Geez, it only seems like yesterday I posted the first chapter and now we're at the final chapter of this book. Well despite the numerous times I thought this book would never get done, it certainly proved to be a great story to write up and to share with all of you. I want to thank you all for the great comments on the story, and your support too. Now in case you're wondering, yes there will be a book to follow along with this book, but I'm not saying anything right now as it's going to be a surprise. ;)
Chapter 11: Going Home
Human Sweetie Belle was right, it was the police. They showed up with dozens of police cars, along with several other vehicles. One of which had Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. Another had Shining Armor and Cadance, and a third had a man that looked like Discord. Princess Twilight rolled her eyes, at this point, nothing in this world surprised her anymore.
"Why is it everytime there's a big event at our school, you girls are always involved in these situations?" asked Principal Celestia.
"Just our luck I guess," said Rainbow Dash.
"Right. Now will somebody please tell us of what the heck is going on around here?" All eyes looked to human Sweetie Belle, and she told the Prinipals of what had happened. Meanwhile, the police lifted Dark Soul out of the hole and towards one of their police cars. When Sweetie Belle had finished, the Principals and Cadance turned their attention to Principal Cinch.
Shining Armor though was confused, "Why are there two Twilight's?" he asked.
"Would you believe I'm from another world?" asked Princess Twilight.
"If you had asked me that before the Friendship Games, I would've said no, but in this case, I'll go with that."
He then walked into the school, following by the man who looked like Discord. They found Principal Cinch with a bag of ice on the right side of her head. The human Discord was head of the school board, and he stared angerily at Cinch.
"I did not do the damage to this school, it was those enchanted students again. This school has got nothing but..."
"Stop right there Cinch!" Discord said firmly. "We at the board know about the magical students, but since they turn out to be heroes at the end of the day, we overlook those moments. However tonight's little antics is something we will not overlook. Like the Friendship Games, you nearly got everyone hurt, and for what? To take your simple little revenage on the school for making a fool out of you?" Principal Cinch said nothing, so Discord continued, "I said before you were on thin ice, and now we have to take action."
"You're not going to fire me are you?"
"We should, but for now we do need a principal. You will keep your job, but if you put so much as one more foot out of line, you will be fired and Cadance will take over."
"Me?" Cadance asked in surprise.
"Yes you. We've heard good things about you, and along with Shining Armor, we at the board believe you two could run Crystal Prep. with ease and bring a more cheerful environment to the school." Discord's eyes turned back to Cinch, "so watch yourself Cinch, your job is now on the line. We'll be watching you."
Principal Cinch looked like she was going to explode, but she didn't. She tried to remain calm, even as the police arrived to take her away. She was arrested and put in the back of the same police car as Dark Soul.
"Funny we should meet here Dark Soul," she smirked.
"Oh shut up Cinch, this is all your fault anyways."
"My fault?! You were the one who attacked the school, not to mention you're the one who kidnapped an enchanted girl."
They went on and on, even after the police cars left the school. Discord walked over to the group of friends, "nice work tonight ladies, however in future, try not to do so much damage."
"Yes Sir, we'll try harder," they all said.
"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go home and spend some time with my family. They won't believe me when I tell them this." He climbed back into his car and drove away.
Principal Celestia looked around and sighed, "just another day at Canterlot High."
"Uh, Principal Celestia." She looked down and saw human Sweetie Belle looking up at her. She was holding onto the ribbon from the night before, "I cheated last night. The pony version of myself sang for me because I lost my voice. Please give this ribbon to the real winner."
"Of course, and thank you for coming forth with the truth Sweetie Belle."
She excepted the ribbon back, then she and Vice Principal Luna, along with Cadance and Shining Armor began to examine the damage done to the school. Human Rarity walked up to her little sister.
"Sweetie Belle, I just want to say..."
"I know, I shouldn't have answered the door, but I was going aganist your word."
Rarity smiled, "you're just like me when I was younger. For you see, I too went aganist Mother and Father's words, it's just the way of the Belles. Still, what I wanted to say is that I'm impressed with how you saved the world, stopped that King Sombra and defeated Dark Soul in the process. You really are special Sweetie Belle, and I'm only sorry I didn't notice that before, or even listen to you in the first place."
"It really hurt my feelings when you ignored me and insulted me."
"I know that now and I'm sorry." Tears started to come into Human Rarity's eyes, "I nearly lost you tonight, and I don't want that to ever happen again. I promise you I will listen to you more often, and spend more time with you." Human Sweetie Belle looked away unhappily, "and this time, I do mean it. You can even hang out with us if you want to. You and all your friends."
"Well I promise you that I will never hide things from you ever again," she said while tears formed in her eyes.
"Cross my heart, hope to fly..." the girls stopped as tears really poured down from their eyes, but they did continue, "stick a cupcake in my eye." Then they hugged each other, which brought tears to alot of eyes, including Pony Sweetie Belle's.
"It's nice to see them getting along," she said to Princess Twilight.
"Indeed," she nodded. "But I know somepony who's still feeling miserable right now."
Pony Sweetie Belle gasped, "my own sister! We were so busy dealing with Dark Soul, I nearly forgot about her."
Princess Twilight walked over to the portal and placed her hand on it, it went threw. She pulled it out and looked down to Pony Sweetie Belle, "you do know that after this, you may not be able to return to Canterlot High, at least not in this form."
"I'm aware of that. But before we go, can I at least say good bye?"
"I think that would be a good idea."
Pony Sweetie Belle walked over to Human Sweetie Belle. She and her sister let go, and human Sweetie Belle got down on her knees so she was at almost eye level with the pony version of herself.
"Do you really have to go? I was just starting to get used to having you around."
"I'm quite sure," nodded Pony Sweetie Belle, "besides you don't really need me here, you have your big sister and all your wonderful friends, so you're never alone."
"I guess so, and I don't want to keep you away from your friends and family. But still, will you ever come back?"
"Maybe, but like Princess Twilight said, I'll probably be human if I go threw without a mirror. Plus it would be safer if I was."
Human Sweetie Belle giggled, she had to admit that was true. Pony Sweetie Belle got up on her back legs and wrapped her forehooves around the human version of herself, which in turn she got a hug from her.
"I will miss you Sweetie Belle."
"And I'll miss you Sweetie Belle. You take care of yourself, and your friends. Also do me one favour."
"Name it."
"Be kind to Diamond Tiara and always look out for her. She just needs a little help in learning on who she really wants to be, okay?"
"Okay Sweetie Belle, you got a deal." And this time, she did not cross her fingers behind her back, she really meant it.
Pony Sweetie Belle then said good bye to everyone else, and told Sunset that she would see her again soon, "and if I see Sunny Rays, I'll tell her you're doing fine."
"Thank you Sweetie Belle."
Human Twilight gave the small undamaged mirror to Pony Sweetie Belle. She took in a deep breath, then jumped into the portal with everyone waving goodbye to her. Human Sweetie Belle started to cry, but her big sister was there to give her a calming hug.
On the other side of the portal, Pony Rarity was still feeling miserable, as were all of Sweetie Belle's friends. Spike was waiting by the portal and growing bored. Suddenly, there was a whoosh and popping out of the portal was Sweetie Belle. She looked down and jumped for joy, "hooray! I'm still a pony! I'm still a pony!"
"Sweetie Belle?" Rarity turned around and a huge smile came to her face. She ran towards the portal's stand and wrapped her forehooves around her baby sister, "oh Sweetie Belle, I was so worried about you."
"It's okay Rarity, I'm fine. But I am glad to see you. All of you actually, I'm glad to be home."
The Crusaders, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara all took in turns to welcome Sweetie Belle back to Equestria. All the while, Spike had thrown a gem back to the human world, and just as Diamond Tiara had given Sweetie Belle a hug, Princess Twilight returned to the castle.
"Did I miss anything?"
"Just the hugs," smiled Spike.
Princess Celestia was the next to enter the room. She too hugged Sweetie Belle, then had to ask; "what has become of Dark Soul now?"
"He's been arrested and won't be much of a problem. His list is destoryed, his memory of the ingrediants is gone and the last of the dark potions are gone too."
"Whew, what a relief," sighed the Princess.
"Still look at you, you look like you've been in a fight," said Rarity.
Sweetie Belle chuckled, "you're not that far off Rarie-Roo," she giggled, but then stopped. She hadn't called Rarity that in years.
Rarity though just smiled and gave Sweetie Belle another hug. "Mother and Father will be so happy to see you home again, we'll go see them first, then I'm treating you and your friends to a day at the spa."
"Really? Oh thank you Rarity, and thank you again Twilight!"
"Glad to help," smiled Twilight.
Before leaving though, Sweetie Belle looked to Diamond Tiara, "and thank you for finding the answer. I was really worried about how I was going to get home and still be a pony."
"Hey, friends help each other out in any situation right?"
"Right." And they high-hooved each other.
"So, what was that world like?" asked Scootaloo, "was it like ours at all?"
Sweetie Belle smiled and started telling them about the human world as they left. Princess Celestia was about to leave too, but Twilight stopped her, "What's the matter Twilight?"
"That's twice now that we've faced off aganist enemies that Star Swirl the Breaded banished from Equestria, and this one nearly caused chaos on the other world. We got lucky this time, but how many times are we going have to go threw this?"
"I don't know. Star Swirl faced off aganist alot of enemies, and they all probably want revenage aganist him and Equestria. But do not worry Twilight Sparkle, for I know you and all your friends, and I do mean all of them, will face these enemies and protect the worlds from them. I have faith in all of you, remember that."
"I will, thank you Princess."
Twilight and Celestia bowed to each other, then the Princess of the day flew off back to Canterlot.
"Spike, write back to Sunset and let her know we made to back safe and sound."
"Right away Twilight," he saluted and went to get the journal.
The lives of the two Sweetie Belles returned to normal from that point onwards, although there were some differences.
For Pony Sweetie Belle, she became the center of attention for a while as everypony wanted to know about the other world, and of her increible adventure. They were quite curious, even Miss Cheerilee wanted to know. More than once, the stories went on for so long that lessons were cancelled.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were given a great reward by the Crusaders. They were actually enlisted into their club.
"Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders," smiled Sweetie Belle.
"Thank you, it's a real honor," said Diamond Tiara, and she meant it too.
As for her sister, Pony Sweetie Belle started spending even more time with her. She often helped with her outfits, or helped her get supplies. She even helped Rarity fight off the Diamond Dogs while looking for gems. Though since the day she returned, it was very rare that she ever called her 'Rarity', she would instead call her Rarie-Roo.
"Why Rarie-Roo?" asked Sassy Saddles one day at Canterlot Boutique, "don't get me wrong, it's a cute name, but..."
"It's just what she wants to call me, and you know what, I don't mind at all," Rarity smiled as she watched her sister try on some of the dresses she made.
As for the Human Sweetie Belle, things in her life really began to change. For one, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle started hanging out with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon alot more, and keeping true to their word, they helped them to better understand their path in life, and helped them to get more friends. Almost everyone at the school became friends with them, the exception being the Dazzlings.
As for Human Rarity, she too was living up to her promise. Whenever she was to go out, she would always ask Sweetie Belle if she wanted to join her. She would also listen if Sweetie Belle had something important to say, and she would help Sweetie Belle out with projects. Why just the other day, Rarity helped her and her friends make their first music video, and it was perfect.
Human Sweetie Belle couldn't have asked for a better life, and she owned it all to the big adventure and the filly unicorn version of herself that changed things for the better.
The End!