A/N - This is an idea that was bouncing around my head for a little bit and took me a while to finally put on paper so to speak. it was spawned from watching the older Scooby Doo movies and a surprising lack of Shaphne. If you Enjoy or have some notes please review and let me know what you think.
Prologue - Visitor At Midnight
Rain fell from a thunderous sky as a lone figure walked down an empty road. After days of traveling she came upon her destination: Crystal Cove – Home of the strange and, mostly, unexplained. Where monsters come out of the woodwork to haunt and terrorize the citizens until a group of self-appointed detectives figure out the Who and the Why of the mystery. Most of the time it was a man in a mask looking to profit off the people's misery only to be defeating by some meddling kids and their dog.
Smiling, she entered the town hoping to be quick about what she was there to accomplish. Hoping to make the most of meeting the man she was there for. Knowing that the meeting will most likely not go well, she almost wished that it could be avoided all together. Regardless of the costs.
Gliding across the streets almost giddily, searching for the man who she hasn't seen since she was a child in prep school with her friends. Having been fed research on where this man was now, she walked through the streets as if she had lived there for years. In several minutes, she stood in front of a large house near the sea.
The man had clearly been doing well since she had last seen him. Finally standing there at his door she hesitated, almost questioning her mission. Did she really have a right to mess with this man's life after everything he has done her and her friends? Can she really force him down a path he had voluntarily abandoned years ago?
The answer came quickly enough. She had no choice but to do so, no matter how much she wished she didn't need to. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she felt her body slowly faded away. Where she once stood only a pool of mist remained, which flowed beneath the door into the man's home. Once inside she reformed her body and continued slowly through the house.
Looking around she saw glimpses of the man's life, photographs of friends and family, particularly a series of photos hung on the wall. The first was of himself along with three other friends: a stocky blond-haired boy wearing a white shirt with an orange ascot around the collar, a short girl with short brown hair wearing an orange sweater and skirt, a slightly taller and thinner red headed girl wearing almost nothing but purple clothing, this girl was standing close to the man she had been sent to find. A tall, lanky man with short messy hair with a small goatee wearing a large green shirt and bell bottom pants.
Her lips curved into a smile at seeing her old teacher again. he had only taught at their school for one year, but he made such an impact on her and her friends. Seeing him smiling with his hand on his Great Dane best friend made her happy at his own happiness.
Moving down to the next photo she saw just two people: an older version of the red head and the man holding each other affectionately close with large smiles on both of their faces. Her smile grew larger as she saw the man she looked up to so long ago find someone to be with and make him happy. The next photo in the series seems to have been taken in secret had the man on one knee holding out a small box to the red head who was crying with her hand covering her face. Despite the tears she could see that the red head was happy beyond belief at what the man had asked her.
The Final photo in the series was of the two once again, this time the man was in a well fitted tux while the red head was in a beautiful white gown holding a bouquet of flowers. The storybook ending to a wonderful story for these two people. She couldn't help but notice they had left room for more pictures to fill the wall. Evidently, the husband and wife didn't believe that their story was over.
Unfortunately for the two, the happy relationship will likely end soon. She hoped that it wouldn't, the guilt she felt for what she was going to do would only increase if the red head reacted like they thought she would. A necessary risk, and if it did result in the way she believed it would it would be an acceptable loss.
She made her way through the house, looking for the bedroom in which the two people would be resting; attempting to relieve her guilt by thinking about what was at risk, only to fail when her mind would eventually drift back to the series of photographs and the story they told.
Only after climbing the stairs did she hear someone's faint snoring. Taking a deep breath, she followed the sound to the end of the hallway and quietly entered the room. Across from her sat a king size bed with one large mound slightly moving under the covers. She glided across the room towards the sleeping couple, steeling herself to what she was about to do. Standing next to the bed she slowly moved the covers off the mound to reveal the man cradling his red headed wife bringing slight tears to her as she watch them in ignorant bliss.
She raised her hands over her head bringing them together while chanting beneath her breath. As she separated her hands a silver glow began to emanate from the center of her palms. Once she finished her chant she leveled her hand towards the man and watch as silver beams of light sprang from her hands and hit the man's sleeping face. Almost immediately his slight smile was wiped from his face to be replaced by an uncomfortable scowl. Pulling the red head closer to him he began to breathe heavily and sweat as if having a terrible nightmare. Considering what she had just done to him, she wouldn't be surprised if that was exactly the case.
Having finished her job, she quickly left the room. Not wanted to see him suffer any more than she had to. She would need to report back her friends that she had done the deed and soon he would be returning to them.
Shaggy Rogers awoke in a sweat, his breath heavy and his body shaking. He quickly looked around the room as if expecting to find someone or something waiting for him, when he didn't see anyone there he began to breathe easier. Laying back down next to his wife, he put his arm back around her. She quickly snuggled up against him, having her next to him helped him calm down quicker even as his mind drifted back to the nightmare…
His dream began innocently enough with him and Daphne having a wonderful picnic, a couple of children playing with Scooby Doo not too far from them. Everything was perfect… until the sky began to darken.
The sun rapidly sank beneath the horizon as the full moon rose behind it. As soon as he laid his eyes on the moon above him his blood began to quicken. He faintly heard Daphne calling his name as the moon's spell took him. Shaggy gasped as pain shot through his muscles as they grew. Using all his willpower, he turn his eyes towards his wife and children to find them huddled together looking at him with fear and worries in their eyes.
He tried to scream for them to run, to try and hide before it was too late but all that came out was a blood curdling howl as his face deformed into a wolf-like snout. Fingernails became claws, ears became pointed, fur sprouting seemingly out of every pore in his body. Daphne, frozen in fear, could only look upon in horror as her husband was transformed into a monstrosity. The children clung to their mother, hoping that she would do something to help their father before it was too late. Scooby standing in front in a protective stance with a look a worry in his eyes.
Soon the pain ended, what was once Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers was now a large wolf-like beast. A creature of instinct and blood. Daphne held her breath her as what was once her husband turned his head towards their family
"Scooby, take the kids," Daphne whispered, "When I say so, I'm going to need you all to run as fast as you can."
Scooby reluctantly nodded at her, but her son had a single question on his mind.
"B-b-but Mom," Whispered her son, "what about you?"
"I'm going to try and calm him down, but need you run to the house. Okay?" Daphne looked into her son's eyes, trying to convey the importance of her words.
The boy nodded and held his sister close. Daphne slowly stepped forward as the trio just as slowly stepped backwards.
"Shaggy? Is that you?" she asked tentatively, "Do you recognize me?"
The creature looked into her eyes without a hint of recognition, the only things that were there were of malicious intent. Daphne didn't have a seconds notice before the creature lunged at her.
Just before the creature's jaw snapped shut around her neck, Shaggy woke.
Shaggy let out a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It has been years since his time as a werewolf. Years since his mystery solving days were over. He looked down at Daphne once again and carefully put his arms around her. Almost immediately calming down, though still a little hesitant to fall asleep again. Daphne snuggled closer to him, looking as she were having a pretty good dream.
Closing his eyes, he put the dream behind him. Monsters and ghouls were behind them both and he wasn't about to go searching for more.