Hello again readers. Well this is the moment you've been waiting for, my newest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic novel story, this featuring my favourite crusader; Sweetie Belle. The inspiration for this story really came out as an idea that popped into my head while listening to a song called Stand, as you will see a few chapters from now. This story of course follows along after Season 5, the Friendship Games movie and my previous novel; Sunset's Redemption, so yes some of the previously introduced characters in that story will get mentioned, but I'm not saying when. Also, this story tells of events that occured in the Equestria Girls Christmas Special that was released in 2014, and again early 2016. Now the cover was drawn up by yours truely, and yes Pony Sweetie Belle has her cutie mark. I'll tell you this though, I thought the story would never get finished as there were times when I had no ideas. However it's done, and it's ready for your viewing pleasure. Like last time, I'll be posting one chapter at a time every couple of days or so.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Sweetie Belle's Big Adventure

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Trip

In the small town known as Ponyville, you can often find three little fillies going around and helping other ponies to understand the true meaning of their cutie marks. They are known by the residants as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The first is Apple Bloom, an earth pony with a pink bow on the back of her head and is the little sister to Applejack. The second member is Scootaloo, a little pegasus with incredible skills on a scooter, and is Rainbow Dash's biggest fan. The third member is a cute sweet unicorn that goes by the name of Sweetie Belle. She has an adorable voice and has a big heart, she's also the little sister of Rarity.

From the day they met, the trio of ponies have been the best of friends, but for a long time, none of them had their cutie marks. They tried multiple times to earn them with little success, then after they helped their school bully; Diamond Tiara, to finally learn that she doesn't have to be mean, they got their marks. The cutie marks look similar, but the symbols are different. Apple Bloom has an apple, Scootaloo has a lightning bolt and Sweetie Belle has a song note.

Since that time, the three fillies have been doing their part, and the ponies they help are grateful, but none moreso than Diamond Tiara and her best friend; Silver Spoon, who have changed their ways for the better.

The three fillies have been on alot of adventures, but what none of them knew was that one of them was about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

It all began on a nice sunny afternoon. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were at Sugarcube Corner and were enjoying some nice treats. School had ended only a few minutes ago, and they were glad to finally have a break from learning, but they had a problem.

"I'm bored," groaned Scootaloo, "I want something exciting to do, but yet lately, it's been too quiet."

"Yeah," agreed Apple Bloom. "It feels like ages since we last helped a pony."

"Uh, acutally it was just three days ago," corrected Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo groaned and bashed her head on the table, nearly making Apple Bloom's milkshake fall over, "ow," groaned Scootaloo. She then lifted her head up, "so, do either of you have any ideas on what we can do?"

"Not really, nope," answered Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle just shook her head.

Not too far from Sugarcube Corner, Diamond Tiara was hanging out with her best friend; Silver Spoon, when she noticed the time on her watch, "I got to go home, I promised Mom and Dad that I'd help them with some of the chores."

"You're lucky, my mom doesn't want me doing that, she says and I quote 'A proper pony does not do her own work'. She's still stuck-up."

"Ain't that the truth," giggled Silver Spoon. "I hate to leave, but I can't break a promise."

"It's alright, I understand perfectly." Diamond Tiara sighed and looked down to the ground, "But I'm not sure of what I'll do now. I don't want to go home and hear my mom go on and on again."

Silver Spoon looked around in the hopes of finding something for her friend to do, or someponies to hang out with. At last, she spotted some.

"Why don't you hang out with the Crusaders for a while? I'm sure they got plenty of ideas on what to do."

Diamond Tiara nodded to that, and after saying good bye to her friend, she walked over to where the Cutie Mark Crusaders were, "hey guys, I got nothing else to do this afternoon, and Silver Spoon is helping her parents with chores. You don't mind if I hang out with you do you?"

"Of course we don't mind, you can hang out with us," smiled Apple Bloom.

"There's just one small problem," grumbled Scootaloo. "We don't know what to do today."

Diamond Tiara took a seat, and all four fillies sat there in silence. That was until Sweetie Belle made a suggestion, "why don't we go by Twilight's castle? Maybe she needs help with something."

"Well it sounds better than not doing anything," said Apple Bloom. "What do you think Scoot?"

Scootaloo jumped off her seat, quickly put on her helmet and passed three more to her friends, "what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"I guess that means a yes."

Diamond Tiara, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom climbed into the little wagon behind the Scooter, then once Scootaloo was ready, they all headed off towards Twilight's home; the Friendship Castle.

Far off from the world of Equestria, there is another world that is similar to the world ponies call home. This world was called 'Earth' and the main creatures of this world were humans; creatures that could walk on two legs and pick up objects with things called hands. Surprisingly though, many of the ponies in Equestria had human counterparts, though they don't know everything their pony counterparts know, with the exception of a few like Princess Celestia's former student; Sunset Shimmer and the human versions of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and even that world's Twilight Sparkle.

For the rest of them, they live normal lives not knowing too much about magic.

At a place called Canterlot High, the human versions of Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were trying out for the school's upcoming talent show. Scootaloo was doing spins, kicks, turns and flips, which impressed Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna instantly. Apple Bloom was showing off her quick carpentary skills by making wood carvings of the two women. Again, they were impressed.

Finally there was Sweetie Belle, but there was a problem.

"I can't go out on stage," she whispered to her friends, "I have a bit of stage fright."

"Is there a problem back there?" asked Principal Celestia.

Sweetie Belle sighed and admitted the truth, "I was hoping to sing for you, but I'm too nervous to sing right now."

In the background, they could hear taunting laughter. It was coming from the human versions of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who unlike their pony counterparts, had not been taught they don't need to be bullies. They laughed alot, until Principal Celestia shooed them away.

"I'm sorry," groaned human Sweetie Belle, "I really want to do this, but..."

"It's okay Sweetie Belle, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," Principal Celestia said kindly. "However, we could still use some help in decorating the school, if you still want to help."

"Yes I do, but I wish I could sing in front of people."

"Well if you feel that you can sing in front of us tomorrow," said Vice Principal Luna, "we'll put you in the talent show."

The two principals then left to check on the preparations for the talent show. Human Sweetie Belle groaned as she fell to her knees, "I can't believe my fears stopped me again."

"Not surprising really," snickered a voice. It was Diamond Tiara, who along with Silver Spoon, came back into the gym. They walked up to the stage with snickering faces, "you wouldn't have gotten into the talent show in the first place Loser."

"Hey, Sweetie Belle can get into the talent show," protested Apple Bloom, "she just needs more time."

"A year wouldn't do her any good, that loser will never be part of the show. Meanwhile, the prize for the talent show will go to me, the best student of this entire school. Ain't that right Silver Spoon?"

Silver Spoon nodded her head, "nobody can beat Diamond Tiara, why she could become Queen of the school."

"Excatly, so if I were you, I'd get out of the talent show before you make complete fools of yourselves."

From the doorway, another person could hear the bullies' taunts and decided to put a stop to it. She walked into the gym and stood behind Diamond Tiara with her arms crossed.

"Oh what's the matter? Are you three going to cry to your parents? It would make sense for you losers!"

"The only loser I see here is you," snapped the voice from behind her.

Diamond Tiara jumped in shock and found Sunset Shimmer standing behind her. She gulped as the older girl stared down at her, "if there is one thing I cannot stand, it's when someone believes they are better than everyone else. They are going to try their best at the talent show, and you are not going to damper their spirits, especially with me around."

"Oh yeah and what are you going to do? Turn into a demon again?" Diamond Tiara burst into laughter, but not Silver Spoon.

"She said it, not me."

Sunset Shimmer gave an angrier look to Diamond Tiara, "you don't want me to report you to the Principals do you? Can you imagine the scolding you get for bullying these young girls? I can assure you, it won't be pretty. Though you already know that from the number of times you've been called to the office." Diamond Tiara gulped. Sunset Shimmer continued, "now apologize to them, then go!"

Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon apologized, then ran off in complete fright.

Sunset then turned her attention to the girls, "are you three alright?"

"Yeah we're alright, thanks to you Sunset," said Scootaloo. "I really hate those two, why can't they learn to leave us alone? And how dare they tease Sweetie Belle when she's got a great voice."

"Is that what this was all about?"

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded their heads. Sweetie Belle sighed and looked down to the stage floor. Sunset Shimmer climbed up onto the stage and sat in front of Sweetie Belle.

"Having a little bit of stage fright?"

"Yes," she nodded unhappily.

Sunset showed a kind caring smile, "believe me Sweetie Belle, I know what it's like. Once upon a time I was scared to get on a stage and perform, even before I came to this school."

"Then what did you do?"

"I focused on those I cared about the most, which back then were my parents and I pretended like they were the only ones there. When I came here, and after I became reformed, I did the same thing and over time, the 'pretend' group in the audiance would grow until I felt comfortable with singing in front of a crowd." Sunset placed a hand on human Sweetie Belle's shoulder, "just focus on those you care about and pretend like they're the only ones there, you'll find it makes a big difference."

"Alright, I'll try."

"Good to know. Now if you excuse me, I got to get to practise with the Rainbooms." She jumped down from the stage and waved good bye to the girls.

Outside the Canterlot High School, a lone person was standing near the statue, which was actually a portal from Earth to Equestria. With a smirk on his face, the indivdual jumped into the portal. A short while later, returned with an even bigger grin.

"It's all set now. Soon Star Swirl the Breaded will pay for what he did to me, I will have my chance for revenge."

And with a cackle, he walked away from the portal and disappeared down the streets. No one saw him, except for one. It was the human Twilight Sparkle.

"What was that person doing?" she thought to herself. "I should let Sunset Shimmer know about this."

But at the moment, she had other matters to take care, so the human Twilight Sparkle left.

Back in Equestria, the young fillies had arrived at Twilight's castle. Princess Twilight was hesitant on the idea of letting Diamond Tiara come in, especially after the 'Twilight Time' incident, but the Crusaders put in good words for her, and so, she allowed Diamond Tiara and the Crusaders into the castle.

Diamond Tiara was amazed by the interior of the castle, but was even more impressed with the roots of the Golden Oak Library hanging down from the ceiling with crystals on strings, all of which showed off some of Twilight's moments in the past.

"You got some amazing friends Princess Twilight, it's beautiful."

"Thank you Diamond Tiara, and please don't call Princess, I prefer to be called by my actual name."

"Oh. Well then I'm sorry Twilight."

Twilight smiled, then lead the four fillies down to her library, "I'm afraid I don't have much to do this afternoon. Since the adventure I had going threw time, things have been quiet as of late."

"You actually went threw time?" Diamond Tiara was impressed.

"Oh yes, I've gone threw time, but then again I've also gone off world too."

Diamond Tiara was confused, and so were the Crusaders.

To better explain everything, Twilight lead the four fillies towards the crystal mirror, "this is how I can go from one world to another. Spike or myself just have to turn it on, then we go threw and we end up on another world."

They were surprised by this bit of info, but Scootaloo was confused, "how come we've never heard of these mirrors before?"

"The mirrors are supposed to be a secret agmost Royality. I'm only telling you this because, I trust you four and I know you won't tell anypony else." The four fillies nodded and did a Pinkie Pie Promise not to reveal info about the mirrors, "it'd be dangerous if everypony knew about the mirrors. Those who wish to cause harm could hurt others in the other world, and since they don't have magic, they won't be able to defend themselves."

"Uh Twilight." Spike the dragon came into the room next, "there are some that have magic."

"Oh yeah, the human versions of our friends and Sunset Shimmer." Twilight smacked her forehead with her hoof, "I forgot. Now what is it you need Spike?"

"It's Pinkie Pie, her Pinkie Sense is going off again."

Twilight sighed and stepped out of the room, "I'll be right back girls."

What none of them knew was that earlier, the mysterious person that human Twilight Sparkle had spotted arrived in that section of the castle and left something behind. It was a dark potion, and worst still, it could only be used when a magical source was in the room for more than three minutes. Twilight had already left the room, but there was still one unicorn in there.

The vile started to shake voilently on the shelf and soon it burst open.

"What in Celestia is going on here?" groaned Spike.

The liquid spilled out onto the floor and soon turned into a dark cloud. It started floating over towards the small group. They couldn't see anything in there, not even each other. All of the sudden, the portal opened up and one of them disappeared threw it before the portal was shut off.

When Twilight returned with Pinkie Pie, she was shocked to see what was going on. Using her magic, she was able to make the cloud disappear.

"Is everypony alright?" she asked.

"I think so," groaned Apple Bloom, "but I've never known a potion to do that before."

"Uh Twilight, looks like you're missing somepony," said Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie was right, one was missing and that one pony was Sweetie Belle.

"You were right Pinkie, something bad was going to happen here today," said Twilight. "Spike, write a letter to Princess Celestia and ask her to come here right away."

"As you wish Twilight," and Spike ran off. The two remaining Crusaders and Diamond Tiara stood in shock, they were not expecting this.

Pony Sweetie Belle was out for a few minutes before she finally opened her eyes. She looked all around her, and noticed the scenery had changed from the castle room's interior to the outdoors. But it wasn't like the outdoors in Ponyville, everything around her looked different and noisy. She then noticed a building, "maybe somepony in there could explain to me of what happened," she thought to herself.

And so she ran towards the building. Using her magic, she opened the door and ran inside. She looked all around for somepony to talk to, but there was nopony there.

"Twilight?!" she called out. "Apple Bloom? Scootaloo! Diamond Tiara!" But she got no replies. "Something tells me I'm not in Ponyville anymore. Maybe Discord has a hoof in this again."

It wouldn't surprise her, considering Discord was the spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.

Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. It sounded scary, so she ran for a nearby bench and hid underneath it. She gasped when it came into view with a creature on two legs walking along behind it. A realization came to Sweetie Belle at that moment, "I'm not in Equestria anymore. Sweet Celestia, where am I?"