Disclaimer; I do not own PJO - end of discussion.

"Ares?" Thalia gasped, "You stole it, it was you!" She accused,

"Well, I got a demigod to do the hard work of course but yes." He replied smugly,

"Wow, I would never have expected this." Percy replied sarcastically, causing Ares to puff out his chest not recognising the sarcasm.

"Yes, well, of course Hades is the obvious suspect but really-"

"Are you kidding me?" Percy interrupted, causing Ares to stop, pouting slightly, before twisting that into a menacing grin, "Do you even know what sarcasm is?"

The red eyes of the war god narrowed, "Percy shut up!" Thalia exclaimed, "Stop talking, seriously," She continued angry at Percy for angering the war god.

"Look okay, yes, yes you surprised everyone, we are all shocked, can we go save the world now?" Percy asked hopefully, getting a bit bored of this quest, and missing his siblings desperately.

"No, now you can back where you came from." Ares responded cracking his knuckles,

"Ew. Gross." Percy started, "I'm confused though, you want to send us back to Uncle Hades' palace?" Percy asked playing dumb,

"No. To the underworld. You shall die!" He exclaimed a large sword appeared in his hands, fire blazed in his eyes.

"Wow... fair fight much." Percy muttered.

"Actually yes little cousin very much so," Came a familiar voice from a certain moon goddess.

"Artemis, still with your little girls." Ares taunted, before grunting has an arrow impaled him in his thigh.

"Little girls, you egotistical dick, I will rip you apart." Phoebe promised, before Zoe put her hand on her shoulder,

"Phoebe," She warned though internally smirked as Ares paled, if Phoebe's shot had been a little north, now that would've been interesting.

"Oh thank gods," Percy said and walked over to his family. He hugged Zoe and Phoebe, and gave the biggest grin to Artemis, "You came!" He said happily,

"Of course lil' bro," Phoebe ruffled his hair. "Percy, you go save the world, we can handle this bastard." Percy smiled at his 'big sis' and with Nico and Thalia in tow they got in a cab, (Percy was very thankful he hadn't thrown away his Lotus Casino card) and drove to the airport, not, to Percy and Nico's happiness, but Thalia's explanation of "He won't smite the plane with his favourite thing in the world and me on it" reassured them. Marginally.

The plane ride was rocky and there was a slight awkward moment at security when Percy's pen wouldn't stop buzzing, and they took it away, - obviously that wasn't successful - the lightning bolt had been disguised, as well as the other weapons, likely by Zeus and Hades for their own children, but Poseidon was obviously too busy so Percy was left with the explanation he couldn't give. That explanation being;

"My pen is a sword which I use to fight monsters and gods when they misbehave, and some children of Ares, but anyways, the thing in my backpack that looks like a magazine is actually Zeus' lightning bolt, very powerful by the way, oh and we are all demigods, all children of the big three, yay."

The plane ride was rocky, it seemed Zeus had agreed with Thalia in that he couldn't strike down the plane, but he did make the journey miserable, not that Thalia minded, apparently it was "Like a rollercoaster", yes considering it left Percy as green as seaweed and Nico throwing up in a paper bag, lets just say that that wasn't a majority opinion. From there they made it to the Empire State Building, going as far as they could in a taxi before being stopped by traffic, and as they'd decided that they wouldn't let the world be destroyed because of traffic, the three demigods ended up weaving through traffic and running through the streets.

In a way very similar to the way Percy had escaped from Gabe around seven years ago, they were running through New York, through Central Park. Except this time Percy had purpose. Percy had a family. Percy had power and strength over Gabe.

They reached the Empire State Building and went to the top, after a small encounter with a guard, and Thalia beating him up, they ended up in the elevator. All out of breath to the tunes of the Backstreet Boys singing "I want it that way." Percy tapped his foot nervously on the floor,

"Why the hell does this damn elevator to bloody Mount Olympus take so fricking long." The clock showed the time. It was two minutes to midnight, two minutes to the summer solstice. Two minutes which would decided whether the world would be saved, or whether Zeus would have a temper tantrum and blow the whole entire world up. And the elevator was taking ages.

Eventually the quest members heard a ding. The doors creaked open and the three children of the big three hurdled their way along the streets through to the throne room, luckily the doors were open, otherwise there'd have been a small issue with opening them.

"I have it, the bolt, I got it." Percy yelled, wheezing. His words cut across the arguments of the Gods.

"I was right then. You were the thief." Zeus said smugly, "You foolish sea spawn,"

"Hey!" Poseidon exclaimed,

"Seriously Dad, now is not the time to be concerned with minor, third rate insults like that,"

"Hey!" Except now it was Zeus exclaiming,

"Oh yeah, yeah stop complaining now on with your rant, or can I skip ahead," Apollo and Hermes were smirking in their seats, Ares and Artemis weren't there.

"So, I didn't steal the bolt." Percy started, before he was ever so rudely interrupted by Zeus,

"Then how come you have it?" Percy rolled his eyes at Zeus,

"Because I went on a quest, with your daughter, and Athena's daughter, - we lost her along the way - and got Nicky instead, your other brother's son. Then we found the Lightning bolt in this backpack we got from Ares, and you know, Shit went Down, and your bastard son tried to attack us so we wouldn't return, shh," Percy stopped to glare at Zeus who he left spluttering, "Let me finish!" Poseidon let out a snigger at his son ordering Zeus around, "Anyways my main g, and by g I mean God, and by God I mean Goddess, Artemis and the Hunt showed up to occupy Ares so we could get here, also that plane ride was not cool bro, or should I say not cool unc?" Percy ignored Poseidon's offended complaints and not being called Percy's main g, "Then we had to run through New York City, then we got here, by the way, you need a new doorman," Percy held up his hands.

"You hurt our doorman, I shall kill you!" Zeus exclaimed,

"But I still got the lightning bolt, and it wasn't me anyway, it was Thalia, you going to kill her or shall we move on?"

"Give me my lightning bolt," Zeus ordered,

"No, we're waiting until the end of the story, because I am tired, and this quest was boring, and annoying so you can at least hear the short version of it." Percy ordered Zeus back.

"Then we spent ages in the lift listening to the Backstreet Boys, seriously Apollo?" Percy asked, "Your music taste is appalling, then we're here," Percy took the bolt out of his backpack and threw it at Zeus, before standing before all the Gods. A second later Artemis flashed in with Ares, "Do you believe me yet Uncle Z?" Percy asked, but the king of the gods chose to ignore him,

"You are dismissed mortals, leave!" Zeus demanded, and Percy surprised he was getting out of that room alive, (probably because Zeus knew if he touched Percy that half the Gods would attack him back) so left the room quickly, followed by Nico and Thalia. The doors slammed behind them to allow the Gods a meeting.

"Gees my Dad is such a dick!" Thalia exclaimed