He evaluated as if she was a work of art. Frightened tears were at the verge of her eyes. "How can you stand being so lovely, surrounded by these filthy fools?". He let out a low chuckle. "I will put you on a pedestal. Or rather, a wall – perfect forever.". Seres was openly sobbing by now.

Then the impossible happened.

A teal coloured painting frame with blank canvas formed behind Seres, and once formed, without a hint of hesitation, Yuga blasted Seres with a fire ball from his rod. Seres was thrown right on the frame, were limbs outstretched as if she was tied on a wall. Both she and the frame started glowing. But that was not what horrified Link.

It was her screams. Scream that spoke of inhumane, incomprehensible, excruciating pain.

The light became so blind that for a moment, it swallowed all things in sight. Then it was gone. And so was Seres.

In her place was the blank frame, only that it was blank no more. A portrait of Seres had taken its place on the empty canvas – one that looked disturbingly realistic. "I don't – what happened?".

The portrait fell on the red carpet with a thump, and Yuga tenderly picked it up, extending his hands to observe it. "Ah!", he exclaimed in awe and admiration. "As I suspected, you're even lovelier as a painting. I think that Her Grace will be most pleased. His job done, he turned around to leave.

And that was when his gaze fell on Link. "Oh? What do we have here? Another worm comes wriggling in?".

Shocked at the statement, the priest turned around as well. "H-how did you get in the Sanctuary, Link? Run, child!". The boy did not heed his words. His eyes and sword were trained on Yuga. "Wh-why do you just stand there? RUN! Not even the captain stood a chance against him!". He already knew that. He also knew that he should be terrified. A small part of him was. The rest of him though merely stored the information in his brain for later analysis.

"I believe this worm here wishes to tangle with me.", supplied the sorcerer helpfully. "Come on then.", he taunted. "Wriggle, wriggle, little worm.".

Regardless of the out of the blue skill that Link had displayed with the blade, he was still young and inexperienced. Just the type of person to fall for a taunt.

With a cry of anger, Link dashed to Yuga fully intending to slice him up, only to run into the wall. After a few dizzy steps backwards he fell on the floor, his head pounding with pain. "That'll be one big bump…".

"N-no, Link!".

"You think you can challenge ME?", laughed Yuga from inside the wall, seeing that he had turned into a painting himself. "Why, I am the portrait of perfection! While all of you…? Merely scribbles and squiggles. The very sight of you offends my eyes!", he shouted outraged. "Still,", he continued, his anger subdued, "I'll be leaving this ugly world soon enough.".

He stepped out of the wall and shoot at Link a disgusted look. "Gah!", he exclaimed and kicked Link at his sides, causing a pained moan from the boy. "Get out of my way.". The sorcerer rushed to the door, not even bothering to look at the fallen priest as he passed him, humming an eerie tune all the while. "Not even that captain of yours could stand against my might.", he continued. "For all his spit and polish, he made for but a crude doodle on the wall. A waste of my magic. Farewell, fools. I'm off to acquire what little perfection I can find in this gaudy world of yours.".

"N-n-no!", begged the priest. "Don't take my Seres…". The priest's next words were the last thing that Link heard. "We must… warn… Princess Zelda…".

Next thing he knew…? Nothing.

Author notes !Future AN are not going to be so long! : Alright; this is my very first attempt in Zelda fanfiction, and it's also my very first attempt in a Novelisation. What led to this? Well, in the past I had started a lot of multi-chapter projects that all led to nothing because they were AUs with no plot. Therefore, I have never actually managed to complete something longer than an one-shot or a drabble. It was an attempt for one such drabble that prompted me to start this fanfic. I wanted to write about Link's transformation into a painting, but I ended up writing a full blown account on the events of Eastern Palace.

As I said at the very beginning, this fanfic is based on somebody else's walkthrough. I'm not a gamer. Up until last year, I considered video games to be a complete waste of time that distracted people from the most important things in their lives and only led to failures. And before you sentence me to death, it was various events within the family that led me to that conclusion. Now, after getting curious about ACIII, I found myself hooked in the world of gaming, but having no experience as a gamer, and no time to get that experience. I can barely get enough time to write on the family computer - I don't have my own.

This is the second attempt in a LBW novelisation in this fandom EVER. I have read the original - can't remember who wrote it - and I thought I should try to write something better. No ofense to the author, that fanfic was really good, but I'd like to give it my own try. Currently I'm writing chapter 4.

Another thing you should know, this fanfic has a lot of references to other games, with the occasional bouts of insanity from Link's part. I love most Zelda games, and I also happen to be very fond of the idea of reincarnation and the like, so expect many references.

Anyway, please bear with me and my irregular updates, review, and don't expect this story to be completed. Although I'll do my best to complete it.

Signed, HelenTheMoon.